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Unit 9,Life goes electronic.,1. What are they doing?,2. What do you think of e-life?,Look at the picture and discuss:,Youll be able to:,1. describe e-life;,2. talk about online activities.,Warming up,听录音,将下列词语与图片匹配。,Listen and match.,Key sentences:,laptop,reading pen,mobile phone,digital camera,1,e-dictionary,Warming up,e-dictionary,电子词典,Warming up,digital camera,数码相机,Warming up,reading pen,点读笔,Warming up,laptop,笔记本电脑,Warming up,mobile phone,移动电话,手机,2. Id like to take a look at that laptop.,Its easy to use a digital camera.,使用数码相机很简单。,我想看一下那台笔记本电脑。,Look and match.,看图,将下列词语与图片匹配。,Warming up,2,photocopier,printer,fax machine,desktop,telephone,传真机,fax machine,Warming up,打印机,printer,Warming up,台式电脑,desktop,Warming up,复印机,photocopier,Warming up,电话,telephone,Warming up,Listening and Speaking,听录音,学习下列词语。,Listen and learn.,check,click,search,button,download,save,v,.,检查,,,查看,v,.,点击,v,.,& n.,搜索,n.,按钮,v,.,下载,v,.,保存,1,Listen and practice.,听录音,讨论网络活动。,Marc:,Hi, Susan. What do you usually do online?,Susan:,I often read news and check emails.,Marc:,What else do you like to do?,Susan:,I also like to read and write,microblogs,.,Marc:,You mean,Weibo,?,Susan:,Yeah, thats right.,参考译文,Listening and Speaking,2,Weibo,,微博,是一种比较流行的网络社交平台。其特点是内容短小精悍,通常限制在,140,字以内。,马克:你好,苏珊,你上网通常都做些什么?,苏珊:我经常看新闻和查收电子邮件。,马克:你还喜欢做别的什么吗?,苏珊:我还喜欢看微博和写微博。,马克:你是说,“,微博,”,?,苏珊:是的,没错。,Look and discuss.,看图,讨论你通常上网做什么。,S1:,What do you usually do online?,S2:,I often chat with my friends.,S1:,What else do you like to do?,S2:,I also like to do shopping and watch films.,S1:,Thats cool!,Listening and Speaking,3,watch films,listen to music,do shopping,read news,chat with friends,Listen and practice.,听录音,练习上网查找信息。,Lisa:,How do I find anything I need online?,Bill:,Well, just go online to,Baidu, for example.,Lisa:,What should I do next?,Bill:,Type in the key words and click the search button.,Lisa:,Is it so easy?,Bill:,Sure. Thats e-life!,Listening and Speaking,4,参考译文,Baidu,是全球最大的中文搜索引擎,可以简单快捷地搜索信息。网上还有许多其他的搜索引擎。,莉萨:我怎样才能在网上找到想要的东西呢?,比尔:呃,上网就行,比如说访问百度主页。,莉萨:那下一步该做什么呢?,比尔:输入关键词,然后点击搜索按钮。,莉萨:就这么简单?,比尔:当然了,这就是电子化生活。,Order and act.,讨论在网上下载歌曲的步骤,并表演对话。,5,Listening and Speaking,Find a music website.,Go online.,Find the song.,Download and save it as a file.,Type in the key words (the name of the song).,1,2,5,4,3,How to Search for and Download Songs,S1:,How do I search for and download songs online?,S2:,Well, just go online and find a music website.,S1:,What should I do next?,S2:,Type in the key words (the name of the song) and find the,song, then download and save it as a file.,S1:,Is it so easy?,S2:,Sure. Thats e-life.,Order and act.,讨论在网上下载歌曲的步骤,并表演对话。,5,Listening and Speaking,Reading and Writing,Read and learn.,读网友的帖子,了解他上网进行的活动。,1,I spend a lot of time online. I read news and check my mailbox every day. On weekends I listen to music and watch films. Sometimes, I chat online with my friends and classmates. I also like playing online games. They are so interesting and exciting! With the Internet, I now have a much richer and easier life.,参考译文,我花很多时间上网。我每天浏览新闻、查邮件。周末,我会听音乐、看电影。有时候,我会和朋友、同学在网上聊天。我还喜欢玩儿在线游戏,真是太有趣、太刺激了!有了因特网,我现在的生活丰富多了,也方便多了。,Read again and list.,再读帖子,列出网友上网进行的活动。,Reading and Writing,2,read news,online activities,check mailbox,listen to music,watch films,chat online,play online games,Read and learn.,读下文,了解手机的常用功能。