7A U1说课课件王昕

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Choosing a flat,Lansheng Fudan Middle School Wang Xin,Brain Storm,bedroom,26 square meter,sitting room,30m,2,living room,dining room,kitchen,bathroom,study,balcony,Read the words,bedroomsitting room,living roomdining room,bath room square meter,studybalcony,kitchen,Make up a sentence,use a footbridge,(We should, He should,),wait for the green,light,(They should, You should,),cut down the trees,(shouldn,t),throw the rubbish everywhere,(shouldn,t),The usage of,should,Should + V.,Should not +V. (shouldn,t +V.),(can, may, need, must, would,),Homework:,Draw the structures of your house,Text,Step 1. Listen and answer the questions.,Step 2. Listen again and fill in the blanks.,Step 3. Open the book read the text,then finish Comprehension Check.,Step 4. Find out the phrases.,Step 1 listen and answer the questions:,1. How big is the Wangs old flat?,2. What kind of flat would Mrs. Wang like?,3. Does Mr. Wang thinks shopping is the,most important?,4. Why would Wang Qiang like his new,flat in a highrise?,5. When will they go and have a look at,highrises?,What kind of flat would they like?,I would like,a _ flat,convenient_;,our new home near _,_,_,a bigger,public transport,bus stops,an underground station,a light rail station.,Step 2. Listen again and fill in the blanks.,a larger _ and two _ facing _,convenient _;,a place near _ or _,a flat with a _,our flat in a _ with a _,sitting room,bedrooms,south,supermarkets,shopping malls,shopping,study,high-rise,a better view,Step 3.,Open the book read the text,then finish comprehension check.,Step 4.,Find out the phrases,.,would like,the Wangs,need to buy,I think so.,What kind of flat,face south,agree with,public transport,have a better view,have a look at,想要,王一家人,需要买,我认为是这样的,哪类公寓,朝南,同意,公共交通,看到好风景,看一看,Pair Work,A: What kind of flat would you like?,B: Id like a flat in a highrise. And you?,A: I would like,a big living room,a small living room,Group Work,The Wangs are talking about the three flats.,On P6, developing Skills , task 2,What do we need to do when we move into a new flat?,packing,moving company,Putting on,Putting down,Pre-reading,Talk about the picture on SB P 9,The people in the picture are the Whites. Are they free or busy? Is the house,messy,?,What is mother/father/Jack doing?,While-reading,Step 1,Read the passage in silence and answer the questions.,Step 2,1. Read it again and find out the phrases about,how to pack theings .,2. Finish T or F on P9.,Questions,1. Where did the Wangs live?,2. When did they buy a new house?,3. Will they move to the new flat next week?,4. What is their new housing estate like?,5. What are Jacks parents doing?,6. Can Jack pack the books?,The phrases about how to pack,things.,get all the clothes together,pack the books,put the books into the boxes,look for the things,write out the name of the books,stick the paper on the boxes,Post-reading,Think and discuss about in groups:,What will the Whites do after they move to a new house?,( There,s a lot of work to do.),Homework,1. Talk about your favourite flat with your parents.,2. Write a short passage. Your family are going to buy a new flat. Please write out your new plan.,Lesson 2 New housing estates,Six years ago, we lived in the old flat,.,old,small,not convenient,crowded,Now we live in a new flat,.,modern,big,convenient,comfortable,tennis count,open space,swimming pool,Childrens playground,The usage of,used to,(/ju:zd/ /,t,u:/),I/you/we/they,he/she/it,used to,be,work,live,like etc.,1. used to +V.