Men and Women

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This will come as a shock to some of the men who e-mailed the psychologist after reading his research showing that men and women are equally talkative.,2,These men,dismissed,his work with a wave of the ring-bearing hand. “Clearly, you arent married,” they wrote. “Im married, and let me tell you that women do talk more.”,3,Pity poor Matthias. By,disproving,the notion that women were the chatty species, the University of Arizona researcher had,thrown,science,up,against stereotypes. Hed,put,mere maths,up,against myth.,Comprehension,6,4,This story began as an attempt to put a number on the chat gap between men and women. One pop psychologist after another claimed a gap of immense proportions. They said that women used 20,000 words per day to mens 7,000. And James Dobson even claimed that God gave women 50,000 words a day and gave men a mere 25,000.,5,But Matthias decided to actually count. For the first time, some 400 college students were equipped with recording devices. It,turned out, both men and women use roughly 16,000 words a day. By contrast, the range among individuals was huge. The Chattiest Carl used 47,000 words and the Silentest Sam used 700.,Comprehension,7,6,Matthias may have been the first who actually counted, but he was,by no means,the first to challenge the chat gap. A survey of 70 prior studies of men and women is about to be published by University of California. This survey made by psychologist Campbell Leaper also shows no consistent gap in talkativeness.,7,Now lets acknowledge that there is a difference between the quantity and quality of words. Leaper notes that in some of the studies he reviewed, men were more likely to talk among strangers than were women, and mothers more likely to talk with their children than were fathers. If the subject was impersonal or problem-solving, men took up more of the airwaves. If it was personal, women did.,Comprehension,8,8,But in every situation, our similarities are far greater than the differences.,9,Researchers have been exposing the notion that men and women are the extremely opposite sexes since Helen Thompson Woolley first reviewed the gender research. That was in 1914. Even then, Woolley said, “The scientific evidence plays very little part in producing,convictions,.”,Comprehension,9,10,Almost a century later, mens and womens lives are more alike than ever before. But we seem to have taken old stereotypes as the new thing. The tale is in the book titles: Why Men Dont Listen and Women Cant Read Maps. Men Are Clams, Women Are Crowbars. Why Men Dont Iron.” And, of course, Sperm Are from Men, Eggs Are from Women.,11,The chat gap is,persistent,in peoples mind. In public life, its easy to,tag,any woman who,speaks up,as speaking too much. In private life, wives are supposed to accept silence as masculine. “Men can go home and not talk to their wives,” says Leaper. “Its teaching wives to accept that hes a cave man,at heart,.”,Comprehension,10,12,So here we go, once more into the numbers of Matthias. They support the much less marketable truth about men and women that psychologist Janet Hyde describes this way: “Men are from North Dakota and women are from South Dakota.”,13,I have no idea how long the math will,trump,the myth. But for now, Matthias has given us something to talk about: at around 16,000 words per day per manand per woman. Now, is anybody out there studying how much we listen?,Comprehension,BACK,11,Comprehension,BACK,Words & Expressions,1.,clear up,to explain or solve s,th. 