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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Legal English,任课教师:,王青梅,法律英语课程:学生课后阅读参考书目,Legal English,国内外法律英语方面的课后阅读书籍目录:,1罗俊明法学英语上海外语教育出版社,1994年,2何家弘法律英语法律出版社1997年8月第一版,3陈庆柏涉外经济法律英语(第二版)法律出版社2001年2月,4赵建、夏国佐法学专业英语教程1-3册中国人民大学出版社,1999年8,月;2000年5月;2000年11月。,5董世忠、赵建主编法律英语,复旦大学出版社,1997年,6樊林波编著高级法律英语教程,陕西科学技术出版社1994年2月,7何家弘编法律英语实用教程,吉林人民出版社,1996年,8李荣浦主编法律英语教程(上),成都科技大学出版社,1995年5月,宋雷主编法律英语教程(下),成都科技大学出版社,1995年5月,9谢立新主编,法学英语教程 (上下),中国政法大学出版社,1993年7月,10王金玲主编,英汉对照法律英语导读(上下),西苑出版社,1999年,11沈四宝等国际商法教学案例选编(英文)法律出版社,12陈忠诚法律英语五十篇,中国对外翻译出版公司,1987年,13林小龙主编外国商法英语北京理工大学出版社,1994年8月,14胡壮麟 等编,语言学教程,北京大学出版社2001年7月,15桂诗春 著,应用语言学,湖南教育出版社 1988年,16宋雷主编法律英语高级教程中国人民法制出版社 2001年,相关网站:,http:com,http:com,http:com,法律语言学研究网:http:englishresearch8u8com,中国法律网(英文):http:comcn,法律翻译网:http:com,法律英语学习网:http:www 1awspiritcom,法律语言学习与研究:http:netdujinbang/indexhtm等。,Unit 1 Introduction to Law,New Words:,evict vt. 逐出 【法律】 vt. 没收,enforce vt. 强迫 【法律】 vt. 强制conformity n. 一致administrative a. 管理therapeutic a. 治疗的accusatory a. 非难的marijuana n. 大麻pretentious a. 自负的,litigation n. 诉讼,conciliatory a. 安抚的deviant n. 不正常者,jurisprudence n. 法理学 【法律】 n. 法学temporal a. 暂时的implement n. 工具,vt. 实现 【法律】 vt. 生效implement n. 工具,vt. 实现 【法律】 vt. 生效adjudication n. 判决 【法律】 n. 裁决restitution n. 偿还【法律】 n. 恢复原状sanction n. 制裁,vt. 制裁 【法律】,vt. 处分,n. 处分【商务】 n. 批准admonition n. 警告,legitimacy n. 合法 【法律】 n. 婚生contend vi. 斗争 【商务】 vi. 争夺penal a. 刑事的debtor n. 债务人,justify vt. 辩护,【法律】 vt. 为某人辩护coercion n. 强迫induce vt. 劝诱 【哲学】 n. 归纳compensatory a. 补偿的creditor n. 债权人 【法律】 n. 贷方,【商务】 n. 贷方,货方,Definition of Law,1,.,Aristotle,saw law as a rule of conduct.,2.,Plato,believed that law was a form of social control.,3.,Cicero,contended that law was the agreement of reason and nature, the distinction between the just and the unjust.,4.,Blackstone,descried law as a rule of civil conduct prescribed by the supreme power in a state, commanding what is right, and prohibiting what is wrong.,5.,Holmes,contended that law was a set of,rules that allowed one to predict how a court,would resolve a particular dispute: The,prophecies of what the courts will do in fact,and nothing more pretentious, are what I,mean by law.”,law,consists of enforceable rules governing,relationships among individuals and between,individuals and their society.,This very broad definition of law implies,the following:,1. To have law, there must be established rules,such as constitutions, statutes, administrative,agency regulations, and judicial decisions.,2. These rules must be capable of enforcement;,that is, law and order must prevail with,resolution in a judicial system.,3. The rules must establish approved conduct,by which individuals deal with each other,and participate in society.,1.To have law, there must be established rules,such as constitutions, statutes, administrative,agency regulations, and judicial decisions.,2.These rules must be capable of enforcement;,that is, law and order must prevail with,resolution in a judicial system。