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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,人教课标,高二 选修,6,Unit 3,A healthy life,1. It is never too old to learn.,活到老,学到老。,2. It rains cats and dogs.,大雨滂沱,3. It never rains but it pours.,不鸣则已,一鸣惊人。,4. It is a poor mouse that has only one hole.,1. It is never too old to learn.,2. It rains cats and dogs.,3. It never rains but it pours.,4. It is a poor mouse that has only one hole.,It,is amazing that at my age I am still fit.,2.,It,is easier to fall than to rise.,3.,It,is no good crying over spilt milk.,4. I think,it,best that,you should do,more exercise.,5. He found,it,difficult,to accustom himself,to getting up early.,The subject position,It,is amazing that at my age I am still fit.,2.,It,is easier to fall than to rise.,3.,It,is no good crying over spilt milk.,“It” can be used in the,subject position to stand for,_, _,or _.,a clause,an infinitive,-ing,form,The object position,4. I think,it,best that you should do more,exercise.,5. He found,it,difficult to accustom himself,to getting up early.,a clause,an infinitive,It,is amazing,that at my age I am still fit.,2.,It,is easier,to fall,than to rise.,3.,It,is no good,crying over spilt milk.,4. I think,it,best,that you should do more,exercise.,5. He found,it,difficult,to accustom himself,to getting up early.,“It” can be used in the,subject,or,object,position,to stand for _,_ or _.,a clause,an infinitive,-ing,form,Its difficult to give up smoking.,Is it certain that they will win?,It is good learning without practice.,It is fun for him to study.,Its a pity that our teacher cant take,part in our party.6. It is suggested that we (should) arrive,there in 2 hours.,formal subject,It,+ is +,adj./ n./ p.p.,+ infinite/ clause/,-ing,form,real subject,clear, easy, true, difficult, certain, etc.,fun, a pity, a shame, no use / good, etc.,said, believed, decided, hoped, etc.,It,s difficult,to give up smoking.,It,is fun for him,to study.,3.,It,is suggested,that we (should) arrive,there in 2 hours.,遵循英语语言的尾重原则,避免句子头重脚轻。,formal object,2. + verb +,it,+,adj./ n.,+ infinite/,clause/ -ing,form,real object,find, think, feel, believe, consider, make, etc.,2. Some young people think they look,attractive when they smoke.,It,seems _,_,Giving up smoking is difficult to do.,It,is _,that some young people think they look attractive when they smoke.,difficult to give up smoking.,3. Most people believe smoking causes cancer.,It,is believed _,4. Dont try to quit on a stressful day.,It,is no use _,trying to quit on a stressful day.,that smoking causes cancer.,5. China produces one third of the worlds,cigarettes.,It,is astonishing _,_,6. You are not allowed to advertise,cigarettes in this country.,It,is illegal _,_,that China produces one-third of the worlds cigarettes.,to advertise cigarettes in this country.,7. My father has quit smoking at last.,It,is wonderful _,_,8. The night was dark and stormy when,the old man started his journey.,It,was a _,_,dark and stormy night when,the old man started his journey.,that my father has quit smoking at last.,9. You could suffer from bad health if you,keep smoking.,It,is likely _,_,10. You have to take pills to control your,blood pressure.,It,is necessary _,_,for you to take pills to control your blood pressure.,that you could suffer from bad health if you keep smoking.,3.,It,was a dark and stormy night when,the old man started his journey.,In this sentence, “it” is used to talk,about,time,.,“It” can be used in another way?,In this sentence, what does “it” refer to?,It,is a beautiful day.,2.,It,never rains but it pours.,3.,It,was time to quite smoking.,4.,It,is 10 kilometers to the castle.,5.,It,takes all sorts.,世上的人形形色,色,无奇不有。,“,It” can be used to talk about _, _, _, etc.,It,is a beautiful day.,2.,It,never rains but it pours.,3.,It,was time to quite smoking.,4.,It,is 10 kilometers to the castle.,5.,It,takes all sorts.,weather,time,distance,Impersonal “,it,” can also be used to,talk about _, _, _,_, etc.,circumstance,1.,It,is Friday today.,2.,It,lies in the south of Shaoguan,city.,3.,It,is 40,! You got a high fever!,4.,It,s quiet here.,date,place,temperature,1.,It,was very cold yesterday.,2.,It,is about 8:30 now.,3.,It,is about 5km from my home to the park.,4.,It,s quite noisy here.,5. I hope that,it,will be fine tomorrow.,circumstance,weather,time,distance,weather,One of you is an eyewitness (E) who has seen a robbery or an accident. The other is the policeman/policewoman (P) who wants as much information as possible.,Use “it” in the answers.,EXAMPLE:,P: What was the weather like on the day of,the accident?,E:,It,was beginning to rain hard and the,ground was slippery.,P: How far could you see?,E:,It,was impossible to see more than,twenty yards ahead of you, so all the,cars were travelling,very slowly.,P: What about Mr. Lis car? Was,it,travelling,slowly too? ,Practise your dialogue and then swap roles.,Homework,了解,it,的用法,掌握它的规律。