消除对某事的疑虑,,解决某事,e.g. His appearance cleared up the,misunderstanding.,12,Comprehension,BACK,2.,dismiss,v.,to refuse to consider someones idea, opinion, etc., without thinking carefully,about it,对某事不予理会或不屑一提,e.g. The committee dismissed his,suggestion.,13,Comprehension,BACK,3.,disprove,v.,to prove (,sth.,) to be false 证明(某事物)有误或有假,e.g. The allegations have been completely,disproved.,14,Comprehension,BACK,4.,throw up,(1),to make sth. rise in the air,e.g. The crowd cheered and threw their,hats up in the air.,(2) bring sth. to notice,使某事物引起注意,e.g. Her research has thrown up some,interesting facts.,15,Comprehension,BACK,5.,put up,to state (a position in an argument); present (an idea, etc.) for discussion or consideration,提出(意见等)供讨论或考虑,e.g. What argument do you have to put up,against that?,16,Comprehension,BACK,6.,turn out,to have a particular result, especially one that you did not expect,结果是,e.g. The job turned out to be harder than we,thought.,17,Comprehension,BACK,7.,by no means/not by any means,not at all,绝不,一点都不,e.g. Shes by no means poor; in fact, shes,quite rich.,18,Comprehension,BACK,8.,conviction,n.,a strong opinion or belief,坚定的看法或信仰,e.g. Its my conviction that complacency is at,the root of our troubles.,19,Comprehension,BACK,9.,persistent,adj.,continuing to exist, happen, or appear for a long time,持续出现的,一再发生的,e.g. Despite persistent denials, the rumor,continued to spread.,20,Comprehension,BACK,10.,tag,v.,to give someone or,sth.,a name or,title, to describe them in a particular way,给,贴标签;把,称作,e.g. The country no longer wants to be,tagged as a Third World nation.,21,Comprehension,BACK,11.,speak up,to say sth., especially to express your,opinion,e.g. Its time to speak up for those who,are suffering injustice.,22,Comprehension,BACK,12.,at heart,if you are a particular kind of person at heart,that is the kind of person that you really are,e.g. Im a country girl at heart.,23,Comprehension,BACK,13.,trump,v.,to do better than someone else in a situation,when people are competing with each other,超过,胜出,打赢,e.g. They were trumped by the national,tennis team.,24,Comprehension,1,首先,让我来澄清一个小小的事实:心理学家马蒂亚斯已婚。这对很多读完他有关男人和女人同样健谈的研究结果之后给他发电子邮件的男士来说可能非常意外。,2,这些男士挥摆着戴着婚戒的手对他的研究结果表示异议。“很显然你还没有结婚,”他们写道,“我结婚了,让我来告诉你,女人确实更能说。”,3,可怜的马蒂亚斯!为了驳斥女人比男人更爱说话的观点,这位来自亚利桑那州立大学的研究者用科学来对抗陈旧观念,拿数据来挑战传统说法。,女人真的比男人健谈吗?,BACK,25,Comprehension,4,事情起源于一次对男人和女人究竟谁更加健谈进行定量研究的尝试。一位又一位的心理学家声称男人和女人在这方面存在很大的差距。他们说女人每天使用,20,000,个词,而男人只用,7,000,个词。詹姆斯,杜伯森甚至声称,上帝给女人每天,50,000,个词,而给男人仅,5,000,个词。,5,但是马蒂亚斯决定真正数一数。他给,400,名大学生佩带了录音设备,这种事情还是头一次。结果是,男人和女人都是每天大约使用,16,000,个单词。与此相对,不同个体之间说话的量也存在很大的差异。最能聊的卡尔用了,47,000,个词,而最沉默的山姆仅使了,700,个词。,BACK,26,Comprehension,6,马蒂亚斯也许是第一个真正数的人,但他绝不是第一个对男女健谈程度差距提出质疑挑战的人。加利福尼亚大学即将出版一份调查报告,该报告对过去,70,项关于男性和女性的研究进行分析。这份由心理学家坎贝尔,里坡做的调查报告也显示男女的健谈程度并非总是存在差异。,7,我们承认男人和女人在聊天时所用的词汇在质量和数量上都有区别。里坡发现,在他所考察的文献中,男人比女人更容易在有陌生人的场合中开口说话,母亲比父亲更容易跟孩子讲话。在讨论客观的、与解决问题相关的话题时,男人说的话更多;而在讨论与个人有关的话题时,女人则说话更多。,BACK,27,Comprehension,8,但是在各种情况下,男女之间的相似性远大于差异性。,9,自从,1914,年海伦,汤普森,伍莱首次对性别研究进行综述之后,研究者不停地提出男人和女人是完全不同的两类人这一观点。即使在那个时候,伍莱也说道,“科学证据很难说服人们。”,BACK,28,Comprehension,10,近一个世纪过去了,男人和女人的生活比以往任何时候都更为相似。但人们似乎将男女不同这一传统观念视为新事物。很多书名都可以证明这一点,例如,为什么男人不,会倾听,女人不会读地图,,,女人是蚌,男人是铁撬,,,为何男人不熨衣服,,当然还有,精子来自男人,卵子来自女人,。,11,长期以来, 女人比男人更爱说话的观点在人们脑中根深蒂固。在社会生活中,人们很容易给大声说话的女人贴上话多的标签。在家庭生活中,妻子似乎就应当接受她丈夫,的沉默,并把他的寡言当成其男性的体现。“男人回家之后可以不跟妻子讲话,” 里坡说道,“这是教育妻子们接受这样一个事实:男人本质上都是野蛮的。”,BACK,29,Comprehension,12,现在我们再回到马蒂亚斯提供的数据上。这些数据支持了心理学家珍妮特,海德提出的关于男女的观点:“男人来自北达科他州,女人来自南达科他州。”但这一观点不甚流行。,13,我不知道需要经过多长时间数据支撑的事实才能战胜陈旧的观念。但是,目前马蒂亚斯给了我们一些值得讨论的东西:每个男人和每个女人每天大约都使用,16,000,个单词。