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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2019/2/25,#,Skills for Conversations,TEM Band 4,Skills,Skills,推断出“相应的” 提问方式,问题不外乎如下几种情况:,针对男士提问;针对女士提问;针对对话双方共同感兴趣的内容提问;针对对话中提到的第三者提问等。这可以由各个选项的主语(如果是从句,句子选项的话)、宾语(如果是动词选项的话)等予以判断。,Skills,事实细节常考,听音时紧扣主题,听到什么就选什么,或者选取同义替换的选项。,推理判断题常考,原因、条件、逻辑等方面,主旨大意常考,抓住主题词(常出现在开篇,也有对话中间,或不出现,需要自己概括),比较处常考,录音中出现形容词、副词比较级或最高级,同级比较,asas, in comparison, by contrast, whereas, compared with,等引出的比较结构,以及出现两种情况的对比时,这些地方常是命题重点。,观点态度常考,注意说话者的措辞、语气、语调,Conversation one,1.,A. Many foreign languages are spoken in Britain.,B. Everyone in Britain can speak a foreign language.,C. The British are unable to speak a foreign language.,D. The British can survive on their mother tongue.,2.,A. Chinese. B. Polish. C. Punjabi. D. Urdu.,3.,A. To help improve international trade.,B. To allow a speaker to hold a simple talk.,C. To improve the education system.,D. To encourage learning another language.,4.,A. It gives you self-satisfaction. B. It makes you more confident.,C. It gives you an advantage. D. It makes you work hard.,5.,A. Workmates. B. Schoolmates.,C. Teacher and student. D. Brother and sister.,判断主题为:英国人讲外语。,事实细节题,做某事的目的或原因。,推理判断题,做某事的益处,人物关系。,W: Hi, Bob. You speak very good Chinese.,M: Not really, Mary. I just know a little.,Actually,not being able to speak a foreign language is a bit of a British trait(,特性,品质,), or a particular British characteristic.,The British are generally considered to be lazy linguists. We just dont bother to learn another language.,W: I guess the main reason is that when you travel around the world, you find that English is spoken almost everywhere.,M: Yes, yes. We get by,(过得去,勉强应付),; we survive on just using our mother language.,W: But you seem to love learning languages a lot. How many foreign languages can you speak?,M: Not that many-a bit of German, some French, Polish a little, Chinese of course, a bit of Japanese.,Thats about it.,W: Im impressed. Well, what is the second most spoken language in England? Is it Chinese?,M: No, I dont think so.,W: Then, that must be French.,M: No. According to the recent census,(普查), 104 different languages are spoken in the UK and,Polish is the second most spoken language,followed by Punjabi,(旁遮普语,来自印度西北部和巴基斯坦的旁遮普地区的人说的语言),and Urdu,(乌尔都语,the official language of Pakistan, also widely used in India,巴基斯坦的官方语言,印度也通用),.,W: Then do you have to learn a foreign language in school?,M: No, its not compulsory. But recently a campaign was launched to encourage everyone in the UK to learn at least 1,000 words of another language.,It hopes to help Britain increase international trade.,W: 1,000 words?,M: Yes. Its called the 1,000 words campaign because it says a vocabulary of 1,000 words would allow a speaker to hold a simple conversation.,W: That sounds like a good idea.,M: Yes. It gives you,self-satisfaction,and self-esteem if you can speak another language when youre travelling. And I think it,also gives you an edge,(微弱的)优势),in a lot of different areas in the workplace. You feel good about learning a new skill and you feel good about yourself and it boosts,your confidence,. Imagine going on holiday to Spain and being able to speak to the locals.,W: Of course it does make one feel good.,M: And there are also,economic benefits,of speaking another language. It gives you an,advantage,especially if you are dealing with foreign companies.,W: Yes. It also shows politeness and respect for other people by showing you have made an effort.,M: You are right. Mmm, I am afraid I must get going now.,Ill have my Chinese class at 10 oclock.,W: Oh, I have a class at 10 as well.,Okay, see you later.,M: See you.,BEC Vantage,MESSAGE,To,:,Bob Cole,From,:,Alex Parker at Pilton Engineering,The delivery date for our new (1)_ machines has been delayed.,He asked if we needed to apply the (2)_ in the contract on this occasion.,He is now offering free (3)_ .,One thing not clear in the contractwho is responsible for (4) _ during transit?,NOTES ON WEBSTERS PRESS CONFERENCE,Webster intends to:,Increase number of (5)_ in next few years.,Create position of (6) _ under marketing director.,Centralise the system for (7)_.,Introduce (8) _.,A Human Resources Manager (Personnel Manager),人力资源部经理,13_ B Sales Manager,销售经理,14 _ C Legal Counsel,法律顾问,15_ _ D Financial Advisor,财务,/,理财顾问,16_ E Conference Organizer,会议组织者,17_ F Research and Development Officer,研发官,G Advertising Executive,广告总监,H Bank Manager,银行经理,Post /position,职位,岗位,BEC Vantage,MESSAGE,To,:,Bob Cole,From,:,Alex Parker at Pilton Engineering,The delivery date for our new (1)_ machines has been delayed.,He asked if we needed to apply the (2)_ in the contract on this occasion.,He is now offering free (3)_ .,One thing not clear in the contractwho is responsible for (4) _ during transit?,PACKAGING,PENALTY CLAUSE,INSTALLATION,INSURANCE,NOTES ON WEBSTERS PRESS CONFERENCE,Webster intends to:,Increase number of (5)_ in next few years.,Create position of (6) _under marketing director.,Centralise the system for (7)_.,Introduce (8) _.,A Human Resources Manager (Personnel Manager),人力资源部经理,13_ B Sales Manager,销售经理,14 _ C Legal Counsel,法律顾问,15_ _ D Financial Advisor,财务,/,理财顾问,16_ E Conference Organizer,会议组织者,17_ F Research and Development Officer,研发官,G Advertising Executive,广告总监,H Bank Manager,银行经理,Post /position,职位,岗位,(,NEW,),OUTLETS,BRAND EXECUTIVE,PURCHASING,LOYALTY CARD/SCHEME,the part of a contract which says what someone will have to pay or do if they do not obey the agreement, for example if they do not complete work on time,合同中对违约方的,惩罚条款,Waive:,to choose not to demand sth in a particular case, even though you have a legal or official right to do so,放弃(权利、要求等),Bulk :a large quantity of sth.,大量,a,bulk order,(= one for a large number of similar items),一份大批量的订单,bulk buying,(= buying in large amounts, often at a reduced price),(常指以低价)大量购买,install,英,/nst:l/,installation,英,/nstle()n/,美,/nstlen,/,1. a shop, company, or organization through which products are sold,商店,商行;销售公司,Benetton hasretail outletsin every major European city.,贝纳通公司的零售店遍及欧洲各主要城市。,a fast-food outlet,快餐店,2. a shop that sells things for less than the usual price, especially things from a particular company or things of a particular type,廉价经销店,,尤指销售某公司或某类型产品的,折扣店,;,奥特莱斯,Applyto:,适用于;应用于,scheme:,an official plan that is intended to help people in some way, for example by providing education or training,造福他人的,计划,规划,方案,Loyalty card:,会员卡,Types of advertising,Billboard,Loyalty card,Leaflets /flyers,Word of mouth,Mailshots,TV commercials,Spam,Banners,Newspaper adverts,Brochures,sample,广告牌,积分卡,/,优惠卡,/,会员卡,传单,口碑,邮寄广告,电视广告,兜售信息邮件,网络横幅广告,报纸广告,宣传小册子,赠样,


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