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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,A Special Machine,Passive,Voice,被动语态,Grammar: Passive Voice,回顾,(,1,)构成,形式:,be+,动词的过去,分词,(done),被动语态的时态变化只变化,be,的形式(其变化规则与,be,相同),过去分词部分不变。,(,2,)被动语态在句型中的考查主要有三种形式:,含有一个宾语的结构(即“,主语,+,谓语,+,宾语,”的形式),含有两个宾语的结构(即“,主语,+,谓语,+,间接宾语,+,直接宾语,”的形式),含有复合宾语的结构(即“,主语,+,谓语,+,宾语,+,宾语补足语,”的形式),含有双宾语的动词在变为被动语态时,有以下三种情形:,一、,有些双宾动词,(,如,award, buy, give, leave, lend, offer, pay, show, teach, tell,等,),在变为被动语态时,既可把间接宾语,(,指人,),变为被动语态的主语,而把直接宾语,(,指事物,),保留下来,(,称为保留宾语,),,也可把直接宾语,(,指事物,),变为被动语态的主语,而把间接宾语改为介词,to,或,for,引起的状语,(,到底用,to,还是,for,,与所搭配的动词有关,),。,比较:,He,gave,her,some money.,他给她一些钱。,She,was given some money. Some money was given to,him,.,He bought her a watch.,他给她买了一快表。,She was bought a watch., A watch was bought for her.,二、有些双宾动词,(,如,bring, do, make, pass, sell, send, sing, write,等,),通常用直接宾语,(,指事物,),作被动语态的主语,而将间接宾语用作保留宾语,(,其前根据情况用介词,to,或,for),:,Father made me a doll., A doll was made for me.,He wrote her a letter., A letter was written to her.,三、有些双宾动词,(,如,answer, deny, envy, refuse, save, spare,等,),通常用间接宾语,(,指人,),作被动语态的主语,而将直接宾语用作保留宾语:,He answered me that question., I was answered that question by him,被动语态中常用的介词,1,by,表示动作的执行者或施加者,By whom is the book written,这本书是谁写的?,The children were driven indoors by the rain.,孩子们被雨赶进了室内。,2,with,表示用某种工具,The wolf was killed with a gun.,狼被枪打死了。,The field was spread with wild flowers.,田野里野花遍地。,被动语态中常用的介词,3,from,表示源于某种物质(看不出原材料),Good wine is made from grain.,好酒是粮食制成的。,4,of,表示用某种材料制成(看得出原材料),The table is made of wood.,这张桌子是用木头做的。,被动语态中常用的介词,5,其他介词,You are wanted,on,the phone.,有电话找你。,He is known,to,everybody.,大家都认识他。,She was caught,in,the rain.,她遭雨淋了。,注意:,动作执行者可以由介词,by,引出的短语表示,但被动语态句子中的,by,短语并不总是表示动作执行者。,A policeman is known,by,the clothes he wears.,警察可以通过他的服装辨认出来。(,by,表示方式,),He was much flattered,by,her asking him to dinner.,她邀请他吃晚饭,他受宠若惊了,。,(,by,表示原因,),The snow was piled high,by,the gate.,门口雪堆积得很高。(,by,表示地点,),中考考点,1,被动语态在不同时态(含有情态动词)中的运用,;,(,广州,06) As usual, Meihua _ at 6:30 this morning by her mother to get ready for school.,A. has woken up B. woke up,C. wakes up D. was woken up,(06) We should water the young trees every two days.,The young trees _every two days.,should be watered by us,中考考点,2,含有介词的短语动词的被动用法,;,(,广州,05) A neighbour helped to keep our dog. It _ while we were on holiday.,A. was taken care B. took care of,C. is taken care of D. was taken care of,中考考点,3,本身构成被动的固定短语或句型的运用(近五年未出现在广州市中考试题中),;,_Edison is an outstanding inventor.,This kind of books,_,recycled paper.,is made of,It is well known that,4,双宾结构以及复合宾语结构的主动变被动的用法(考查双宾结构的主动变被动用法近五年未出现在广州市中考试题中),;,(,广州,03) The policeman made the young woman move her car.,The young woman her car _by the policeman.,(,广州,05) Miss King saw Bill helping a blind man cross the street yesterday afternoon.,Yesterday afternoon Bill,_,a blind man cross the street,_,.,was made to move,was seen helping,by Miss King,学生易错点,典型错题一: (,01,广州市中考题),The man who lived alone on the island thought he _ never be _.,A.will, find B. would, found,C. is, found D. had, been found,原因分析:学生受,thought,的影响,认为“没有被人发现”是在宾语从句结构中,因此时态应该为过去完成时态,D,,但是此题应该是一个对于语境的考查题,,the man,过去独自一人居住在岛上,因此“过去的过去”没有被人发现是事实,但是句中,never,的隐含着“永远不”的意思,语义上更倾向于“过去的将来”,故而答案应该为,B,。,学生易错点,典型错题二:(,02,广州市中考题),Dont worry. All the children _ by the nurses.,A. are well taken care of B. take good care of,C. are taken good care D. take good care,原因分析:学生想当然地认为短语,take care of,中可以用形容词,good,修饰名词,care,的情况是唯一正确的形式,没有意识到在动词,+,介词,/,副词结构中,介词或副词是不可以随意丢弃的,再者,短语,take care of,本身可以看作一个动词结构,副词,well,修饰动词的用法也是正确的。因此答案只能是,A,。