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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Getting along,with others,unit one,Are you familiar with these pictures?Can you tell the story?,A life without a friend is a life without a sun.,Depend on parents at home and depend on friends outside.,One more friend, one more way.,没有朋友的生活犹如没有了太阳。,在家靠父母,出门靠朋友,多个朋友多条路。,Its easier to get quantities of treasure than a real friend.,千金易得,一友难求。,human beings,animals,books,music,ball,ect,.,Friends are thieves of time,THINK IT OVER,Do you have a friend who means a lot to you?,Why do you think he or she is your best friend?,Do you help each other when you are in trouble?,What do you think are the most important,characteristics (,特征,)/qualities(,品质,)in a friend?,A friend in need is a friend indeed.,He is a good friend that speaks well of us,behind our backs.,患难朋友才是真朋友。,背后说好话才是真朋友。,honest,friendly,sharing the same interest,polite,generous(,慷慨,),cheerful,wise,loyal(,忠诚,),brave,smart,determined,(,意志坚定的,),open-mided,out-going,learned,hard working,helpful,modest(,谦虚,),funny;humourous,kind,strong;healthy,Have you ever fallen out with(:quarrel with) a very good friend?What happened?,What are the possible reasons that might lead to a broken friendship?,1. misunderstanding,2. having little in common,3. lacking trust,4. there being c,o,nflict of interest,5. being jealous of each others,success,Unit one Reading,Secrets and lies, A friendship in trouble,Fast reading for general information:,Read the two letters as quickly as possible and answer the questions of part A on page 2.,1. Are the writers of the two letters feeling,happy or sad?,Theyre feeling sad.,2. What did sarah get for the surprise Maths,test?,She got a D.,3. Is Matthew usually a quiet boy?,No, he is usually cheerful and outgoing.,Listening:,Listen to the tape and decide the following sentences true or false.,true or false,(1) Sarah and Hannah have been best friends since primary school.,(2) Sarah felt quite worried about the surprise Maths test,.,(3 )Sarah told the sec,ret,to Hannah on the playground.,(4 )Andrew and Mathew both are members of the school football team.,(5 )Andrew thinks football is more important to him than friendship.,Careful reading for detailed information:,Read the two letters again more carefully and try to answer the questions of part C1,(1) What did Sarah think about the surprise Maths test?,(2) What did Sarah tell Hannah in the,girls toilets?,(3) Why did Sarah tell Hannah that they,werent going to be friends any more?,(4) Why did Andrew shout at Matthew after the,match?,(5) What did Matthew think about losing the,match?,(6) What kind of boy is Matthew?,Check the answers:,(1) What did Sarah think about the,surprise Maths test?,She thought it was quite easy.,(2) What did Sarah tell Hannah in the,girls toilets?,She told Hannah how badly she had done in,the Maths test.,(3) Why did Sarah tell Hannah that they,werent going to be friends any more?,Because she thought that Hannah had told,everyone how badly she had done in the,Maths test,(4) Why did Andrew shout at Matthew,after the match?,He thought Matthew played badly and,did not try hard enough. As a result, they lost,the game.,(5) What did Matthew think about losing,the match?,He thought it wasnt his fault.,(6) What kind of boy is Matthew?,He is usually cheerful and outgoing.,Answers to Part C2:,2. She felt ashamed.,3. She was so upset that she felt like,crying.,4. He had a dilemma.,5. He felt really guilty.,6. He was angry with Matthew.,Consolidation:,Fill in the blanks according to the reading material.,Sarah,: Dear Annie, I have a d_ now. So I ask you for advice.,Annie,: Whats that?,Sarah,: I have a best friend named Hannah. We have been friends since p_ school. We are both h_ and get good marks at school. On Monday, we had a s_ Maths test. I thought it would be easy. So I said l_ how easy it was and how I was sure to get a good mark. But in fact I did really b_ in the test. I