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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,广州市宜通世纪科技有限公司,G,uang,Z,hou,E,astone,C,entury,T,echnology,C,o.,L,td,.,CME20 系统概述,广州市宜通世纪科技有限公司,G,uang,Z,hou,E,astone,C,entury,T,echnology,C,o.,L,td,.,制作人:李海霞,一、,AXE,系统结构,AXE105,APZ(,控制部分):,CPS/RPS/MAS FMS/MCS/DCS/SPS,APT(,交换部分):,TCS/CHS/STS/TSS/GSS/OMS/CCS/MTS,等,一、,AXE,系统结构,AXE106,APZ:,控制部分,RMP:The Resource Module Platform,(,GSS、CCS),AM:The Application Modules (SSF AM、SCF AM),XSS:,eXisting,Source System,APSI:Application Platform Service Indicator,二、,CP,部分,SB 5,种状态(,SB-WO/SB-UP/SB-HA/SB-SE/SB-WO_FM),二、,CP,部分,总线,1.,UMB:Updating and Matching Bus,2.AMB:Automatic Maintenance Bus,mainly used for sending/receiving error signals,to/from MAU, as well as sending working state,signals from MAU to the two CP sides,.,3.CTB:Central processor Test Bus,4.CPT,功能包含了,CTB,和,PTB,二、,CP,部分,总线,1.,RPHB:,连接,SPU,与,RPH,2.RPH,最多可以连接32条,RPB,连接1024个,RP,3.CP-20,可以连接4个,RPH,框,,每个框可连8条,RPB,CP-30,一个,RPH,框,16个,RPIRS,板,每个板连2个,RPB-P,四个,RPB-S,二、,CP,部分,MAU,AMU:Automatic Maintenance Unit,TPU:Test and Processor Unit,TPU,包含,MAS SW,和部分,CPT SW,二、,CP,部分,硬件错误,CP,将,VOESLEMAE,等,错误信号送到,MAU,二、,CP,部分,软件错误,错误:寻址出界、逻辑错误、死循环,(可用,PHC,电路检测到程序循环),MIP-PHC-AMU(PHE),恢复方法:,System Restart、,Forlopp,Release、Selective Restart,|FORLOPPRES=,forloppres,|,|SELRES=,selres,|,|SELRESTYPE=,selrestype,|,|SIGREC=,sigrec,|,SYRAC,:+SMALLMINUTES=,smallminutes,+;,|LARGEMINUTES=,largeminutes,|,|SMALLNUM=,smallnum,|,|LARGENUM=,largenum,|,|FCODE=,fcode,EXPL=,expl,|,二、,CP,部分,SYSTEM RESTART,SMALL:,Calls already set up are not affected.,LARGE,:clear all calls.,RELOAD+LARGE:,the contents of the program store and the reference store are reloaded. Variables marked,RELOAD,in the Data Store are also reloaded.,Restart,原因,盲选失败(,large),S/W Fault (PHE),RP BUS,坏(与许多,RP,失,去联系),RPH,坏(与许多,RP,失去联系),SYREI,二、,CP,部分,SYSTEM RESTART-OPI,二、,CP,部分,FORLOPP,FORLOPP,二、,CP,部分,二、,CP,部分,FORLOPP ACTIVATION,SYFSC,FLSTATUS:,激活功能块的,forlopp,功能,FLMODE:,Operation Mode/Test Mode,ECF:,检查,FIR(,Singal,) =FID,FLERROR:,在,unexpected,程序结束前加了此功能,它可以报告,Error Information,但不会产生,Forlopp,Release,便于程序设计者错误,加以改进。类型:,APPELER,二、,CP,部分,FORLOPP RELEASE ACTIVATION,SYRAC:FORLOPPRES=ACTIVE,当发生,SW FAULT,时能够使用,Forlopp,Release,功能,FORLOPP DURATION SUPERVISION,SYFDC:START,DURATION=2,ALARM=YES;,Other,Forlopp,Command,SYFAP:,显示激活的,Forlopps,SYFIP:,制定,FID,显示连接的,Individuals,SYFRI:,人工释放,Forlopp,二、,CP,部分,Selective Restart,the system restart can be either suppressed or delayed until a low traffic time.,SYRTS:RANK=small, TIME=1500; (Rank=small/large/reload),SYRTP; (,显示,delay restart,的信息,包括时间和,Rank),二、,CP,部分,Selective Restart,必须满足以下条件,The error intensity must be low,Forlopp,release must not be possible,SYELS:,设置,SOFTWARE ERROR INTENSITY LIMIT,二、,CP,部分,BLOCK CATEGORY,To determine what recovery action (kill current job,forlopp,release, delayed restart, delayed restart with reload, immediate restart or immediate restart with reload) the system should perform,0. Command and printout blocks,no restart。,正常情况,counter+5,如果,Forlopp,激活并且可行+3,Traffic handling blocks,高话务时,delay restart。