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,模拟预测,栏目索引,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,专题十八 概要写作,高考英语,(浙江省专用),Writing 1,(2017浙江衢州高三一模),阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。,Among all the fast growing science and technology, the research of human genes, or biological engi-,neering as people call it, is drawing more and more attention now. Discussions about it are increas-,ingly heated around the world.,The greatest thing that gene technology can do is to cure serious diseases that doctors at present can,almost do nothing with, such as cancer and heart disease. Every year, millions of people are mur-,dered by these two killers. And to date, doctors have not found an effective way to cure them. But if,the gene technology is applied, not only these two diseases can be cured completely, bringing happi-,ness and more living days to the patients, but also the great amount of money people spend on curing,their diseases can be saved, therefore it benefits the economy as well. In addition, the human lifes-,pan(寿命)can be prolonged.,Gene technology can help people to give birth to healthier and cleverer children. Some families have,模拟预测,genetic diseases. This means their children will for sure have the familial disease, which is a great,trouble for these families. In the past, doctors could do nothing about genetic diseases. But gene,technology can solve this problem perfectly. Scientists just need to find the wrong gene and correct,it, and a healthy child will be born.,Some people are worrying that the gene research can be used to create human beings in large quanti-,ties. In the past few years, scientists have succeeded in cloning animals such as mice, sheep, and,dogs; therefore, these people predict that human babies would soon be cloned and that it would be,beyond control, leading to some disastrous consequences. But many believe that cloned babies will,not come out in large quantities, for most couples in the world can have babies in a very normal way,and they also believe measures will be taken to control gene technology.,答案,写作提示,文章首先介绍了基因工程的好处。最后一段说明了一些不同的观点。在概要写作时,以自然段,为概括的基础。,One possible version:,Gene technology is now a hot topic worldwide. (要点1)It can help people cure deadly diseases and,allow them to live a happier and longer life with better economic conditions.(要点2) Gene technolo-,gy also makes it possible for people with genetic diseases to give birth to healthy babies.(要点3),However, some people are concerned that gene technology will be largely used in human cloning,while others don,t see it as a problem.(要点4),高级语块,give birth to 生出小孩;造成(某事的产生),be concerned that. 担心,Writing 2,(2017浙江“七彩阳光”联盟3月),阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。,I can,t decide what I want to eat for dinner tonight. Do I feel like Italian food or Thai food?Indian or,Chinese?American or Turkish?I don,t need to travel around the world;all these choices are available,in a typical inner city in Australia.,Australian food has many different cultural influences. Over the past century, people from many,countries have come to Australia. These migrants (移民) have contributed to the melting pot, that is,Australian food.,“Whether you,re after modern, traditional or exotic flavors, Australia,s eclectic dining scene offers,a wide range of the world,s great cuisines (菜肴),” the Visit Victoria website noted.,Some Australian families may restrict their diet to the basic “meat and three veg” meal:one sort of,meat(chicken, beef, lamb, and so on), along with three different types of vegetables (usually pota-,toes, peas and carrots).But most people enjoy the variety.,If I were to pick four meals that every Australian eats, they would be Italian spaghetti bolognaise (意,式肉酱面), Chinese fried rice, British fish and chips and Thai green chicken curry.,Chinese students in Australia find it easy to get a Chinese meal. Cities like Sydney have large China-,towns, but many towns in the country also have a Chinese takeaway restaurant.,Popular Australian-Chinese dishes may not always seem authenticHoney Chicken, for example,but you can still find dumplings and noodles.,Even so, Australia has its own, very Australian savory (可口的) dish:meat pie. It,s a real classic!The,dish is on the menu at every house party and sporting venue (场所), and is eaten every morning after,a big night.,And who could forget desserts?We Australians often fight with New Zealanders over who has the,rightful claim to the pavlova (奶油水果蛋白饼) and lamington (拉明顿巧克力椰丝方形蛋糕),desserts, both equally delicious and sweet.,答案,写作提示,文章主要是关于澳大利亚饮食的多元化现象。本文段落比较分散,但是其中心主旨还是很明确,的。阅读时注意几个相关中心的把握。,One possible version:,Various choices of food from around the world are available in a typical inner city in Australia. (要点1)Different cultural influences contribute to Australian foods.(要点2)But some Australian families may restrict their diet to meat and three veg while most enjoy its variety.(要点3)Though Chinese dishes are easy to get in Australia, Australians have their own special dishes:meat pie and desserts.