Latin America(拉丁美洲介绍)

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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,L,atin,America,Welcome to Latin America,!,Definition,South America, the planets 4th largest continent, includes (12) independent countries and (3) major territories; The Falkland Islands,(福克兰群岛), Galapagos Islands,(加拉帕戈斯群岛),and French Guiana,(法属圭亚那),.,The continent contains the worlds highest waterfall, Angel Falls in Venezuela; The largest river (by volume), the Amazon River(,亚马逊河,); The longest mountain range, the Andes(,安第斯山脉,), and the driest place on earth, the Atacama Desert,(阿塔卡玛沙漠),in Chile.,In addition, it includes the largest rainforest,(热带雨林), the Amazon Rainforest; The highest capital city, La Paz, Bolivia; The highest commercial navigable lake in the world, Lake Titicaca(,的的喀喀湖,),,,and excluding research stations in Antarctica,(南极洲), the worlds southern most permanently inhabited community, Puerto Toro, Chile.,History,Agriculture and animal domestication(,驯养,),Pre-Columbian history,European colonization,Independence (18041825),Consolidation and liberal-conservative conflicts (18251900),World Wars (19141945),Cold War (19461990),Washington Consensus,Famous Leader-Simon Bolivar,Simn Bolvar(,西蒙,玻利瓦尔,),one of the main Independence movement leaders, Venezuelan military and political leader. Together with Jos de San Martn, who played one key role in Latin Americas successful struggle for independence from the Spanish Empire, and is considered as one of the most influential politicians in South American history.,Language,Spanish and Portuguese are the predominant languages of Latin America.,Native American languages are widely spoken in Peru, Guatemala, Bolivia, Paraguay, and to a lesser degree, in Mexico, Panama, Ecuador, and Chile.,Other European languages are also spoken in Latin America.,Religion,The vast majority of Latin Americans are Christians(,基督教徒,), mostly Roman Catholics,(罗马天主教徒),. About 71% of the Latin American population consider themselves Catholics. Membership in Protestant denominations is increasing, particularly in Brazil, Chile, Guatemala, and Puerto Rico(,波多黎各,),Crime and Violence,Crime and violence prevention and public security are now important issues for governments and citizens in Latin America and the Caribbean region.,Economy,According to Goldman Sachs BRIC review of emerging economies, by 2050 the largest economies in the world will be as follows: China, United States, India, Brazil, and Mexico. On a per capita basis most of Latin American countries, including the largest ones (Argentina, Mexico, Brazil, Chile, Peru, Venezuela, and Colombia), have per capita GDPs greater than that of China in 2012. As of 2012 Latin America included five nations classified as high-income countries: Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Mexico and Panama,Tourism,Tourism has increasingly become a significant source of income for many South American countries.,Historical relics, architectural and natural wonders(,建筑与自然奇观,), a diverse range of foods and culture, vibrant and colorful cities, and stunning landscapes attract millions of tourists every year to South America. Some of the most visited places in the region are Machu Picchu,(马丘比丘), the Amazon Rainforest, Rio de Janeiro,(里约热内卢), Salvador, Fortaleza , Macei, Bogota, Florianpolis, Isla Margarita, Natal, Buenos Aires, So Paulo, Angel Falls, Cuzco, Lake Titicaca, Patagonia, Cartagena and the Galpagos islands.,The largest Pool in the World,San Alfonso del Mar. Luxury hotel located in Algarrobo (Chile) and contains the worlds largest pool.,Brazilian Carnival(,狂欢节,),Carnival is the most famous holiday in Brazil and has become an event of huge proportions. The country stops completely for almost a week and festivities are intense, day and night, mainly in coastal cities. The consumption of beer accounts for 80% of annual consumption and tourism receives 70% of annual visitors. The government distributes condoms and launches awareness campaigns at this time to prevent the spread of AIDS.,The Carnival Scene,Latin Dance,Latin dance is a general label that refers to various forms of ballroom dance and folk dance, and can include a wide range of dances originating in Latin America (including Puerto Rico and Cuba).,Ballroom examples include the cha-cha-cha, rumba(,伦巴舞,), samba,(桑巴舞), mambo,(曼波舞), danza, merengue,(梅伦格舞), tumba, bachata, bomba, plena, paso doble,(斗牛舞),and bolero.Some also consider tango,(探戈舞),and Argentine tango in this list,Football in South America,South America shares with Europe the supremacy(,最高主权,) over the sport, as all national team winners in FIFA World Cup,(国际足联世界杯),history and all winning teams at the FIFA Club World Cup came from these two continents.,Brazil detains the world record at the FIFA World Cup with five titles in total. Argentina and Uruguay also have two titles each. So far four South American nations hosted the