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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,服,/,务,/,教,/,师 免,/,费,/,馈,/,赠,返回菜单,RJ,英语,必修,2,导读,话题美文,预学,语言知识,感悟,教材原文,Period,单元预习课,When the Buying Stops,,,the Killing Can Too,现在打开电视机,,,就能看到来自体坛和演艺界的巨星们对我们说,“,没有买卖,,,就没有杀害,”,。这些公益广告就是非政府组织,野生救援会的,“,积极保护野生动物宣传项目,”,的活动之一。,WildAid,is an international no,government organization whose goal is to end the illegal wildlife,trade.Rather,than a campaign of biology or culture,WildAid,views the illegal wildlife trade completely as a matter of economicsof supply and,demand.Yao,Ming is a spokesman for,WildAid,.,WildAids,unique Active Conservation Awareness,Program(ACAP)is,designed to completely reduce the demand for wildlife parts and productsnamely in key places such as China and,India.WildAid,works with media,,,governments,,,famous people and local partners and communities worldwide to make wildlife conservation a global,priority.The,slogan,is,“,When,the buying stops,,,the killing can too,”,Every year,,,countless species are needlessly taken from the wild to satisfy the world market for,wildlife.Some,of the worlds most endangered species such as the tiger,,,rhino,,,elephant,,,bear and marine turtle are being poached to make dishes,,,traditional medicines,,,luxury goods or tourist souvenirs from their body,parts.Other,species are traded as,pets.Many,of these animals now face extinction and if we do not help them today,,,they may not have a future tomorrow and we will only be able to see them in books or on TV.,Key to,ACAPs,success is a portfolio of international and local famous people and influential figures that have recorded personal appeals for support of,ACAP.ACAPs,international ambassador,,,martial arts action hero,,,Jackie Chan was moved to tears by images he saw in,ACAPs,documentary and henceforth pledged his support to help and promote the campaign.,1,supply and demand,供求,2,luxury goods,奢侈品,1,Does,WildAid,belong to any country?,_,_,2,Whats the goal of,WildAid,?,_,_,3,Write down at least three kinds of animals that are in danger of dying out.,_,_,【,答案,】,1.No.,2,The goal of,WildAid,is to end the illegal wildlife trade.,3,The tiger,,,rhino,,,elephant,,,bear and marine turtle.,第,1,步识记,核心单词,.,根据所给词性和汉语提示写出下列单词,1,_,n,野生动植物,2,_,n,保护,3,_,v,减少;,(,使,),变小,/,少,4,_,n,损失;遗失;丧失,5,_,n,保护区,6,_,v,打猎;猎取;搜寻,7,_,v,i,.,回答;做出反应,8,_,adj,.,远的;远处的,9,_,n,(,痛苦或忧虑的,),减轻或解除,10,_,n,仁慈;宽恕;怜悯,11,_,adj,.,确定的;某一;一定,12,_,n,重要,(,性,),13,_,v,i,.,擦;摩擦,14,_,n,昆虫,15,_,v,t,.,包含;容纳;容忍,16,_,adj,.,强大的;有力的,17,_,v,t,.,影响;感动;侵袭,18,_,v,t,.,鉴赏;感激;意识到,19,_,v,i,.,成功,v,t,.,接替;继任,20,_,adj,.,安全的;可靠的,21,_,n,收入,22,_,v,t,.,雇用;利用,(,时间、精力等,),23,_,n,&,v,t,.,损害;危害,【,答案,】,1.wildlife,2.protection,3.decrease,4.loss,5.reserve,6.hunt,7.respond,8.distant,9.relief,10.mercy,11.certain,12.importance,13.rub,14.insect,15.contain,16.powerful,17.affect,18.appreciate,19.succeed,20.secure,21.income,22.employ,23.harm,.,将单词与所给英语释义连线,1,affect,A,to go down to a lower level,2,decrease B,to answer,3,respond C,to try to catch or kill animals,4,relief D,a feeling of happiness,5,hunt E,to have something inside,6,certain F,to have an effect on,7,contain G,to gain ones purpose or reach an aim,8,succeed H,not