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按一下以編輯母片標題樣式,按一下以編輯母片,第二層,第三層,第四層,第五層,*,DC1242-12_V1.2,电源测试,测试目的,:,确认电源的性能与可靠度,提供具有依据的测试数据给客户参考。确保研发出高性能,高稳定性,高可靠度的产品。保证公司产品的知名度与良好反应。,1,Inrush Current,开机瞬间电流,Purpose:,Measure the inrush current of the input while the power supply turn on.,目 的,:,量测输入电源电压瞬间开启时,电源供应器之瞬间开机电流,.,Environmental Conditions:,Temperature 25, Relative Humidity 65%,环境条件,:,温度,25,相对湿度,65%,Test Conditions:,1.The input voltage frequency must be under any condition in the range of the product specification,测试条件,:,1.,输入电压以产品规格之全电压频率范围,Min/115Vac/230Vac/Max,2. The output load is full load on all outputs at under the product specification.,2.,输出负载以产品规格之最大额定电流值,3. The measurement can be implemented only when the AC input voltage at the,phase of 90 and then the power supply turn on.,3.,量测时必须于输入之交流电压在相角,90,时,将电源供应器开启,量测其输出入瞬间,电流量,4. Do the test in cold start one time, so do in hot start one time.,4.,冷机和热机各做一次,.,Result limit: Sure there is no damage of components.,结果判定,:,不能造成产品组件损坏,.,2,Test Waveform,3,1.Input Current & Power,输入电流及功率,Purpose:,Measure the input current and power of the switch power supply.,目 的,:,量测电源供应器之输入电流及功率,Environmental Conditions: Temperature 25, Relative Humidity 65%,环境条件,:,温度,25,,相对湿度,65%,Test Conditions:,1.The input voltage & frequency must be under any condition of the range of the product specification.,测试条件,:,1.,输入电压及频率以产品规格之全电压频率范围,2. The output load is full load on all outputs,2.,输出负载以产品规格之最大额定电流值,Full Load,=,Result limit: The maximum input current shall not exceed the specified.,结果判定,:,输入电流不能超出产品规格,4,Efficiency And Power Factor,输出效率及功率因素,Purpose:,Measure the efficiency and power factor of the SPS.,目 的,:,量测电源供应器之输出效率及功率因素,Environmental Conditions,: Temperature 25, Relative Humidity 65%,环境条件,:,温度,25,相对湿度,65%,Test Conditions,: 1.The power supply must be on for 10 minutes before measure.,测 试 条 件,:,1.,需先开机,10,分钟,2. The input voltage & frequency must be under any condition in the range,of the product specification.,2.,输入电压及频率以产品规格之全电压频率范围,3. The output load is full load on all outputs .,3.,输出负载以产品规格之最大额定电流值,Result limit:,The efficiency must exceed the specified.,结果判定,:,效率必须大于产品规格才合格,.,5,Energy Star,(Blue Angel),能源之星,(,蓝天使,),Purpose:,Measure the stability of output voltage under the condition of all kinds of load being synchronous varying.,目的,:,量测各组负载在做同步变化条件下,各组输出电压的稳定性,.,Environmental Conditions:,Temperature 25, Relative Humidity 65%,环境条件,:,温度,25,相对湿度,65%.,The Energy Star* efficiency requirements of the power supply depend on the intended system configuration. The system should consume power in accordance with the values listed in Table.,能源之星的效率要求是依据目标系统配置来定的,系统的耗能应该附合以下表格列出的数值,.,6,Input Current Test,输入电流测试,Purpose: Check the power supplys input current be in the range of specification, and fuse is accord to safety requirement.,目的,:,确认电源的输入电流在规格范围内并且所用保险丝符合安,规要求,.,Environmental Conditions:,Temperature : 25 ; Humidity: 65%,环境条件,:,温度,25 ;,湿度,65%.,Test Conditions:,1.The input voltage & corresponding frequency must be Min/115Vac/230Vac/Max of product specification.,测试条件,:,1.,输入电压以产品规格之最小,/115Vac/230Vac/,最大电压及相应频率,2. The output load is Full/Max load.,2.,输出负载以满载,/,最大载测试,7,No Load Start,无负载启动测试,Purpose: Check the power supply can start with no load.,目的,:,量测控制开,/,关的开关需求电压,.,Environmental Conditions:,Temperature : 25 ; Humidity: 65%,环境条件,:,温度,25 ;,湿度,65%.,Test Conditions:,1.The