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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2020/4/23,1,#,1,Who,Moved,My,Cheese?,谁动了我的奶酪,作者: 斯宾塞约翰逊,王海,魏强,耿小三,2,“,Cheese,”,a metaphor(象征) for what we want to have in life, whether it is a job, a relationship, money, a big house, freedom, health, recognition, spiritual peace, or even an activity like jogging or golf.,故事里的,“,奶酪,”,是对我们在现实生活中所追求目标的一种比喻,它可以是一份工作,一种人际关系,可以是金钱,一幢豪宅,还可以是自由、健康、社会的认可和老板的赏识。它只是一种精神上的宁静,甚至还可以只是一项运动,如慢跑、高尔夫球等等。,Each of us has our own idea of what Cheese is, and we pursue it because we believe it makes us happy. If we get it, we often become attached to it. And if we lose it, or it,s taken away, it can be traumatic(外伤、创伤).,我们每个人的内心都有自己想要的,“,奶酪,”,,我们追寻它,想要得到它,因为我们相信,它会带给我们幸福和快乐。而一旦我们得到了自己梦寐以求的奶酪,又常常会对它产生依赖心理,甚至成为的附庸;这时如果我们忽然失去了它,或者它被人拿走了,我们将会因此而受到极大的伤害。,3,“Sniff” & “Scurry”,“Hem” & “Haw”,嗅嗅:能够及早嗅出变化的气息,匆匆:能够迅速行动,哼哼:因为害怕改变而否认和拒绝变化,这会 使事情变得更糟,唧唧:当看到变化会使事情变得更好时,能够 及时地调整自己去适应变化!,4,maze,迷宫,5,Cheese Station C,奶酪,C,站,Hem & Haw eventually moved their homes to be closer to it & built a social life around it.,To make themselves feel more at home, Hem & Haw decorated the walls with sayings. One read:,6,Having Cheese Makes You Happy,拥有奶酪,,就拥有幸福。,7,One morning,Sniff & Scurry arrived at Cheese Station C & dis-covered there was no cheese.They werent surprised. Since they had noticed the supply of cheese had been getting smaller every day, they were prepared for the inevitable & knew instinctively what to do. They were quickly off in search of New Cheese.,Later that same day, Hem & Haw arrived. “What! No Cheese? Who moved my Cheese? Its not fair!”, Hem yelled. They went home that night hungry & dis-couraged. But before they left, Haw wrote on the wall:,8,The More Important Your Cheese is To You, The More You Want To Hold Onto It.,奶酪对你越重要,,你就越想抓住它。,9,The next day,Hem & Haw left their homes, returned to Cheese Station C. But situation hadnt changed.,Haw asked, “Where are Sniff & Scurry? Do you think they know something we dont?”,Hem scoffed(嘲笑), “What would they know? Theyre just simple mice. They just respond to what happens. Were little people. Were smarter.”,Haw suggested, “Maybe we should stop analyzing the situation so much and just get going,and,find some New Cheese.,”,Haw decided to leave Cheese Station C while H,em,was more comfortable staying in the cheeseless Station C.,He,w,announced, “Its MAZE time!” and wrote:,10,If You Do Not Change,You Can Become Extinct,如果你不改变,,你就会被淘汰。,11,Meanwhile,Sniff & Scurry went f,u,rther into the maze until they found,Cheese Station N,. They found what they had been looking for: a great supply of New Cheese. It was the biggest store of cheese the mice had ever seen.,Haw on the other hand become more anxious,and,wondered if he really wanted to go out into the Maze.,He wrote a saying on the wall ahead of him,and,stared at it for some time:,12,What Would You Do,If You Weren,t Afraid?,如果你无所畏惧,,你会怎样做呢?,13,Haw now realized that the change probably would not have taken him by surprise if he had been watching what was happening all along and if he had anticipated change. He stopped for a rest,and,wrote on the wall of the Maze:,14,Smell The Cheese Often So You Know When It Is Getting Old.,经常闻一闻你的奶酪,,你就会知道,,它什么时候开始变质。,15,Haw wondered if Hem had moved on, or if he was still paralyzed by his own fears. Then, Haw remembered the times when he had felt his best in the Maze. It was when he was moving along. He wrote:,16,Movement In A New Direction Helps You Find New Cheese.,朝新的方向前进,,你就会发现新的奶酪。