(要点4),深度解析,很多概写的文章的自然段结构就反映了文章的要点线索,但是也有的文章,其自然段,比较零碎,因此不能依靠自然段的结构来概要写作。这时就要考虑各个自然段在中心方面的相,似度,一次来进行概括。,高级语块,contribute to 对,做出贡献,佳句背诵,Various choices of food from around the world are available in a typical inner city in,Australia.,Different cultural influences contribute to Australian foods.,Writing 3,(2017浙江温州中学3月模拟),阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。,GUANGZHOUAt least 25 people have been confirmed dead after Typhoon Usagi made landfall,in China,s Guangdong Province on Sunday evening, according to the provincial flood control head-,quarters.,“Electricity and water supply were cut off in the Huilai county, Jieyang city, and houses were col-,lapsed as wind speeds at the center exceeded 180 km per hour on Sunday afternoon,” said Li Feng,a border police officer of the city.,Intercity trains between Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Zhuhai were suspended at 6 pm and nearly 50,trains, including those along the high-speed lines to Beijing, Shenzhen and Hong Kong, will be sus-,pended until Tuesday, according to the Guangzhou Railway Corporation.,At a Xiecheng gas station on National Road 324 near Shanwei city, where at least 13 of the 25 vic-,tims were killed, winds were strong enough to blow cars off the road and all traffic was stopped.,Resident Li Huolong said he was on his way home in Shanwei when the back window of his car was,broken by the wind.,Educational authorities in 14 cities ordered schools to suspend classes on Sunday, a school day in,China because of the three-day Mid-Autumn Festival which just ended.,More than 47,000 fishing boats were in harbor, with nearly 20,000 fishermen kept onshore.,All beaches in the province have been closed.,答案,写作提示,本文是说明文,介绍了台风“天免”对广东造成的破坏。概括时要注意要点,要照顾到台风破坏,的各个主要方面。因为涉及并列信息的叙述,因此要注意概写的句子之间的顺畅连接。,One possible version:,Typhoon Usagi struck China,s Guangdong Province just after the Mid-Autumn Festival, causing at,least 25 deaths.(,要点,1) In addition to having damaged many houses, it also stopped traffic and,transports and even some cars were blown off the road. (要点2)What,s worse, electricity and water,supply were cut off, and it also kept fishermen onshore and students off school. (要点3)All beaches,in the province have been closed. (要点4),高级语块,in addition to 除,外,be blown off the road 被吹离了路面,Writing 4,(2017浙江宁波三模),阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。,Many Chinese students have studied English for approximately ten years, but most of them cannot,even speak English correctly or fluently. In my opinion, there are several obstacles that have caused,this to happen. The main obstacle is fear!Another is the habit of mentally translating from Chinese,into English and then changing these thoughts into spoken words and sentences. Many of these diffi-,culties are caused by the way Chinese people study and learn the language.,We must learn to speak languages as a child does. When we are learning a second language we need,to remember how we learned our native language. Learning to understand and speak a language is,one of the first skills a child develops. How does a child learn the language?He listens for a time and,then he tries to repeat the words. Parents give great praise for the smallest effort and slightest im-,provement. Therefore, the child develops courage and is excited about learning. It takes a long time,before he knows anything about grammar, spelling or formal sentence structures.,As for language teachers, they should avoid criticism and be very encouraging and generous with,praise. Criticism or pointing out faults too often causes students to lose self-confidence and develop,a fear of speaking. The best way to motivate a student is using praise.,The most important aspect of speaking is having good self-esteem. Self-esteem is how you feel about,yourself. When most Chinese people are asked how their English is, or they are told their English is,very good, they immediately respond by saying,“Oh, my English is very poor.”If you say this to,yourself often enough, you will believe it. When someone compliments(称赞)you, just say“thank,you”.,答案,写作提示,文章论述了中国人学英语时的问题,并提出了学好英语的方法。文章结构清楚,只要读懂文章,并能根据自然段进行段落归纳,就可提炼出优秀的概要。,One possible version:,Caused by their fear and way of learning, many Chinese students cannot speak English fluently,even after ten years,learning.(要点1)Actually we should learn to speak English as a child learns his,native language by listening and repeating a lot.(要点2)And teachers should praise and encourage,students rather than criticize them, just as parents do.(要点3)Finally, having good self-esteem is of,vital importance in speaking English.(要点4),Writing 5,(2017浙江台州高三期末),阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。