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Period Three,Lesson 3,Life Stories,课前,预习 基础,落实,课堂,讲义 核心,突破,当堂,达标 检测,巩固,栏目索引,1,.,adj,.excellent,;,first class,2,.,adj,.strict,;,stern,3,.,n,.being limited,4,.,adj,.obstinate,;,determined,;,hard to deal with,5,.,adj,.of an earlier period,6,.,adj,.honest,;,without evasion,7,.,adj,.exact,;,correctly and clearly stated,;,free from error,答案,superb,severe,restriction,stubborn,former,straightforward,precise,词语,识记,课前预习 基础落实,.,单词释义,8,.,adj,.of great value and beauty,9,.,adj,.full of strong desire,10,.,adj,.taking place by degrees,11,.,v,.to make or become larger,12,.,adj,.clearly seen or understood,13,.,n,.state of being warm,14,.,n,.major achievement,,,e.g.in technology,15,.,adj,.changeable,;,not reliable,答案,precious,eager,gradual,expand,apparent,warmth,breakthrough,uncertain,1,.,请,来;扯进来;赢利,2,.,认同,;理解,(,别人的问题、处境等,),3,.,紧紧,拥抱某人,4,.,以,开始,5,.,举起,6,.,打开,;开发;开放,7,.,既然,,,由于,bring in,relate to,give,sb.a,big hug,start with,hold up,.,短语自测,答案,open up,now that,8,.,使,某人做某事,9,.,即刻,,一瞬间,10,.,发生,;进行;,继续,lead sb.to do sth.,in a flash,go on,答案,1.Her words puzzled me very much,because,I did not then understand anything,unless,I touched it.,她说的话使我感到非常困惑,因为那时我只能理解触摸到的东西。,2.I,thought it strange,that my teacher could not show me love,.,老师竟然不能向我表达爱,我认为很奇怪,。,句式,背诵,3.but she had a breakthrough,while working on,a simple task.,但她在从事一项简单的工作时有一个重大突破,。,4.,It,was the first time,Helen,had understood,such a complex worda word for something she couldn,t touch.,这是海伦第一次理解如此复杂的词,一个意思为她不能触摸的东西的词,。,.,根据课文,选择最佳答案,1.According to the passage,,,the following sentences are true EXCEPT that,.,A.Helen Keller was not only deaf but also blind,B.Anne shook hands with Helen when they first met,C.When the teacher spelt,“,DOLL,”,into her hand,,,she didn,t,understand,the meaning at once,D.It,s very difficult for the teacher to explain,“,love,”,to Helen,课文预读,1,2,3,4,B,答案,5,2.Why was her teacher so important to her?,A.Her teacher could look after her and dress her.,B.Only her teacher could punish her.,C.Her teacher could understand her situation and teach her how to,communicate,.,D.Her teacher could teach her how to communicate with others,.,答案,C,答案,1,2,3,4,5,3.What can you infer from the story of Helen Keller?,A.She is blind and deaf but a lovely girl.,B.She is easy to lose temper.,C.She is stupid because she learns so slowly.,D.It,s hard for her to learn and her teacher is patient,.,答案,D,答案,1,2,3,4,5,4.When,,,Helen learned the meaning of,“,think,”.,A.making necklaces,B.making a doll,C.playing in the park,D.feeling the warmth of the sun,A,答案,1,2,3,4,5,5.What is the passage mainly about?,A.It,s about how Helen Keller learnt from her teacher.,B.It,s about a poor girl,,,Helen Keller.,C.It,s about Helen Keller and her teacher.,D.It,s about Helen Keller,s success.,答案,A,答案,1,2,3,4,5,.,课文语法填空,Helen Keller was a great writer and educator in the world,1,.,most famous work is,The,Story,of,My,Life,.,When she was young,,,Helen was a very special girl,,,who couldn,t speak,,,read or write,2,.,she couldn,t see or hear.Because of those severe restrictions