tournament,(锦标赛),including its first edition in Uruguay (1938). The other three were Brazil (1950), Chile (1962) and Argentina (1978). Brazil is also set to be a host country for the second time in 2014.,South America is home to the longest Running international Football tournament; Copa Amrica, which has been regularly contested since 1916. The continent has produced many of the most famous and most talented players including Pel, Diego Maradona, Alfredo Di Stfano, Ronaldo, Ronaldinho, Teofilo Cubillas, Csar Cueto, Enzo Francescoli, Arsenio Erico, Carlos Valderrama, Elias Figueroa, Alex Aguinaga and Lionel Messi.,Cuisine,Latin American Cuisine is a phrase that refers to typical foods, beverages, and cooking styles common to many of the countries and cultures in Latin America. Latin America is a very diverse area of land that holds various cuisines that vary from nation to nation.,People of South America,The people living in South America today come from many heritages.,Remember though, when you travel in South America, get permission to photograph someone first. You may be asked to pay a fee in the poorer sections.,Cultural diversity is at its best in South America and it is the South American people who showcase this cultural diversity.,Etiquette(1),As every definition of Latin America connotesy,(意味着),a shared cultural and linguistic legacy with roots in Spain and Portugal, and to a lesser extent France, many points of etiquette in Europe are applicable, especially those specific to those nations.,Compared to much of the English-speaking world, people from areas of Latin America may demonstrate more relaxed and casual behavior and be more comfortable with loud talk, exaggerated gestures and physical contact.,In addition, many Latin American people have a smaller sense of personal space than people from English-speaking cultures. It may be rude to step away from someone when they are stepping closer.,In addition to varying greatly from one individual to another and along various demographic lines, this tendency towards comparatively warm and relaxed behavior does not necessarily hold true among many communities of indigenous peoples,(土族名族), including those who have adopted Spanish or Portuguese as their primary language.,At some finer restaurants, it may be considered rude for the staff to bring a customer the check without the customer first requesting it.,Getting the last snack or canape left in a plate without offering it around first makes the person seem rude/greedy.,Etiquette(2),It is considered impolite to toss objects to people instead of directly handing it to them.,At the workplace, indiscretions, errors or overall poor performance should be pointed out in private. Mentioning them in front of other colleagues (such as in a meeting) is perceived as hostile.,The American come here gesture of palm upwards with the fingers curled back can be considered a romantic solicitation.,Throughout Latin America, there are communities of people with strong ethnic and cultural ties to other parts of the world.,In many instances, points of etiquette applicable to Latin America will also hold true with Latino people in the United States.,Argentina(1),Sunday is commonly the day Argentines gather in family for lunch or dinner.,Table manners are Continental - hold the fork in the left hand and the knife in the right while slicing.,Do not begin eating until the hostess invites you to do so.,If you happen uppon others that are about to eat, it is very considerate to say buen provecho or simply provecho (lit. I hope the food is good for you). The same should be said if you need to excuse yourself early from a meal.,In a formal setting, wait for a toast to be made before taking the first sip of your drink.,If a toast is made, which can happen at various points during a dinner, make sure your glass isnt empty before joining in, as it is considered bad luck to toast with an empty glass.,Likewise, you should take at least a sip of your glass after toasting and before placing your glass back on the table, as not doing so is considered bad luck.,If a toast is done in a formal setting, you will have to softly bump glasses with the people near you. In a less formal setting you will probably have to bump glasses with people beyond arms length, for which all the guests will raise from the chairs and travel around the table.,A kiss in the cheek with or without a hug is a standard greeting amongst both men and women, with both people of the same or the opposite sex, except in very formal settings. Two kisses (one in either cheek) are common in some areas, again regardless of the gender of the participants. Handshakes are also common but generally reserved to men. A different version of the handshake in which the hand is wrapped around the other persons thumb and back of the palm is common amongst younger people but strictly informal.,Gracias (Thank you) should be followed a response of de