,Colleges are attaching too much importance to tests. Students who receive higher scores on the SAT,and the ACT are considered to be more intelligent and as a result they are usually admitted to better,schools.,However, these tests don,t necessarily ensure one,s future success in life. To become better test-tak-,ers than others, some students would like to have more preparations. Several SAT and ACT pre-,classes are offered by various companies and individual tutors, giving rich students a better chance to,improve their scores. Some students even take medicine before their test. Although it is not proved,that taking these drugs will increase a student,s score, the nature of the drug is to increase alertness,(敏捷), concentration, and mental processing speed.,In addition,these tests can,t show some of the skills and characters that are a key part to success. Ac-,cording to Bob Schaeffer of the National Center for Fair and Open Testing, creativity, perseverance,and self-discipline(自律)are just a few basic qualities that are useful in the professional world that,aren,t measured by these tests. A high test score tells you nothing about how a student will handle,the future life or how well they will adapt to their surroundings.,What colleges can do is weigh the students,academic track, such as what classes they took and how,difficult they were, or what extra-curricular activities the students were involved in over their test,scores. These things don,t necessarily predict what the students will do in college, but if the admis-,sions officials would pay more attention to four years of hard work instead of three hours of filling in,bubbles(泡状框),they might get more successful and well-rounded graduates.,答案,写作提示,文章论述了大学只重视学生考试分数的种种弊端。,One possible version:,Colleges are too dependent on tests in admitting their new students. (要点1) Nevertheless, these,tests, in which students can get high scores by taking extra pre-classes or medicine, cannot guarantee,them a rosy future. (要点2) Besides, these tests are not able to give an accurate picture of students,full potential. (要点3) Therefore, to make sure they can get all-round top graduates, colleges should,take their students,academic track into consideration. (要点4),Writing 6,(2017浙江9+1联盟高三期中),阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。,Taking a shower is relaxing. You can hum a song,daydream or think about nothing, leaving the real,world behind you. But did you know that showering can also benefit your mind?,A piece of research by Scott Barry Kaufman,a psychologist from Yale University in the US inter-,viewed over 3,000 people around the world. It turned out that nearly two-thirds of the interviewees,said they had experienced new ideas in the shower and were more likely to have them in the shower,than at work.,So why does a simple shower have such magic power?Science can explain it.,Showering can help to raise our level of dopamine(多巴胺),a hormone(荷尔蒙)closely related to our,creativity.“People vary in terms of their level of creativity according to the activity of dopamine,”,explained Alice Flaherty,a famous American neuroscientist(神经系统科学家).“Taking a warm,shower can make us feel relaxed and therefore make the dopamine level rise and bring the Aha!,moment to us.”,Besides the chemical changes,showering may give you a break from what you feel you have been,stuck with. Especially when you have thought hard all day about a problem,jumping into the shower,can keep you from the outside world so that you can focus on your inner feelings and memories.In,this way,according to American psychologist Shelley H.Carson,author of,Your,Creative,Brain,“a,showering hour may turn into an incubation(孵化)period for your ideas”.,Compared with sitting in front of a computer,taking a shower is something we do less frequently in,our daily lives.When showering,we get a fresh experience with the change of location,temperature,and humidity.“New and unexpected experiences can lead to positive changes in thinking,”ex-,plained Kaufman.“Getting off the couch and jumping in the shower may create a distance and force,you to think from a new point of view.”,Showering allows us to enjoy the creative juices of our minds,which makes the bathroom an alterna-,tive where you get your inspiration.So next time you consider ways to free your mind,count it in.,答案,写作提示,这是一篇科普文章,文章认为淋浴会增加一个人的创造力,并给出了很多调查的实证资料。文章,信息比较多,有很多背景信息和分支补充信息,而且自然段落也比较多。因此阅读时一定要仔,细,理出其中的关键信息。,One possible version:,Showering is of great benefit to our mind.(要点1) It is found that relaxation in the shower helps raise,the level of dopamine and bring new ideas. (要点2) Showering can also provide a new, unexpected,and fresh experience that can make it possible to stop thinking about what we are stuck with, result-,ing in positive changes in thinking. (要点3) So if you want to have a change and make new ideas, go,for a shower. (要点4),Writing 7,(2017浙江金丽衢十二校第一次联考),阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。