,低话务时正常情况,counter+10,如果,Forlopp,激活并且可行+3,2.,Critical blocks in APT, and critical blocks in APZ such as system restart blocks,:,立刻,Restart,3. APZ-blocks which write in central system information:,delay reload,二、,CP,部分,Software Fault Recovery Action,三、,RP,RP,的分类,RP:,最常见的为,RP2,硬件类型,RPM6A,RPA:,连接,IOG,和,CP,STC:,Singnalling Termeral Contral,(202 BSC,连接200站),RPD:,独立工作的,RP2,RPG:,属于,RPD,家族,直接连接,SNT/DL2,RPP:GPRS PCU,三、,RP,CM,的概念,CM0-CM15,分配给,EM0-EM15,CM16 REXR,用于故障恢复,CM30 TEXRTR Test System Trace,CM31 RPFDR,用于检测,RP,运行情况,每个,Interrup,为5,MS,三、,RP,RP,软件装载,RP PROCESSOR,中的,MEMORY,是,RAM,调电丢失。,RP,软件在,CP,中有备份,当解闭,RP,时,会比较两边的软件,如果不一致,则重新从,CP,装载。,RP,的状态,WO,正常,MB,刚建立或人工闭塞,AB,自动闭塞,MS,人工分离,,FCRWS,RB Block for Repair,BUSY,修复占用状态,XQ RPA,状态,三、,RP,HANDLING OF RP FAULTS,出现,RP FAULT,告警后,采,用人工干预方法修复:,REPRI,REMRI,RECRI,三、,RP,RP EVENT RECORD,COMMON ERROR,RP ERROR,EM ERROR,DIRRP-Print,rp,event record,REASON:,ERRORKING:,errors in CP-RP communication,EMCONTROL:,The system is transferring the EM control to,the twin RP,ALINITIAT:,RP FAULT generated,ERREPAIRA:,During the repair, a second error is detected.,BOARDREPL,ALEASING: Alarm ceased,四、,APT,硬件,MSC,ASDH/TTA/KRD/CDD/CAT/ETC/C7ST/ECDH/DTI/ETC,BSC,C7ST,TRAU:,码型变换与速率匹配,用于执行,A,接口与,A-BIS,接口,PCM,之间,的数字话音码型变换,TRH:,收发信机控制器,执行对,TG(,所有载波设备的控制)的控制,SRS:,子交换系统,可以完成16,K,交换,STC/CSLDEV,ETC,四、,APT,硬件,BSC-TRAU,RTTF1D/RTTF2D,如果采用加强全速率话音编,码时,将转换成15.1,Kb/s,的混,合编码,再填充0.9,Kb/s,的话音,同步比特,最后将4路合1;如果,采用半速率话音编码时,将转,换成6.5,Kb/s,的混合编码,再填,充1.5,Kb/s,的同步比特,最后再,将8路合成1路。,01010101010,01010101010,01010101010,01010101010,由,TRAU,填充的3,Kb/s,的同步比特,由,TRAU,转换后的13,Kb/s,(,或15.1或6.5)混,合编码比特,内含一个64,Kb/s,话音编码,的一个,A,口,PCM,时隙,面向,A-BIS,接口的,PCM(1,个时隙),内含4路混合编码的一个,A-BIS,PCM,时隙,面向,A,接口的,PCM(4,个时隙),由4路合成,后的1路,A-BIS,时隙,四、,APT,硬件,BSC-TRH,RHDEV,TRH,也叫收发信机控制器,用于执行对载波的控制,这一条控制链采用的协议是,LAPD,协议,简称,LAPD,链。,由于,TRH,将执行对基站各个载波设备的控制、对基站公共设备的控制、对移动台的控制、传送指向移动台的短信息、链路维护信息,这些不同的信息将指向各个不同的具体设备。在传输上这些信息将以数据包的形式向基站传送,这个数据包用地址,TEI / SAPI,来识别。,五、,CME 20 SURVEY,编号方式,1、移动台的国际身份号码,ISDN(MSISDN),是在公用交换电话网编号计划中唯一地识别移动电话的鉴约号码,。,CCITT,建议结构为:,MSISDNCCNDCSN,CC,国家码即在国际长途电话通信网中的号码(中国+86),NDC,国内目的地码,SN,用户号码,如,139222,3456139222便是,NDC,,前三位用于识别网号,后三位用于识别归属区。,MAX 15digits,CC,NDC,SN,3digits,6digits,National MS NO,International MS ISDN,4digits,五、,CME 20 SURVEY,2、国际移动用户识别码(,IMSI),是唯一地识别,GSM PLMN,网中某一用户的信息。,IMSIMCCMNCMSIN,MCC,移动网的国家号码(与,CC,不同,中国为460),MNC,移动网号,MSIN,移动台识别号 ,最长为15位,使用十进制,MCC,MNC,MSIN,3digits,1-2,digits,National MSI,International MSI即IMSI,MAX 15digits,五、,CME 20 SURVEY,3、移动台漫游号码(,MSRN),用于一次呼叫的路由选择。,MSRNCCNDCSN,CC,国家号,NDC,国内目的地号码(用于识别,PLMN),SN,用户号,用于识别,MSC/VLR,的地址,4、临时移动用户识别码(,TMSI),用于保护,IMSI,码,该号只在本,MSC,区域有效,其结构可由各电信部门选择, 长度不超过4个字节。一个,CCCC,的寻呼容量为2个,IMSI,或4个,TMSI。,5、,国际移动台设备识别码(,IMEI),是唯一用来识别移动台终端设备的号码,称作系列号。,IMEITACFACSNRSP,TAC,型号论证码,FAC,最终装配码,用于识别制造厂家。,SNR,序号,SP,备用,五、,CME 20 SURVEY,6、位置区识别码(,LA),LAI,代表,MSC,业务区的不同位置区,用于移动用户的位置更新。,LAIMCCMNCLAC,MCC,移动国家号,识别一个国家,MNC,移动网号,识别国内的,GSM,网,LAC,位置区号码,识别一个,GSM,网中的位置,7、小区全球识别码,(,CGI),用于识别一个位置区内的小区。,CGIMCCMNCLACCI,MCC,MNC,LAC,Location Area Identity (LAI),CI,Cell Global Identity (CI),3digits,1-2digits,Max 16 bits,Max 16 bits,五、,CME 20 SURVEY,8.