,Unit 3 A healthy life,What do you think is,important in our life?,Health,What is a healthy person?,A healthy person is someone who is healthy in both,body,and,mind,.,Hui Lan, a well-known Yoga master, is,a,healthy,woman.,A famous singer in HK once sang a song “Monica”, and he,committed suicide,in 2003.,depression,a,mental,disease,A famous film star in HK, whose nickname is “Fei Fei,”, died of cancer.,cancer,a,physical,disease,Tell which is healthy and which is unhealthy.,singing,dancing,running,swimming,playing,basketball,doing Taiji,Kung fu,smoking,drinking,alcohol,eating,too much,stress,obesity,1. What health issues do you think,concern young people the most?,Remember, a truly healthy person is,someone who is healthy in both body,and mind. Work with a partner to,make a list of important health issues.,Here are a few to start you off:,Cigarette smoking Drinking alcohol,Drug abuse Diet Physical fitness,Sexual health Stress Obesity,2. Share your list with others in your class,and make a class list of important health,issues.,3. In your group, choose one health issue,that you think is particularly important.,List five things you would like to tell,other people about this issue.,What should we do,to keep healthy?,Keep a balanced diet.,Go in for proper activities.,Quit smoking.,keep in a good mood.,Proverbs,on,health,1. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.,2. Early to bed and early to rise, makes a,man healthy, wealthy and wise.,3. A light heart lives long.,4. Good health is over wealth.,5. Health is happiness.,_ n.,香烟,;,纸烟,_ n.,酒,;,酒精,_ n. & vt,.,滥用,;,虐待,_ n.,压力,;,重音,vt,.,加压力于,;,使紧张,_ n.,青少年,adj,.,青春期的,_ vt,.,禁止,;,取缔,n.,禁令,;,谴责,cigarette,alcohol,abuse,stress,adolescent,ban,abuse,vt,. 1) _ 2) _,3) _,He,abused,his power while in office.,滥用,You are always,abusing,and offending people.,辱骂,The captive is physically,abused,.,虐待,Homework,Look at the titles of the two texts and tell your partner what you think this reading will be about. Then skim it quickly to see if you were right.,Unit 3 A healthy life,Advice from Grandad,Discuss the following questions with your classmates.,1) Have you ever smoked? If you have,have you stopped?,2) Why do you think some adolescents,start smoking?,3) In what ways is smoking harmful?,Do you think smoking should be,banned?,4) Where could you get good advice on,stopping smoking?,1. Whats the main idea of the first part?,A. The grandfather lives a healthy life,because of his quitting smoking.,B. The three ways of becoming addicted,to smoking.,C. The harmful effects of smoking.,D. A letter explaining how a smoker,becomes addicted to cigarettes and,why he should give it up.,2. Whats the main idea of the second part?,A. Advice on how to stop smoking.,B. How to prepare yourself.,C. Suggestions on breaking the habit of,smoking.,D. Millions have managed to quit,smoking and so can you.,Match the topic sentence of each,paragraph of the first part.,Para. 1 a. Granddad talks about James,problem of smoking.,Para. 2 b. The harmful effects of,smoking.,Para. 3 c. Granddad tells about the life,he is living and the,importance of a healthy life.,Para. 4 d. Granddads hope for James,and his advice on stopping,smoking.,Para. 5 e. The three different ways of,becoming addicted.,James grandfather,James,Go through the first two and the last paragraphs.,1. Who writes the letter?,2. To whom?,To give James some advice and encourage him to quit smoking,3. Purpose?,The grandpa is 82 years old now.,2. The grandpa thinks it easy to quit,smoking.,3. The third way of becoming addicted to,smoking is mentally addicted.,4. Cigarette smoke can affect the health of a,non-smoker.,5. Every time you feel like a smoke, you,should have a smoke.,1. The first sentence of the letter shows,James granddad _.,A. lives a healthy life,B. is addicted to sitting in the garden,C. has nothing to do at home,D. is tired when returning from a long,bike trip,2. In what way did the old man try to,persuade his grandson to give up,smoking?,A. Using scientific theory.,B. His failure in love.,C. His sports activity.,D. His own experience.,3. _ forced James granddad