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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,冠词中考英语专题复习,Language: Using the,1.,We use a or an before nouns when we mention them for the first time. We use the when we mention them again.,e.g. A man and a woman got on a bus.,The man was short and the woman was tall.,Make similar sentences :,boy, girl, tram, thin, fat,2. European, Indian, plane, smiling, laughing,1. A boy and a girl got on a tram. The boy was thin and the girl was fat.,2. A European and an Indian got on a plane. The European was smiling and the Indian was laughing.,A: Holiday shopping,1. Danny bought a pair of sunglasses and a sunhat. The sunglasses cost 50 and the sunhat cost 28.,2. Daisy bought a pair of goggles and a towel. The goggles cost 72 and the towel cost 54.,3. Tommy bought a roll of film and an umbrella. The film cost 30 and the umbrella cost 50.,4. Rita bought a camera and a tennis racket. The camera cost 219 and the tennis racket cost 295.,2. We use the before nouns when it is clear what we are talking about. For exle, at the airport, Judy and Miss Lu have this conversation.,Judy: Excuse me. Where is the bank?,Miss Lu: Its over there by the post office.,B1: At the airport:,1. S1: Where is the gift shop?,S2: Its over there by the toilets/ money changer.,2. S1: Where is the check-in counter?,S2: Its over there by the immigration counter.,3. S1: Where is the snack bar?,S2: Its over there by the sweet shop.,4. S1: Where is the police reporting center?,S2: Its over there by the managers office.,5. S1: Where is the lift?,S2: Its over there by the toilets.,6. S1: Where is the post office?,S2: Its over there by the bank.,7. S1: Where is the information counter?,S2: This is it. / Here.,Give more exles:,3. We often use the before things and people when there is only one of them. Exles: Paris is the capital of France.,It has many landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower.,the wind the rain the ground,the shy the moon the sun the Pacific Ocean the Atlantic Ocean the South Pole the North Pole the Equator,4. After the verb play, we usually put the before the names of musical instruments. We do not put the before the names of games. Exles:,Amy plays the piano. She also plays basketball.,1. Peter plays the guitar. He also plays football.,2. Mary plays the flute. She also plays squash.,3. Mimi plays the drums. She also plays tennis.,4. Joe plays the violin. He also plays badminton.,5. Linda plays the piano. She also plays basketball.,5. We often use the before the ordinal numbers and the superlative degrees of adjectives. Exles:,Look at the third picture from the left. It is wonderful.,2. Shanghai is one of the most beautiful cities in the world.,Give more exles:,6.,We often use the in other ways:,the,Whites;,the,Lis,;,the,rich =,rich,people;,the,young=,young,people,in,the,morning; at,the,moment;,the,Great Wall;,the,Forbidden City,定冠词基本用法归纳:,1。指特定的人或物:“这个,那个; 这些,那些”。,Eg. Do you like the books?,2。前面提到的人或物,或与其相关的事物。,Eg. Its my room. The room is bright and clean.,3。双方都知道的人或物。,Eg. Would you mind I open the window?,4。世上独一无二的事物及自然想象。,Eg. We have landed on the moon.,5。用于单数可数名词前表示“类别”。,Eg. The horse is a useful animal.,6。用于序数词前。,Eg. September is the ninth month of the year.,7。形容词或副词最高级前(副词前常常省略)。,Eg. This is the best book I have ever read.,8。形容词比较级前,(常常在两者比较中表示“较。的一个”时使用)。,Eg. The larger of the two islands is Britain.,9。形容词前表示一类人。,Eg. In that country the blind have special jobs.,10。