(used to do, used to play.),2.,didnt,use to +V.,usednt,to+V.,3.,Did, use to do,Yes, I/you/we/he/she/it,did.,No, I/you/we/he/she/it,didnt.,肯定式:,sb. used to do,否定式:,sb. didnt use to do,疑问式:,Did sb. use to do?,肯定回答:,Yes, sb. did.,否定回答:,No, sb. didnt.,Pair Work,Practise the sentences with,used to.,A: Did there use to be many cars in,Shanghai many years ago?,B: No, there didnt. There used to be,few cars in the streets. But now,there are many cars in the streets.,Tom,7:30 before,Tom,6:30 now,huts,In Jiangsu,highrises,no green area or open space,a green area and open space,II. Change the following according to the models.,Model I: I, get up late, early,I used to get up late, but now I get up early.,1. Julia, read newspapers in the morning, in the evening,_,2. Lily, watch TV derail in the evening, chat on the Internet,_,3. Wu Bo, play video games every day, once a week,_,4. Li hui, play football every afternoon, twice a week,_,5. Jack, read English in the evening, in the morning,_,6. Alice, play the piano in the evening, write computer programs,_,Model II: He / go to school by bus / by bike,Did he use to go to school by bus?,No, he didnt. He used to go to school by bike.,1. The Wangs / live in the big flat / in the small flat,_,2. My grandfather / like jogging in the morning / in the evening,_,3. I / play basketball after school / play table tennis after school,_,4. Miss Liu / like dancing every day / like singing every day,_,Text,Text,Step 1. Listen and answer the questions.,Step 2. Listen again and fill in the blanks.,Step 3. Read the text and finish,Comprehension Check.,Step 4. Find out the phrases.,Step 1,Listen to the tape and answer the questions.,1. What kind of flat did the Wangs live in?,2. Does the Wangs live in a highrise?,3. What facilities are there in his housing estate?,4. How about the public transport?,5. What will the Wangs do next weekend?,T or F,1. Now the Wangs live in a bigger house.,2. Li Gang went to visit his friend Wang Qiang one evening.,3. Theres a supermarket, a lot of open space for sports, a swimming pool and a childrens playground in Wang Qiangs new housing estate,4. Public transport there is convenient.,5. Its about ten minutes ride to the bus stops and the light rail station.,T,F,F,T,F,_,_,_,_,Step 2 Listen again and fill in the blank.,Im Li Gang. Last weekend, I visited my good friend Wang Qiang. They _ a hous-warming party. He _ to live in a small flat. But now he lives in a modern flat. There are many nice _ in their new housing estate, such as open space for sports, a tennis count, a _ _, and a childrens playground. In front of the building, there is a _ _ . The public transport is very _. I like his new house. Im looking forward to _ in a modern housing estate, too.,had,used,facilities,swimming pool,green area,convenient,living,1.Whats sth like?.,怎么样?,Whats sb like?.,某人怎么样?,2. Whats sth like?= How is sth?,Whats sb like?=How is sb?,3. Whats sth like?,的回答,Its very nice/modern/wonderful,Whats sb like?,He/She is kind/understanding(,性格,人品),4.Whats the weather like?,How is the weather?,5. What does sb look like?,He is tall/handsome(,外貌),Translation,used to do sth.,go to visit sb.,a modern housing estate,nice facilities,a lot of open space for sports,a swimming pool,a childrens playground,in front of the buildings,a green area,过去常常做某事,去拜访某人,一个现代化的住宅区,漂亮的设施,许多留作运动的空地,一个游泳池,儿童乐园,在大楼前,一块绿地,ten minutes walk,by the way,have a house-warming party,next weekend,Whats your new housing,estate like?,Its very nice.,Ill certainly come.,十分钟的步行路程,顺便问一下,举行乔迁之喜庆祝会,下周末,你的新住宅区怎么样?,很漂亮。,我一定来。,Six years ago, we lived in the old flat,.,old,small,not convenient,crowded,Now we live in a new flat,.,modern,big,convenient,comfortable,tennis count,open space,swimming pool,Childrens playground,Reading:,Task 1:,Read the passage and answer the questions,Where did Aunt Yu live six years ago?,Is her hometown in the country?,What does “,country,” mean here?,3. Why does Aunt Yu like country life?,4. Why did she come back to Shanghai last Friday?,5. How did she feel when she saw the changes?,Task 2:,Read it again and fill in the table,Before,Now,The street,The shop,The cars,The river,Others,Task 3:,Suppose you are Aunt Yu . Talk about the