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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Astronomy: the science,of the stars,Period one,Warming,up&reading,Warming Up,What subjects do you learn at school?,Chinese,English,mathematics,physics,history,geography,physics,biology,chemistry,brainstorming,geophysics,biochemistry,astronomy biochemistry geophysics medicine,_ the scientific study of treatment of diseases and injures,_ the study of the chemistry of living things,_ the scientific study of the earth,s atmosphere, oceans and climate,_ the scientific study of objects in space, such as planets, stars, comets and,“,black holes,”,astronomy,medicine,biochemistry,geophysics,Astronomy,is the scientific study of the,universe,and the heaven bodies (such as the sun, the moon, and stars), gas, and dust within it.,astronomer,The Solar system,eight,planets,many comets,other objects,地球,_,木星,_,火星,_,水星,_,海王星,_,F,.,冥王星,_,G.,土星,_,H.,天王星,_,I.,金星,_,Earth,Jupiter,Mars,Mercury,Neptune,Pluto,Saturn,Uranus,Venus,The earths atmosphere,The,earths,atmosphere,nitrogen,oxygen,dioxide,carbon,surface,vapour,The earths atmosphere,Presentation,HOW LIFE BEGAN ON THE EARTH?,Pangu,separates the sky from the earth,Nuwa,makes human beings,The Big Bang,How many parts can the text be divided into?,Two parts:,Part 1 (,para,1),Part 2 (para2.3.4),Water made it possible for life begin to develop.,The development of living things.,Energetic dust,A solid ball,Explode,atmosphere,water,Water made it possible _,for life to begin to develop,.,2,1,small plants in water,3,green plants on land,4,5,6,forests,7,8,9,2,shellfish and all sorts of fish,4,insects (on land),5,amphibians,(on land and in water),7,reptiles (on land),8,dinosaurs (on land),9,mammals (on land),_,made it possible for life to begin to develop,.,Water,Later _ appeared.,land animals,insects,amphibians,When plants grew into forests,_ appeared for the first time.,reptiles,Some huge animals, called _, developed.,dinosaurs,When dinosaurs disappeared, _ became more important.,mammals,A cloud of dust,a solid ball,presence of water,on the water,shellfish & other fish,plants begin to grow on dry land,insects and amphibians,appear,retiles appear,dinosaurs appear,mammals appear,The,development of life,small plants grow,on the water,appear,shellfish & other fish,plants begin to grow on dry,land,insects and,amphibians,appear,retiles,appear,dinosaurs appear,mammals,appear,Exercises,Read paragraph 2 to 4 carefully and finish the following form.,How life began on the earth,1. small plants in water,2,.,shellfish,and all,sorts of fish,3. green plants on land,4.,insects(on,land),5.,amphibians (on land,and in water),6. forests,7.,reptiles(on,land),8.,dinosaurs(on,land),9.,mammals(on,land),10. small clever animals,with hands and feet,11.,human,Because the water reminded on the earth.,Because plants provide oxygen for animals to breathe.,Because dinosaurs died out long before human beings developed on the earth.,The name is Pluto. Scientists now think it is too small to be called a planet.,Human beings caused global warming.,Check the answers on P27,10 7 3 8 4 9 6 1 5 2 12 11,2.,3.,Group work,What problems have been caused by humans to the earth?,How to protect the earth and make it a better place to live on?,As a student, what little things can we do for the earth?,Discussion,Whether life will continue on the earth depends on,human beings,.,Only if we care will we help,only if we help shall all be saved!,Homework,听写,astronomy-dioxide,2.,书上,P28,第题,1. solid; violent; astronomy; generally