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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,目录,一,2012,上海英语阅读测试目标及题型结构,二,2009-2011,上海高考阅读考情分析,三,2012,上海高考英语阅读测试指导,一 上海高考英语阅读测试目标,主要测试考生理解书面英语并完成相关任务的能力,具体目标为:,1.,能理解文章的基本内容;,2.,能根据上下文正确理解词语和句子;,3.,能归纳段落或文章的主旨大意;,4.,能推测文章中的隐含意思;,5.,能运用阅读技能完成不同文体的阅读任务。,笔试试卷结构如下,卷号,大题结构,测试题型,题量,计分,时间,第,I,卷,听力,短对话,多项选择,10,题,24,题,10,30,20,分钟,短文,多项选择,6,题,12,长对话,填空,8,题,8,语法和词汇,语法,多项选择,16,题,25,题,16,25,100,分钟,词汇,选词填空,9,题,9,阅读理解,仔细阅读,完形填空,15,题,35,题,15,50,多项选择,11,题,22,简短回答,4,题,8,快速阅读,配对,5,题,5,第,II,卷,翻译,单句表达,中译英,5,题,5,题,20,20,写作,篇章表达,指导性写作,1,题,1,题,25,25,合计,90,题,150,120,分钟,二,2009-2011,上海高考阅读考情分析,年份,完型填空,阅读,A,阅读,B,阅读,C,选标题,简答题,2011,商业,小故事,生物,考古,新闻,商业,2010,艺术创作,小故事,商业,天文,医药,教育,2009,心理学,小故事,旅游,科技,心理学,语言学习,(表一)文章选材,年份,完型填空,阅读,A,阅读,B,阅读,C,快速阅读,/,阅读,D,(,09,年),语篇简答,/,选标题(,09,年),总数,2011,397,312,316,392,447,322,2186,2010,395,337,236,376,384,314,2042,2009,348,258,274,251,436,361,1928,(表二)字数统计,年份,判定细节题,归纳主旨题,上下文推理题,文中指代题,2011,7,1,2,1,2010,6,2,2,1,(表三)语篇理解试题类型,考情分析,2011,年的高考,许多同学反映阅读难度比较大。这符合近年命题思路,即“立足语篇”。,自,2010,始,阅读理解在,50,分,包括了四大题型:完型填空(,15,分)、语篇理解(,22,分)、快速阅读(,5,分)、语篇简答(,8,分)。而语篇简答题是,2010,年的新题型。分析上表可得出如下特点:,1,.,题材的广泛性,(表一)可以看出,近三年题材包罗万象,从教育、语言学习到生物、考古、天文、商业。题材的广泛性顺应了目前一些国际英语考试(如,托福和雅思,)的趋势,选用原汁原味的文章,,强调,语言的,真实性和应用性,。,2.,文章字数的总量 稳中有升,(表二)可以看出大约在,2000,字上下 ,逐年上升,考生需要在考场上阅读更多的语言素材。意味着在平时训练中,学生应该有意识地培养自己的阅读速度,以免到了考场上出现来不及读的状况。,3.,出题方式近两年基本保持稳定,(表三)可以看出细节题占了绝大多数的分值(,1214,分),其后的是推理题。很多同学看到归纳主旨题(包括选定语篇篇名)比较头痛,幸好的是,这个题型在每年的试卷中出现的频率不高。,测试指导,-,完型填空,考察目标:,词汇、语法等的综合运用能力,而且考查学生的逻辑推理 和篇章结构理解能力。,命题原则,:是,“,以实词为主,虚词为辅,突出词汇语境化,”,。,题型特点:,该题型难度大,区分度高,是历年高考得分率较低的题型,。,下面结合历年上海高考完形填空题对完形填空题的解题策略进行分析,一、利用文章首句信息解题,完形填空首句甚至前几句话往往是完整的,为考生提供足够的信息去了解文章的思路,而且它提供的信息可以帮助考生判断全文大意甚至全文主题。,【,例,】The term home schooling means educating children at home or in places other than a normal setting such as a public or private school. There are many reasons why parents choose home schooling for their children. Some parents . Still other parents choose this type of 48 for religious reasons.,(,2006,年上海春考),48. A.activity,B,.education C.behavior D.belief,二、利用逻辑关系解题,完形填空中的每一个空格并非孤立存在的,命题者必须通过上下文给出某种线索来保证空格所填答案的唯一性,而这一线索即是上下文乃至全文的逻辑关系。命题者往往借助连词或介词短语来设置选项。,【,例,】As a French graduate who has taught for more than twenty-five years, I believe I have some idea of why the failure is so total. 55 the faults already found out in the education system as a wholesuch as child-centered learning, the“discovery” method, and the low expectations by teachers of pupilsthere have been several serious 56,(,errors,),which have a direct effect on language teaching.,(,2007,年上海高考),55. A.Due to,B,.In addition to C.Instead of D.In spite of,三、利用排比结构解题,“排比结构”指的是结构相同或相似、意思密切关联、语法一致的句子或词组成串排列的语言现象。命题者常从排比结构的句式相同或相似这一角度,利用其表现意义的关联或对比这一特点来设空。,【,例,】Many people now think that teachers give pupils too much homework. They say that it is 51 for children to work at home in their free time. 52 , they argue that most teachers do not 53 plan the homework tasks they give to pupils.,(,2003,年上海春考),51.,A,.unnecessary B.uninteresting,C.unfortunate D.unimportant,52.A.Nevertheless B.However C.Therefore,D,.Moreover,53.A.considerably B.favorably,C,.properly D.pleasantly,四、利用词汇复现解题,词汇复现使得语篇中的句子相互衔接和连贯,从而构成一个完整和有机的意义整体。根据这一原则,某一个空格所对应的答案很可能就是在上下文中复现的相关词,考生可以根据这些词来决定答案。,【,例,】This is what happens on long submarine,(潜水艇),voyages. It will also happen on 47 space flights in the future. Will there be special problems of adjustment under such conditions,?