doubtful,【,答案,】,1,8,FABDCHEG,第,2,步掌握,高频短语,.,根据所给汉语提示写出下列短语,1,_,灭亡;逐渐消失,2,_,和平地;和睦地;安详地,3,_,在,(,的,),危险中;垂危,4,_,如释重负,5,_,突然大笑起来,6,_,保护,不受,(,危害,),7,_,注意,8,_,渴望做某事,9,_,毫不怜悯地,10,_,对,有害,【,答案,】,1.die out,2.in peace,3.in,danger(of,),4.in relief,5.burst into laughter,6.protect.from,7.pay attention to,8.long to do,sth,.,9.without mercy,10.do harm to,.,用以上所给短语的适当形式填空,1,I prefer to study _ and quiet.,2,I was _ when the exam was over.,3,You should _ your teacher in class.,4,You will be _ if you walk on a railway line.,5,Our English teachers humor made us _,6,We all know the polluted air _ our health.,7,You need to put on more clothes to _ yourself _ cold.,8,No one has come up with a convincing explanation of why dinosaur _,【,答案,】,1.in peace,2.in relief,3.pay attention to,4,in danger,5.burst into laughter,6.does harm to,7,protect,;,from,8.died out,第,3,步背诵,重点句型,.,背诵下列教材中出现的句型,,,体会黑体部分的用法,1,Please take me to a distant land where I can find the animal that gave fur to make this sweater.,请带我到一个遥远的地方,在那里我可以找到一种动物,用它的毛皮制作这件毛衣。,2,It shows the importance of wildlife protection,,,but Id like to help as the WWF suggests.,这表明保护野生动植物的重要性,但我想按照世界野生生物基金会的建议来帮助你们。,3,The flying carpet travelled so fast that next minute they were in Zimbabwe.,飞毯飞行得如此之快,以至于一转眼他们就来到了津巴布韦。,4,After a while she saw some zebra with black and white lines going beneath their stomachs.,过了一会儿她看到了一些斑马,它们身上有一直延伸到腹部的黑白相间的条纹。,5,They lived on the earth tens of millions of years ago,,,long before humans came into being and their future seemed secure at that time.,千百万年前,恐龙就在地球上生活,比人类的出现要早得多,当时它们的前景好像也很安全。,6,When scientists inspected the bones,,,they were surprised to find that these dinosaurs could not only run like the others but also climb trees.,科学家们观察他们的骨头时,惊奇地发现这些恐龙不仅跟其他恐龙一样可以跑,而且还可以爬树。,速读文章并从四个选项中选择最佳答案,1,Why did elephants use to be an endangered species in Zimbabwe?,A,Tourists hunted too many elephants.,B,Farmers hunted them without mercy.,C,The government encouraged farmers to hunt them.,D,Their living environment was seriously polluted.,2,What can be inferred from the elephants,words,“,Have,you come to take my photo,?,”,?,A,It thinks itself a beautiful animal.,B,Elephants are friendly to human beings.,C,Money from tourists went to the large tour companies.,D,Now many more tourists come to take its photos rather than hunt it.,3,Antelopes in Tibet become endangered because _,A,they are killed by other animals for food,B,the environment is badly polluted,C,people kill them to use their fur,D,their food chain(,食物链,)is cut off,4,It can be learned from the text that _,A,the Zimbabwe government did a good job in saving the elephants,B,the rainforest produces drugs that are good for millipede insects,C,the farmers also got some money from tourists after the WWF helped,D,mosquitoes help protect monkeys from millipede insects,5,It can be inferred from the text that next Daisy would _,A,go and buy a flying carpet,B,work with WWF to help wildlife,C,laugh over what she had experienced,D,cry because she could not make her new drug,【,答案,】,1.B,2.D,3.C,4.A,5.B,【,答案,】,1.Tibet,2.carpet,3.killed,4.endangered,5,hunt,6.increasing,7.rainforest,8.contains,9.protect,10.learned,


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