on her communication,,,her behaviour was often 3,.,(,bear,).,4,.,was her teacher Anne Sullivan who completely changed her.She herself had also eyesight problems,5,.,she related to Helen,s difficulties.Anne,s first goal was 6,.,(,change) Helen,s troublesome behaviours,,,which gave her valuable 7,.,(,prepare) to learn language,.,答案,whose,because,unbearable,It,so,to change,preparations,Helen,learned words by touching objects.It was the word,“,water,”,that she completely understood for 8,.,first time.From then on,,,she learned many concrete words.9,.,Helen,s knowledge and vocabulary expanding,,,she was eager to learn more complex words which need the thinking process,.,When Anne taught her,“,love,”,,,10,.,hard they worked,,,Helen didn,t know the meaning of,“,love,”.,But when learning the word,“,think,”,,,she made a breakthrough.Finally,,,Helen understood the complex words,.,返回,答案,the,With,however,With,these,severe,restrictions,on her communication,,,Helen,s behaviour was often unbearable.,因为有这些交流上的严重的限制,海伦的有些行为让人难以忍受。,归纳拓展,1,severe,adj,.,严重的;严厉的,苛刻的;艰难的,艰巨的;过于简朴的,be severe with.,(,be strict with.,),对,要求严格,be severe on/upon.,对,很严厉,课堂讲义 核心突破,重点,单词,1,注意:,severe,的比较等级为,severer,,,severest,或,more severe,,,most severe,(1)The party suffered,severe,losses during the last election.,该党在上次选举中遭受惨败。,(2)The courts are becoming more,severe on,young offenders.,法庭对青少年犯罪者的处罚趋于严厉。,(3)Modern furniture is a little too,severe,for my taste.,现代家具有点过于简朴,我不大喜欢。,(1),亚航在,2014,年经历了一场最严重的空难。,AirAsian has never experienced,air disaster in 2014.,(2),写出下列句中,severe,的含义,His mother is very severe on him,.,Can you imagine what difficulty people had last year fighting against the severe natural disasters,?,Steve passed out on the floor and woke up blinded and in severe pain,.,The teacher is severe with the students.,a more severe,严厉的,即时跟踪,1,严重的,剧烈的,严格的,答案,归纳,拓展,2,(,1,),restriction,n,.,限制,约束,(,2,),restrict,v,t,.,限制,限定;约束,restrict one,s freedom,限制某人的自由,restrict oneself to sth./to doing sth.,限制自己,(,做,),某事,(,3,),restrictive,adj,.,限制,(,性,),的;约束,(,性,),的,restrictive attributive clauses,限制性定语从句,(1)The government has agreed to lift,restrictions,on press freedom.,政府已经同意撤销对新闻自由的限制。,(2)Having small children tends to,restrict your freedom,.,有年幼的孩子往往会限制你的自由。,(3)We,restrict,the number of students per class,to,10.,我们将每个班学生的人数限定为,10,人。,(4)I,restrict myself to,one cup of coffee a day.,我限制自己每天只喝一杯咖啡。,(1),政府限制进口车的数量。,The government,the number of foreign cars that could be imported.,(2),这些衣服使你行动不便。,These clothes,of movement.,(3),我努力把烟限制到一天五只。,I try to,five cigarettes a day.,placed restrictions on,即时,跟踪,2,restrict your freedom,restrict my smoking to,答案,Anne,was a teacher and,former,student at a school for the blind in Boston,.,安,妮是个老师也曾经是波士顿盲校的一个学生。,归纳拓展,(,1,),former,adj,.,以前的,从前的,n,.,前者,the former.the latter.,前者,后者,former president/soldier/wife,前任总统,/,昔日的士兵,/,前妻,be a shadow of your former self,失去昔日的力量,(,或影响等,),;威风不再;不如当年,(,2,),formerly,ad,v,.,从前,以前,2,(1)The coal industry is now barely half its,former,size.,煤炭业现在的规模几乎不到以前的一半。,(2)Of the two possibilities,,,the former,seems more likely.,在这两种可能性中前者似乎更有可能,。