8A U1复习课件

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It makes her look pretty.,3.Her drawing is the worst in the drawing_(,竞赛,).,4.Andy always plays tricks on others, so _ (,几乎,)no one in,his class likes him.,5.Her head _ (hit,sth,. with a short hard blow) against the,glass just now.,6.Youd better t_ your parents in this matter. They have,more experience.,7.-Can you keep_(,秘密,) for us, Betty? -Of course.,8.Kate often donates money to charities. She is g_ with,his money.,9.He_ (,想起,)of his best friend when he read the report.,10. The play wasnt interesting at all. We all felt b_.,根据中英文提示写单词,believes,straight,knocked,almost,competition,ored,rust,enerous,thought,secrets,Kate,既是我的邻居又是我最要好的朋友,,她又高又苗条,,她留着长长的直发,长着一张圆脸和一个小鼻子。,我喜欢她的明亮的笑眯眯的眼睛。,它们使她看起来真的漂亮的和善良的。,Kate,是一个友好的女孩。,她总是脸带微笑,看起来高兴的,,她喜欢帮助别人,在我感到无聊或不开心时,我经常去找她。,Kate,想与孩子共事,我想她将成为一个优秀的教师。,Speak up 1,Max,是我最好的朋友之一,他是大方的。,他乐于和他的朋友们分享东西,,他也是乐于助人的,愿意任何时候帮助人,,他在家作方面帮助我并总是在公交车上把座位让给需要的人。,他具有良好的幽默感,讲有趣的笑话。,他从不讲任何人的坏话,,Max,是一个真正的朋友,当有事困扰我的时候,我可以告诉他任何事因为他可以保守秘密。,Speak up 2,Grammar,Comparative and superlative adjectives,形容词的比较级和最高级,Thinking:,形容词的,比较级,和,最高级,的变化,规则变化, 单音节词、一些双音节词在词尾,_,long,- _, 以字母,e,结尾的词,_,nice,-_,重读闭音节结尾的单词,,_,slim,-_,以辅音字母加,y,结尾的词,_,busy-,-_,直接加,er,或,est,longer,只加,r,或,st,nicer,先把,y,变成,i,再加,er,或,est,busier,双写最后一个字母,,再加,er,或,est,slimmer,不规则变化, 多音节词和某些双音节词,_,careful,-_,在其前加,more,或,most more careful,good- - bad/ill- -,little- - many/much- -,old- -,far- -,better best,less least,older/elder oldest /eldest,farther/further farthest / furthest,worse worst,more most,1. I had to call a taxi because the box was _ than Id expected.,A. heavy B. heavier C. the heavier D. the heaviest,2. -Tom, what do you think of the school?,- Oh, no other school is _ in the city. Its _ one.,A. better , a better B. the best , the best,C. better , the best D. the best , a better,3. Bob often says that swimming is _ than hiking in reducing,weight, but he always spends more time on swimming.,A. less useful B. less interesting C. more useful D. more interesting,4. She sang a song,I believe I can fly,in,Yangzhou,English Classics,Reading Contest. I have never heard a _ voice than that before.,A. good B. well C. better D. best,5. This bag is not expensive. And the price of it is the _ of the three.,A. lowest B. biggest C. highest D. smallest,实战演练,6. I work hard this term , but Peter works much _ .,A. hard B. harder C. hardest D. the hardest,7. Who listens _, Tom , Jack or Bill?,A. the most carefully B. more carefully,C. the most careful D. more careful,8. You should practice more to improve your English, then youll be,_ at it.,A. good B. better C. best D. the best,9. - Can you tell me why you learn English so well?,- Its very simple. _ you work , _ grades you will get.,A. The harder , the best B. The hard , the better,C. Harder , better D. The harder , the better,We lost the match because they had _ players. They had,eleven and we had only nine!,A. stronger B. younger C. fewer D. more,more and more+,多音节形容词的原级,表示越来越,我们的学校变得越来越美丽。,Our school is becoming more and more beautiful.,如果形容词是单音节,则直接用该词的比较级。,天气变得越来越凉了。,Its getting cooler and cooler.,The +,比较级, the +,比较级”,表示“越,就越,”,你吃得越多,就越胖。,The more you eat, the fatter you will be.,你越仔细,你犯的错误就越少。