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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Around the world in eight hours,1,Playing games,sending and receiving e-mails,drawing and,designing,Searching for,Information,Writing computer programs,word processing,2,earn,correctly,designer educational,traveller,character,incorrectly,correct,design,education,tourist,visitor,3,Background to the game,1.Whats the name of the new educational CD-ROM?,Around the World in Eight Hours,2.What can it help you to do?,To learn English and Geography,3.Who is the designer?,Nancy Jackson,4,Main language points,1.A new educational CD-ROM called Around the World in Eight Hours has just come out,一个称之为,八小时环游地球,的教育光盘刚刚发行了。,5,come out,有“出版”“发行”“有结果”“为人所知”“开花”等多种含义,为,不及物动词短语,。,When did the book come out?,这书什么时候出版的,?,Who came out first in the contest?,比赛谁得了第一名,?,The truth has come out at last,真相终于大白。,I think the roses will come out next week,。,我看玫瑰下星期就要开花。,6,2.This CD-ROM can help you learn English and Geography,at the same time,这种光盘可以帮助你同时学习英语和地理。,at the same time,有两个主要意思,7,(1),同时,The two runners reached the finishing line at the same time,两个赛跑者同时到达终点线,。,The two students stood up at the same time,两个学生同时站了起来,.,8,(2),表转折,意为“然而,但,(yet)”,。,This is a difficult problem,,,at the same time it is very interesting,这是一个困难的问题,,但也是个很有趣的问题。,9,3. It,is designed by,Nancy Jackson.,be designed by,被动语态,,,“被,设计的”。,She is the designer of the,all-time,favourite CD-ROM Online Traveler!,她是一直广受欢迎的光盘“在线旅游”的设计者。,它是由南希,杰克逊设计的。,10,Main character of the game,1.Who is the main character of,the game?,2.How old is he?,3.What does he like doing?,4.What was he doing when he fell asleep?,Itchy Feet,Travelling,Lying on the grass and looking at the beautiful blue sky,Thirteen,11,1,He is a,thirteen-year-old,boy who loves traveling,(1),thirteen-year-old,是,个由“,数词,+,名词,+,形容词,”构成的复合形容词作定语,这种词须用连字符连接,,名词用单数,,只作前置定语。,1.Yesterday I wrote an,eight-hundred-word,letter to my teacher,他是一个爱好旅游的十三岁的男孩,.,昨天我写了一封,800,词的信给我的老师。,A,two-month holiday,2.,一个两个月的假期,12,一天,他躺在草地上望着美丽的天空,然后睡着了。,Lie lay lain,(,躺),Lie - lied - lied (,说谎),2.One day,,,he was,lying on the grass,and looking at the beautiful sky when he,fell asleep,13,(2)fall asleep,作“入睡”解,,fall,是连系动词,。如,fall ill,(,生病,),,,fall silent,(沉默,),等,。,注意下列表示“睡觉”的短语用法不同:,go to bed,上床睡觉,就寝,(,指上床睡觉的动作,不表示睡着,),go to sleep/get to sleep,入睡,睡着,(,指进入梦乡的过程,),fall asleep,/,be asleep,熟睡,(,指睡眠的状态,),14,试比较:,He,goes to bed,at ten every night.,每晚他十点钟上床睡觉。,I dont know when I,went to sleep (got to sleep,,,fell asleep),last night.,我不知道我昨晚什么时候睡着的。,The baby,is fast asleep,.,孩子睡得很香。,15,clapping,lovely,surprise,sleeping,dancing,itchy,趣味屋,16,1,When you have earned enough points, a cloud will come down and carry you off to a place you have never visited before,当你挣得足够的积分时,一块云彩就会下来带你到你从未去过的地方。,17,How the game is played,1.How can you earn a point?,By answering a question correctly,2.What will happen if you have earned enough points?,A cloud will come down and carry you off to a place you have never visited before.,18,Exercise,come,out,a thirteen-year-,old boy,1.,在同时,fall asleep,6.,听起来有趣,lie on the grass,2.,出版,at the same time,4.,一个,13,岁的男孩,5.,入睡,sound interesting,3.,躺在草地上,19,7.a new educational CD-ROM,一个新的教学光盘,扮演,的角色,10.play the role of,11.answer a question correctly,正确回答问题,八小时环游世界,12.around the world in eight hours,9.earn a point,赢得一分,8.Have a,strange dream,做了一个奇怪的梦,20,一、用适当介词或副词填空,A new educational CD-ROM called _,the World _Eight Hours has just come _.,This CD-ROM can help you learn English and Geography _the same time.,It is designed _Nancy Jackson.,around,in,out,at,by,21,4. He was lying _the grass and looking at the,beautiful blue sky.,5. _his dream, he saw a golden cloud.,6. When you have earned enough points, a cloud will come _and carry you _ to a place you have,never visited,on,In,down,off,22,Finish the related exercises on page 42 and 43 in the students book,Finish the,correct,part of guide study exercise on page 13,Do you have any effective methods,for studying the English language to,share with your classmates?,homework,23,Good staying with you!,Thank you!,24,


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