,Reading and Writing,Mobile phones are very useful. We can use them to make phone calls and send short messages. We can also use them to take photos, make videos, listen to music and read,e-books,. Today, more and more people are using mobile phones. We believe that in the future mobile phones will become even more powerful and make our life much easier.,参考译文,3,e-book:electronic,book,电子书。此类搭配已很常见,如e-product,e-life,e-dictionary,。,移动电话非常有用。我们可以用它打电话、发短信,还可以用它拍照、摄像、听音乐、读电子书。如今,越来越多的人在使用移动电话。我们相信,未来的移动电话(的功能)将会变得更加强大,我们的生活也会更加方便。,Discuss and list.,讨论,列出你们经常用手机做什么。,Reading and Writing,4,I use my mobile phone to:,make phone calls,send short messages,take photos,make videos,Read and learn.,阅读下列三种手机的介绍。,Reading and Writing,5,1,800,Large screen,single battery,with a powerful,camera, 16G,6 different,colours,Mobile A,参考译文,1800,元,,大屏幕,,带一块电池,,摄影功能强大,,16G,内存,,6,种颜色可选,A,款移动电话:,Read and learn.,阅读下列三种手机的介绍。,Reading and Writing,5,3,900,Super-large screen,two batteries,with Internet access,black and silver,Mobile B,参考译文,3900,元,,超大屏幕,,,带两块电池,,,可上网,,,黑、银两种颜色可选,B,款移动电话:,Read and learn.,阅读下列三种手机的介绍。,Reading and Writing,5,900,Mirror-like screen,lightweight,with a single battery,and a camera,pink and red,Mobile C,参考译文,900,元,,镜面屏幕,,,轻巧便携,,,带一块电池,,,可摄影,,粉、红两种颜色可选,C,款移动电话:,Adam,Im crazy about taking photos. I like to use my phone to take lots of pictures.,Mobile A,亚当:我酷爱摄影,我想用手机拍很多照片。,Discuss and choose.,根据上述介绍,为下列,6,Reading and Writing,人员选择手机。,Helen,I want to buy a nice but inexpensive mobile phone for my little niece.,Mobile C,海伦:我想给我的小外甥女买一款既好看又,便宜的移动电话。,Discuss and choose.,根据上述介绍,为下列,6,Reading and Writing,人员选择手机。,Bob,I prefer business style, and I,need,to get online anywhere, anytime.,Mobile B,鲍勃:我喜欢商务款的,能随时随地上网。,Discuss and choose.,根据上述介绍,为下列,6,Reading and Writing,人员选择手机。,句中的,need,是实义动词,后面跟带,to,的不定式,表示有义务、有必要,或有责任做某事。例如:,You need to take good care of your mother.,此外,,need,后面还可以直接跟名词,表示,“,需要,”,,例如:,Students need time to play.,More Activities,Read and fill.,完成下面的网络使用情况调查表。,1,More Activities,Read and fill.,完成下面的网络使用情况调查表。,1,Around the World,参考译文,Microblogs,let users publish short text updates. With them, people share anything they like, anywhere and anytime. “” has already become a trend. It means “someone said” or “need to attract someones attention”.,微博可以让使用者随时更新发布的短消息。有了微博,人们可以随时随地分享他们乐于分享的东西。,“,”,已成为一种潮流。它的意思是:,“,某人说,”,或,“,需要吸引某人的关注,”,。,Cant afford Photoshop? Well, dont worry. There are many nice people out there who have developed photo editors that offer the magic of Photoshop free of charge. Im sure you have lots of old photographs that you may want to retouch. Or better yet, take those old pictures and turn them into beautiful artworks.,参考译文,Around the World,买不起,Photoshop,软件吗?不要担心,有许多好心人研发出了和,Photoshop,具有同样神奇功能,但可供免费使用的图像处理软件。你肯定有很多旧照片想要再修整一下,那就把这些老照片变成漂亮的艺术品吧。,Fun Time,Tongue Twisters,hair,/,e,/,Its unfair to compare their hair with their chair.,sure,/,/,Are you sure the poor man can cure the poor tourist?,1,Fun Time,A Joke,Amy:,Anything I can do?,Boss:,You should check your emails more,often. I fired you three weeks ago.,2,参考译文,笑话,埃米:有什么工作要做吗?,老板:你应该经常查收邮件。我在三周前就已经邮,件通知你被辞退了。,My Progress Check,Type in the key words and click the search button.,Thats e-life.,I can talk about e-products and online activities with:,laptop desktop,microblog,download mobile phone digital camera check email go online click the button make phone calls,send short messages take photos make videos,Great! I want to learn more!,


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