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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,7A Unit1 This is me,Revision,1,1)Topics,1)Introduce ourselves,2)Introduce our friends,3)Talk about a kind of sport,4)Describe our favourite star,(football player, basketball,player, film star),2,2)Points for review,1)key words,2)important phrases,3)sentence patterns,4)grammar points,3,一,.,key words,4,grade,年级,在同一年级,in,the same,g,rade,在七年级,in,G,rade,S,even,在七(,5,)班,in,C,lass Five,,,G,rade Seven,Millie is in Grade,9,.,Which,g,rade is Millie in?,引申:,Our classroom is in the old _.,building,Our classroom is in _ A.,Building,5,擅长,be _ at,do _ in,good,well,Simon,数学学得好。,Simon is good at Maths.,Simon does well in Maths.,Simon isnt good at Maths.,Simon doesnt do well in Maths.,擅长绘画,drawing,drawing,drawing,drawing,6,over,穿过,超过,The boys are playing football _ there.,My grandfather is _ (,超过,)70 years old.,age,年龄,Millie is,twelve years old,.,The baby is only,one month old,.,How old is Millie?,= Whats Millies age?,= Whats the babys age?,at the age of six,How old is the baby?,=at six years old,7,= lovely,cute,My sister is a _(lovely) girl.,hobby,业余爱好,My deskmate has a lot of _(,业余爱好,).,Li Hua likes playing football in his free time.,hobb,ies,to be,My dream is _(be) a singer like Jay.,=Li Huas hobby is playing football.,引申:,cute,hobbies,8,= glad,happy,Im _(happy) to be your friend.,-Mum, this is my English teacher Miss Zhang.,- G_ to meet you.,everyone = everybody,Everyone in my class _(be) from Tongzhou.,is,Somebody _(be) late for school today.,is,引申:,someone = somebody,_(be) there anybody in the office?,Is,glad,lad,9,来自,be from,=come from,Simon,来自云南。,Simon is from,Yunnan,.,Simon comes from,Yunnan,.,Simon isnt from Yunnan.,Simon doesnt come from Yunnan.,Where is Simon from?,Where does Simon come from?,10,look,glasses,The glasses _(look) cool.,The pair of shoes _(be) comfortable.,You can wear _ at work.,Youd better try _ on.,is,引申:,are,The trousers _(be) made of cotton.,Why not take _?,them,The pair of glasses _ cool.,looks,them,them,11,二,.,important phrases,12,2,晚安,.,3.,晚上好,.,4.,照看孩子们,5.,非常喜爱音乐,6.,非常喜爱听音乐,7.,热爱看书,8.,不常看电视,/,球赛,9.,看这幅画,10.,见到你很高兴。,11.,对我很好,12.,对我有好处,Good night.,Good evening.,look after the children,like music very much,like liste,ning,to music very much,love reading,seldom watch TV/ ball games,look at the picture,Glad / Nice to meet you.,be nice to me,be good for me,13,11.,欢迎来到南通。,12.,欢迎来这儿。,13.,阳光中学的一名新生,14.,在七年级一班,15.,留长(短)发,16.,留长发的女孩,17.,放学后,18.,做完作业后,19.,来自于南京,20.,擅长数学,21.,擅长打网球,22. 12,岁,23.,又高又苗条,Welcome to Nantong.,Welcome here.,a new student at ,in Class One, Grade Seven,have long / short hair,the girl with long hair,after school,after do,ing,homework,be from Nanjing = come from ,be good at Maths = do well in ,be good at playing tennis,= do well in ,12 years old,tall and slim,14,24.,我明白了。,25.,放风筝,26.,坐飞机去北京,27.,一位英语教师,28.,这位英语教师,29.,我的英语老师,30.,回家晚,31.,跟家人住在上海,32.,跟朋友们打排球,33.,戴着眼镜,34.,所有的功课,/,朋友,35.,我所有的功课,/,朋友,I see.,fly a kite,fly to Beijing,= go to Beijing by plane,an English teacher,this English teacher,my English teacher,go home late,live with the family in Shanghai,play volleyball with friends,wear glasses,all the lessons / friends,all my lessons / friends,15,三,.,sentence patterns,16,look after = take care of,你要保管好你的衣服,You must _your clothes.,2. year,年,岁,他只是一个,8,岁的孩子。,He is only an _boy.,look after / take care of,eight-year-old,3. walk to = go toon foot,步行去, ,e.g. My father usually walks to work.,My father usually _ _ _ _ _.,take the bus to = go to by bus,乘汽车去,e.g. Amy sometimes takes the bus to school.,Amy sometimes _ _ _ _ _.,goes to work on foot,goes to school by bus,17,4. wear (v),穿,戴 ,表示状态,后接服装。,be in,穿, 戴,表示状态 ,后接服装或颜色。