nada (lit. its nothing, equivalent to you are welcome), except for the instances mentioned below.,Argentina(2),When someone sneezes, you should say Salud (lit. health, equivalent to bless you). The appropriate response for this is gracias, which should not be followed with de nada.,If you are offered mate and you do not wish to partake of it, you might say No, gracias (no, thank you). If, however, you start drinking, you are expected to continue accepting mates until you signal that you have had enough. You do this by saying gracias after finishing and returning your last mate. This will not be followed by de nada.,It is often considered rude to point at a person or even an object with the index finger. People typically point with the whole hand or with a movement of the head and a puckering of the lips towards that which is being indicated.,You are expected to greet the people you meet, and if visiting somewhere, or in a work environment, saying goodbye before you leave. A number of expressions are available that vary according to familiarity with the other persons or with the time of day. Buenos das/Buen da (good morning), buenas tardes (good afternoon) and buenas noches (good evening) are formal and adequate in every occasion. Hola, qu tal? (Hello, whats up?), hasta luego, (see you later), hasta maana (see you tomorrow) and a large number of similar variants are more informal but generally adequate. Buenas (short for buenos das/buenas tardes/buenas noches, chau (bye, derived from the Italian ciao), etc., are very informal, though not necessarily improper.,Younger people are expected to give their bus seats to the elderly, and men to women.,Punctuality(,严守时间,) is not generally observed, at least in informal settings.,Gifts are generally opened when received, and the receiver is both expected to make some degree of fuss about it, as well as insisting that the giver should not have bothered, thus showing their gratitude. This wont be the case in large parties (weddings, some birthday parties) were the gifts are placed in special tables and opened later, in private.,Public displays of affection are generally fine.,Brazil(1),Brazilians speak Portuguese, not Spanish. Addressing someone who speaks Portuguese in Spanish, although most Brazilians understand Spanish to a reasonable degree, may be considered very offensive.,In Brazil, a form of the American okay gesture may be obscene when directed at someone. However, the standard okay gesture is also used, as is the thumbs up gesture.,The number 24 is strongly associated with homosexuality(,同性恋,) in Brazil. Giving someone anything with that number (i.e. a jersey) might be badly understood, but playful among close friends.,The gesture of flipping someone off by hitting the wrist against the inside of the elbow (sometimes called a banana in Brazil) is considered playful and not very offensive (in some other parts of the world, this is more akin to the finger).,Giving someone of the opposite gender a gift may be misinterpreted as a romantic overture, except in birthdays.,Men shake hands on meeting and departing. They may share a hug if they are close friends. Men and women kiss on the cheek when greeting, women kiss each other on the cheek. The number of times people should kiss, alternating sides, varies according to the region, being three, two times or just once.,Brazil(2),Personal questions may be asked at an earlier time than what North Americans and Europeans are accustomed to. Nevertheless, questions about finances and personal gains are often considered rude.,When offering something, especially food, Brazilians will often repeat the offer several times and with increasing enthusiasm. Offering something only once can be rude. It is not impolite to refuse such offers, and in some cases they may be made just to be polite without really hoping a person will accept.,In some parts of the country, most notably in rural areas in which homes may not have doorbells, the appropriate action is to stand in the yard and clap ones hands. If no one comes to the door, then the visitor may approach the door, knock, and then step back away from the door and await a response. This is especially applicable in regards to small, thin-walled cottages that offer less privacy than homes in North America.,People in Brazil use to be very receptive and not formal. Calling a young woman “Senhora” may be considered offensive. The word “Senhorita” (lit. little miss) is not used and is seen as an ar,chaism,(古语),.,Punctuality is not taken too seriously in Brazil. Showing up exactly on schedule for a party is very uncommon.,Chile(1),In Chile, good etiquette calls for wine to be poured with the right hand and wine glasses should always be held by the stem.,The customer of a restaurant must ask for the check, otherwise it wont be brought.,In past generations it was somewhat common for women and young men to greet male and female friends with a