(,2007,年上海高考),47,A,long B,fast C,dangerous D,Direct,【,例,】What then is the future of education,?,Will this new model of schooling replace normal schools,?,Will computers and the Internet 51 our classrooms and teachers,?(,2006,年上海春考),51.,A,.replace B.reserve C.represent D.release,五、利用对比结构解题,对比结构常把两种对立的事物或同一事物的两个不同方面并列出来加以比较或对比。高考完形填空设题常常利用不同句子之间的对比关系或者同一个句子中不同部分之间的对比关系。,【,例,】He had always been interested in medicine and had read a book, which discussed the idea of how body chemistry and health can be damaged by emotional stress and negative 47 . The book made Cousins think about the possible 48 of positive attitudes and emotions.,(,2006,年上海秋考),47.,A,.attitudes B.beliefs C.goals D.positions,48.A.shortcoming B.harm,C,.benefit D.interest,六、利用词汇差异解题,高考完形填空主要考查实义词,一定要结合上下文内容,根据句意进行判断。有时从单句看,似乎不止一个答案,必须结合上下文在含义和用法等多方面加以考虑才能作出选择。,【,例,】The first is the removal from the curriculum,(课程),of the thorough teaching of English 57 . Pupils now do not know a verb from a noun, the subject of a sentence from its object, or the difference between the past, present, or future.,(,2007,年上海高考),57,A,vocabulary B,culture C,grammar D,literature,七、利用作者情感态度来解题,做完形填空时,应在弄清作者思路的基础上,着重寻找反映褒贬态度的标志性词汇或句子。我们有时候可以根据作者对人物或事情的态度来排除干扰,进行正确的选择。,【,例,】When men are 49,(,held up,),together for a long period, they begin to feel uneasy. Everyone has little habits of speaking and behaving that are ordinarily acceptable. In the limited space over a long period of time, however, these little habits may become very 50 .,(,2007,年上海高考),50,A,pleasing B,annoying C,common D,valuable,测试指导,-,阅读理解,我们可以看出,2011,年的高考英语试卷阅读语篇正文合计词数为,2208,词,比,2010,年多了,190,个词,语篇阅读总量(含试题说明和选项)为,3087,个词,比去年多了,285,词。阅读理解部分的语篇来源于英美真实的生活,其主题涉及环境、科学、教育、人文、自然等领域,具有鲜明的时代性和实用性。如果学生平时阅读速度缺乏训练、知识面狭窄,对语篇所涉及的内容缺乏背景知识,就会感到时间紧张、做不完、题目难。,今年高考英语阅读理解给下届考生传递的信息是要,提高英语阅读速度,、,扩大英语阅读的广度,和,深度,以及培养从书报杂志和网络等媒体中,获取信息的能力和对信息的理解、归纳、推断和演绎能力。,要取得良好的成绩,英语学习的素材除,上海中小学英语课程标准(征求意见稿),(以下简称,课标,)所列的基本素材外,还要关注科技、经济和管理等方面的内容,,2011,年高考的阅读语篇就是良好的范例。,传递的另外一条信息就是要培养,猜词能力,和,扩大词汇量,。粗略统计,今年高考英语试卷中出现的,miraclously,、,predictable,、,centre,、,preservation,、,indication,、,intellectual,、,reliance,、,reburied,、,unearthed uncovered,等词在,高考英语词汇手册,中没有,但学生能根据所学的英语构成法知识猜出词义。,Securing,、,coating,、,launched,、,practice,虽然在,高考英语词汇手册,有,但与所给的意思或词性不同,学生需要对这些词所表达的信息进行加工处理。,Sensational,纯粹是生词,只能根据上下文来猜测其词义。,一、段落及文章的主题句。,He,studied,English,hard in the university for the test on Sunday.,他,在大学里,为了考试星期日努力,学习英语。,注解:从上句可以看出,英国人在表达句子的时候,把最重要的放在前头。而中国人却将不重要的修饰成份放在前面。了解两个民族思维习惯的不同正是我们做好阅读理解及写好英文文章的关键所在。英国人写一个句子如此,在写一个段落时也是如此。,1,、主题句通常在段首(绝大部分文章),(A),Helen is the most conceited(,自负,) person,I know.,She thinks she knows everything and can do anything under the sun. According to her, she is an expert bowler, tennis player, swimmer, and softball player. She tells everyone that she is the smartest person in the class. No matter what the problem is, Helen always thinks she can solve it because she believes there is nothing she cannot do.,一 文章结构、测试要点及应对策略,(B),In the last 500 years,nothing,about,people-,not,their clothes, ideas, or languages,- has changed as much as what they eat.,The original chocolate drink was made from the seeds of the cocoa tree by South American Indians. The Spanish introduced it to the rest of the world during the 1500s, and although it was very expensive, it quickly became fashionable. In London shops where chocolate drinks were served became important meeting places. Some still exist today.,1,According to the passage, which of the following has changed the most in the last 500 years?,A)Food,B) Chocolate C) Potato D) Coffee,注解:在阅读理解的考试中,经常提问段落的主题句,既中心思想。