told this to my best friend Hannah. But the next day, everyone knew it and laughed at me! So I felt b_by my friend and cant forgive her. What shall I do?,dilemma,primary,hardworking,surprise,loudly,betrayed,badly,Annie,: You have right to feel betrayed if she did give away your secrets. But if she didnt, you should a_ for blaming her. Have you thought about why you dont believe her? Was it because you were ashamed of your behavior or did you feel j_ of your friends mark? If so, the problem lies with you, not her. And try not to sound too p_ of yourself when discussing your marks in front of others.,Sarah,: Ok, I will. Thanks for your advice.,apologize,jealous,proud,I have a p_.My best friend has stopped t_,to me.Last week,we had an improtant f_match,I was d_to win but Matthew was playing really,badly.As a result of his c_ playing,we lost the,game. A_,I told him that I thought he was not,trying hard enough and he got angry with me.Then it,turned into a horrible a_.,Since the match, he hasnt spoken to me.After I saw,him talking to Peter,I cant help w_ if he wants,Peter to be his best i_ of me.Football is very,important to me ,but so is our f_.I dont know,what to do now.,A friendship in trouble,roblem,alking,ootball,etermined,areless,fterwards,rgument,ondering,nstead,riendship,Language points:,1.betray:,a),to be not loyal to,Some lawmakers say they feel betrayed by,the president.,一些法律制定者说他们感觉被总统出卖了。,He would rather die than betray his county to the enemy.,他宁愿饿死也不愿向敌人出卖自己的祖国,.,b) to show (esp. a feeling) without intending,to;give away,She could not help betraying her sympathy for us,.,她禁不住对我们露出同情之意,。,The expression on her face betrays her anger/ the fact that sha was angry.,她脸上的表情显示她在生气,。,You mustnt betray the commercial secret to,anyone.,你不得向任何人泄露这个商业秘密,2.fun:enjoyment;playfulness,You will,have,lots of,fun,exchang,ing,your presents.,What fun,it will be when we go on holiday together!,-Ill go abroad for holiday next week.,-,Have fun,!,Its not much fun going to a party alon.,She is lively and full of fun.,I cant stand his being,made fun of,.,Im learning to cook;just,for fun,.,3.I,must have,sounded very proud of,must/cant/couldnt have done/been doing,表示,对过去事实的推测,上个月公司一定遭受了重大损失,The company must have suffered from a great,loss last month,didnt it?,昨天你为何不接我电话,?,我当时一定在睡觉,所以没听到,.,Why didnt you answer my phone call yesterday?,Well, I must have been sleeping, so I didnt,hear it.,灯还亮着,他们不可能出去了,.,The light is still on;they cant have gone out,havent they?,1. Jenny must have won the match,_?,A. hasnt she B. doesnt she,C. mustnt she D. cant she,2. The river is rising. It _last night.,must be raining,B. must rain,C. might have rained D. must have rained,3. Why! I couldnt get you on the phone this morning.,We _tennis in the yard when you phoned.,must be playing,B. could be playing,C. must have played D. must have been playing,4. You must have seen the film last night, _ you?,A. havent B. mustnt C. didnt D. hadnt,5. There were already five people in the car,but they managed to take me as well.,It _a comfortable journey,A. cant be B. shouldnt be,C. mustnt have been D. couldnt have been,2.I was determined to be cheerful, but Hannah sensed something was wrong.,我决心要让自己开心一点,但汉娜还是感觉到有些不对劲。,A.,be determined,: showing the strong desire,We were determined that we should never,allow such things to happen again.,我们决定这种事情决不允许再发生。,Im determined to finish this book today.,我决定今天完成这本书。,B. determined,形容词,坚定的”,a very determined young man,一位意志坚强的年轻人,She had a determined look on her face.,她脸上露出坚定的表情。,Madame Curie was a determined,woman and set a good example to us.,居里夫人是一位坚定的女性,给我们树,立了好榜样。,C. determine,:,to control or influence,directly; to decide,We should be allowed to determine our own future.,应该让我们自己决定自己的命运。,Eye color is genetically determined.,眼睛的颜色是由基因决定的。,Mary determined to learn medicine.,玛丽决定学医。