kiss on the cheek. However, for many years the trend has been for a cheek-kiss only between men and women (i.e., not between men, but typically yes between women). Close male friends more typically greet one another with an abrazo or male hug, which usually does not involve face contact.,Chileans tend to stand close to one another while talking and when in queues (lines). This is in part because chilenos typically do not recognise European queue etiquette and discipline.,Opening the door for a woman or helping her with her luggage, etc., are not considered flirtatious(,轻浮的,) actions.,It is common for men to stare at women. (It is harmless and meant to flatter).,Women should be prepared to be bombarded with catcalls. (It is harmless and meant to flatter),Chile(2),When eating in company you should not put your hands under the table.,Tipping to bellboys and people who pack things on the supermarket can be considered a must sometimes, thus when not doing so it is very recommendable to state you do not have money, but never that you do not want to do so.,It is well looked upon to give your seat to elderly people or pregnant ladies when inside public transport.,Chileans, both male and female, tend to use lots of rude words when in confidence. Do not take this as an insult, its meant to be endearing, but do not try to use those words yourself as it will appear highly humorous to them.,When smoking, offer a cigarette to everyone. Chileans have a saying for those who neglect to share: Did you learn to smoke in jail?,If two or more people are having a conversation and you need to leave or want to leave it is well looked to say disculpe or permiso (excuse me).,It is usual to greet family members with a kiss on the cheek.,Chile(3),It is common for children to be prompted to greet everyone who already has greeted the adult that is with him or her.,Avoid discussion about politics (in regards to a history of democracy with civil unrest), authoritarian leaders (i.e. Pinochet), and comments on Chile being backward (even though many chilenos will agree with such an observation). Similarly, avoid other third-world references such as the high crime rate, and the deplorable state of public education and prisons in Chile.,The term caballero is more commonly used than seor to politely address or refer to a male in public.,Colombia(1),Gifts are never opened in public unless the giver insists.,Group waves are extremely unacceptable.,After finishing dinner, expect to stay for a few hours. Leaving right away might be perceived as that you were there only for a free meal.,Avoid discussing the drug trade. This is a delicate subject in Colombia.,The elderly are given high respect; men are often referred to as Don and women as Doa, followed by their first names.,There is a strong sense of cultural regionalism in Colombian society. Many Colombians (especially but not exclusively the older generation) identify themselves first with their home region, then their nationality. This is particular true in Antioquia and Valle departments. Bogota for being Colombias mixing pot might not necessarily reflect such regional identity.,Colombians that do not know each other typically begin every issue with small talk, no matter how trivial. Getting to the point immediately might be seen as impatient and impolite.,Colombians have a great variety of regional accents. If you speak fluent Spanish, do not try to imitate the accents, for it may be viewed unfavorably by some.,Colombia(2),It is considered improper and slightly immature for adult men to wear shorts (except in recreational areas, such as parks, the beach, or pools).,It is not usually acceptable to drop by someones house without calling.,In most areas (i.e. Bogot) it is common for men to greet women friends kissing once on the cheek if they are friends. Kissing a strange woman is considered impolite sometimes (more if you are in a business gathering), especially if she is elder.,It is considered polite to say thanks after common actions such as someone opening a door, offering or giving something to drink or eat, or when plates are taken from the table, and after most routine actions whenever they are not expected.,When referring to someones height in a conversation, Colombians usually make a distinction between animals and humans in a visual manner by positioning their hand with the palm facing the floor when talking about animals and with the palm facing to the side (like when one is to give a handshake) when talking about humans height.,Colombia(3),Most Colombian women in urban areas respond gladly to decent male flattering (known as piropo). This is quite different from other countries where such expressions could be seen as sexual advances.,People in Bogota and the center region of Colombia and to a lesser degree in some other parts of the country could be sensitive to the use of formal a


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