上海牛津高二第二学期unit1Reading What is beauty

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上海牛津高二第二学期unit1Reading What is beauty_第1页
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Click to edit Master text styles,*,Click to edit Master title style,What is beauty?,1,2,3,4,5,What do these people do to,try to become more beautiful?,Which things seem,stupid or reasonable to you?,Do you think people should try to,become more attractive? Why?,Skim the transcript and divide it into,several parts according to their main ideas.,Para. 1,(line 15),Para. 2,(line 6,9,),Para. 3,(line 1,0,),Para. 4,(line 1,1,1,6,),Para. 5,(line,17,18,),Para. 6,(line,19,25,),Para. 7,(line,26,29,),Para. 8,(line 3,0,3,2,),Para.,9,(line 3,3,),Para.,10,(line 3,4,3,6,),Para.,11,(line 3,7,3,8,),Part 1,Part 2,Part 3,Part 4,Part 5,Present the topicbeauty,SLs opinion,The argument,ECs opinion,Take calls from listeners,Part 1 (Para.1): Present the topicbeauty,1. What is happening here? What is this place?,2. Who are the three women present?,3. What are they?,A radio program called,Head to Head,is being broadcast in the studio.,Mary, Sue Leslie and Elizabeth Cade.,Mary: The host of a radio program called,Head to Head,.,SL: A former model & now a businesswoman,EC: A writer & lecturer,Different ways for beauty,Part 2,(Para. 2),: SLs opinion,Part 3,(Para. 36),: ECs opinion,People should be happy with themselves, regardless of how they look.,In todays world, it is important to look your best.,look your best,pain and suffering,for beauty,1. removing her _,2. stretching her _,3. stretching her _,bottom ribs,neck,ear lobes or lip,the,dangers,of the obsession with looks,_,_,_,eating disorders,cosmetic surgery,unhappy feelings,1. watching _,2. keeping yourself _,3. having _,what you eat,fit,cosmetic surgery,ways for beauty,Part 4 (Para.710): The argument,In todays world, it is important to look your best.,People should be happy with themselves, regardless of how they look.,People are _ to go to _.,People _ going to _, whose courses make them _.,Bad phenomena :,Millions of women alter their bodies to be more beautiful.,Society judges people by their appearance.,free,the health studio,enjoy,the health studio,feel younger,1.,2.,Part 5 (Para.11): Take calls from listeners,In todays world, it is important to look your best.,People should be happy with themselves, regardless of how they look.,If youre the audience of this program, and youre going to make a call, what would you like to express about,beauty,? Do you support Sue, Elizabeth or neither of them? Why?,W,hat will happen during the rest of the radio program?,Pair work,suffer to do sth.,go to (great) lengths to do sth.,a writer and lecturer,start with,look ones best,cosmetic surgery,be up to sb.,be happy with,regardless of,put / place emphasis on,为做某事而受苦/遭罪,不遗余力做某事,一位作者兼讲师,由开始,看上去最美,整容手术,取决于某人,对感到高兴,不顾,不管,强调,the obsession with sth.,be obsessed with sth.,fit societys current ideas,give sb. a perspective on sth.,have ones bottom ribs removed,stretch ones ear lobes,endure considerable pain and suffering,be free to do sth.,look as if,ten years younger,对的痴迷/着魔,痴迷/沉迷于,符合社会现在的观点,给与某人对的看法,使某人最下面的肋骨去除,拉长某人的耳垂,忍受相当大的痛苦和折磨,随心所欲做某事,看上去好像,年轻10岁,just to do sth.,judge sb. by /from sth.,set out,仅仅为了做某事,以某物判断某人,陈述;阐明,Assignments,


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