CET-4 Grammar Lecture Two

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,第二节 定语从句,定语从句是大学英语四级考试中测试的重点之一。本节主要以四级考试样题和真题为例,将英语定语从句归纳为五大类型,这五大类型既是,大学英语教学大纲,中规定的学习重点,也是四级考试的重点,考生应熟练掌握。,一、由单个关系代词和关系副词引导的定语从句,定语从句可由单个的关系代词,that, which, who, whose,和单个关系副词,when, where, why,来引导。在四级考试中,往往测试考生正确选用这类定语从句的关系词的能力,有时也测试考生对整个定语从句结构的认识或运用能力。,例,1,:,Perhaps Ill never have the chance to repay all that I have received from my teachers.,译文:也许我永远都没有机会回报我从老师那里得来的一切了。,例,2,:,All that is needed is a continuous supply of the basic necessities of life.,所需要的就是对于生活必需品的不断供应。,注:修饰,all,或其他指物的不定代词(如:,anything, something, nothing,等)的定语从句宜用,that,引导。,例,3,:,Beer is the most popular drink among male drinks, whose overall consumption is significantly higher than that of women.,译文:啤酒在男性饮酒者中是最受欢迎的饮品,它在男性中的消耗量要远远大于在女性中的消耗。,注:,whose,引导非限制性定语从句,在从句中作定语修饰,overall consumption,。整个定语从句修饰,male drinks.,二、由“介词,+,关系代词”引导的定语从句,“,prep.+which,/whom/whose”,引导的定语从句在英语中十分常见。四级考试往往测试考生正确选用这类定语从句中与关系词搭配的介词的能力,同时也测试考生正确选用这类定语从句中关系词的能力。介词的选用与上下文有密切关系,或与其前面的名词词组的搭配有关,或与其后面的动词或形容词的搭配有关。关系词的选用与它代表的先行词和它在从句中的语法功能有关。在解答这类选择题时,应注意上述关系。,例,1,:,There was a teapot fashioned like a China duck, out of whose open mouth the tea was supposed to come.,译文:有一只茶壶形状像是一只中国鸭,露在外的嘴张开时,茶水就出来了。,注:”复杂介词,out of +whose”,引导的非限制定语从句。选用,whose,是由于它与形容词,open,一起作定语,修饰,mouth,。,例,2,:,Living in the western part of the country has its problems, of which obtaining fresh water is not the least.,译文:住在国家西部地区也有问题,其中非常严重的一个问题是没有淡水。,注:由“介词,+which”,引导非限制性定语从句,修饰,problems.,因从句本身含形容词最高级,least,,该处的“介词,+which”,应表示比较范围,又因,which,代表复数名词,故应用,of,表示比较范围。,例,3,:,He came back late, by which time all the guests had already left.,译文:他回来晚了,那时所有的客人已经离开了。,注:由“介词,+which time”,搭配引导非限制性定语从句。“介词,by+,时间名词”表示“到,为止”,从句中谓语动词用完成时。,三、由“名词、代词,+,介词,+,关系代词”引导定语从句,“n. /,pron,. +prep. +which/whom/whose”,引导定语从句的例子屡见不鲜。在四级试题中,往往测试考生对这一结构的理解与运用能力。,例:,A survey was carried out on the death of new-born babies in that region, the results of which were surprising.,译文:那个地区进行了一项关于新出生婴儿死亡事件的调查,调查结果令人吃惊。,注:,the results of which,引导非限制性定语从句,修饰,survey,。,四、,as,在固定结构中引导的定语从句,在“,the same/suchas”,固定结构中,,as,用来引导定语从句,不能更换为其他关系词或介词。在四级考试中,多用于测试考生正确识别这类定语从句结构和正确运用关系代词,as,的能力。,例,1,:,It wasnt such a good dinner as she had promised us.,译文:这顿晚餐并不像她跟我们承诺的那样好吃。,注:在”,such +n.”,后应用,as,引导定语从句。,例,2,:,Melted iron is poured into the mixer much in the same way as it is poured into a cup from a teapot.,译文:铁水被倒进混铁炉中非常像把它从茶壶里倒入茶杯中。,注:在“,the same +n.”,后应用,as,引导定语从句。,五、,which/as,引导的特殊定语从句,由关系代词,which/as,引导的修饰整个主句的非限制性定语从句,通常被称为特殊定语从句。在四级考试中,常测试考生正确选用这类定语从句的引导词的能力。要提高解答这类题的能力,考生应掌握,which,与,as,的下列异同点。,1.,它们均可用于主系表或主谓句型的定语从句作主语。,例:,He married her, as/which was natural.,译文:他和她结婚了,这很自然。,2.,它们均可用于主系表句型的定语从句作表语。,例:,He seemed a foreigner, as/which in fact he was.,译文:他看起来像一个外国人,实际上他确实是。,3.,它们均可用于主谓宾句型的定语从句中作宾语。,例:,I was very useful to him, which/as he realized.,译文:正如他意识到的那样,我对他帮助很大。,4.,在主谓宾句型的定语从句中作主语时,通常用,which,而不用,as.,例:,He saw the girl, which delighted him.,译文:他看到了那个女孩,这是他很高兴。,5. as,引导此类定语从句时,常表示“正如,”,之意。因而,定语从句在意义上不可与主句相悖,且常为肯定句,而,which,则不受此限。,例:,She was married again, which/as was unexpected.,译文:她再婚了,这很意外。,6. as,引导的定语从句位置比较灵活,可位于句首,句中或句末。,W,hich,引导的定语从句位置比较固定,一般位于句末。,例,1,:,Prisons in some countries are short of staff, which means each prison officer is overworked and underpaid.,译文:有些国家的监狱工作人员短缺,这就意味着每一位监狱管理人员工作过重,而报酬过低。,注:,which,用来引导修饰整个主句的定语从句,在从句中作主语。,例,2,:,The British are not so familiar with different cultures and other ways of doing things, as is often the case in other countries.,译文:英国人对不同的文化及做事方式并不熟悉,这种情况在别的国家也是如此。,注:,as,引导定语从句,修饰整个主句,相当于,which,的用法,同时表示两种相同情况的比较。,例,3,:,As might be expected, the response to the question was very mixed.,译文:正如所预料的那样,对于这一问题的反应不一。,注:,as,作关系代词,引导修饰整个主句的定语从句,位于句首。,专题演练,1. The dictionary,is sold out in that bookshop.,A) which you need it,B) what you need,C) you need,D) that you need it,2. Now American researchers think they are developing a pill,will help people forget bad memories.,A) which B) what C) that D) it,3. The science of computer,rapid progress has been made in recent years, is the most important in all the science.,A) to which B) in which,C) off which D) from which,4. Such things,you described are rare now.,A) as B) who C) that D) which,5.,is reported in the newspapers, talks between the two countries are making progress.,A) It B) As C) That D) Which,6. Tom did not take the camera away because it was just the same camera,he lost last week.,A) which B) that C) whom D) as,7. George Orwell,was Eric Arthur, wrote many political novels and essays.,A) t,he real name B) of whose real name,C),his real name D) whose real name,8. This is the small house less than 15 square meters, under,roof lives a large family of three generations.,A) which B) that C) its D) whose,9. Three minutes of silence on May 12th 2009 were kept to mourn for those,died in the earthquake.,A),that B) whom C) who D) which,10. Michael Phelps,the feet are bigger than others, won eight gold medals at the Beijing Games.,A) whose B) whom C) of who D) of whom,


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