,Most students experience a lot of stress while preparing for exams,as both their parents and teachers,expect them to get high scores.Students who feel anxious are likely to experience problems like dif-,ficulty in concentrating while studying, confusion,feeling stressed while looking at difficult ques-,tions,feeling blank,sweating,sleepless,etc.Under such circumstances they end up scoring less than,they could have.Therefore,it,s extremely important for students to learn about how to overcome fear,so that they can take their examination confidently,finally earning good grades.Here are a few tips on,ways to overcome exam fear.,There are many students who take studies lightly,leaving everything to be studied at the last minute.,As a result,when exams are around the corner,they feel scared,as they don,t know where to start,and,what to study.So the easiest way of overcoming this problem is to start studying much before the ex-,am.Another common mistake that many students make is that they don,t make an effort to under-,stand the subject.When they have memorized things without understanding them,the chances of for-,getting are more.Therefore,it is vital to understand the concept before memorizing it.In this way,you,will never forget any important point.Besides,that the exams are coming does not mean that you,have to sit with your books for the entire day,and students should take regular breaks to relax and re-,fresh their mind.However,they should avoid watching too much TV and addicting themselves to the,Internet,in which way,they are more likely to waste time.,Apart from the tips above,here are some points that will help students cope with exam-related anxi-,ety.For example,before the exam, avoid studying anything new or having conversations with your,classmates about what they have studied and how much they have studied,both of which will make,you more nervous.During the exam,if you get blank after seeing difficult questions,ignore them for,the time being,and deal with those you find easier.Once you have completed them,go back to the dif-,ficult ones.,答案,写作提示,本文指出了学生考前压力产生的原因以及克服的办法。文章包含的信息较多,概括时一定要理,清重点信息,把握要点,不要被分支信息分散了注意力。本文的要点信息较多,写概要时要全部,包含,不要漏掉信息。,One possible version:,Most students will experience stress during examination periods. (要点1)To overcome it, students,should make a good preparation ahead of time. (要点2) Besides, understanding what you are learn-,ing instead of just memorizing it matters greatly. (要点3) Learning to relax properly before exams is,of benefit.(要点4) It is wise not to learn anything new and talk with classmates about what they have,studied or how much they have studied. (要点5)Clever methods during the exams,such as complet-,ing easy questions first, also count in dealing with anxieties. (要点6),Writing 8,(2017浙江名校联盟10月月考),阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。,So far 106 species of lemurs(狐猴)have been identified and nearly all of them are judged to be at risk,of extinction,many of them critically endangered.The habitats they depend onmostly forestonly,exist in Madagascar.“Just as fish cannot survive without water,lemurs cannot survive without for-,est.But less than ten percent of the original Madagascar forest is left,”said Professor Jonah Ratsim-,bazafy,director of GERP,a center for primate research in Madagascar.“I believe that within the next,25 years,if the speed of the deforestation(滥伐森林)remained the same,there would be no forest left.,And that means no lemurs left on this island.”,The pressure to clear the forests comes from a rapidly growing but extremely poor population seek-,ing to open up new farmland.A form of slash-and-burn agriculture sees trees cut down and bushes,burnt to make way for fields of rice and other crops.,The only long-term solution,according to Professor Ratsimbazafy,is to engage communities and per-,suade them that the forests and the lemurs have a value that is worth safeguarding.In one protected,area,GERP is hiring local people to watch over the forest,making the point that the lemurs can be,worth more alive than dead.It is also supporting new ways of living in the local village including fish,-farming and bee-keeping,and teaching new techniques for rice-growing that do not require constant,expansion into the forest.,But there is an additional threat to the lemursa continuing demand for bush meat(野味).Although,it is illegal to kill lemurs,poachers(偷猎者)are still setting traps for the animals or shooting them,ei-,ther for their own consumption or to sell them to others.,答案,写作提示,本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了狐猴濒临灭绝的严峻形势,并指出了解决这个问题的方式。文,章结构清楚,信息量比较大,有很多分支信息和背景信息。要认真阅读,斟酌比较要点信息。,One possible version:,Lemurs face extinction as their habitats in Madagascar are disappearing. (要点1) This is because of,people,s deforestation to cultivate new farmland. (要点2) The only long-term solution is to get local,people involved in protecting the forest and lemurs and developing new ways of living without dam-,aging the forest. (要点3) However, the illegal hunting of lemurs is still a problem to be solved. (要点4),Writing 9,(2017浙江金华高三期末调研),阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。,For most of us, social media, like Twitter and Facebook, is a part of


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