Live long blue zones DRAFT oct16

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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,*,Longevity: link to diet & lifestyle,17 November 2016,Attul Jetha,AIMS:,to give an overview of some recent research related to,longevity,Structure:,Look at parameters & current situation (facts & figures),China Study, key findings,Blue Zones, 9 principles,Final 15-20mins, discussion,At end can share materials,Sharing materials,At the end of the lecture if monitors have USB sticks can share:,This ppt,China study book (pdf),Blue Zones videos,-,(I am),Attul,/,tl/,English T from,Leicester,(UK), environment important?,Leicester City,are the,champions,!,Disclaimer:,Not an expert in longevity,Personal interest & have read fairly widely on issue,Watched many related videos / lectures,Not my own research,Presenting some key research,Copied sbs ideas?,*critical thinking - Ill highlight what I think = ,bad science,*YOU need to think critically by yourself,(everything on the internet isnt true!),Job =English T,so not straight lecture interactive discussion,Longevity,means =,/lndev.ti/,living for a long time,To what do you attribute your longevity,.,Longevity in culture:,Symbols:,peaches, cranes, deer,Daoist culture:,Various physical exercises & diet etc. to prolong life,8 immortals,Mount Penglai,- stories of 1,st,Emperor (Qin Shi Huang) searching for it,8 immortals / Mount Penglai,Fountain of Youth / Elixir of life , which countries do people live the longest?,*,(2015 est.), Japan (84.7 years),2. Singapore (84.6),3. Iceland (82.9),4. Switzerland (82.5),5. Israel (82.2),6. Luxembourg (82.1),7. Australia ( 82.1),8. Italy (82.1),9. Sweden (81.9),10. Canada (81.7),11. France (81.7),12. Norway (81.7),13. Spain (81.5),14. Ireland (80.6),15. Germany (80.5),16. U.K. (80.5), U.S. (79.6),*,China (74.5),* removed v small states/territories Monaco=no.1, San Marino=no.5,*Macau (84.5), HK (82.9),Own personal experience,(contrast to UK),Switzerland & France,: lots of,fresh fruit & veg, food=natural. More,dairy products,cheese, butter & chocolate but v good quality,(not unhealthy!?),Own personal experience,(contrast to UK),Italy & Spain,:,3 hour lunch,break (1-4pm?) &,siesta,(afternoon nap),Idea of,slow food, meal times,communal,Drink,(red) wine,but moderate alcohol intake,Less fast food,but things are changing,Big cultural differences:Which is lunch in the,UK,vs,Spain/Italy,?,Own personal experience (contrast to UK),Nagano, Japan,- ski resort.,V healthy, organic food, fresh air,(no pollution).,Little processed food,. People are,v active,-on a mountain! Hot springs ,communal bathing,(naked with neighbours =community spirit!),Parameters:,good news, live to a 1000?,Bad science!, news,/,reality?, person ever to live,Jean Calment, French,Lived to,122 years, 164 days,.,(21 Feb. 1875 4 August 1997),Lifestyle:,Smoked,from 21 to 117,Diet rich in,olive oil,; ate,1 kg of chocolate,every week,Personality very calm, life expectancy,vs,healthy life expectancy,.,UK,life expectancy,m= 80,f=83,BUT,Healthy life expectancy (HLE),m= 63,f= 64,It means for a,fifth,of our lives we can expect to be struggling with,ill health,Big social divide,(,HLE,):,Richmond upon Thames, f=72,vs,Manchester f=55,Can you predict how long youll live?,Various tests:,treadmill test; biological age test; grip test; smell test =,bad science?, rising test (SRT),for 51-80 years old,(becoming popular & more widely used see,video for demo,how to do OR,next slide,),VIDEO: Sitting rising test how to stay young,=,bad science?,Life expectancy calculator,(online tests), factors which determine longevity are,complicated & include genetic factors,cant be changed. Many of these tests are,too simplistic,based on,flawed assumptions,? =,bad science?,DONT RECOMMEND!,Test,asks basic QNs,about current health & lifestyle.,Results include,some,advice,. I did while researching this topic.,My results on next slide,How long do I have to live?,Its just a (flawed) prediction- you determine your own future.,Some advice is obvious exercise more but could it be,bad science,(see later),Some advice I reject / question drink,every day,?,Bad science!,Lots of advice in articlesserious? superficial?,Bad science!,Things which shorten your life = ?,No sense of humour,Flying,(crashing?),Nasty co-workers,Retiring,Not drinking alcohol,Sleeping too much,Not having sex,(men: its