changes near your housing estate.,You can begin like this:,Five years ago, I went to live in my hometown. Last year I came back to Shanghai. I was very happy to see the changes near our housing estate. The street,Translation,in Zhejiang Province,country life,fresh air,che changes around our,housing estate,narrow,beside our house,浙江省,乡村生活,空气新鲜,在我们小区周围的变化,狭窄的,在我们房子旁边,Translation,the street in front of our house,the river behind our house,There used to be,lose ones way,gardens with trees and flowers,我们房子前的街道,我们房子后的河流,过去常有,迷路,有花草的花园,Homework,1. Talk about the changes near your,housing estate with your parents.,2. Write a short passage about your housing,estate .,Make our home greener,Brain Storm,green,cool,beautiful,quiet,clean,fruits,noise pollution,pencils, paper and books,blowing away the earth,Tuning In,1985,2008,Talk about the pictures,Pair Work,Revise the simple past tense,A:,What,did you,do yesterday?,B: I saw,my grandparents.,What about you / Tom ?,A:,I,played,football with my friends.,have a picnic,last week /next week,watch a basketball match,climb the mountain,last holiday /,this coming holiday,learn to swim,go shopping,yesterday / tomorrow,clean the room,构成:,be going to +,do,(be am, is, are),主语,+will +,do,shall +,do,否定:,will not = wont,shall not = shant,疑问:,will /shall +,主语,+do,The Simple,Future tense,The Simple,Future tense,2.,时间状语:,tomorrow, next Sunday,soon,next,month,in three days,the day after tomorrow,一般将来时的肯定、否定和疑问式:,下一页,人称,肯定式,否定式,疑问式,第一,人称,I,will,work.,I,will not,work.,Shall,I,work?,第二,人称,You,will,work.,You,will not,work.,Will,you work?,第三,人称,He,will,work.,He,will not,work.,Will,he,work?,be going to +,动词原形,:,表示将来,a.,主语的意图,即将做某事。,What are you going to do tomorrow?,b.,计划,安排要发生的事。,The play is going to be produced next,month,。,c.,有迹象要发生的事,Look at the dark clouds, there is going,to be a storm.,下一页,shall,与,will,的区别,:表示将来某个时间要发生的动作或存在的状态。或表示将来经常发生或反复发生的动作。,shall,will,常用于,第一人称,(we/ I ),.,常用于,第二、三人称,但在口语中各种人称都可以用,will.,缩略形式,ll,注意:一些词如:,come, go, leave, start, arrive,等的现在进行时可以表示将来的意思。,Are,we all,going,?,我们都要去吗?,I,m coming,.,我就来。,He,is leaving for,Beijing tomorrow.,他明天将去北京。,Exercises,.,e.g. I _(play) tennis next Monday.,shall,play,will sing,shant,swim,wont,buy,shall visit,1 The singer _(sing) two songs tonight,.,.,2,I,_(,not swim,),with her,next,weekend,.,3 Peter and David _(,not,buy) some,toys tomorrow.,4,We _,_(,visit,),the Expo in a few days.,5,He _ (help) you if he is free.,will,help,Rewrite the sentences.,1. There are two cinemas in that town.,(,next year,),_,2. She is a conductor of a train.,(,soon,),_,3. I sometimes write to my mother.,(,tonight,),_,4. She didnt speak English at the meeting. (tomorrow),_,5. China is a modern and strong country.,(,in ten years,),_,Text,Step 1. Listen and answer the questions.,Step 2. Listen again and finish True or False.,Step 3. Read the text and finish,Comprehension Check.,Step 4. Find out the phrases.,Step 1,:,Listen and answer the questions,.,When is Tree Planting Day?,What will the students do on that day?,Where will No. Group One plant trees?,What will No. Group Two do?,Where will No. Group Three go?,Who else will go with them?,When will they,set out,?,Step 2: Listen again and finish T or F.,1. Tree Planting Day is March the 12,th,every year.,2. The students will plant trees outside of their school.,3. There are three groups in the class.,4. Group Two will go to look after the trees in their garden.,5. Mrs. Chen wont go with the students because she has a meeting.,Step 3. Read the text and finish comprehension check.,Step 4:,Phrases in the text,come to school earlier,Tree Planting Day,make our city greener,go to the same place,plant trees,look after,behind our school,join us,a few minutes late,set out,near our school,早点到校,植树节,使我们的城市更绿,去同一个地方,种树,照看,在我们学校后面,加入我们,迟到几分钟,出发,在我们学校附近,How to plant trees,How to plant trees,Dig a hole large enough for the