8B UNIT2 复习课件

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Opposites of Adjectives,possible,polite,correct,complete,welcome,common,regular,honest,Prefix-im,Prefix-in,Prefix-ir,Prefix-dis,im,possible,im,polite,in,correct,in,complete,ir,regular,dis,honest,un,welcome,un,common,Prefix -un,Suffixes -ful and -less,Helen is a,care,ful,student.,But Henry is a,care,less,one.,后缀,-ful,表示,full of,或是,having the quality of,-less,表示,without,或是,having the quality of,。,Noun,Adjective (with-ful),Adjective (with-less),harm,help,use,harm,ful,help,ful,use,ful,harm,less,help,less,use,less,Try to add,-ful and -less.,If you cannot add -ful or -less to a word, put a cross in the box.,Noun,Adjective (with-,ful,),Adjective (with-less),cheer,colour,care,delight,end,hope,cheer,ful,colour,ful,care,ful,delight,ful,end,less,hope,ful,cheer,less,colour,less,care,less,hope,less,1.There is _ (end) homework to do before the exam.,2. Betty is a kind and _ (help) girl.,3. Some people are always happy. They can be _ (cheer) every day.,4. Smoking is _ (harm) to your health.,5. This TV dropped to the ground and couldnt be mended. Its _ (use) now.,6. Amy saw so many _ (color) dresses in the shop that she couldnt stop buying one after another.,endless,helpful,cheerful,harmful,useless,colorful,练一练,7.We all like John. Because he is a _ boy. He does his homework _ every day. He also takes good _ of his little sister. (care),8.Tom gave me a _ look just now, but I thought it was _ and I didnt know what he _. (mean),9.There were many people waiting at the _ of,Dongfeng,Road and the line seemed _. (end),careful,care,carefully,meaningful,meaningless,meant,end,endless,10. The fireworks at night were _ (,colour,).,11. Mr. Sun was _ (thank) for Wang Fangs help.,12. John is a nice and_ boy (,care).He,never does his homework _.,13. Miss Zhang is _ with our English studies. (help),colourful,thankful,careful,carelessly,helpful,14. The dictionary is _ in our Chinese,study.(use,),15. The line outside Hello Kittys house was _(end), I thought it was _ to get into the,house.(hope,),16. Daniel is a _ boy. He plans everything,well.(thought,),17.,Disnyland,is a _ place to,visit.(wonder,),hopeless,thoughtful,wonderful,useful,endless,词的正确形式填空,:,1 My mother doesnt like this _ (shine) red dress.,2 Our teacher told us this the nice news with great _ (excited).,3 Millie is _ (tie) her dog to the tree.,4 Now some young people like to hold their _ (marry) in a church.,2.When we heard the funny story, we couldnt stop _. (laugh),5. Sandy and her parents _ their hands while watching the parade. (clap),7. How _ the singer is singing! (beauty),shiny,excitement,tying,marriage,laughing,clapped,beautifully,8. I wish all of you a _ (pleasure) trip.,9. On Sundays, Mr. Ma often goes _ (hike) with some friends.,11. Its about 20 minutes bus _ (ride) from here to Sunny Street.,12. The _ (perform) of the show are all super stars?,13. The day of our trip to Japan _ (final) arrived.,14. I cant hear your voice(,声音,) _ (clear).,15. A lot of _ (tour) go to,Zhalong,to watch birds.,pleasant,hiking,ride,performers,finally,clearly,tourists,根据汉语提示填空,1,、,I dont know what made him scream _(,激动地,).,2,、,_ in this show _ so well that the audience were pleased with their _. (,表演,),3,、,The children were very excited and they couldnt stop c,_,their hands.,4,、,The farmer is,t_the,horse to the tree.,5,、,My classmates had a wonderful time,v_the,cultural center last week.,excitedly/with excitement,Performers,performed,performances,lapping,ying,isiting,知识梳理,Language points,1. go on a trip,to,South Hill go on a trip,to,去某地旅游,2. take you out for a few days,带你出去玩几天,take,sb,out,带某人出去,3. go hiking, go skiing go,v-ing,去做某事,4. a symbol of Japan the symbol of,的象征,e.g. Red is the symbol of danger.,5. have a really fantastic time,have a good/great/wonderful time,have fun,enjoy oneself,6. at the entrance,在入口处 ,at the exit,在出口处,7. move,at,high speed,高速运转,at,a speed of,以,的速度,,at a speed of 100 km an hour,8. scream,with,excitement,兴奋地尖叫,exciteexcited,兴奋的,exciting,令人兴奋的;扣人心弦的;刺激的,excitement n.,激动,兴奋,9.,I couldnt stop taking photos with them. cant/couldnt stop doing,sth,禁不住做某事,知识链接,cant/couldnt help doing,sth,禁不住做某事,,cant/couldnt wait to do,sth,迫不及待做某事。,10. I,have been there,many times .,我去过那儿许多次了。,have been there,去过那儿,(there,前省略了介词,to ; abroad,前也不能加介词,),have gone to,表示人不在,已经去了某地,11 The performers all wore different costumes and waved to the viewers while they marched across the park,singing and dancing,all the way.,表演者们都穿着不同的服饰,而且当他们一路上又唱又跳经过公园时还向观众挥手呢。,知识链接,wave to,sb,向某人招手,wave n.,波;波浪,march across,迈步穿越,singing and dancing all the way,是现在分词短语,作伴随状态。,12. The line of people outside Space Mountain was,endless,. We thought it was hopeless to,wait in the line,.,太空山外人们排的队伍不见尽头。我们原以为排不上队了。