基站识别码(,BSIC),BSICNCCBCC,NCC,国家色码,用于识别,GSM,移动网,BCC,基站色码,用于识别基站,小区数据中的,NCCPERM=X,,用于指定移动台允许接入的网,络。,BCC,可以在,OMT2,中读出。,NCC,BCC,0-7中取一位 0-7中取一位,2,digits,五、,CME 20 SURVEY,Traffic Cases When MS Is in Idle Mode,五、,CME 20 SURVEY,IMSI ATTACH,1. The MS sends an IMSI attach message to the network indicating that it has changed state to idle.,2. The VLR determines whether there is a record for the subscriber already present. If not, the VLR contacts the subscribers HLR for a copy of the subscription information.,3. The VLR updates the MS status to idle.,4. Acknowledgement is sent to the MS.,五、,CME 20 SURVEY,Location Updating, same MSC/VLR,1. The MS listens to BCCH in the new cell to determine the LAI. The new LAI is compared to the old one. If they differ, a location update is necessary.,2. The MS establishes a connection with the network via SDCCH. Authentication is performed.,3. If authentication is successful, the MS sends a Location Updating Request to the system.,4. The system acknowledges Location Updating and requests RBS and MS to release the signaling channel.,五、,CME 20 SURVEY,Location Updating, new MSC/VLR,1. Authentication is performed. If authentication is successful,the VLR checks its database to determine whether or not it has a record for this MS.,2. When the VLR finds no record for the MS, it sends a request to the subscribers HLR for a copy of the MSs subscription.,3. The HLR passes the information to the VLR and updates its location information for the subscriber. The HLR instructs the old VLR to delete the information it has on the MS.,4. The VLR stores its subscription information for the MS, including the latest location and status (idle). The VLR sends acknowledgement to the MS.,五、,CME 20 SURVEY,Traffic Cases When MS Is in Active Mode,五、,CME 20 SURVEY,Call set-up MS to PSTN,1. The MS uses RACH to ask for a signaling channel.,2. The BSC/TRC allocates a signaling channel, using AGCH.,五、,CME 20 SURVEY,3. The MS sends a call set-up request via SDCCH to the MSC/VLR. Over SDCCH all signaling preceding a call takes place. This includes:,Marking the MS as “active” in the VLR,The authentication procedure,Start ciphering equipment identification,Sending the B-subscribers number to the network,Checking if the subscriber has the service “Barring of outgoing calls” activated,4. The MSC/VLR instructs the BSC/TRC to allocate an idle TCH. The RBS and MS are told to tune to the TCH.,5. The MSC/VLR forwards the Bnumber to an exchange in the PSTN, which establishes a connection to the subscriber.,6. If the B-subscriber answers, the connection is established.,五、,CME 20 SURVEY,CALL NUMBER,PSTN,MSISDN,GMSC,MSISDN,MSRN,MSRN,IMSI,VLR,MSC,IMSI,MSRN,MSISDN,IMSI,MSNR,MSRN,HLR,VLR,五、,CME 20 SURVEY,Call to MS from PSTN,五、,CME 20 SURVEY,1.,The PSTN subscriber keys in the MSs telephone number (MSISDN). The MSISDN is connection is established to the MSs home GMSC.analyzed in the PSTN which identifies that this is a call to a mobile network subscriber. A2. The GMSC analyzes the MSISDN to find out which HLR the MS is registered in, and