speaking;,prevent,from; planet; development; explode;,surface, method,Conclusion,Astronomy: the science,of the stars,Period two,Learning about language,Warming Up,Prepare for “DISCOVERING USEFUL WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS”.,P. 28,Answer key for exercise 1:,-ence,un-,present,certain,violent,fair,confident,paid,different,like,patient,kind,presence,violence,confidence,difference,patience,uncertain,unfair,unpaid,unlike,unkind,-al,-ist,culture,art,globe,physics,universe,chemistry,agriculture,biology,mathematics,science,cultural,global,universal,agricultural,mathematical,artist,physicist,chemist,biologist,scientist,C A C B,Answer key for exercise 2:,Answer key for exercise 3:,fundamental, astronomy, gave birth to,existed,A,s a result, atoms, prevent from,puzzle,emotional words,calm words,Answer key for exercise 4:,violent angry rude,shocked excited,crazy,patient gentle relaxing kind easy-going calm,Presentation,主语从句(,Noun Clauses as the Subject,),定义:,用作主语的从句叫主语从句,它是名词性从句之一。引导主语从句的连接词有:连词,that, whether,;,连接代词,who, what,和,which,;,连接副词,when, where, how,和,why,。,用法:,1),由,what,等代词引起的主语从句:,What,the teacher said today was quite right.,老师今天说的话是十分正确的。,2),由连词,that,引起的主语从句:,That,they are badly in need of help is quite clear.,他们急需帮助,这是十分明显的。,但是这类句子在大多数情况下会放到整个句子的后部去,而用代词,it,作形式主语。,3),由连接代词或连接副词以及,whether,引起的主语从句。,Whether,they will sell the house is not yet decided.,他们是否卖掉这所房子还没有决定。,4) whatever, whoever,也可引导主语从句。,Whatever,was said here must be kept secret.,这里说的话都应当保密。,Whoever,makes mistakes must correct them.,凡犯了错误的人都必须改正。,注意,:,上述例句中的主语从句都是放在句首,但有时为了使句子结构平衡,避免 “头重脚轻”,常用,it,作形式主语,而把从句放在后面。 例如,:,It,is a pity that she has made such a mistake.,她犯了这样一个错误,真是遗憾。,这样就构成了下面一些常用句型,:,1) It is + adj. / n. +,从句,It is a pity/shame that.,遗憾的是,It is possible that.,很可能,It is unlikely that.,不可能,2) It +,不及物动词,+,从句,It seems/appears that.,似乎,It happened that.,碰巧,3) It + be +,过去分词,+,从句,It is said that.,据说,It is known to all that.,众所周知,It is reported that.,据报道,It is believed that.,据信,;,人们相信,It is suggested that.,有人建议,It must be pointed out that.,必须指出,It has been proved that.,已证明,.,如,:,It is believed that,at least a score of buildings were damaged or destroyed.,据信,至少有二十座楼房遭到破坏或彻底毁掉。,5) .,用于,It is important / natural / necessary / impossible that.,句型中,主语从句应使用虚拟语气,谓语动词用,“should +,动词原形,”,的形式, should,有时有感情色彩。,Exercises,1. _ you dont like him is none of my business.,2. _ he said at the meeting astonished everybody present.,3. _ the 2000 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing is not known yet.,4. _ well go camping tomorrow depends on the weather.,5. _ leaves the room last ought to turn off the lights.,That,What,Whether,Whether,Whoever,6. _ is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language.,7.It worried her a bit _ her hair was turning grey.,8. The Foreign Minister said, “_ is our hope that the two sides will work towards peace.”9. After Yang,Liwei,succeeded in circling the earth, _ our astronauts desire to do is walk in space.,It,that,It,what,1. After Yang,Liwei,succeeded in circling the earth, _ our astronauts desire to do is walk in space. (,高考真题,),A. where B. what C. that D. how,解析,: what,引导主语从句,在从句中做,do,的宾语,高考链接,2. The other day, my brother drove his car down the street at _ I thought was a dangerous speed. (,高考真题,),A. as B. which C. what D. that,解析,: I thought,是插入语,可以把它去掉不考虑,. what,引导宾语从句,在从句中作主语,.,宾语从句作,at,的宾语,.,3. _ in the regulations that you should not tell other people the password of your email account.,(高考真题),A. What is required B. What requires C. It is required D. It requires,解析,: “It is required that ”,是一个固定句式,,it,作形式主语, that,引导的从句为真正的主语。