,The more careful you are, the fewer mistakes you will,make.,中考知识点链接,EXERCISES,1. _ all the stars, the sun is _ to the earth.,A. To, the nearest B. Of, the nearest C. To, nearer D.,Of,nearest,2. Which coat looks _ on me, the blue one or the red one?,A. good B. the better C. better D. the best,3. Which book is _ of the two?,A. cheaper B. cheapest C. the cheaper D. the cheapest,4. My grandmother is _ in our family, yet she is _.,A. the oldest, healthier B. the oldest, the healthiest,C. oldest, healthiest D. oldest, the healthiest,5.Our classroom is _ than theirs.,A. much brighter B. more bright,C. more brighter D. the most bright,Choose the correct answer,knock stay listen eat trust choose make visit,1.Some students dont know how _ good friends. So teachers should help them.,2.You should learn _ to people when they have problems.,3.Why not _ the Great Wall with us?,4.He hurried to school without _ anything.,5.He said sorry to me after he _ my bag onto the floor.,6.If Simon _ this way to the cinema, he just needs a little time.,7.She is so shy and often _ at home if there is no school.,8.The man asked me _ him because he was a policeman.,选择合适的动词填空,to make,knocked,eating,visit,to listen,to trust,stays,chooses,1. Peter is the tallest student in his class.,Peter is _ _ _ _ student,in his class.,2. This bag is 90,yuan,. That bag is 70,yuan,.,This bag is _ _ _ that one.,3. Daniel is 15 years old. Tom is 13years old.,Daniel is _ _ _ the two.,4.In summer, it is hotter in,Nanjing,than in Beijing.,In summer, the weather in,Nanjing,is _ _ _ in Beijing.,5.Im not as slim as she.,She is _ _ I.,同义句转换,taller than any other,more expensive than,the older of,hotter than that,slimmer than,Lets enjoy English !,GOOD-BYE,中考知识点链接,as+ adj. + as,的用法,as + adj. +as,的否定式为,not as/so +adj. +as,。,This dictionary is,not as useful as,you think.,Amy is,not as tall as,Peter.,The white shirt is,as,_ (cheap),as,_ (I).,These two shoes are much,too,_ (big) for me.,It is,much,_ (cold),than,yesterday.,He jumped _ (high),of all,the students at the sports meeting.,Im doing _ (good) this term,than,last term.,Which color do you like _, white, red _ yellow?,Its,very,_ in October, but its,even,_ in December.(cold),Who,runs,_ (quick), Jack or Jim?,9.My elder sister works in a hospital and she is three years _ than me. (old),cheap,mine,big,colder,highest,better,best,or,cold,colder,more quickly,older,上海是中国最大的城市。,Shanghai is the largest city in China.,北京是中国第二大城市。,Beijing is the second largest city in China.,上海是两个城市中比较大的一个。,Shanghai is the larger one of the two.,上海比中国任何一个城市都大。,Shanghai is larger than any other city in China.,Shanghai is larger than the other cities in China.,上海比日本任何一个城市都大。,Shanghai is larger than any city in Japan.,非 常 测 试,中国正变得越来越强大。,China is becoming stronger and stronger,你越粗心,犯的错误就越多。,The more careless you are, the more mistakes you will make.,长江是两条河中比较长的一条。,The,Changjiang,River is the longer one of the two.,长江是中国最长的河流之一。,The,Changjiang,River is one of the longest rivers in China.,黄河是中国第二长河。,The,Huanghe,River is the second longest river in China.,长江比中国任何一条河都要长。,The,Changjiang,River is longer than any other river in China.,the other rivers,Millie -Class 1 , I-Class 2,两个女孩中比较高的那个是,Millie.,The taller girl of the two is Millie.,Millie,是她班上最高的女孩。,Millie is the tallest girl in her class.,Millie,比她班上任何一个女孩都高。,Millie is taller than,any other girl,in her class.,= the other girls,Millie,比我班上任何一个女孩都高。