,dress (v),给,-,穿衣服,后接人,(n),长裙,女服,1). Mr. Green is _ a white T-shirt.,2). Today , Miss Fang is _ red.,3). Sandy always _herself in the,morning.,5. half an hour,半小时,one hour and a half = one and a half hours,一个半小时,wearing / in,in,dresses,18,6. news (n).,新闻,消息 不可数名词,一条消息,a piece of news,7. say,说,讲 (后接说的内容),speak,说,讲;强调讲语言;也可用于打电话,tell,告诉,tell sb. to do sth./ tell sb. about sth.,1).How can you _this in English?,2). I can _some English now.,3). May I _ to Wu Dong ?,4). Our teacher _ us to clean the,classroom every day.,5). My grandma often _me stories,in the evenings.,say,speak,speak,tells,tells,19,8. all,和,both,all,指三个或三个以上的人或物。,both,仅指两个人或物。,两词要放在,be,动词、情态动词之,后,,实义动词之,前,。,e.g.1). _the students are on the playground.,2). My new classmates and teachers are,_ nice to me.,3). We _ come from Lianyungang.,4). My parents are _ doctors.,5). _ of the twins look like their mother.,9. This is ,- Mum, _ my friend Lucy.,- Nice to meet you.,All,all,all,both,Both,this is,20,Daniels new friends _.(,都很好),=_ Daniels friends _.,all,在句中的位置:,放在行为动词之前,be,动词之后,1._ are good to us .,A. The teachers all B. All of teachers,C. Our all teachers D.All our teachers,2. My friends _. Im very happy.,A. all are here B. here are all,C. here all are D. are all here,are all very nice,All of,are very nice,21,四,.,grammar points,22,The Simple Present Tense,一般现在时态,23,一般现在时,(The Simple Present Tense),1.,表示现在的状态,:,e.g.,Hes twelve.,Shes at work,.,2.,表经常或习惯性的动作,:,e.g.,I get up at 6:30 every day,.,He reads English every morning,.,3.,表主语具备的性格和能力等,:,e.g.,She likes noodles.,They speak French,.,4.,普遍真理和自然规律,:,e.g.,Two plus four is six.,The moon goes around the earth,.,24,1.,be,动词的一般现在时的句式:,肯定句:主语,+,be,+,表语,(n., adj,.,等,),e.g. He is a worker.,You are thirteen.,They are in the classroom,.,否定句:主语,+,be,+,not,+,表语,e.g. He is not a worker.,You arent thirteen.,They arent in the classroom,.,一般疑问句:,Be,+,主语,+,表语,?,e.g. Is he a worker? Yes, he is./No, he isnt.,Are you thirteen?,Are they in the classroom? Yes, they are.,No, they arent,.,特殊疑问句:疑问词,+,be,+,主语,?,e.g. What is he? What colour is that bird?,How old are you? Where are they ?,25,2.,实义动词的一般现在时句式:,肯定句:,主语,(,I/We/You/They,),+,实义动词,+,其他,e.g. I,stay,at home on Saturdays.,They,have,sports every day.,主语,(,He/She/It,),+,实义动词三单现形式,+,其他,e.g. He,stays,at home on Saturdays.,Lucy,has,sports every day.,否定句:,主语,(,I/We/You/They,),+,do,+,not,+,动词原形,+,其他,e.g. I dont stay at home on Saturdays.,They dont have sports every day.,主语,(,He/She/It,),+,does,+,not,+,动词原形,+,其他,e.g.,He doesnt stay at home on Saturdays.,Lucy doesnt have sports every day.,一般疑问句:,Do,+,主语,(,I/we/you/they,),+,动词原形,+,其他?,e.g. Do you stay at home on Saturdays?,Do they have sports every day?,Does,+,主语,(,he/she/it,),+,动词原形,+,其他?,e.g. Does he stay at home on Saturdays?,Does Lucy have sports every day?,26,特殊疑问句:疑问词,+,do/does,+,主语,+,动词原形,+,其他?,e.g. What do you want?,What does she want?,What time do you have lunch?,What time does she have lunch?,What do you do?,What does she do?,How do you spell it?,How does he spell it?,27,一般现在时专项练习,28,1,This is my pencil ? (,变一般疑问句,),your pencil ?,2. These red socks are Kates . (,变一般疑问句,),socks Kates ?,3. I want to buy,a big green bag,. (,对划线部分提问,),you want to buy ?,4. Mary does not have any books . (,变肯定句,)Mary_ _ books.,Is this,Are these red,What do,has some,29,5. The clothing shop is on the left . (,变为否定句,),6. She likes the black bag very much . (,变为否定句,),7. I buy the trousers. (,用,she,改写句子,),_ _ the trousers.,8. Its,an English dictionary,. (,对画线部分提问,),isnt,doesnt like,She buys,Whats this ?,30,9. Lily and Lucy are,fifteen years old,now .,(,对画线部分提问,),_,Lily and Lucy ?,10. Her dog is 2 years and 5 months old . (,变为否定句,),Her dog,2 years and 5 months old .,11. I usually get up at seven oclock .