我们只要读一句,what they eat.,就够了,这样可以节省大量的时间。,2,、,如果有转折词,如,but, however,等,中心思想通常在这些连词的后面。,(A),Waves are beautiful to look at, but they can destroy ships at sea, as well as houses and buildings,near the shore.,What causes waves? Most waves are caused by winds blowing over the surface of the water. The sun heats the earth, causing the air to rise and the winds to blow. The winds blow across the sea, pushing little waves into bigger and bigger ones.,注解:在一段中出现,but,,,however, so,等连词一定要看这些连词之后,否则不但抓不到中心,反而会被误导。如上段中心不是说海浪的美丽,而是说海浪所造成的损害。,(B),Japanese students work very hard,but many are unhappy,.,They feel heavy pressures(,压力,) from their parents,to do well in school. Most students are always being told by their parents to study harder so that they can have a wonderful life. Though this may be good ideas for those very bright students, it can have terrible results for many students because they are not gifted(,有天赋的,) enough.,Whats the best title(,标题,) of the passage?,A. The Trouble in Japanese Schools,B. The Problems of Japanese Students,C. Education(,教育,) in Japan,D. The Pressures of Being a Student in Japan,注解:该段在实际考试中,很多学生都选,C,日本的教育,实际上中心就在,but,后面,即日本学生所承受的压力。答案应是,D,。,3,、主题在段尾(很少出现),注解:这样的情况很少,多出现在一些讲演稿的首段。目的在于吸引听众。,(A),Alert Einstein, one of the worlds geniuses, failed in his university entrance examination on his first attempt. William Faulkner, one of Americas noted writers, never finished college because he could not pass his English courses. Sir Winston Churchill, who is considered one of the masters of the English language, had to have special tutoring,家庭教师,in English during elementary school.,These few,examples,show that failure in school does not always predict failure in life.,注解:文章开头谈到爱因斯坦没通过入学考试,,其实该文中心在最后一句“在学校的失败并不意味着一生的失败。”,我们从英文句子表达扩展到段落的表达,可以看出英国人的思维方式总是把最重要的东西,即中心放在前面,在写一篇文章时,英国人也是如此。,第一句点明文章主题,然后举例说明,,,最后明确表明作者的观点。,这是典型的英国人的思维方式,了解这一点对考好试、写好文章非常重要。我称之为“三步曲”。,二、英语文章的结构,(A),The convenience,(方便),and economy of small cars accounts for,(说明,原因),their popularity. They are easy to park quickly and take smaller parking spaces. Small cars are also a means of conserving,(保存,节约),energy because they use less gas than big cars. They are also more economical to operate and maintain, and they cost less. Because of these advantages, the next car I buy is going to be small one.,该篇文章的中心,小型汽车好(文章第一句),具体说明小型汽车好在什么地方(文章中部),文章结论(既作者观点)(文章尾部)“我要再买车就买小型车”。,(B),Weekend homework should be abolished,废止,.,Five days,devoted to school,are enough for the modern teenager who has many other time-consuming,耗时的,interests. With homework,scheduled,排定的,for Saturday and Sunday,when can he find time to help around the house, take in a football or baseball game or a good movie, join in family recreation, or just relax? Because of all these other activities weekend homework is usually put off until Sunday night. As a result weekend homework is done so poorly that on Monday teachers threaten to fail whole classes of students who havent the haziest notion of what the lesson is about. ,If there were no homework to haunt weekends,students would go to school on Monday well rested and willing to work.,Teachers, dont you agree?,该篇文章的中心,周末家庭作业该取消,具体说明周末家庭作业为什么该取消,文章结论(既作者观点),文章的中心思想,第一句,作者的观点或文章结论,最后一句,文章中具体细节(查细节),对错选择,指出代词所代替的意思,解释词义,三、阅读理解可能测试的要点,1,.,先抓文章主题,-,了解文章中心思想。(只读主题句不读文章),要想“又快又准”地考好阅读理解,抓住文章中心是关键。