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单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,Unit3,My Friends,制作人:灵动飞扬,Tall, tall, tall. Make yourself tall. Short, short, short. Make yourself short. Big, big, big. Make your eyes big. Small, small, small. Make your eyes small. Long, long, long. Make your arms long.Short, short, short. Make your arms short.,Warming up,Lets learn,friends,long hair,short hair,strong,thin,Lets learn,big eyes,small eyes,quiet,outgoing,play a game ( act and say),5,、,small eyes,6,、,thin,7,、,short hair,8,、,outgoing,1,、,strong,2,、,big eyes,3,、,long hair,4,、,quiet,Someone next to the desk,(,隔墙有耳,),Student,A,: I,am,strong/ I,have,big eyes,Student,B,: He/She,is,strong/ He /She,has,big eyes,Introduce your friends,I have a friend.,She has long hair, big eyes,and ears. She has a small nose,and a big mouth. She s cute.,Whos your best friend?,介绍你的朋友,Lets sing,Talk about lovely animals,:(,谈谈可爱的小动物,分组比赛,看那组说的最多),Lets talk,Extension,(语言拓展),A:, I have a new friend.,B: A Chinese friend?,A: Yes.,B:,?,A: Yes. He/ she has,.,B: Whats,name?,A: His/ Her name is,.,look, this is his/her photo. He is,.,B: He/She is,.,Act out your own dialogue in group,(,三人分角色练习,),Talk show,:,一、根据句子及汉语意思写出单词。,1. Alice has _,(长头发),.,2. Jackie Chan is _,(强壮),and has,(大鼻子),.,3.LiuYifei is a _,(瘦),and,(文静),girl.,4. I have some _,(朋友),in the school.,5. He has _,(短发),and,(小眼睛),.,二、用,has,、,have,、,is,填空,使句子完整正确。,1,),I,a good friend.,2,),he,short black hair and big nose.,3) she,thin and tall.,4) Edward,my friend, he,outgoing and strong.,5) Lucy,a girl, she,long hair and,quiet.,Exercise:,long hair,strong,big nose,thin,quiet,friends,short hair,small eyes,Have,has,is,is is,is has is,Summary:,Key words,:,friends long hair short hair thin strong quiet outgoing big eyes small eyes,Key sentences:,I have a friend.,he/she has long/short hair,he/she is thin/ strong,Thank You !,


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