,4. _ the 2000 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing is not known yet. ,高考真题,A. Whenever B. If C. Whether D. That,答案是,C,。“,2000,年奥林匹克运动会是否在北京举行还不知道。”,5. _ he said at the meeting astonished everybody present. ,高考真题,A. What B. That C. The fact D. The matter,答案是,C,。“他在会上的发言使到会的每一个人都感到惊讶。”,what,表示“,(,所说的话,)” ,相当于,The words (that + /which) he said at the meeting,6. _ leaves the room last ought to turn off the light. ,高考真题,A. Anyone B. The person C. Whoever D. Who,答案是,C,。“谁最后离开房间应关灯。”,whoever,意为“无论谁”,引导主语从句,并在从句中作主语。若选,A,或,B, anyone,或,the person,后应回,who,使其成为由,who,引导的定语从句,修饰,anyone,或,person.,注:这些词还可引导副词性从句。,7. _ he has become a rich man is known to all in our town. ,高考真题,A. Because B. That C. / D. What,答案是,B,。“他变成了富翁,这是我们镇上下班人人皆知的事。”根据句意,须用,that,引导的主语从句。,that,在从句中不担任任何成分,只起连接作用,.,8. _ I need is more time.,A. That B. What C. / D. Which,答案是,B,。“我所需要的是更多的时间。” 根据题意,应选,what,引志的主语从句, what,在职从句中作宾语,(what = the thing which).,主语从句的关联词不能省略,故排除,C,。,which,表示“哪一个”, that,无词义,都与句意不符,故排除。,Conclusion,Homework,1. Make use of different learning resources to have an inquiry study of subject clause ,and summarize the rules of it.,2. Do Workbook Exx.1-3 on P. 64.,Astronomy: the science of the stars,Period three,Using Language,Using Language,Warming Up,1. Who is the first Chinese astronaut to go into space?,2. What was the date when he circled the earth in space?,A. November 15, 2003 B. October 15, 2003,C. September 17, 2004 D. December 17,2004,3. Which country first sent people up to space?,4. So far, how many countries have succeeded in sending people up to space?,5. Who is the first man landing on the moon?,Yang,Liwei,A,The Soviet Union,Three,Armstrong (America, 1969),Presentation,A VISIT TO THE MOON,rocket,1. Who had a chance to travel to the moon?,2.How did they travel to the moon?,3.Was there anything changed on their journey?,Questions,4. How many times would the force of gravity change on their journey? When? Which change would be the most powerful? What about his weight?,Questions,On the moon,The change of gravity,In space,Very strong,Disappeared,Very light,Leave the earth,On the earth,In space,On the moon,The weight changed,He became very heavy.,He had no weight and could float weightlessly around in their spaceship.,He was about one-sixth of his weight on the earth.,Read the passage and fill in the form,.,5. what happened to him when he tried to step forward?,6. why was returning to the earth very frightening?,7. How did he feel?,Questions,Last month I visited the moon with my friend. Before we left, I was told the force of g_ would change three times on our journey. Then we took off. As we left the earth, I became very h_. Gradually the weight l_. When I was in space, it d_. We f_ weightlessly in the cabin and I c_ _. When I was on the moon, I was surprised to find out even walking needs lots of practice n_ _ gravity changed. The returning of the earth was very f_. We were amazed to watch fire b_ _ on the outside of the ship.,gravity,heavy,lessened,disappeared,floated,cheered up,now that,rightening,break out,Fill in the blanks,Discussion?,If you want to,visit the moon, what things you must prepare and what kinds of qualities you should have?,1. Last month I was lucky,enough,to have a chance to make a trip into space with my friend Li,Yanping, an astronomer.,上个月我有幸得到一个机会同我的朋友,一位宇航员李彦平一道去太空旅行。,Language points,enough,的用法,:,1,)形容词作定语:,enough,用在名词前、后都可以。,I have,enough,time to do the work.,/ I have time,enough,to do the work.,我有足够的时间做此项工作。,2,)用作副词修饰形容词或副词表示程度,: enough,一般放在形容词或副词的后边。,long enough, fast enough, quickly enough,等。 