,(1),前世界冠军也参加了本次比赛。,also competed in the match.,(2)Of the two,,,I prefer a former one.(,单句改错,),即时跟踪,答案,The former world champion,athe,Now,that Helen understood the key to language,,,she was very,eager,to learn more and use it as much as she could.,因为海伦理解了掌握语言的关键,,所以她迫切地想学更多的知识并且尽可能地去应用。,归纳拓展,eager,adj,.,渴望的;热切的,be eager for sth.,渴望某事,be eager to do sth.,渴望做某事,be eager for sb.to do sth.,渴望某人做某事,be eager that,从句,渴望,3,(1)She was,a bright and eager student,and,,,consequently,,,did well in school.,她是个聪明好学的学生,因此学习成绩很好。,(2)He,is eager for,success.,他渴望成功。,(3)The child,is eager to,have the candy.,这小孩急着想吃到糖果,。,(1),乡镇急于招揽任何他们能吸引的企业。,Rural towns,any business they can attract.,(2)He rushed back to the classroom,,,eagerly to know the result.(,单句改错,),答案,are eager for,即时跟踪,eagerlyeager,As,Helen,s knowledge and vocabulary,expanded,,,she asked more and more questions.,随着海伦知识面的扩大和词汇量的增加,她问的问题越来越多。,归纳拓展,(,1,),expand,v,t,.,扩大;增大;扩展,expand on/upon sth.,充分叙述,详细阐明,(,2,),expandable,adj,.,可扩张的,可扩充的;可膨胀的,(,3,),expansion,n,.,扩张,扩大;膨胀,4,(1)Water,expands,as it freezes.,水结冰时会膨胀。,(2)As children grow older they,expand their interests,and become more confident.,随着孩子的成长,他们的兴趣会变广,且会变得更自信。,易混辨析,expand,侧重上下、左右、前后的伸展或横向的扩展。,enlarge,指扩大照片、吹大气球等。,extend,指纵向的延伸。,(1),用,expand,,,enlarge,,,extend,的正确形式填空,I am,my arms and legs.,I asked the child to,this balloon.,The road,to Jiuzhaigou.,(2),用所给动词的正确形式填空,The company has abandoned plans for further,(,expand).,China welcomes all measures beneficial to,(,expand) hightechnology trade.,Why not try,(,expand) your story into a novel?,答案,expanding,enlarge,extends,即时跟踪,expansion,expanding,to expand,The,meaning of love was still not,apparent,to Helen but she kept on trying to understand.,海伦显然还不懂,“,love,”,的含义,但是她努力地去理解。,归纳拓展,(,1,),apparent,adj,.,明显的,显而易见的,It is/was apparent that.,显然,(,2,),apparently,ad,v,.,看起来,显然,5,(1)Her anxiety was,apparent,to everyone.,大家都看得出她焦虑不安。,(2)It soon became,apparent,that our opponents were too strong for us.,很快就看出,我们的对手太强。,(3),Apparently,,,they,ve run out of tickets for the concert.,很显然,他们卖光了音乐会的票。,很显然她说了谎话。,(,一句多译,),(1,),she told a lie.,(2,),,,she told a lie.,答案,It was apparent that,即时跟踪,Apparently,bring,in,请来;扯进来,让,参加;盈利,赚钱;收获,(,庄稼,),重点,短语,1,归纳拓展,bring back,归还,带回;使回想起,bring about,导致;引起,bring down,使降低,使减少,bring forward,提出;提前,拨快,bring on,引起,使发生,bring up,抚养大;呕吐;教育,(1)We need to,bring in,an expert to deal with this problem.,我们需要请个专家来处理这个问题。,(2)It all became very serious and the police,were brought in,.,事态变得很严重,警察也被叫来了。,(3)The sale of the house only,brought in,about,45,000.,卖房子只赚了约,4.5,万英镑。,(4)Farmers in the south have also,brought in,good crops.,南方的农民也有了好的收成,。,(1),用,bring,相关短语的正确形式填空,Finally Mr.Hunt,his plan for the new building.,The shopkeeper didn,t agree,the price.,Science and technology,many changes in our lives.,His story,our happy childhood together.,He was born in Texas but,in New York.,(2)He was drunk and brought up he had eaten at midnight.(,单句改错,),答案,brought forward,to bring down,has brought about,brought back,即时跟踪,brought up,up,后加上,what,Now that,Helen understood the key to language,,,she was very eager to learn more and use it as much as she could.,因为海伦理解了掌握语言的关键,,所以她迫切地想学更多的知识并且尽可能地去应用。