无论“中考”、“高考”、“四级”还是“雅思”都是如此。因为一篇文章总是要围绕“中心”转。请看下面的文章。,2,读问题,确定问题类别。,不是抓住中心就能解决所有的问题。在抓住文章中心思想之后,应直接读问题确认问题的种类,即前面提到的,6,种类别,具体问题,具体对待。,四、阅读理解应试技巧,(A),There is an old saying in English: “,Laughter is the,best,medicine,”. Until recently, few people took the saying very seriously. Now, however, doctors have begun to investigate laughter and the effects it has on the human body. They have found evidence,that,laughter really can improve peoples health.,Tests were carried out to study the effects of laughter on the body. People watched funny films, while doctors checked their heart rate, blood pressure, breathing and muscles. It was,found that laughter,has similar effects to physical exercise,. It increases blood pressure, the heart rate and the rate of breathing; it also works several groups of muscles in the face, the stomach, and even the feet. If laughter exercises the body, it must be beneficial.,Other tests have shown that laughter appears to be capable of reducing the effect of pain on the body. In one experiment doctors produced pain in groups of students who listened to different radio programs. The group, which tolerated the pain for the longest time, was the group, which listened to a funny program. The reason why laughter can reduce pain seems to be that it helps to produce endorphins,(内啡肽),in the brain. These are natural chemicals that diminish both stress and pain.,There is also some evidence to suggest that laughter helps the bodys immune system, that is, the system which fights infection. In an experiment, one group of students watched a funny video while another group served as the control group-in other words, a group with which to compare the first group. Doctors checked the blood of the students in both groups and found that the people in the group that watched the video had an increase in the activity of their while blood cells, that is, the cells which fight infection.,As a result of these discoveries, some doctors and psychiatrists,(精神病学家),in the United States now hold,laughter clinics, in which they try to improve their patients conditions,by encouraging them to laugh.,They have found that even if their patients do not really feel like laughing, making them smile is enough to produce beneficial effects similar to those caused by laughter.,1.We learn from the first paragraph that laughter,A. is good for ones health.,B. is related to some illness.,C. has been investigated long since.,D. has no effect on the body.,注解:问第一段的主题句,也是文章中心,2. Doctors,have,found,that laughter,A. keeps down blood pressure.,B. has similar effects to physical exercise.,C. decreases the heart rate.,D. increases stress.,注解:这是属于查细节(抓住题干中的关键词,到课文中去快速寻找相同单词和短语)读一下句子便能做出正确答案,有时找出“长得像的”就行,即“重复”。,3. Which of the following statements is,NOT true,of laughter, according to the passage?,A) It reduces pain.,B) It exercises the body.,C) It improves the bodys immune system.,D) It can cure,治愈,cancer.,注解:该题属于对错选择题,这种问题通常可以通过直接读问题推测出来,万不得以,再到文章里去查找,上面明显,D“,笑能治癌症”不是真的。,4. In a laughter clinic, doctors,A) laugh at their patients.,B) encourage their patients to laugh.,C) smile when they dont feel like laughing.,D) never stop laughing.,注解:又是“查细节”,只要找,in a laughter clinic,答案便出来了。,The writers attitude towards laughter is,critical.,B) doubtful.,C) positive.,D) negative.,注解:该题属于提问作者观点,其实我们已经知道作者态度,如果不敢确定,只要看文章最后一句话,就足够了。,总结,文章很长,生词又很多,但只要我们按照英国人的思维习惯,抓住“中心”,查找几个点,明确作者“态度”,全文几乎不读也能全对。,从,2010,年开始,上海英语高考阅读理解推出了一种新题型。我们先来看这种题型的解题说明。