,3.The rules must establish approved conduct,by which individuals deal with each other,and participate in society.,Functions of Law,(1)Maintaining Social Control While,Facilitating Social Life,(2) Protecting the Public Order,(3) Resolving Disputes,(4) Protecting the Status Quo,(5) Facilitating Orderly Change,How to Read Case Reports,Background Information,The feature of U.S. Court Organization is,Duality,or multiplicity,.,Instead of one unified,set of courts, America has fifty one sets, and,each of which is complete with its own,trial,and appellate courts.,The state courts are the courts in which,disputes are ordinarily heard. Its trial courts,include courts of limited jurisdiction and courts of general jurisdiction.,The court of general jurisdiction is known,by,different names,in different states:,1.the Superior Court;,2.the Supreme Court;,3.the Circuit Court;,4.the District Court,5.the County Court,6.the Court of Common Pleas, and other names.,The Federal court system parallels the court,systems of the states except that the federal,courts are courts of limited,subject matter jurisdiction,.,The federal district courts have jurisdiction,over several types of cases.,1A principal type includes actions between,citizens of different states where the amount in,controversy exceeds $10, 000. This is known as,the diversity jurisdiction3 of the federal courts.,2 A second principal type includes actions by,individuals arising under federal law, known as,the federal question jurisdiction of the federal,courts.,3A third principal type of federal jurisdiction is,actions by or against the Federal Government,and its agencies.,II. The Components of Court Decisions,Opinion of the court - explanation of the,courts decision.,1Concurring opinion,2Dissenting opinion,3Per curiam opinion,4Memorandum opinion,5Ratio decidendi,6Obiter dictum,Others:,Affirmed; reversed,;,modified; vacated,,The information for each case is presented,in three parts:,(a) the heading;,(b) the facts of the case;,(e) the opinion,III. Official and Unofficial Reports,Official reports & Unofficial reports,VI. Organization of Case Reports,1) By jurisdiction.,2) By geography.,3) By subject.,Abbreviation Title,A. Atlantic Reporter,A.2d. Atlantic Reporter, 2d Series,Col. Rep. California Reporter,F. Federal Reporter,F.2d. Federal Reporter, 2d Series,F.3d. Federal Reporter, 3d Series,F. Supp. Federal Supplement,L. Ed. U.S. Supreme Court Decisions,Lawyers Edition,L.Ed.2d. U.S. Supreme Court Decisions,Lawyers Edition, 2d Series,N.E. Northeastern Reporter,N.E.2d. Northeastern Reporter, 2d Series,N.W. Northwestern Reporter,N.W. 2d. Northwestern Reporter, 2d Series,N. Y. S. New York Supplement,N. Y. S. 2d. New Yonk Supplement, 2d Series,P. Pacific Reporter,P. 2d. Pacific Reporter, 2d Series,S. Ct. Supreme Court Reporter,S. E. Southeastern Reporter,S. E. 2d. Southeastem Reporter, 2d Series,So. Southem Reporter,Abbreviation,Title,汉语汇编名称,So. 2d.,Southern Reporter, 2d Series,南方汇编第二辑,S. W.,Southwestern Reporter,西南汇编,S. W. 2d.,Southwestern Reporter, 2d Series,西南汇编第二辑,6. S.,United States Reports,美国案例汇编,Examples,(1) Marbury v. Madison,5 U.S. (1 Cranch ) 137;2 L.Ed. 60(1803),(2) Brown v. Board of Education (First Case),347 U.S. 483,(3) City of Philadelphia v. New Jersey,437 U.S. 617,(4) Perry v. Sinderrmann,408 U.S, 593,(5) Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer,343 U.S. 579 (1952),(6) Everson v, Board of Education.,330 U,S. 1,Willie Louie CEREGHINO and Frances,Mary Cereghino, Appellants,V,Mary JVERSHUM,Trustee,and,Janet Coffyn,Respondents,Supreme Court of Oregon,,In Banc,Argued and Submitted July 10,1975,Decided Aug7,1975,


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