,2,归纳拓展,now that,既然,由于;一般用于句首引导原因状语从句,。,(1),Now (that),you,re here,,,why not have a drink?,既然你来了,为什么不喝一杯呢?,(2),Now that,they,ve got to know each other a little better,,,they get along just fine.,由于彼此之间有了进一步了解,他们相处得不错,。,(1),选词填空,答案,即时跟踪,so that,,,now that,,,in that,,,on condition,that,you won,t help us,,,I have to turn to others.,Goals have to be realistic,students can reach them and feel a sense of achievement.,May I borrow your book,Ste,v,e,Jobs?,you return it before Friday,.,Now that,so that,On condition that,The place is an ideal site for a university,it is far from the downtown area.,(2)Since everybody is here,,,let,s have the meeting.(,句型转换,),everyone is here,,,let,s have the meeting,.,答案,in that,Now that,Her,words puzzled me very much,because,I did not then understand anything,unless,I touched it.,她说的话使我感到非常困惑,因为那时我只能理解触摸到的东西,。,经典,句式,1,归纳拓展,(,1,),本句是一个复合句,其中,because,引导原因状语从句,在从句中又含有一个,unless,引导的条件状语从句。,(,2,),unless,引导条件状语从句时,意为,“,除非,如果不,”,,相当于,if.not,。,(1)Just,because,I don,t complain,,,people think I,m satisfied.,就因为我不发牢骚,大家便以为我满意了,。,(,2)I will not come to see you recently,unless,I can complete the project ahead of time.,除非我能提前完成那个项目,否则我最近不会来看你。,(,3)I will not go to their party,unless,I am invited.,I will not go to their party,if I am not,invited.,假如他们不邀请我,我不会去参加他们的聚会,。,(1),用适当的连词填空,Don,t promise anything,you are one hundred percent sure.,In time of serious accidents,,,we know some basic things about first aid,,,we can save lives.,John didn,t go to school,he was ill.,(2)We,ll have to stay at home because the bad weather.(,单句改错,),答案,unless,if,because,because,后加上,of,即时跟踪,I,thought,it strange that,my teacher could not show me love.,老师竟然不能向我表达爱,我认为很奇怪。,2,归纳拓展,本句中,it,为形式宾语,,strange,为形容词作宾语补足语,,that,从句为真正的宾语。,除了形容词作宾语补足语外,名词也常作宾补。,(1)I find it,hard,to do the job well.(,adj,.,作宾补,),我发现做好这项工作很难。,(2)I think it,our duty,to help the poor.(,n,.,作宾补,),我认为帮助穷人是我们的责任。,(1)We think it is necessary that we go home.(,句型转换,),We think,go home.,(2),无论他在哪里,他都把早餐之前去散步作为惯例。,No matter where he is,,,he makes,before breakfast.,即时跟踪,答案,it necessary to,it a rule to go for a walk,.,but she had a breakthrough,while working,on a simple task.,但她在从事一项简单的工作时有一个重大突破。,归纳拓展,while working,是一个省略结构,while,和,working,之间省略了,she was,。,(,1,),当从句主语与主句主语一致,且从句中含,be,动词时,从句中主语和,be,动词可省略。,(,2,),连词后面,it is,可以省略,如,if necessary,if it is necessary,。,3,(1),Once begun,,,the research is hard to stop.,一旦开始,这项研究很难被中止。,(2)You can get in touch with me,if necessary,.,如果必要的话,你可以与我取得联系,。,把下列句子改为省略句,(1)If it is possible,,,I,m going to visit some homes for the old in the city.,,,I,m going to visit some homes for the old in the city.,(2)It was a nice meal,,,though it is a little expensive.,It was a nice meal,,,.,(3)When she was asked the question,,,Lily was lost in thought,,,considering when she would start the job.,When,,,Lily was lost in thought,,,considering when she would start the job,.,答案,If possible,though a little expensive,即时跟踪,asked the question,It,was the first time,Helen had understood such a complex worda word for something she couldn,t touch.,这是海伦第一次理解如此复杂的词,一个意思为她不能触摸的东西的词。