,Millie is taller then any girl in my class.,Can you do the work,better,with _ money and _ people. (many, few, little),less,fewer,1 Who is _ (pretty), Millie or Amy?,2 Which sport is _(dangerous),swimming, climbing or skating?,3 I think math is _ (difficult) than,Chinese.,4 Peter is _(careful) student in,my class.,5 Spring is _(good) season in a,year.,6 The elephant is _ (large),living animal on land.,7 You look very _ (nice) today.,8 He is too _ (slowly) to catch the bus.,1 Lucy,是一个聪明的女孩。,Lucy _.,2 Jack,是他们班最高的男生。,Jack _ boy _ his class.,3,这首乐曲听起来美极了!,The music _!,4,你现在累了吗?,_ you _ now?,5,我现在感觉比昨天好多了。,I _ much _ than yesterday.,Keys to additional exercises,A 1 smaller, smallest 2 thinner, thinnest,3 earlier, earliest 4 slimmer, slimmest,5 healthier, healthiest 6 worse, worst,7 more exciting, most exciting,8 finer, finest 9 smarter, smartest,10 more careful, most careful,11 hungrier, hungriest,12 more dangerous, most dangerous,13 larger, largest,14 more slowly, most slowly,B 1 prettier 2 the most dangerous,3 more difficult 4 the most careful,5 the best 6 the largest 7 nice,8 slow,C 1 is a clever girl,2 is the tallest,,,in,3 sounds beautiful,4 Are,,,tired,5 feel,,,better,1. Anns house is ten miles away from the school and nobody else in her class lives _. 07,南通,far B. farther,C. farthest D. the furthest,2. Susan is always the best in different exams in our class because she is a _ girl. 07,南京,A. helpful B. polite,C. proud D. hard-working,Choose the correct answer,3.,Whom would you like to be your,assistant, Jack or David?, If I had to choose, David would be,_ choice. 07,江西,A. good B. better,C. the better D. the best,4. Would you like to go and see a film?,Sure, the TV,programmes,are too _.07,南京,surprising B. interesting,C. exciting D. boring,5. Is your toothache getting better?, No, its _. 06,江西,bad B. serious,C. worse D. the worst,6. What do you think of his speech?,Oh, wonderful. But he sounded really _ when he first started speaking. 06,武汉,aloud B. worried,C. nervous D. quiet,7. Dick, is Nick your twin brother?, Yes, and Im thirty minutes _ than him. 06,浙江,fatter B. taller,C. heavier D. older,8. Do you know the final of mens single will be played between Wang,Liqin,and Ma Lin?,Yes. I felt _ when I heard the _news. 07,黄冈,exciting, excited B. excited, exciting,C. exciting, exciting D. excited, excited,Yixiu,is,cleverer than,Wang.,Einstein is,cleverer than,Yixiu,.,So Einstein is,the cleverest of all,.,Liu Xiang is,taller than,Zhu,Shunjie,.,Yao Ming is,taller than,Liu Xiang.,Yao Ming is,the tallest in the NBA,.,Work out the rule:,_,用比较级,,_,用最高级。,比较级,后面经常,+_+_,。,最高级,前面经常要加,_,。一般会有一个比较范围,数量经常用,_,、集体名词经常用,_,连接。,两者之间比较 三者或三者以上比较,than,比较对象,the,of in,My mother is _ in our family.,A. busiest B. the busiest C. busier D. busy,2. This apple is _ of all. A. redder B. the,redest,C. the reddest D. reddest,Multiple Choice,3. Which pen is _, this one or that one?,A. dear B. dearest C. the dearest D. dearer,4. Kate is _than all the other girls. She is _ of all. A. taller, tallest B. taller, the tallest,C. the tallest, tallest,D. tallest, the tallest,5. _ of the two men is my uncle. A. The older B. Old C. The oldest D. Oldest,6. Do you know _ of the three? A. the youngest B. youngest C. the younger D. younger,本节课易遗忘知识回顾,Adj. + n. Linking v. + adj.,两者之间用比较级,三者或三者以上比较用最高级。,比较级后面经常,+than+,比较对象。,最高级前面经常要加,the,。一般会有一个比较范围,数量经常用,of,、集体名词经常用,in,连接。,主要的不规则变化的词,:,much / many more most,good / well better best,little less least,bad / badly / ill worse - worst,


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