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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,HIV/AIDS: ARE YOU AT RISK?,Language Points,start !,Are you at,risk,?,risk,n.,冒险,危险,v.,冒,.,的危险,at risk (n.),有危险,;,冒风险,(in danger),公司的整个前途受到威胁,.,The whole future of the company is,at risk,.,at the risk of (doing sth.),(n.),冒可能,(,做某事,),的危险,我甘受拂逆盛情之嫌,也必须谢绝你的提议,.,At the risk of,sounding ungrateful, I must refuse your offer.,take a risk/risks,(n.),冒险做可能失败,有危险等的事,I have to,take a lot of risks,in my job.,做我这种工作要冒许多风险。,risk,v.,risk sth./doing sth.,使,(,某人,/,自己,),面临危险,;,甘愿承受可能发生的(某事),冒丧失健康,财富,生命之险,risk,one,s health, fortune, life,不怕赶上暴风雨,risk,getting caught in a storm,that is,(line 3),也就是说;换句话说;确切地说;具体地说;,that is,是,that is to say,的省略形式,Translate the following sentences.,Peter,是纽约人,也就是说,他住在纽约。,Peter is a New Yorker;,that is, he lives in New York.,他非常胖,确切地说,他体重,280,磅。,He is very fat,that is (to say),he weighs 280 pounds.,develop,v.,逐渐产生,;,逐渐养成,;,患,(,病,),(line 6),develop AIDS,患艾滋病,复习,v.,发育,发展,成长,(from sth) (into sth),(,使,),显影;冲洗,试一试,蓓蕾开出了花朵。,The bud,developed,into a flower.,这地方从一个乡村发展成为繁荣的工业中心。,This place has,developed,from,a village,into,a thriving industrial centre.,我想把这些胶卷冲洗出来。,I would like to have these films,developed,.,survival,n.,幸存,;,存活,(line 6),survival of the fittest,适者生存,拓展,survive,vt.,幸免于,幸存,经历地震,沉船等而死里逃生,survive,an earthquake, shipwreck,vi.,继续生存或存在, from sth,.,有许多古怪的习俗源远流长。,Many strange customs,have survived from,earlier time.,vt.,比(某人)长命,她丈夫去世后她又活了二十年。,She,survived,her husband by twenty years.,survivor n.,幸存者,练习,汉译英,空难事件中有些人奇迹般大难不死。,There are some miraculous survival of some people in the air crash.,在失事飞机上的六个人,仅一人幸存。,Of the six people in the plane that crashed, only one survived.,经历暴风雪,房子依然没事。,The house survive the storm.,这种风格是上个世纪遗留下的。,That fashion survived from last century.,难句分析, (line 7),For a person to become infected, blood or sexual fluid that carries the virus, has to get inside the body through broken skin or by injection.,携带病毒的血液或体液必须通过皮肤上的创口或通过注射才能进入人体,使人受感染。,(,),句子主干,定语从句,Until,that happens, you need to protect yourself. (line 10),until prep. /,conj.,直到,;,在,.,以前,She was a bank clerk,until,the war, when she trained as a nurse.,她战前是个银行职员,战时受训当了护士。,He lived in California,until,he was twenty.,他在加里弗尼亚一直住到,20,岁。,conj.,prep.,练一练,请你等到明天。,Please,until,tomorrow.,等到雨停了再说吧。,Wait,until,the rain stops.,在他父亲给他在加拿大找到差事前,他一直在香港工作。,He worked in Hong Kong,until,his father found him a job in Canada.,联想,not,until,“,直到,才,”,,常与瞬间动词连用。,他们直到今天晚上才离开。,We do not _ until_.,街上的吵闹声直到深夜才停止。,The noise in the street didnt _,until _.,你不放我走我就一直喊叫。,I,wont,stop shouting,until,you let me go.,leave,this evening,stop,midnight,复习,not until,在句首,主句用部分倒装,。,直到,19,世纪初,人类才知道热能是什么。,Man didn,t know what heat is until the early years of the 19th century.,Not until,the early years of the 19th century,did man know,what heat is.,I didn,t go to sleep until my mother came back.,Not until,my mother came back,did I go,to sleep,Here are some things you can do to make sure you,stay safe,(line 11),stay,link v,.,“,继续不变,维持,保持,仍然是,”,,后接名词、形容词、副词、介词短语,分词等,作表语,。,我希望天气能持续放晴。,I hope the weather will,stay,fine.,Blood form another person can,stay,on or in the needle. (line 13),stay,vi,停留,(,在某处,),,留下,留宿,暂住,做客,Its late that night and he,stayed,in the hotel.,试一试,他通宵不睡。,He stayed,_,all night.,本周气温一直都很热。,The temperature has stayed _ this week.,这封信在我抽屉里放了一整天。,This letter,stayed,in my drawer all day,late,hot,tell v.,识别,;,辨别, A from B,我实在看不出哪个是哪个。,I really cant,tell,which is which.,他们都分辨不出汤姆和他的孪生兄弟。,They all cannot,tell,Tom from his twin brother.,homosexual,n.,同性恋者,adj.,同性恋的,homo-,构词成分,“,the same,”,同,;,相同,homo,phone,n.,同音异形异义字,homo,geneous,adj.,同质的,Blood,could have spilt,onto it.,血有可能会溅到上面。,要点提示,could have done sth,表示对过去发生的事情的肯定猜测。,could have done,有时也可以表示,“,本该做的事没有做,”,,说话人有抱怨、遗憾的意思。,1)The woman looked upset, so something _(happen) to her.,2)We _(take) the same car, but you left too early.,would have happened,would have taken,be likely to do sth.,意为,“,可能做某事,”,It is likely that,意为,“,某事是有可能的,”,。,敌人可能在夜间展开下一轮进攻。,The enemy,are likely to,begin another attack at night.,很可能她这次会接受这项工作。,It is likely that,she will accept the offer this time.,An accident is likely _ at the intersection,.,A. happen,B. happened,C. happening D. to happen,Let,s get everything ready now. It is _that the meeting will begin soon.,A.possibly B.probably C.likely D.perhaps,D,C,Summary:,likely,可用于下列句型中:,1. It is likely that.,2. sb. think (feel, consider) it likely .,3. sb. /sth. be likely to do sth.,但下面的句型是错误的,It is likely for sb. to do sth.,HIV is virus. A virus is very small living thing _ causes disease. There are many different viruses, for example, the flu virus or the SARS virus. HIV _ (weak) a person,s immune system; _, the part of the body that fights disease. You can have HIV in your blood for a long time. But _ (eventual) HIV will damage your immune system so much that your body can no longer fight disease. This stage of the illness is called AIDS. If you _ (,患病,) AIDS, your chances of _ (survive) are very small.,that is,that,weakens,eventually,survival,develop,完美文章,Thank You!,The END !,


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