高一英语必修一Uni5 Warming up&Reading复习课件ppt

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Uni5 A Modern Hero-Nelson,Mandelo,Warming up & Reading,复习,New words,质量;品质;性质,2.,吝啬的;自私的;卑鄙的,3.,积极的;活跃的,4.,热心肠的,5.,慷慨的;大方的,6.,随和的;温和宽容的,7.,自我;自身,8.,自私的,9.,无私的;忘我的,10.,无私地;忘我地,quality,mean,active,warm-hearted,generous,easy-going,self,selfish,selfless,selflessly,11.,献身;专心于,12.,忠实的;深爱的,13.,建立;设立,14.,共和国;共和政体,15.,法则;原则;原理,16.,和平的;平静的;安宁的,17.,人类,18.,律师,19.,指导;领导,20.,法律的;依照法律的,lawyer,guidance,legal,devote,devoted,found,republic,principle,peaceful,mankind,21.,费,(,会费,学费等,),酬金,22.,怀有希望的;有希望的,23.,青年;青年时期,24.,舞台;阶段;时期,25.,投票;选举;表决,26.,进攻;攻击;抨击,27.,暴力;暴行,28.,相等的;平等的,29.,乐意的;自愿的,30.,不公正的;不公平的,fee,hopeful,youth,stage,vote,attack,violence,equal,willing,unfair,I.,根据下列各句句意以及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。,1. Much of the land was of poor q_.,2. Shes over 80, but is still very a_.,3. The Peoples R_ of China was,founded in 1949.,4. Honesty is the basic p_ of mankind.,5. It was _ (,吝啬的,) of him not to,invite her.,quality,Republic,active,principles,mean,6. Shes always very _ (,大方的,) to the kids.,7. If the earths temperature rises, it will be a disaster for all _ (,人类,).,8.A,s,person always thinks about,himself.,9. She described her husband as “a good,man and,a(n,) d_ husband.”,10. The baby looks so _ (,平静的,),when hes sleeping.,generous,mankind,selfish,peaceful,devoted,1,1.Whatever happens,we will not use v,_,We should settle things in a peaceful way.,1,2.Women are fighting for e,_,pay with,the men because they do the same job.,1,3.The majority of people v,_,for Ben,because they wanted him to be their leader,.,14.There have been several,(,袭击,) on,foreigners recently.,iolence,qual,oted,attacks,15. I was looking forward to working under her expert _ (,指导,).,16. James felt more h_ about his future after his chat with his teacher.,17. It seemed so _ (,不公平的,) but,perhaps he was right.,18. I told them I was perfectly w_ to,help.,guidance,hopeful,unfair,willing,Key Phrases,失业,事实上,使充气;爆炸,在危险,受罚,痛苦等处境中,求助于;致力于,担心,献身于;致力于;专心于,忠诚于;热爱;专心于,等于;胜任,把,关进监狱,违法,实现梦想,out of work,as a matter of fact,blow up,in trouble,turn to,worry about= be worried about,devote oneself to,be devoted to,be equal to,put,sb,. into prison,break the law,achieve ones dream,III.,句型转换。每空一词,使上下两句的意思一致。,1. He lost his job six months ago.,He _ _ _ _ _ for six months.,2. Dont be afraid to ask for help if you need it.,Dont be afraid to _ _ _ for help if you need it.,has been out of job,turn to me,3. In fact, Ive never been there before.,_ _ _ _ _, Ive never been there before.,4. When I was young, I wanted to be a model.,_ _ _, I wanted to be a model.,As a matter of fact,In my youth,5. He always offers his help when I have some trouble.,He always offers his help when I am _ _,6. Can you fill this balloon with air?,Can you _ _ this balloon?,trouble,in,blow up,7. I worried about whether I would,become out of work.,I,_ _whether I would,become out of work.,8. We should be optimistic about our,future.,We should _ _ _ our future.,was,worried,about,be,hopeful,about,归纳总结,本句中的only then置于句首,引起句子,。,该句的正常语序是:.we decided to answer,violence with violence only then。,在英语句子中,为了表强调,把,“,only+状语(副词、,介词短语、从句),”,置于句首,主句要用部分倒装形,式,即把原句中的,、,或,提到主,语前面。,部分倒装,助动词,情态动词,be动词,典例体验,Only with all your time and energy,do this job well.,只有用上你全部的时间和精力,你才能把这项工,作做好。,Only when he is seriously ill,in bed.,他只有病得非常严重时才会卧床休息。,can you,will he stay,1.We have to treat him,only in this way,.,2.The school can inject the children with vaccines,only if it is permitted by their parents.,Only in this way,Only if it is permitted by their parents,.,have we,to treat him.,can the school,inject the children with vaccines,即学即用,Only in this way,to make improvement in,the operating system.,A.you can hope B.you did hope,C.did you hope D.can you hope,D,Only,as an interpreter,how,important it was to practise spoken English.,A.when I worked;I realized,B.when did I work;did I realize,C.when I work;did I realize,D.when I worked;did I realize,D,解析,当,only,出现在句首修饰时间状语从句时,,主句应使用部分倒装。,Only when I left my parents for Italy _,how much I loved them.,A. I realized B. I had realized,C. had I realized D. did I realize,1. Although the working mother is very,busy , she still _ a lot of time to,children.,A. devotes B. spends,C. offers D. provides,A,offer sb.,Sth,. (offer,sth,. to sb. ),提供某人某物;,provide,sth,. for sb.,提供某事给某人;,spend,time doing,sth,.,花费时间做某事;又如:,Dont,devote too much time to amusement.,不要把,太多的时间用在玩乐上。