,学生易错点,典型错题三:,Can you tell me whom the play _ in 2003?,A. is written B. was written,C. is written by D. was written by,原因分析:学生看到了四个选项就已经很明确地知道了考查被动语态结构,接着看到题干中的,in 2003,就已经乐开了,而忽视了题干中,whom,的存在,误选了答案,B,。正确答案为,D,。,学生易错点,典型错题四:区别本身只具有主动意义的词(近五年未出现在广州市中考试题中);,Can you tell me _?,A. when did it happen B. when it happened,C. when was it happened D. when it was happened,原因分析:学生误以为,happen,是及物动词而选择,D,,正确答案为,B,。,happen to sb.,谋事发生在某人身上,而不是发生某人;不及物动词,主动形式表被动含义,(,即用谓语动词的主动形式表达被动含义,),1.,系动词,look,、,sound,、,feel,、,smell,、,taste+,表语,eg,:,The cotton,feels,soft.,The dish,smells,delicious.,2.,表示“开始”、“结束”、“运动”的动词:,begin, start,finish,open,close,stop,shut,run,move,等,eg,:,The shopping mall,closes,at 9 p.m. everyday.,3.,表示主语特征的动词带上一个修饰语:,read, write, act, cut,sell,wash, clean, eat, drink,等,eg: The juice drinks well./ The cloth wears softly.,强化训练,(一)单项选择,1. We know that English _ all over the world.,A. is spoken B. is speaking C. speaks D. has spoken,2. Computer _ in everyday life in this country before long.,A. is used B. will use C. will be used D. was used,3. Its true that his bad teeth _ out by himself.,has been pulled B. have been pulled,C. has pulled D. pulled,4. Ive told the old man his money _ by the policemen.,has been found B. have been found,C. have found out D. has found,5. What _just now?,was happened B. were happened,C. happened D. happens,6. The children _ not to play with the fire .,A. are told B. tell C. are asking D. warn,7. -_ the Internet _ in your school?-Yes , but the computer in our office often refuses to work.,A. Is, used B. Is, using C. Does, use D. Has, used,8. -Something is wrong with the car.,-Dont worry. Ill have it _ soon.,A. fixed B. mending C.to repair D. to fix,9.- Football,_,by the British at the beginning of last century.,- Thats probably why football is one of the most popular games in England.,A. was inventedB. invented C. was inventing D. invents,10. The PRC was _ on October 1st 1949.,A. found B. find C. founding D. founded,11. I turned back only to find myself _ by a group of beggars.,A. follow B. following C. to follow D. followed,12. Now her lost books are usually_ the library.,A .returned B .returned to C. paid D. paid to,13. Paul doesnt have to be made _.He always works hard.,A. to learn B. learn C. learning D. learns,14. -My trousers are_ .,-Ill buy you a new pair.,A. wore out,B. worn out,C. wearing out,D. sold out,15. Dont you know sweaters cant _ that way?,A. be washed B. being washed C. being washing D. wash,16. The broken cup _ away by the boy already.,has been thrown B. is thrown,C. is being thrown D. threw,17. _ that Ann is a very clever girl.,Its believed B. Its believe,C. It is believing D. Its believed to,18. Everyone except Jim and Bill _ some sweets .Agives B. is given C. give D. are given,19. I think the sick boy must _ to the hospital as soon as possible.,be taken B. been taken,C. being taken D. take,20. Most of rice in China _ in the south.,A. are grown B. is grown C. grow D. grows,21. Students _ slippers when they are at school.,A. dont allow to wear B. are not allowed to wear,C. are not allowed to put on D. are not allowed wearing,22. The 2010 Asian Games _ in Guangzhou.,A. is held B. was held C. has held D. will be held,23. I will go to the party if I _.,A. invited B. was invited C. have invited D. am invited,24. Great changes _ in Guangzhou in the past ten years.,A. have taken place B. have been taken place,C. have happened D. have been happened,25. Oh, what a big shop! Do you know when it _?,built B. was built,C. has built D. has been built,


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