(,用,he,改写句子,),at seven oclock .,12. He often has apples for dinner . (,一疑,),How old are,isnt,He usually gets up,Does he often have apples for dinner?,31,13. My family always like,apples,. (,对画线部分提问,),_ _ your family always like ?,14. Janes sister wants to read books . (,变为一般疑问句,),Janes sister,to read books?,15.,Millie and Jack come to this school,on Monday,.,(,对画线部分提问,),Millie and Jack come to this school ?,What do,Does,want,When do,32,16.,Titanic,is,really a great sad movie,. (,对画线部分提问,),Titanic,?,17. I think this library is big . (,变复数句,),think,are big .,18. Mike can,play the guitar,. (,对画线部分提问,),Mike,?,19. Lily and her mother can live in the same city . (,变一般疑问句,),Lily and her mother live in the same city,?,What is,We,these libraries,What can,do,Can,33,20. The boy wants to join,a music,club . (,对划线部分提问,),club,the boy want to join ?,21. She doesnt know how to open the box . (,变为肯定句,)She,how to open the box .,22. My mother usually has lunch,at 12:12,. (,对画线部分提问,),your mother usually,lunch ?,23. Li Xing goes home late on Friday afternoon . (,变为一般疑问句,),Li Xing,home late on Friday afternoon ?,What,does,knows,What time does,have,Does,go,34,24. Li Xing goes home late,on Friday afternoon,. (,对画线部分提问,),_ _ Li Xing go home late ?,25. This girl is,Joy Smi,th . (,变为特殊疑问句,),is this girl ?,26. The twins are,eleven,. (,变为特殊疑问句,),are the twins ?,27. The students study,English,every day . (,对画线部分提问,),the students study every day ?,When does,Who,How old,What do,35,28. They want to buy,some food,. (,对画线部分提问,),they want to buy ?,29. She watches TV,on Saturday evening,. (,对画线部分提问,),she,TV ?,30. She often has a drink of water after supper . (,变为一般疑问句,),she often,a drink of water after supper ?,31. That is an apple tree . (,变为复数句,),What do,When does,watch,Does,have,Those are apple trees.,36,32. Mikes birthday is on,February 19th,.,(,对画线部分提问,),is Mikes birthday ?,33. Come down to our new shop, please. (,变为否定句,),_ _ _ to our new shop, please.,二用,be,动词的适当形式填空。,1. I,a student . You,a teacher .,2. She,my friend.,When,Dont come down,am,are,is,37,3.,you Li Fen ? No,not .,4.,Mr. green very busy?Yes , he,.,5. He must,at home .,6. Computer,very interesting .,7.,the stories very good ?,8. You and I,good friends .,9. His friends,very funny .,Are,Im,Is,is,be,is,Are,are,are,38,10. The twins,very happy because they want to go to a movie .,11. Our class,big , but their class,small .,12. The basketball club,fun .,13. The girl in red clothes,my sister .,14. Lilys room,not very big .,15. It _ nice to meet you.,16. Your name _ nice.,17. What class,you in ?,are,is,is,is,is,is,is,is,are,39,“I” _ the ninth letter in the alphabet.,2. The policemen _ young.,3.The twins _ at home at weekends.,4. Tom with his parents _ at home.,Our school _ very big. We _ happy in it.,You, he and I _ in the same class.,Lets _ good friends.,One of his teachers _ in his classroom now.,What _ four and five? It_ nine.,How much milk _ there in the glass?,用,be,动词的适当形式填空:,is,are,are,is,is,are,are,be,is,is,is,is,40,三用所给动词的适当形式填空。,1. My classmate,(know) the man on the bike .,2. His sister usually,(go) to school at 7:00 am .,3. Lin Tao,(like) his new sweater .,4. Let me,(have) a look .,5. Lets,(play) tennis !,knows,goes,likes,play,have,41,6.,he,(like) English ?,7. I want,(go) to a movie .,8. He,(not know)the teachers name .,9. Nice,(meet) you !,10. Can I,(ask) the policeman ?,11.,(sit) down and,(have) a cup of tea .,12.,(not look) at your book !,Does,like,to go,doesnt know,to meet,ask,Sit,have,Dont look,42,13.,you,(can see)the bananas on the table ?,14. I need,(buy ) some new clothes .,15. She likes,(play) volleyball .,16. Its time,(play) games .,17. You must,(be) a good student .,18. She must,(sing) well .,19. He,(have) an egg and a banana for breakfast .,20. Li Min,(take) a shower after lunch .,Can,see,to buy,playing,to play,be,sing,has,takes,43,21. People usually,(eat) dinner in the evening .,22. What time,Mary usually,(play) basketball ?,23. This boy likes,(play) chess with his father on weekends .,24. Where,his parents,(work) now, do you know?,25. Who,(teach) you English in your school?,eat,does,play,playing,do,work,teaches,44,26. Helen,(not be) late for class again.,27. I dont like the movie. Its not,(interest).,28.,(not look) at the pictures.,(listen) to me.,29. Little Tom can,(ride) a horse.,30. The weather,(be ) windy today.,dont be,Dont look,Listen,interesting,ride,is,45,3),Have a test,46,


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