tree.,Knock a long strong stick into the earth.,Put the earth back in the hole.Step on the earth several times.,Tie the tree to the top of the stick.,Water the tree.,Put the tree in the hole.,Put the sentences in right order,按照顺序排列下列句子,Dig a hole large enough for the tree.,Knock a long strong stick into the earth,Put the earth back in the hole.Step on the earth several times.,Tie the tree to the top of the stick.,Water the tree.,Put the tree in the hole,1,2,3,4,5,6,Right order,1.What must we do first when we plant trees?,2.What do we do next?,3.Where to we put the tree?,4. After we put the earth back in the hole, what do we do?,5.Where do we tie the tree to?,6.What must we do in the end?,How to plant trees,First ,Second,Then / Next.,Besides,In the end /At last,Pair work,Reading:,Step 1,: Read the passage and answer the questions.,a. Why do people plant a lot of trees on Tree Planting Day?,b. How do trees make the air cooler?,c. What do trees give us?,d. Why do some people still cut down tree at will? Does the writer know the importance of trees?,e. What must we do to those people?,f. Why must we plant more and more trees?,Step 2: Read the passage again .,Fill in the blanks according to the reading.,1.Many people,on March 12.,plant trees,2.Trees can make our home,_,_,and,_,. They can also make the air,_,and,_,.,3.Trees not only give us,but also,.,4.It is wrong to,_ _ _,.,5.All of us must plant,_ _ _ _.,quieter,cleaner,cooler,fruit,wood,cut down trees,more and more,trees,more beautiful,Trees are very useful to us, we shouldnt _the trees.,Tom will _ on the spending habits.,We should plant more trees to make our home _.,More and more people get to know the _ and,try to plant trees.,5. We must _ some people _(put) the melamine,(,三聚氰胺,),into the milk.,do a project (on sth),more and more beautiful,cut down,stop sb (from) doing,the importance of trees,cut down,do a project,more and more beautiful,the importance of trees,stop putting,Fill in the blanks with the proper words,Task 1,Fill in the blanks.,Look! This is our home, the earth. She is beautiful. But now, she is c_! We should save her. We should make our planet greener. We can d_ a lot of things about her. Lets begin today. We should wear cotton clothes. We s_ wear fur or leather clothes. We should save water. We shouldnt w_ her. We should k_ our rivers and oceans clean. We shouldnt make them d_. We should be good t_ wild animals. We should tell people not to hunt them. We should p_ trees around our homes. We should t _ good care of them. We love our home.,rying,o,houldnt,aste,eep,irty,o,lant,ake,Task 2.,Make the air cleaner and cooler.,Cut down noise pollution.,Give us fruits ,Make pencils, paper and books.,Make the streets and housing estates more beautiful and quieter.,Do the job of fifteen air conditioners.,What good are trees?,Task 2.,Are the homes of the birds and animals.,Release oxygen into the air.,Stop the wind blowing away the earth.,Stop the rain sweeping away the earth.,What other good are trees?,Task 3,Pair Work,A student is asking a scientist about trees. Make up a dialogue between the student and the scientist.,You can begin like this:,Student:,Excuse me,sir. May I ask you a few questions about trees?,Scientist:,Sure. What do you want to know?,Student:,Why do we plant more trees?,Scientist:,Because planting trees is very important to us. It can,make,Phrases in the text,a high school student,do a project on sth.,interview a few scientists,men and women, young and old,make the air cleaner and cooler,do the job of 15 air conditioners,the importance of trees,cut down trees,at will,(意志),stop (from) doing,一位高中生,做某方面的课题,采访几位科学家,男女老少,使空气清新,起到,15,台空调的作用,树木的重要性,砍伐树木,任意,阻止某人做,Homework,1. Talk about the importance of trees,with your parents.,2. Write a short passage about Tree,Planting Day.,Thank You,


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