,17,As Haw started running down the dark corridor, he began to smile. Haw didn,t realize it yet, but he was discovering what nourished his soul. He was letting go,and,trusting what lay ahead for him, even though he did not know exactly what it was.,To his surprise, Haw started to enjoy himself more,and,more. He stopped to write again on the wall:,18,When You Move Beyond Your Fear, You Feel Free.,当你超越了自己的恐惧时,,你就会感到轻松自在。,19,To make things even better, Haw started to paint a picture in his mind again. He saw himself in great realistic detail, sitting in the middle of a pile of all his favorite cheeses from Cheddar to Brie! He saw himself eating the many cheeses he liked, & he enjoyed what he saw.,The more clearly he saw the image of himself enjoying New Cheese, the more real,and,believable it became. He wrote:,20,Imagining Myself Enjoying New Cheese, Even Before I Find It, Leads Me To It.,在我发现奶酪之前,,想像我正在享受奶酪,,这会帮我找到新的奶酪。,21,Haw wondered why he had always thought that a change would lead to something worse. Now he realized that change could lead to something better.,Then he raced through the Maze with greater strength,and,agility. Until he found bits of New Cheese. He entered the Cheese Station but it was empty. Someone had already been there.,He stopped & wrote on the wall:,22,The Quicker You Let Go Of Old Cheese, The Sooner you Find New Cheese.,越早放弃旧的奶酪,,你就会越早发现新的奶酪。,23,Haw made his way back to Cheese Station C to offer Hem bits of New Cheese but was turned down. Hem wanted his,own,Cheese back. Haw just shook his head in disappointment but this does not stop him from finding New Cheese. He smiled as he realized:,24,It Is Safer To Search In The Maze Than Remain In The Cheeseless Situation.,在迷宫中搜寻比停留,在没有奶酪的地方更安全。,25,Haw realized again, that what you are afraid of is never as bad as what you imagine. The fear you let build up in your mind is worse than the situation that act-ually exists.,He realizes it was natural for change to continually occur, whether you expect it or not. Change could surprise you only if you didnt expect it,and,werent looking for it.,When he realized he had changed his beliefs, he paused to write on the wall:,26,Old Beliefs Do Not Lead You To New Cheese.,陈旧的信念不会,帮助你找到新的奶酪。,27,Haw now realized that his new beliefs were encouraging him to behave in a new way. He was behaving differently from the way he had when he had kept returning to the same cheeseless station.,It all depends on what you choose to believe. He wrote on the wall:,28,When You See That You Can Find And Enjoy New Cheese, You Change Course.,当你发现你会找到新的奶酪,并且能够享用它时,,你就会改变你的路线。,29,Haw just hoped he was heading in the right direction. He thought about the possibility that Hem would read The Handwriting On The Wall & find his way.,He wrote on the wall what he had been thinking about for some time:,30,Noticing Small Changes Early Helps You Adapt To The Bigger Changes That Are To Come.,尽早注意细小的变化,,这将有助于你,适应即将来临的更大的变化。,31,He continued on through the Maze with greater strength,and,speed. He proceeded along a corridor that was new to him, rounded a corner,and,found New Cheese at Cheese Station N where he saw the greatest supply of Cheese he had ever seen.Sniff & Scurry welcomed him.,“Hooray for Change!”,Haw wrote down a summary of what he had learned on the largest wall of Cheese Station N & smiled as he looked at what he had learned:,32,Change Happens,变化总是在发生,他们总是不断地拿走你的奶酪。,Anticipate Change,预见变化,随时做好奶酪被拿走的准备。,Monitor Change,追踪变化,经常闻一闻你的奶酪,,以便知道它们什么时候开始变质。,33,Adapt To Change Quickly,尽快适应变化,越早放弃旧的奶酪,,你就会越早享用到新的奶酪。,Change,改 变,随着奶酪的变化而变化。,Enjoy Change !,享受变化!,尝试冒险,去享受新奶酪的美味!,34,Be Ready To Change Quickly & Enjoy It Again.,做好迅速变化的准备,不断地去享受变化,记住:他们仍会不断地拿走你的奶酪。,你觉得你现在的状态,更像故事中谁?,35,Thank you !,


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