,D,3. I dont think he is equal _ this kind,of work, so I cant hire him.,A. in doing B. doing,C. to do D. to doing,be equal to doing,sth,.,胜任,4.The Red Army soldiers had to fight,all kinds of difficulties in their fight,the people,s freedom.,A.for;for,B.with;with,C.against;against,D.against;for,D,解析,fight against,和,作斗争;,fight for,为获取,而战斗。句意为:红军为了人民的自,由不得不和各种各样的困难作斗争。,5.Honesty and trust are the basic,of,making friends.,A.methodsB.principles,C.principals,D.beliefs,B,解析,考查名词辨析。句意为:诚实和信任是交,朋友的基本原则。,principle,原则;法则;,method,方法;,principal,校长;负责人;,belief,信任;信仰。由题意可知答案为,B,项。,6. Dont _what he says . _ yourself , and you can do it very well.,A. believe in ; Believe,B. believe ; Believe in,C. believe in ; Believe in,D. believe ; Believe,believe “,想信某人(所说的话)”;,believe in “,信任;信仰”,7. Mr. White _ at 8:30 for the meeting , but he didnt show up.,A. should have arrived,B. should arrive,C. should have had arrived,D. should be arriving,句意:怀特先生应该,8,:,30,到会的,但他还没,露面。全句谈的是过去的事,故应该使用,should have done,结构,表示本应该做某事,而未做。,Exercise 2 . on page 36,Adjective,Noun,kind,kindnes,selfish,lonely,selfishness,loneliness,calm,calmness,ill,illness,Noun,Adjective,Adverb,care,careful,carefully,hope,peace,hopeful,hopefully,peaceful,peacefully,beauty,beautiful,beautifully,success,successful,successfully,Exercise 3. Complete the passage with words and the phrase form the box below.,My name is Robert,Sobukwe,. Like Nelson,Mandela I was a _ who believed that all,_ is created _. I hate _,and tried to use _ ways so that black,people could _ for their government .,As I live in South Africa , the _ of the,South African _ did not,agree with,me . They _ me for,encouraging,the,blacks,to,fight against,the government and,lawyer,mankind,equal,violence,legal,vote,officials,Republic,attacked,put,me,in prison,. Nobody,was allowed to,talk to me for five long years and I lost,the,ability to,talk . Before I went to prison , I had,been _ that things would change .,After I was,released,I found the _ of,life for black people had,got worse,. I was,_ my future , and soon I,fell,ill,. Although I was,not as,successful,as,Nelson Mandela , many people remember,me as one of the first _ black fighters,for human rights in South Africa.,hopeful,quality,worried about,active,Exercise 1 on page 70.,Charles Babbage,was born in,1791 in Britain .,He was,in poor health,in his _(young /youth),so he had to _(brought/be educated),at home . His mother _(worried for,/worried about) his health and she was _,(advised /begged) that he,should not be,_,(taught/educating) too much.,However, the,boy,showed an,early,interest in,mathematics and,worked hard at it. Later he was _,(received /accepted ) by Cambridge University.,youth,be educated,worried about,advised,taught,accepted,Babbage began to,work on,a small difference,engine(,差分机,) in 1819 , which in a very short,_(period /while) of time could,work out,mathematical tables by itself. He _,(released / completed) it in 1822 . In 1827 he,became a professor of mathematics and began,his lifelong work on computing machines . He,worked _ (generously/selflessly) .,_(At first / As a matter of fact) ,he often spent his own money on his invention .,period,completed,selflessly,As a matter of fact,In 1834 he invented the Analytical Machine,which is the prototype(,原形,) of a computer .,This was a great achievement . He _,(devoted / gave in) a lot of his wealth and,energy,to,his invention , but he never produced,a real computer . Finally in 1871 he died _,(peaceful/ peacefully) . However , his principles,are still those on which modern computers are,built .,As a result, he,is remembered as,the,“grandfather of computing”,devoted,peacefully,Key Phrases,在危险、受罚、痛苦、忧虑等的处境中,愿意做某事;乐意做某事,求助于;致力于,离,远,为某物支付多少钱,投票支持,同意某人的观点,鼓励某人做某事,in trouble,be willing to do,sth,.,turn to,be far from,pay (money) for,sth,.,vote for,agree with,encourage,sb,. to do,sth,.,9.,被允许做某事,10. ,的能力,11.,不如;不及,12.,身体差,13.,对,有兴趣,14.,从事,;,努力做,15.,解决;算出;制定,16.,结果,17.,作为,被铭记,be allowed to ,the ability to,do,not as/so .as,in poor health,show an interest in,work on,work out,as a result,be remembered as,


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