但一般不说:,enough long, enough fast, enough quickly.,The boy is old,enough,to go to school.,这孩子到上学的年龄了。,3,)用作副词修饰动词时也需放在动词之后。,The meat is not cooked,enough,.,肉炖得不够熟。,If I had _ (,足够长的假期,), Id visit Europe, stopping at all the small interesting places.,a long enough holiday,2. Then we,were,off,.,随后我们就启程了。,be off = set off,出发;动身,I,am off,today.,我今天不用上班。,We,are,off,today.,今天我们不上班,/,今天我们不开张。,与,off,相关的短语,:,see.off,送行,jump off,跳下,give off,散发,show off,炫耀,get off,下车,take off,脱下,turn off,关闭,pay off,付清;还清,3. When we,get closer to,the moon, we shall feel its gravity pulling us, but it will not be as strong a pull as the earths.,当我们更接近月球时,就会感到月球的引力在拉我们。但是,月球的引力不像地球的引力那么大。,get close to,靠近,接近,指动态变化,be close to,距,.,近,指状态,The school,is close to,the post office.,4.cheer up:,欢呼,喝彩,感到高兴,,使高兴。,当看到球队的到来,人群欢呼起来。,_ when they,saw the team arrive.,他带她去听音乐会来使她高兴。,He took her _ to,_.,The crowd cheered up,to the concert,cheer her up,1). “A + be +,倍数,+ as +,形容词原级,+ as +,B”.,This tree is,three times as tall as,that one.,His father is,twice as old as,he.,5. But when I tried to step forward, I found I was carried,twice as far as,on the earth and fell over.,而当我试着向前迈步的时候,我发觉我被送出很远,步子的跨度竟是在地球上的两倍,因而我摔倒了。,2). “A + be +,倍数,+,形容词比较级,+ than + B ”,The Yangtze River is almost,twice longer than,the Pearl River.,长江差不多比珠江长两倍。,The number of students in our school is,three,times larger than,that in theirs.,我们学校的学生数量比他们学校的多三倍。,3). “A + be +,倍数,+ the +,名词,(size, length, amount) + of + B”,The newly broadened square is,four times the size of,the previous one.,新扩建的广场是未扩建时的四倍大。,经过实验,这种细胞已经变得有那种细胞的三倍大了,1. After the experiment, this cell has become,three times as large as,that one.,2. After the experiment, this cell has become,twice larger than,that one.,3. After the experiment, this cell has become,three times the size of,that one.,6. .walking does need a bit of practice,now that,gravity has changed.,.,既然引力改变了,走路也的确需要练一练了。,now that,同,since,相似,语气较弱,强调人们已知的事实。,Translation:,1.,既然你忙,就让我给你做吧。,Now that,you are busy, let me do it for you.,2.,既然人都齐了,咱们开始干吧。,Now that,everyone is here ,lets start work,7.We watched,amazed,as fire,broke out,on the outside of the spaceship as the earths gravity increased.,我们惊奇地看着,随着引力的增加,宇宙飞船的外层燃烧起来了。,amazed,是过去分词,此处做状语用,他进来的时候没有人注意到,.,He came in _ .,break out (,战争,争吵,疾病等,),爆发,unnoticed,它与,happen, take place, come out,等词的用法一样,,是不及物动词,不能带宾语,不能用于被动语态。,1),战争爆发,The American Civil War,broke out,in 1861.,美国内战爆发于,1861,年。,2),发生争吵,A quarrel,broke out,between them.,他们之间发生了争吵。,3),(,火灾,),发生,Afire,brokeout,inhishouselastnight.,昨晚他家里失火了。,与,break,相关的短语,:,break down,打破,;,毁掉,;,破除,;,坍塌,;,坏掉,break in,破门而入,;,打断,break away from,脱离政党,;,打破陈规,break through,突围,;,突破,break up,打碎,;,拆散,;,分裂,;,分解,break ones word/promise,食言,;,说话不算数,Exercises,translation,1,太阳系,_,2,及时,总有一天,_,3,阻止,制止,_,4,依靠,信赖,_,5,感到高兴,_,6,既然,由于,_,7,蔓延,_,8,一般而言,_,9,除了,之外还,_,10.,作一次太空旅行,_,solar system,in time,prevent from,depend on,cheer up,now that,spread,generally speaking,as well as,make a trip into space,11,熟悉,掌握,_,12,突发,爆发,_,13,增多,使繁殖,_,14,大气层,气氛,_,15,随着时间的流逝,_,16,与,不同,_,17,冷却,_,18,失重地,_,19,全球变暖,_,20,地心引力,_,get the hang of,break out,multiply,atmosphere,As time went/goes by,be different from,cool down,weightlessly,global warming,gravity,21,产卵,_,22,在表面上,_,23,两倍远,_,24,非常幸运,_,25,向某人解释,_,26,靠近,接近,_,27,出发,动身,_,28,促进,的发展,_,29,从他们的体内,_,30,做某事的方法,_,lay eggs,on its surface,twice as far as,lucky enough,explain to,sb,get close to,be off,encourage the development of,from within their body,methods of doing,sth,Homework,Collect passages about gravity.,Prepare for speaking.,Conclusion,


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