,4,归纳拓展,(1)It is the first,/second.time that sb.have/,has done sth.,“,这是某人第一,/,二,次做某事,”,,,that,从句常用现在完成时态。,It was the first/second.time that sb.had done sth.,,,that,从句常用过去完成时,。,(,2)It is time.,意为,“,该做,了,到做,的时候了,”,。常跟以下四种结构,:,It is time for sth,.,It,is time to do sth,.,该做某事了,It is time for sb.to do sth,.,It,is time that sb.did sth,.,It,is time that sb.should do sth,.,(,should,不能省略,),某人该做某事了,(1),It,s the first time that,I,have been,here.,这是我第一次来这里。,(2),It was the third time that,he,had been,here.,这是他第三次来这里。,(3),It,s time for class.,该上课了,。,(4),It,s time (for me) to go.,(,我,),该走了。,(5),It is (high) time that somebody taught/should teach,you to behave yourself.,早该有人教导你如何待人接物了。,(1),用所给动词的正确形式填空,It was the third time that I,(,be) to the Great Wall.,I thought her nice and honest the first time I,(meet) her.,(2)It,s time that I went to school.(,句型转换,),It,s time,to school,.,had been,met,即时跟踪,for me to go,答案,返回,A),根据句意及汉语或首字母提示,写出所缺单词。,1.This would make your skin and organs swell up as the blood inside them,.,2.Philo Farnsworth made an important,(,突破,) in the,development,of TV in the late 1920s and early 1930s.,3.His father is a very,person.Once he decides to do something,,,you can never change his mind,.,答案,expanded,breakthrough,stubborn,当堂,达标 检测巩固,.,语境填词,4.The present situation is very,(,复杂的,),,,as a result,,,it will take me some time to figure out what to do next.,5.Being forgiven for the past is the most,(,珍贵的,) gift we can,receive,.,B),填写空白处所需的内容,(1,个单词,),或所提供单词的正确形式。,6.An aircraft overshot the runway and was,(,severe) damaged.,7.He felt no,(,warm)towards his comrades but was cold,,,indifferent,and apathetic,.,complex,precious,severely,warmth,答案,8.From,space,,,the earth looks blue.This is,about seventy,-one,percent of its surface is covered by water.(2013,安徽,),9.The sandbank was,(,certain),,,like quicksand under his feet.,10.If,(,ask)to look after luggage for someone else,,,inform the police at once.(2013,江西,),because,uncertain,asked,答案,.,选词填空,答案,now that,,,in common,,,open up,,,relate to,,,bring in,1.All the mothers can,her sadness of losing her son.,2.Our business,a new situation since the new manager came.,3.The scientists,to deal with the difficult problem.,4.That I like a lot of what she likes means that we have a lot,.,5,.,you mention it,,,I do remember the incident.,relate to,has opened up,are brought in,in common,Now that,.,完成句子,1.The population of the town,(,在,20,世纪,60,年代迅速增加,).,2,.,(,很明显,) she didn,t hear what I said.,3,.,(,他们迫切想掌握最新的技术,) so that they can be qualified for the jobs in various fields to which they are strange,.,答案,expanded in the sixties of the 20th century,It is apparent/obvious that,They are eager to master the latest technology,4.At last,,,those physicians and specialists,(,在同心脏病的斗争中取得了重大突破,).,5.,(,既然我已经有了第一次的访问,),,,I hope I can come many more times.,Now that I have the first interview,答案,返回,made a great breakthrough in,fighting against heart disease,本课结束,


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