,Have you determined where to spend,the holiday?,你有没有决定去那里度假?,1.Are you _ to learn to drive a car?,A. make a decision B. determined,C. decide D. make up your mind,2.,_ to finish the task in time, he worked day,and night.,A. DeterminingB. Determined,C. To determineD. having determined,Test yourself,THINK IT OVER,3.admit,:,a) to recognize or accept (something) as true.,admit(sth.) to sb.; admit doing sth.,或接从句。,过去分词为,admitted;,现在分词为,admitting,。,He will never admit his mistake to us.,他永远不会向我们承认自己的错误。,He admitted that he was wrong.,他承认自己错了。,George admitted having stolen the car.,乔治招认他偷了汽车。,B,. to allow (someone or something) to enter,admit sb. to/into,He is admitted to Nanjing University this year.,他今年被南京大学录取了。,Each ticket admits two persons to the party.,每张票可供两个人入场参加聚会。,The hall can admit 1000 people.,这个大厅可容纳,1000,人。,(,2001,年春季上海),Sandy could do nothing but _ to his teacher that he was wrong.,admitB. admitted,C. admittingD. to admit,高考链接,THINK IT OVER,4.keep ones word,“,遵守诺言”。,Jane kept her word and returned all the money.,简信守诺言,把钱都还了。,Dont believe him, for he never keeps his words.,别信他,他从不信守诺言。,同义词组:,keep ones promise,反义词组,: break ones word,5.as a result of,意为“由于,”,;,as a result,意为“因此”结果”,He became ill as a result of eating bad food.,由于吃了变质的食物,他病了。,I missed my train. As a result, I was late.,没能赶上火车,因此我迟到了。,result from sth.,意为“因,而发生,产生”;,result in sth.,意为“产生某种作用或结果”。,6.“so/neither/nor+ be/have/,助动词,/,情态动词主语”是,一种主谓倒装形式,表示另一主语与前一,主语的动作或状态有着相同的肯定概念,,“也这样”,“也如此”。,I study in this school and so does my brother.,我在这所学校学习,我的弟弟也在。,He can speak English, so can we.,他会讲英语,我们也会。,They had a good time last night. So did I,昨晚他们玩的很痛快,我也是。,He has ever made a speech in public,so have I.,他曾公开做过演讲,我也是,.,If you dont go,neither shall I.,如果你不去,我也不去了,.,As your spoken English improves,so will your,written English.,随着你英语口语的提高,你的书面语也是,.,比较:,“,so +,人称代词,+ be/have/,助动词,/,情态动词”,意为“的确如此”。,-These books are really well written.,-So they are,.,这些书确实写得很好。的确如此。,-You forgot to close the door.,- Oh, so I did.,你忘了关门。 哦,是的。,So it is/was with +,名词,“也如此”,“也这样”。,这一结构主要用于上文有两个或两个以上的谓语,或既有肯定又有否定的上下文里。如:,He was born in Beijing and lives in Shanghai. So it is with me.,他出生在北京,住在上海。我也一样。,John likes Chinese but he is not good at it.,So it is with Mary.,约翰喜欢中文,但并不擅长,玛丽也是如此。,高考链接,THINK IT OVER,(2002,年上海,),-You forgot your purse when you went out.,-Good heavens, _.,A. so did I B. so I did,C. I did so D. I so did.,7.cant help doing sth,. “,忍不住做某事”,None of us could help laughing at what he had said.,听到他说的,我们都忍不住笑了。,She couldnt help crying at the sad news.,听到这伤心的消息,她忍不住哭了。,Test yourself,THINK IT OVER,The bread in the window was so inviting that I couldnt help _some,A. buyingB. bought,C. to but D. having bought,Im busy with my graduate paper now, so I cant help _ the housework.,A. doB. doing,C. did D. done,8.in public,,,固定词组,意为“公然”、“公开地”、“当众”。,They are always quarrelling in public.,他们总是经常在大庭广众之下吵架。,It has been some ten years since she was seen in public.,她已有十年没有公开露面了。,public,作名词,常与,the,连用,意为“公 众”“民众”。,The town gardens are open to the public from sunrise to sunset daily.,城市公园每天从早到晚对外开放。,The public are not allowed to enter the place.,民众不允许进入此地。,public,:,还可作形容词,意为“公共 的”、“共有的”。,public buildings,公共建筑,public interests,公共利益,public morals,公共道德,public order,公共秩序,public places,公共场所,public opinion,公众舆论,a public official,公务员,a public school,公立学校,高考链接,THINK IT OVER,(,2001,年春季上海),His daughter is always shy in _ and,she never dares to make a speech to _.,the public; the public,public; the public,C. the public; public,D. public; public,9.It seems you need to apologize quickly to avoid losing a good friend! (page 5),你似乎应该马上道歉,以避免失去一个好朋友。,avoid,,,“避免”,“防止”,后接,-ing,形式作宾,语,而不用不定式。,I tried to avoid talking to him because,he always says silly things.,我尽量避免和他说话,因为他总是说些愚蠢的事。,She kept avoiding meeting my eyes.,她总是避免接触我的目光。,类似的动词还有:,appreciateconsiderdelay,dislikeenjoyescape,finishforgiveimagine,keepmentionmind,practiseresistrisk,suggestexcuseface,miss,Assignment,1. Parts B1and B2 on page 91 of the,Workbook.,2. Prepare the Part Grammar and,Usage,Thank you!,


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