用于被限定的词,短语,从句修饰的名词前。,Eg. The milk on the table is hers.,This is the place where I once lived.,11。用于集体名词或复数可数名词前表示整体。,Eg. The police are trying to get help from her neighbours and friend.,12。用于play 加乐器的名词前。,Eg. Id like to learn to play the guitar.,13。方位名词前。,Eg. On the left, in the south,14。用于河, 洋,湖,海,运河,山脉,沙漠名词前。,Eg. the Yangtze River,the Panama Canal,the Pacific Ocean,15。用于姓氏复数名词前,指全家人或夫妇二人。,Eg. The Smiths are at table.,The Greens have opened a small shop.,16。用于由普通名词构成的专有名词前。,Eg. Excuse me! Are you from the USA?,17. 用于人体部位名词前。,Eg. He hit me on the chin.,名词前习惯用定冠词的常用短语举例:,all over the country all over the world,all the same at the bottom of,at the beginning of at the moment,at the end of at the same time,In the afternoon by the end of,In the distance in the day time,In the east of in the direction of,In the end In the form of,In the rain In the past,On the left In the middle of,On the phone On the radio,Tell the truth With the help of,Do some practice:,1. Paper money was in _ use in China when Marco Polo visited the country in _ thirteenth century.,A. the ,/ B. /, / C. /, the D. the , the,2. _ Yellow River is _ longest river in China.,A. the , the second B. a , a second,C. the , the two D. a , a two,3. Beyond _stars, the astronaut saw nothing but _ space.,A. the , / B. /, the C. /,/ D. the , the,4. Keep away from the cage. _ lion is _ fierce anmimal.,A. The, the B. A, the C. A, / D. The ,a,5. Which is _ larger country, Canada or Australia?,A. the B. a C. / D. an,.,6. Where is _ nearest bookstore?,- There is one at _end of the street.,A. the , an B. a, the C. the , the D. a, an,7. Summers in _ south of France are for _ most part dry and sunny.,A. /, a B. the, / C. /, / D. the , the,8. _ Chinese are hardworking people.,A. A B. / C. An D. The,9. It is not rare in _ 1990s that people in their fifties are going to university for further education.,A. a B. / C. an D. the,10. Water vapor is water in _ form of a gas,A. a B. / C. the D. an,零冠词的基本用法:,1. 用于表示类别或泛指不定量的人或物的复数名词前。,Eg. Cows are useful animals.,2. 名词前有this, that, these, those, some, no或形容词性的物主代词时。,Eg. I want this book, not that one.,He is my classmate.,3. 用于非特指的或具体的星期,月份,季节,节日名词前。,Eg. On Sunday / on Sept.3/ in spring,4.用于非特指的一日三餐(其前有修饰词除外),球类运动,棋类游戏名词前。,Eg. I had three pieces of bread for breakfast this morning.,5. 某些抽象名词,Eg. Failure is the mother of success.,6. “专有名词+普通名词”构成专有名词前,Eg. Hyde Park isnt far from my home.,He studies in Fudan university.,7. 人名,呼语及头衔名词前,Eg. Where is Tom?,Professor Smith is the author of the book.,8. 基数词表示编号时,Eg. He lives in Room No. 405,9. turn+可数名词结构中,表示“成为”时,Eg. He used to be a linguist, then he turned writer.,10. 与by 连用的交通工具名词前,Eg. We can travel by air.,11.以 and 连接两个相对名词并用时。,Eg. day and night,12. 表示学科,疾病,颜色,感官,语言名词前(但与language 连用时用冠词)。,Eg. Yellow is a beautiful colour.,English is not easy to master.,Smell is one of the five senses.,His grandpa died of cancer ten years ago,Do some practice,1. _ birds can fly very high in _ sky.,2. The visitor will come to our school _ next week.,3. Doctor Zhang often goes shopping before _ supper.,4. They will arrive here on _ New Years Day.,5. _ Einsteins managed to send _ Einstein to school.,6. _ London Bridge is an important construction in Britain.,7. Professor _ John Wills is our teacher of English.,8. He began to learn _ English language at _ age of fifty.,9. Our teacher is giving us a lesson in _ composition.,10. The boss made them work _ day and _night.,


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