to give,up smoking.,A. That he ran too slow,B. That he was taken off the school,football team,C. His girlfriend,D. His parents,Read the first part carefully, and try to finish the following chart.,Information from the reading passage,Different ways people can become addicted to cigarettes.,1. become _,addicted to nicotine.,2. become addicted through _.,3. become _,addicted.,physically,habit,mentally,Harmful physical effects for smokers.,1. do terrible damage to,_.,2. have difficulty in,_.,Effects that a persons smoking can have on other people.,1. other people dislike the,_.,2. The cigarette smoke could affect the _ of non-smokers.,Effects that smoking can have on sporting performance.,be unable to _sport.,your heart,becoming pregnant,smell,health,enjoy,1. _.,2. _.,3. _.,4. _.,5. _.,6. _.,Read the second part of the text and find out the suggestions on quitting smoking:,Be determined,Prepare yourself,Break the habit,Relax,Get help if you need it,Keep trying,How can I stop smoking?,Summarize the article “How can you stop smoking?”.,Summary,Choose a day that is not _ to quit smoking. Make a list of all the _ you will get from stopping smoking. _ away all your cigarettes. _ yourself you are a non-smoker when you feel like _. Develop some other habits to keep yourself _.,stressful,benefits,Throw,Remind,smoking,busy,If you feel nervous or _, try some _exercises like deep breathing. You can stop smoking with a _ or join a group. If necessary, ask a doctor or _ for help. The most important is to keep trying. Dont feel _ if you smoke again. Just _ again.,friend,chemist,try,disappointed,stressed,relaxation,Discuss these questions in groups.,1. What kind of person do you think,James grandfather is?,2. What other information could have,been included?,3. What do you think can be done to,protect non-smokers (especially women,and babies) from those who smoke?,1. Make sentences with the following words and phrases:,due to addicted to accustomed to automatically mentally manage pregnant quit decide on eventually,2. Search on the Internet or other sources for information about how to stop smoking.,Homework,人教课标,高二 选修,6,Unit 3,A healthy life,Read the headline and first,paragraph of the reading passage,and fill in the form below.,Who,What,Where,When,It began 6 years ago and is still continuing,Yunnan and several other provinces,An AIDS awareness programme,Chinese Red Cross,2. Read the second paragraph and,answer:,How is the programme,performed?,By training volunteers from the same peer group to hold two-day classes.,3. Read the rest of the passage and,answer:,Why does the Chinese Red Cross start the programme,?,Because the number of young people becoming infected by HIV through sexual activity is increasing.,1) What two things does the,programme,do?,It provides care and support for people suffering from HIV/AIDS and trains young people to teach other people about AIDS.,1. Read the newspaper article,and answer the questions.,2) Who teaches people in the community?,3) Why is the programme,so successful?,Volunteers who come from a similar group and are about the same age.,Because they are being taught by people very much like themselves.,4) What has recently changed in the way,the virus is spread?,In the past it was mainly drug users and people who had been carelessly transfused who were becoming infected with AIDS. Today, an increasing number of young people are becoming infected through sexual activity.,5) Why is the Chinese government,concerned about HIV/AIDS?,The government believes that if they do not act quickly to stop the spread, the number of people in China infected by HIV/AIDS could be as high as 10 million by the year 2010.,2. Learn something about the,newspaper article styles.,The sentences are long and complex.,The vocabulary is subject specific and does not use slang or colloquialism.,It is written in the third person.,There are no contractions.,There is no mention of personal feelings or personal experience.,Use short and simple sentences.,Use active voice.,Write in the first, second or the third person.,Use contractions. (cant, wont),Use of formal style,Use of informal style,Articles in books or,newspapers,Books,Letters to people,you do not know,Conversation,Plays,Letters between,family members,friends or people,you are familiar,with,人教课标,高二 选修,6,Unit 3,Unit 3 A healthy life,_ smoking,_ smoking,stop,quit,They are _ men.,They are _ men.,determined,tough,The little monk is _ _ carrying water like this.,The little monk is _ _ carrying water like