queries the HLR for information about how to route the call to the serving MSC/VLR.,3. The HLR translates MSISDN into IMSI, and determines which MSC/VLR is currently serving the MS. The HLR also checks the service, “Call forwarding to Cnumber”. If the service is activated, the call is rerouted by the GMSC to that number.,4. The HLR requests an MSRN from the serving MSC/VLR.,5. The MSC/VLR returns an MSRN via HLR to the GMSC.,6. The GMSC analyses the MSRN and routes the call to the MSC/VLR.,五、,CME 20 SURVEY,7. The MSC/VLR knows which LA the MS is located in. A paging message is sent to the,BSCs,controlling the LA.,8. The,BSCs,distribute the paging message to the,RBSs,in the desired LA. The,RBSs,transmit the message over the air interface using PCH. To page the MS, the network uses an IMSI or TMSI valid only in the current MSC/VLR service area.,9. When the MS detects the paging message, it sends a request for a SDCCH.,10. The BSC provides a SDCCH, using AGCH.,11. SDCCH is used for the call set-up procedures, as in a call from an MS. A TCH is allocated and the SDCCH is released.,12. The mobile phone rings. If the subscriber answers, the connection is established.,五、,CME 20 SURVEY,HANDOVER-MEASUREMENT,五、,CME 20 SURVEY,HANDOVER-,Cells Controlled by Different,MSCs,五、,CME 20 SURVEY,1.,The serving (old) BSC sends a Handover Required message to the serving MSC (MSCA), with the identity of the target cell.,2. MSCA identifies that this cell belongs to another MSC, (MSCB), and requests help.,3. MSCB allocates a handover number to reroute the call. A Handover Request is then sent to the new BSC.,4. The new BSC orders the target RBS to activate a TCH.,5. MSCB receives the information, and passes it on to MSCA together with the handover number.,6. A link is set up to MSCB, possibly via PSTN.,五、,CME 20 SURVEY,7.,MSCA sends a handover command to the MS, via the old BSC.,8. The MS tunes to the new frequency and transmits handover access bursts in the correct time slot.,9.,When the new RBS detects the handover bursts it sends information about TA.,10. The MS sends Handover Complete message to the old MSC via the new BSC and the new MSC/VLR.,11. A new path in the group switch in MSCA is established, and the call is switched through.,12. The old TCH is deactivated by the old BSC (not shown in the picture).,五、,CME 20 SURVEY,HLR,通信业务,BASIC SERVICE,TELESERVICE:TS10,语音/,TS20,短信/,TS60,传真/,TSD0,语音辅助,BEARER SERVICE:BS20,异步/,BS30,同步,SUPPLYMENTARY SERVICE,呼叫转移、呼叫限制、号码显示等等,五、,CME 20 SURVEY,AUC,IMSI1,IMSI2,Ki,Ki,RAND,Kc,SRES,RAND,Kc,SRES,RAND,加密算法,8,鉴权算法,3,结果,结果,数据库,IMSI,和鉴权,产生随机数,AUC,HLR,MSC/VLR,MS,算法,A3,RAND,Ki,SERS,RAND,接入请求,SRES,AUC,SRES,MS,?,=,存储,HLR,中所,有用户的鉴权,键,Ki,对所有用户产,生一参数,RAND/KC/SRES,临时存储所有,用户的三参数,组,(,每用户1至,10个)依请求发,给,VLR,存储所有拜访用,户的三数组(每,用户1至7个三参,数组),存储所有有关,的用户信息,NO,YES,AUC,HLR,MSC/VLR,BTS,MS,临时存储所有用户,的三参数组(每用户,1至10个并请求发给,VLR),存储所有拜访用户的,三数组(每用户1至7,个三参数组),存储所有与网路,有关的用户信息,监时存储,KC,用于,与,MS,通话中的,加密,鉴权程序,启动加密,A5,A5,A8,RAND Ki,Kc,Kc,M,M,Kc,TDMA,帧号,TDMA,帧号,加密后信息,解密后信息与,M,比较,是 否,加密完成,加密不成功,


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