A Clean, ...新ppt

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Steins comment suggests the ambiguous and pointless lives of expatriates as they aimlessly wandered about the Continent, drinking, making love, traveling from place to place and from party to party. These activities seem to justify their search for new meanings to replace the old ones. Yet in fact, being cut off from their past, disillusioned in reality, and without a meaningful future to fall on, they were lost in disillusionment and existential voids. They indulged in hedonism,(享乐主义),in order to make their life less unbearable.,2. The Background of the Novel,Most of the works by Hemingway take the war as background, describing the pains the war brings to human being, and reflecting a younger generation,s aimlessness after the war. At that time, these works immediately won the responses from many people who survived the war physically but were afterwards spiritually and morally adrift. Then, Hemingway became the spokesman for what the Gertrude Stein had called,“,The Lost Generation,”,.,3. The General Introduction to the Novel,The short story A Clean and Well-lighted Place took place in a Spanish caf,. The plot was focused on the old man, the middle aged waiter and the young waiter. The old man was the main character in the short story. Late at night, everyone had left the caf,except the old deaf man, who was a little drunk. The two waiters were worried that he might leave without paying if he became deeply drunk. Then they kept watch on him and began their conversation about the old man.,Analysis of the three characters:,The old mans,character is complex. Being depressed but still keeping dignity was the old mans image created by Hemingway, which fits the image of “Hemingway Hero”. On one hand, the old man was weak, despaired and extremely unhappy. He had a lot of money but lost belief. He stopped believing in anything that might have been significant in the past. For him, Nothingness meant hopelessness, aimlessness and meaninglessness of the life. The old man tried to commit suicide but failed. Then he liked to sit late in the cafa clean and well-lighted place to buy drunk. Special attention should be paid to that the old mans deafness was an image symbolizing his separation from the rest of the world. The old man needed a place of refuge from his terrible awareness of that human lives were meaningless. On the other hand, though the old man was in despair, he still kept dignity.,The young waiter,was selfish and impatient. He had a wife waiting for him to go home, so he wanted the old deaf man to leave as soon as possible. Therefore, he became angry and impolite. He intentionally poured the brandy out of the cup. His bad service formed a strong contrast with the old mans cleanness. He did not sense the dignity the old man had about him. Furthermore, the young waiter was ignorant and blindly confident. He was so concerned with the daily routines and desires that he did not care about the others. He could not understand the old man. He did not realize what he had, such as job, wife and confidence, was unreliable because he was young. He thought that money should keep a person be happy. He meant that the old man had no reason to kill himself because he was rich. Poverty, in his opinion, would be the only excuse for suicide.,The middle aged waiter,was more sympathetic. He knew the importance of a clean and well-lighted place for those who need a refuge to escape from the reality. He knew the old mans suffering and was sympathized with him. Therefore, he did not think it was bad for the old man to stay in the caf late into the night.,Theme of the text:,Nada (Nothing),was an important theme of this story. Nearly all the characters live in Nada. For the old man, Nada means hopelessness, aimlessness and meaninglessness of life, which was the exact reason for the old mans suicide. He tried to kill himself, by which he thought he could make himself get rid of the earthly affairs. The middle aged waiter was aware of what the old man suffered. He knew the old mans today was his tomorrow. He knew the importance of a clean and well-lighted place to those who need a refuge to escape from loneliness. However, he had to leave the caf at the end of the novel. The young waiter lived in Nada as well, even if he did not realize it. His ignorance makes a strong contrast with the old mans wisdom. He was unaware of what he had. For him, the life was another kind of meaninglessness, because he was blindly confident with the unreliable youth.,Writing style:,Hemingway is famous for his literary style: simple, understated, and direct. He was at his best describing physical activity. The story,A Clean and Well-Lighted Place,was written in his early time, which has a typical Hemingways style. In the short story, Hemingway used a lot of conversations to compare the middle aged waiter with the young waiter. The sentences have only one or several words. In the short story, Hemingway also used meaningful symbols to convey deep meanings, which is worthy of studying and thinking over.,


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