Gideon toury翻译理论

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Gideon Toury,Life and work,Translation theory,2.1 Gideon Tourys theory of translational norms,(first period 1972-1976),2.2,Descriptive Translation Studies,(second period ),Gideon Toury,is Professor of Poetics,Comparative Literature and Translation Studies at Tel Aviv University, where he holds the M. Bernstein Chair of Translation Theory. He is the,founder and General Editor of,Target: International Journal of Translation Studies,and for years General Editor of the important Benjamins Translation Library.,He has published,three books, a number of edited volumes and numerous articles, in both English and Hebrew, in the fields of translation theory and comparative literature. His articles have also appeared in translation in many other languages, and he is himself an,active translator,too (with about 30 books and many articles to his credit). He is a member of the editorial or advisory boards of a number of international journals. In 2000, he was awarded an honorary doctorate by Middlesex University, London.,Life and work,The theory of translational norms, formulated by the Israeli scholar Gedion Toury in 1980s, contributes a lot to the “cultural turn” of translation studies. This theory constructs a multi-dimensional framework, which includes the historical, social and cultural factors influencing the translation activity.,The first period,What is Gideon Tourys,norm,In his definition, norm is the general criteria accepted by a community. But what is emphasized here is that norm is a,sociological,term, referring to a category applicable to all the aspects of the society, so is to translation, of course.,In Tourys opinion, translation is a kind of activity which involves at least two languages and two cultural traditions. He considers that “translation is,a norm-governed activity,”. Hence, translation is a kind of personal behavior; however, it is not random of accidental at all. Instead, it can be traced and analyzed according to various kinds of norms governing it.,6,The,Principles,of Translational Norms,起始准则,(,initial norms):,译者个人的倾向,初级准则,(,preliminary norms):,决定译文选择的因素以及整个多元体系 中的翻译策略,运作准则,(,operational norms):,实际翻译过程中影响抉择的准则,The application of the norms in the translation,prologue,For us and for our tragedy,Here stooping to your clemency,We beg your hearing patiently.,序诗,今天悲剧上演,谬承,诸位赏脸,还求海量包涵,耐性把戏听完,-Matricial norms,The second period,In the second period, Toury devoted himself to the exploration and construction of descriptive translation studies, the most famous monograph,Descriptive Translation Studies and Beyond,was published in 1995.,Descriptive translation studies,believe that a translation will be any target language text which is presented or regarded as such in a target system, on whatever grounds.,“翻译就是在目的系统当中,表现为翻译或者被认为是翻译的任何一段目的的语文本,不管所根据的理由是什么,”,As Gideon Toury points out, “what constitutes the subject matter of a proper discipline of translation studies are,observable or reconstructable facts of real life,rather than merely speculative entities resulting from preconceived hypotheses and theoretical models” (Toury 1995:1),11,Examples of the Descriptive Translation Studies,原文,:,Lumber and boat and junk yard. The,bare behind,of industry, its dirty,underwear, so beautifully disguised by winter.,译文一,: 还有木材,小船和废物场。这里是工业荒凉的,后院,,这些是它的残破的,内衣,,一切都被冬日巧妙地掩盖了,.,(刘洪新 译),译文二,: 木材、小船,还有静静的船坞。工业的,废污,在冬的掩映下消失的无影无踪。(黄娟 译),译文三: 光秃秃的树木,木材,小船还有废料场,这些,垃圾,与污垢都被冬天的白地所掩饰。(王丽英 译),Thank you !,


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