a matter of life & death!), which lengthen your life = ?,Laugh more,Learn how to deal with stress,Think yourself young,(!?),Become a volunteer,Get more sleep,Improve your social life,(& have more sex?), to trust? Who to trust?,Also, lots of ,health advice,conflicting, keeps changing, confusing,good or bad?:,coffee, eggs, butter, fat, meat, alcohol,Also, isolated cases,blueberries, kale, quinoa, (superfoods),etc.,marketing,science,Need a,holistic view,diet & lifestyle,Need to look at,large scale,&,longer-term studies,& research,A,20-year study,that was done in cooperation between Cornell University, Oxford University, and the Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine.,Focuses on,diet & link to diseases,such as cancer & heart disease.,(see pdf book),The China Study key points/findings,Animal protein,promotes the growth of,cancer,You should be,worried,about,poor nutrition,more than pesticides,Heart disease & cancer,can be reversed / partly treated through,nutrition,Animal-based foods,are,not necessary,Conclusion: eat plants for health,Big effect Bill Clinton became vegan!, see next slide traditional Chinese diet (rural), of Chinese centenarians,summary (similar to traditional diet, especially in rural areas),98% vegetarian diet,97% vegan diet,(very little dairy consumption), 2% meat,79% HIGH carbohydrates,(sweet potatoes, cereals & grains),Low fat & protein,Whats the best diet in the world?,After analysing diets in various countries researchers claim a rainbow diet is overall the best.,The diet is rich in vegetables , fruit, beans, fish and seafood but the key is eating food in a range of colours:,orange,yellow,red,blue,green,and,purple,. But choose natural foods with the key vitamins and minerals.,https:/,Why important?,Diet linked:,to,longevity,/lndev.ti/(,living for a long time),to,mood,(makes you feel more positive),to,good health,(low occurrence of diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease etc),to,ability to focus,(enhances function of brain),Rainbow diet in China just eat it!,Holistic need to look at diet & lifestyle,Now available in Chinese,Blue zones,= areas where people live a lot longer & healthier than the average population,Five blue zones,(2 more discovered),1.,Sardinia, Italy, high % of men reach 100,2.,Okinawa, Japan, longest-lived people on earth (,Nagano 2,nd,?),3.,Loma Linda, California, religious group 7,th,Day Adventists, have very strong faith,4.,Nicoya peninsula, Costa Rica,active rural life,5.,Icaria, Greece, highest % of people above 90,https:/, book or videos for more details. Also, see website & many other online articles.,See video clips,Dan Buettner: How to live to be 100+, task/excerpts,4.50-10.05,Look at Dan introduce 2 blue zones: Sardinia, Italy & Okinawa, Japan.,1. In Sardinia what physical activities are men still doing when 100?,2. What does Dan highlight about how Okinawans eat?,ANS:,1. Riding (motor)bikes, chopping wood, winning arm wrestling contests!,2. They have strategies to keep from over-eating.,Video task/excerpts,15.38-19-35,Find out about some of the common factors which the blue zones share:,1. Do people in any of these areas exercise or do sports?,2. According to Dan what are the 2 most dangerous years of your life?,ANS:,1. No formal exercise, but lots of physical activity.,2. The year youre born & the year you retire.,Common factors not all the same,Common factors 9 key principles,Lessons for China,the future?,I 1,st,came to China in 2002-seen a lot of changes,Move away from traditional diet, increase in meat more fast food,Decrease in community spirit/links, more alienation?,Positive side,traditional Chinese diet v healthy & still strong sense of family,Final words.,(, discussion /share materials),Links & resources,Monitors,if you have a USB stick pls you can come & get the ppt & videos.,BLCU Ss,can catch me another time.,If you liked this next lecture:,How the West sees China,6 December (Tuesday), 4-5.30pm, room 360,Extra (if time 15-20mins),: discussion (& drinks),1. What,tips/advice,do you have living a,long & healthy life,?,2. How many of the (9),principles,found in,blue zones,do,you do/practice,?,3. After this lecture are there,any changes,youd think about making in,your own life,?,4. With regard to,diet & health, do you think,China,is,changing,in the,right direction?,


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