那么现在,是否有人站出来研究一下我们每天究竟倾听多少呢?,BACK,30,After-reading,Boys and girls tend to have different hobbies. In what ways do you think their hobbies differ? What do you think are the possible reasons for the differences?,BACK,31,Language in Use,Grammar Development,Vocabulary Building,BACK,32,Emotional Emphasis,Grammar,Being used for communication between people, English Language often,expresses the emotions and attitudes of the speaker,and it is often used to,influence the attitudes and behavior of the hearer,.,33,Grammar,There are many ways of giving emotional emphasis:,1. Interjections:,Interjection,Meaning,Example,ah,expressing pleasure,Ah, that feels good.,expressing realization,Ah, now I understand.,expressing resignation,Ah well, it cant be hoped.,expressing surprise,Ah! Ive won!,alas,expressing grief or pity,Alas, shes dead now.,dear,expressing pity,Oh dear! Does it hurt?,expressing surprise,Dear me! Thats a surprise!,34,Grammar,Interjection,Meaning,Example,eh,asking for repetition,Its hot today. Eh? I said its hot today.,expressing enquiry,What do you think of that, eh?,expressing surprise,Eh! Really?,inviting agreement,Lets go, eh?,er,expressing hesitation,Lima is the capital of er,Peru.,hello,expressing greeting,Hello John. How are you today?,expressing surprise,Hello! My cars gone!,35,Grammar,Interjection,Meaning,Example,hey,calling attention,Hey! look at that!,expressing surprise, joy etc,Hey! What a good idea!,hi,expressing greeting,Hi! Whats new?,hmm,expressing hesitation, doubt or disagreement,Hmm. Im not so sure.“,oh,expressing surprise,Oh! Youre here!,expressing pain,Oh! Ive got a toothache.,expressing pleading,Oh, please say yes!,ouch,expressing pain,Ouch! That hurts!,36,Grammar,Interjection,Meaning,Example,uh,expressing hesitation,Uh.I dont know the answer to that.,uh-huh,expressing agreement,Shall we go? Uh-huh.,um, umm,expressing hesitation,85 divided by 5,well,expressing surprise,Well I never!,introducing a remark,Well, what did he say?,37,Grammar,2. Exclamatory Sentences:,感叹词(以及副词、形容词)表示的感叹句:,Alas!,哎呀,!,Oh!,啊,!,哦,!,哎哟,!,Well!,好啦,!,Why!,什么(话)!嗯!岂有此理!好好!,Excellent!,好极了!,短语表示的感叹句:,Dearme!,哎呀!,GreatHeavens!,天哪!,Mygoodness!,嗳呀!,Noneofyournonsense!,不要胡扯了!,38,Grammar,从句表示的感叹句:,(1) As if it were my fault!,好像是我的过错似的,!,(2) To think a scandal of this sort should be going,on under my roof!,真想不到这种丑事竟然出在我,们,家里,!,表语表示的感叹句:,(1) Just my luck!,唉,又倒霉,了,!,(2) Sorry,,,my mistake!,对不起,是我的,错,!,39,Grammar,How,用于感叹句的几种句型:,How,形容词,Howlovely!,多可爱,啊,!,Hownice!,多好啊,!,Howkindofyou!,您好,客气,!,How,形容词主语谓语,Howtallsheis!,她个子多高啊,!,Howfondhewasofit!,他多么喜欢它啊,!,How,副词主语谓语,HowwellGeorgewrites!,乔治写得多好,啊,!,Howbeautifullyshesings!,她唱歌唱得,多美啊,!,40,Grammar,How,主语谓语,Howheran!,他跑,得多快啊,!,Howtheyshout!,他们叫喊得多,厉害呀,!,How,形容词(名词)谓语主语,(1),Howstrangeandimpressivewaslife!,人生是多么奇妙,动人啊,!,(2) Howpreciseandthoroughareherobservations!,她的观察是多么准确和透彻啊,!,(3) ForhowmanyyearshaveIwaited!,我等了多少年呀,!,41,Grammar,What,用于感叹句的几种句型:,What,a/an/the,名词,Whatafool!,真是个傻瓜,!,Whatapity!,真是,遗憾,!,Whattheheck/dickens!,(你讲的)什么玩意,啊,!,What,名词,Whatluck!,多幸运啊,!,Whatfun!,多么好玩,啊,!,42,Grammar,What,(,a/an,)形容词名词,Whatfunnystories!,多么好笑的,故事,!,Whatterribleluck!,太不走运,了,!,Whatarottenday!,多倒霉的,一天,!,What,a/an,形容词名词(主语)谓语,Whatanenormouscrowdcame!,来了多么大的一群人呀,!,What,名词主语谓语,Whatlovelyflowersthoseare!,那些花多美,啊,!,BACK,43,Vocabulary,Compound Words (4),problem,solving,problem-solving,noun,V-ing,adjective compound,44,Vocabulary,1. What are the meanings of the,following words? You may use a,dictionary for help.,earthshaking peacekeeping record-breaking fine-sounding soft-feeling far-reaching well-being easygoing,45,Vocabulary,2. Complete the sentences using the words in Exercise 1.,earthshaking, peacekeeping, record-breaking, fine-sounding,soft-feeling, far-reaching, well-being, easygoing,1. The