,endless,无尽的;无休止的,,e.g. endless love We have endless homework to do.,13. The weather in Hong Kong is different from,that,in Beijing .,香港的天气和北京不一样。 句中的,that,代替前面不可数名词,weather,。,14. Its a famous theme park and includes four different parks.,include,动词,including,介词,e.g.The,car accident killed three people, including a boy.,15. a really delightful holiday and a meaningful experience,一个高兴的假期、一次有意义的经历,知识链接,experience ,n.(C,),经历,(,可数名词,),e.g. He had,a pleasant experience,in Hong Kong last year.,n.(U,),经验(不可数名词),experienced adj.,经验丰富的,语法总结,have/has,gone to,have/has,been to,have/has,been in,have/has,gone to,:,已经去了,某地或人还在,途中,,人,还没有返回,;,have/has,been to,:,曾经去过,某地,现在,已经回来了,后面可接表示“,次数,”的状语,;,have/has,been in,:,表示某人“,已在某地停留一段时间,现仍在那里,”,其后常带,表示一段时间,的状语。,have/has gone to have/has been to have/has been in,1.A: Wheres Jim, Li Lei?,B: He _his school library.,2.The Greens _China for three years.,We _the Great Wall twice. Its very beautiful.,has gone to,have been in,have been to,B,A,A,B,B,stay,A,用法二,:,for+,一,段时间,since+,时间点,since+,句子(一般过去时),E.g. Kate has lived here,for 3 years,.,Kate has lived here,since 3 years ago,.,Kate has lived here,since she came to China,.,表示过去某个时间开始的动作或存在的状态,,一直持续到现在并可能还将持续下去,。动词使用,延续性动词,。常与,for,或,since,引导的时间连用,since then,(自从那时起),so far,(到目前为止),up to/till now,(直到现在),in/during/over the past /last few/three years,(在过去,/,最近几年、三年里),several times,(几次),2,、,adverbials of time,B. Phrases,常见非延续性动词和延续性动词的转变,arrive/come/go to die,become a borrow,leave/ move,buy open,join,start/begin finish/ end,catch a cold get up,get to know get out,close wake up,go to sleep,become interested in,be in,be dead,have,keep,be away / be out,be a,be in/a member of,be open,be on,be over,have a cold,be up,know,be out,be closed,be awake,be asleep/ sleep,be interested in,1.,用所给动词的适当形式填空:,He,(buy) his bike for over two years.,She,(borrow) this book for nearly three weeks.,Kitty,(arrive) in Hong Kong since two days ago.,She,(leave) her home for a month.,Simon,(join) the football club since last year.,He,(die) for some time.,They,(get) married for more than ten years.,My cousin,(come) in Beijing for a week.,The parade,(begin) for almost an hour.,The conference,(stop) since last Sunday.,反馈矫正,has had,has kept,has been,has been away from,has been in,has been dead,has been married,has been,has been on,has been over,慧眼识错,1. I have borrowed the book for 3 months.,2. My bother has joined the army since he was 18.,3. Jack and Tom have lived here since 5years.,4. The film has been on since I have come to the cinema.,5. When has Mr. Li caught a bad cold?,have kept,has been in/ been a member of the army,since 5 years ago/ for 5 years,came,did,catch,6. Ten years have passed since they got married.,7. Jim has gone to Beijing for 2 years.,8.What time have the factory opened?,9.I have gone to,Chunhua,Middle School twice,has,has been in,did,open,been to,10. They have got married for fifteen years.,11. The parade has been on an hour ago .,12. The sheep has died for quite some time.,13. The winter holiday has stopped,since last Saturday.,14.Kitty have borrowed this CD for two weeks.,15.She has looked after her son since six months,since an hour ago,has kept,for,been,been dead,been over,Reading,根据课文填空,Kitty and her parents had a really f_ time in Hong Kong Disneyland. It is a famous t_ park. It i_ four different parks.,antastic,heme,ncludes,First, they took photos in front of the w_ fountain at the entrance, and then went to,Tomorrowland,. Space Mountain is a roller coaster and moved at high s_,peed,.,hale,After they left,Tomorrowland, they r_ to Fantasyland, and Kitty saw many of her,favourite,Disney characters, s_ as Sleeping Beauty , Snow White , Alice and Cinderella. Then they saw the p_ of Disney characters. The performers w _ to people while m_ a_ the park. The children c_ and screamed.,uch,aved,lapped,When they left Fantasyland, they happily went to,Adventureland,to watch the Lion King show and bought some s_.,ushed,arade,cross,ouvenirs,arching,At the end of that day, they watched f_ in front of Sleeping Beauty Castle which looks s_ and beautiful.,hiny,I_ all, they stayed at the park for about 12 hours. That was an e_ trip.,n,ireworks,xciting,反馈矫正,Some of Roberts old friends were t,1,about young people in their town. They all a,2,that old people were cleverer than young people. Then one of them said, “But young people are s,3,than old people.”,All of them agreed that this is true e,4,Robert. He thought he was as strong as b,5,“That is not possible,” said his friends.,“Well,” said Robert, “In one c,6,of my garden theres a big stone. When I was young, I couldnt m,7,it. I wasnt strong e,8,Now Im old and when I try to move it, I s,9,cant. Thats w,10,Im as strong as befor,e.”,why,still,enough,move,corner,before,except,stronger,agreed,talking,Thank you !,


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