,Section D,Directions,:,Read the passages carefully. Then answer the question or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.,从中可以看出解题的方式可能是三个疑问句,一个补全句子或者两个疑问句,两个补全句子。补全句子的方式可能在句末,也可能在句中。,测试指导,-,短文回答问题,阅卷评分标准:,1,、所有问题都必须紧扣文章的主题,不能有主观方面的内容。,2,、四个问题或补全句子的内容应能概括全文大致内容。,3,、题目表达尽量不能照抄原文原句。,4,、问题必须明确和具体,不能模棱两可。,5,、没法回答的问题可选用填空的形式来完成。,在回答问题的时候须注意以下几点:,1,、先要找出原话的出处,理解其真实含义。,2,、注意原句的动词时态,回答时要注意答句动词时态与问句保持一致。,3,、回答问题时的答句内容应与原句相符,但可简练用词。,4,、可能会有开放性题目,这时便没有现成答案,但考生在回答时,必须紧扣主题,不能随意发挥,或任意删减。,5,、扣分以,1,分为单位,没有,0.5,的扣分方式。,Say goodbye to the greetings of the past, from the hands-off “Whats up!” to the handshake or high-five. For young people across the United States, hugging is the new “Hello”. Girls are hugging girls. Boys are hugging boys. Girls and boys are hugging each other. And, like every major trend, there are lots of variations on the form. Theres the classic, full-body, arms-around-the-person bear hug, the casual one-armed side hug, the group hug and the hug from behind.,As trends go, this one seems pretty innocent. But some parents, teachers and school administrators are worried nonetheless. In response to some of these concerns, some schools have set up new rules to limit or eliminate hugging. One school head has created a three-second limitation for hugs at her school. Another school has taken even more drastic measures, placing a ban on all forms of touching between students.,A few important points are being left out of the discussion. While the US has traditionally been reserved about touching-saving hugs and kisses for romantic partners and very close friends-people in many other parts of the world have been greeting each other this way for ages. In Latin America or Western Europe, in countries like Spain, France, and Italy, a kiss on the cheek is common among women, as well as among women and men who are not romantically involve, Latin American men are more likely to shake hands when greeting other men, but in some countries like Turkey, its not unusual for men who know each other well to exchange kisses on the cheek. Meanwhile, for the Maori people of New Zealand, a traditional greeting called the “hongi ” involves pressing noses together. People all around the world move in close to say hello, and Americans are just now joining in.,Theres yet another point to consider: For as long as there have been kids and parents, kids have embraced new trends and lifestyles that have shocked or confused their parents. Parents and teachers who are now trying to struggle with the “hugging issue” should remember that when they were kids, they too found new ways of relating to each other that concerned or confused their parents. Every Generation represents a step away from the previous one. This generations teens are hugging. Who knows what the next generation will do?,(Note: Answer questions or complete the statements in,NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS.,),81. What problem is discussed in the passage?,82. Some schools are worried about this new trend, so they have_.,83. Why does the author mention the ways of greetings in Latin America and Western Europe?,84. The last paragraph mainly tells us that different generations_.,81-84,参考答案,81. They are hugging each other.,82. Set up new rules to limit/eliminate hugging.,83. To prove / show that this hugging trend hot now,84. Have different friend and lifestyle,


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