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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,英语:,Unit5 Traveling abroad-Using language-Peru,课件(人教版选修),Reading and speaking,Peru,Skill training in,Getting & Matching,Information,广州市育才中学高二级,Game:,Welcome to Peru,Answer the questions as quickly as possible.,1. Which continent is Peru in?,South America,2. Which country once conquer Peru?,Spain,3. Which,mountains,are in Peru?,Rocky mountains,Andes Mountains,Himalayas Mountains,Alps Mountains,Andes Mountains,4. Which is the,national flag,of Peru?,A,B,C,D,5. Which city is the,capital,of Peru?,Lima,6. What does,Machu Picchu,mean in Quechua (,盖丘亚族人语,)language?,Strong empire,Hot place,Home near the sea,Old mountain,7. Which,empire,once existed in Peru?,Inca,8. Which is the,ancient capital,of Inca?,Lima,Puno,Cuzco,Andes,Lets learn more about Peru!,听取信息,题型特点,:,以,表格,的形式提供指引,当中隐藏文章的,框架结构,或,段落主题,以及信息点的,分布,状况,所给出的信息提示与空格内容往往存在结构或内容上的,平行关系,。,空格,内容,涉及,:,时间、日期、人名、地名、交通工具、体育项目等。,语法形式,包括,:,名词、动词、形容词、介词、副词和短语结构等。,Guess the possible answers,the general information about,PERU,Location,a country on the Pacific,16,Three main geographic areas,1.a narrow costal belt;,2. the Andes Mountains;,3.,17,in the southeast,capital,Lima , in the north on the coast,History,A. was governed by Spain from,18,;,B. and gained independence from,Spain in 1821,Famous,places,Cuzco, a lively city where both,19,and art can be seen,Lake Titicaca,20,in the world,Machu Picchu, a city of the famous Inca ruins,date,Task 1:,Listening,Listen and complete the chart about the general information of,Peru,Listen for information,the general information about,PERU,Location,a country on the Pacific,16,Three main geographic areas,1.a narrow costal belt;,2. the Andes Mountains;,3.,17,in the,southeast,capital,Lima , in the north on the coast,coast of South America,high, flat plains,History,A. was governed by Spain from,18,;,B. and gained independence from,Spain in 1821,Famous,places,Cuzco, a lively city where both,19,and,art can be seen,Lake Titicaca,20,in the world,Machu Picchu, a city of the famous,Inca ruins,the 16th century,the highest lake,Indian and Spanish culture,Read the persons information in your handout and glance quickly through the brochure on,Page 4344,.,Match,the four tours with a proper person.,Task 2:,Read for information,_ 1. Mike, a well-paid photographer, who has great interest in adventuring and exploration. He hopes to have an active holiday and shoot some pictures of different kinds of birds.,_ 2. Elisabeth, who has retired recently, is planning for a leisurely vacation. She hopes to visit the museums, buy something special and taste some delicious food.,Tour 4,Tour 3,_3. Alessandro, a hiking lover, hopes to spend some days hiking while enjoying the beautiful natural scenery.,_ 4. Alfred and his girlfriend. Not only do they hope to have a chance to experience local peoples life, but also like to go traveling by boat in a romantic way.,Tour 1,Tour 2,题型特点,:,由应用文,和,相关人物信息,组成,例如,:,应用文是,招聘广告,相关人物是,应聘者的信息。,两类信息往往存在,交叉,和,类同,,增加匹配的难度。,解题关键:,快速阅读,应用文,找到,关键词,,,做必要的,标记,,,然后与在人物信息中寻找,类似的关键词,与之匹配,先将有把握的答案,确定,下来,对个别信息点重合的选项逐一排除。,信息匹配,useful expressions,与,平行,各种各样的,从,到,获得独立,A,与,B,很近,be parallel to / with,sth,a variety of ,from to ,gain independen,ce,A be close,to,B,be parallel to/with,sth,线,A,平行于线,B,。,Line A _ Line B.,这条高速公路与铁路线平行。,This highway_ the,railroad.,is parallel with,is / runs parallel to,Homework,1. Doin English weekly.,


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