villagers are enjoying,and contentment.,2. The earthquake was a,destroy to the,place.,3. The reform and opening-up policy had a,q,influence on Chinas economic development.,4.,changes have taken place since 1978.,5. UN,forces have played an important role,in this area.,6. Mary is an,girl. Youll be friends with her soon.,7. The dress is made of,material.,8. Not all girls love,words.,well-being,record-breaking,far-reaching,Earthshaking,peacekeeping,easygoing,soft-feeling,fine-sounding,BACK,46,Project,How different are boys and,girls in learning English?,It is found that boys and girls tend to use different strategies in learning English. Do a class survey and see how different they are. You may follow the following steps:,47,Project,Step 1,Work in groups. Each member of your group should interview at least five boy students and five girl students from your own or other classes (Remember each student should be interviewed only once), and make a list of about 10 pieces of information about the way each student learns English.,Return to your group and put all the information together. List different learning strategies used by boys and girls. Select five common ways for each.,Step 2,48,Project,Step 3,Present your report to the whole class, and see how different your research findings are from those of other groups.,Step 4,Write a report about the differences between the strategies used by boys and girls.,BACK,49,Culture Tips,Why do women live longer than men?,50,Culture Tips,51,Culture Tips,52,Culture Tips,?,?,?,Across the industrialized world, women still live 5 to 10 years longer than men. Among people over 100 years old, 85% are women, according to Tom Perls, founder of the New England Centenarian Study at Boston University and creator of the website .,One important reason is that women develop cardiovascular disease, like heart attack and stroke, usually in their 70s and 80s, about 10 years later than men, who develop them in their 50s and 60s.,53,?,?,?,Another more complicated possibility is that women have two X chromosomes, while men have one. (Men have an X and a Y.) So, in women, cells can perhaps be protected by a slightly better variation of a gene on the second X chromosome. Men dont have this luxury and dont get this choice.,Culture Tips,54,?,?,?,There are a few other reasons that men die earlier in life,more often than women.,Men in their late teens and 20s go through something,called testosterone storm. The levels of the hormone can be quite high and changeable, and that can induce some pretty dangerous behavior among young men. They dont wear their seatbelts; they drink too much alcohol; they can be aggressive with weapons and so on and so forth. These behaviors lead to a higher death rate.,Culture Tips,55,?,?,?,Another area where we see higher death rates among men is among the depressed especially older men. If they attempt suicide, they are more likely to succeed than women.,About 70% of the variation around average life expectancy is probably attributable to environmental factors your behaviors and your exposures.,Men smoke a lot more.,Men eat more food that leads to high cholesterol.,Men tend not to deal with their stress as well as women. They may be more prone to internalizing that stress rather than letting go.,BACK,Culture Tips,56,Homework,Girls are better at language learning than boys?,Do you agree with this idea? Think about it and write your points down. Well hold a debate on this topic next class.,BACK,57,


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