this.,used to,accustomed to,She is _ her performance.,She is _ when she falls.,ashamed of,embarrassed,He is _ after running.,He is _ _ _ after running.,breathless,out of breath,A cancer patient is always _.,A cancer patient is always _.,hopeless,desperate,She has an _ husband.,Her husband is always _ _ _ alcohol.,alcoholic,drinking too much,Doing exercise can,make,your muscle _.,Doing exercise can,_ your muscle.,stronger,strengthen,The woman is,expecting a,_.,The woman is _.,baby,pregnant,The male dog is so _ that he cries.,The male dog is so _ that he cries.,upset,disappointed,At last, she,made up her,_ _ a pink dress.,At last, she _ _ a pink dress.,decided,on,mind on,Find a word or phrase from the text that means the same as the underlined words in each sentence.,1,You will be able to,stop,smoking,eventually if you are,determined,enough.,2. Having lived in Hawaii all his life, he was,not,used to,the cold of Northern Europe.,3. She felt,embarrassed,about her body,shape, so she decided to go on a diet.,4. Running a marathon will leave you,out of,breath,.,5. You really have no idea just how,hopeless,cancer can make you feel.,6. The effects,of drinking too much alcohol,on your health can be serious.,7. Doing exercises every day can not only,make,your muscles,stronger,but also help,you relax.,8. If you are,expecting a baby, your,smoking habit might cause problems,for it.,In spite of all his efforts he failed. He was so,upset,about himself that he felt like crying.,10. He felt he had to,make up his mind on,every step instead of taking risks.,因为,由于,e.g. Her absence was,due to,the storm.,由于,风雨交加她没来。,n.,香烟,纸烟,C,e.g. Cigarette,advertising has been,banned.,香烟,广告已遭禁止。,adj.,坚韧的,牢固的,折不断的,顽固,的,固执的,不屈不挠的,刚强的,e.g. He is a very,tough,man.,他是个,硬,汉。,adj.,1.,不相宜的,不合适的,;,不胜任的,(+for) +to-v 2. (,身体上,),不强健的,e.g. Phil is clearly,unfit,to hold a senior,position.,菲尔显然,不能胜任,高级职务。,n.,含酒精饮料,;,酒,U,e.g. He decided to keep off,alcohol,after the accident.,发生那次事故后,他决定不再饮,酒,。,n.,金属,;,合金,CU,e.g. Heat expands,metal,.,热使,金属,膨胀。,vt,.,放弃;停止,(doing),e.g. He has,quit,smoking.,他已,戒,了烟。,n.,收回;取回;撤回;提款,e.g. Americans are considering the,withdrawal,of their troops from,Iraq.,美国人正在考虑从伊拉克,撤,军。,withdrawal symptoms,后遗症,vt,.,收回,取回,撤回,e.g. She,withdrew,her eyes from his,smashed right hand.,她,移开,视线不去看他那只打烂的右,手。,n,.,青少年,C,adj,.,青少年的,幼稚的,未成熟的,e.g. Man is still only,adolescent,.,人类还只是处于,青少年,时期。,对,入迷;对,上瘾;沉溺于,e.g. They are,addicted,to,television.,她们,对,电视,入了迷,。,n,.,压力,;,紧张,;,压迫,e.g. Tom was completely,weighed down by,the,stress,of,examinations.,汤姆被考试的,压力,压垮了。,n,.,结果,;,效果,效力,;,作用,;,影响,e.g. This had a great,effect,upon the,future of both mother and son.,这对母子俩的将来,影响,很大。,Fill in the blanks with words or phrases from below.,due to cigarettes tough unfit,alcohol mental quit,withdrawal adolescents,addicted to stress effects,2,Smoking _, drinking _ or,taking other drugs produce many harmful,_ and have no real benefits. So why,do _ do it? Perhaps some think,it makes them look _ or cool. Others,may think it will help them with _ in,their lives possibly _ pressure from,parents or teachers.,cigarettes,alcohol,effects,adolescents,tough,stress,due to,Some may just want to experiment. What,they do not realize is how easy it is to,become _ smoking. In fact it is,the _ addiction rather than the,physical effects that makes it really hard,to _ smoking. When an adolescent,realizes how _ he or she is becoming,it is too late.,addicted to,mental,quit,unfit,Sadly the _ symptoms can be,quite severe for some people. Of course,the best way to deal with these drugs,is not to get into the habit in the first,place!,withdrawal,Get into groups of four and play a game. Each person should take turns to make a sentence using one of the words below so that the group can make up a story with four sentences.,Homework,desperate disappointed ashamed addicted stressful tough pregnant breathless accustomed abnormal,A healthy life,due,adj,. _ _ _,欠款的,预定的,到期的,1.,这笔钱是欠我的,而我至今尚未拿到。,The money _ _ _ _, but I havent,got it yet.,2.,他预定明天离开北京。,He _ _ _ _ Beijing tomorrow.,3.,银行贷款本月到期。,The bank loan _ _ _ _.,is due to me,is due to leave,is due,this month,因为,由于,_,_,_,_,_,due to,because of,thanks to,owing to,as a result of,The brother and sister walked difficultly step by step _ _ _ _.,due to the storm,Her success was _ _ her hard work.,due to,You see, during adolescence I also smoked and,became addicted to,cigarettes.,你知道,当我还是一个十几岁的孩子的时候,我也吸过烟而且还上了瘾。,become / be addicted to,对,入迷,成瘾,Her son _ _ _ c


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