input voltage & frequency must be Min/Max rated of the product specification.,测试条件,:,1.,输入电压以产品规格之最小,/,最大电压及频率,2. The output load is no load.,2.,输出负载以空载测试,8,Over Shoot & Under Shoot,电压过冲及过降,Purpose:,Measure whether output voltage over shoot or under shoot from the SPS rise to the output voltage stable.,目 的,:,量测输出电压于开机到稳定时之间,其电压上升是否有过冲或过降现象,.,Environmental Conditions:,Temperature 25, Relative Humidity 65%,环境条件,:,温度,25,相对湿度,65%,Test Conditions:,1.The input voltage frequency must be under any condition in the range of the product specification,测试条件,:,1.,输入电压以产品规格之全电压频率范围,2. The output load is full load on all outputs.,2.,输出负载以产品规格之最大额定电流值,Result limit:,The range of over shoot & under shoot should be less than,10% of the normal voltage.,结果判定,:,过冲或过降幅度小于其电压值的,10%,.,9,电压过冲,10,5vsb(,过冲,),11,-12V,过冲,12,SB,过冲波形,13,-12V,过冲,14,Line Regulation,输入电压调整率,Purpose:,Measure the stability of the output voltage when the input voltage is variable.,目的,:,量测电源供应器因输入电压变化输出电压稳定度,Environmental Conditions:,Temperature 25, Relative Humidity 65%,环境条件,:,温度,25,相对湿度,65%,Test Demands:,1.The input voltage frequency must be under any condition in the range of the product specification,测试条件,:,1.,输入电压以产品规格之全电压频率范围,2. The output load is full load on all outputs at under the product specification.,2.,输出负载以产品规格之最大额定电流值,3. Test can be performed only after the SPS is on for about 10 minutes.,3.,开机,10,分钟后测试,.,Result limit:,The output voltage can not exceed the allowed difference.,结果判定,:,输出电压不可超出误差值,.,15,Load Regulation,负载调整率,(,5% or,10%),Purpose:,Measure the stability of the output voltage when the load is variable.,目 的,:,量测电源供应器因输出负载变化之输出电压稳定度,Environmental Conditions:,Temperature 25, Relative Humidity 65%,环境条件,:,温度,25,相对湿度,65%,Test Conditions:,1.The input voltage frequency must be under any condition in the range of the product specification,测试条件,:,1.,输入电压以产品规格之全电压频率范围,2.Output load: Maximum, middle, minimum load by the product specification.,2.,输出负载以产品规格之最大,中间,最小额定电流值,.(,依产品规格书为依据,),Result limit:,The output voltage can not exceed the allowed difference .,结果判定,:,各组电压不能超出误差值,16,Capacitive Load Test,容性负载测试,Purpose:,Measure the stability of output voltage under the condition of all kinds of load being synchronous varying.,目的,:,量测各组负载在做同步变化条件下,各组输出电压的稳定性,.,Environmental Conditions:,Temperature 25, Relative Humidity 65%,环境条件,:,温度,25,相对湿度,65%.,Test Conditions:,1. The input voltage frequency must be under any condition in the range of the product specification,测试条件,:,1.,输入电压以产品规格之全电压频率范围,2. Output with all Min/Typical/Full Load.,2.,输出在最小,/,半载,/,潢载条件下,.,3. Capacitive Load data as the right table.,3.,容性负载数值如右边的表格,.,Result,limit:,The power supply should be,able to power up and operate within the,regulation range,电源可以开启,并且输出电压在调整率范围内,.,17,Dynamic Load Regulation,动态负载变动率,Purpose:,Measure the stability of output voltage under the condition of all kinds of load being synchronous varying. (Min Load Start & Each output Max Load),目的,:,量测各组负载在做同步变化条件下,各组输出电压的稳定性,.,Environmental Conditions:,Temperature 25, Relative Humidity 65%,环境条件,:,温度,25,相对湿度,65%.,Test Conditions:,1. The input voltage frequency must be under any condition in the range of the product specification,测试条件,:,1.,输入电压以产品规格之全电压频率范围,2. Output transient step sizes for each output when at capacitive load:,+12V1/40%,+12V2/60%,+5V,+3.3V/30%, +5Vsb/0.5A, -5V, -12V/0.1A.,2.,在容性负载条件,各组输出动态变化负载幅度,3. Simultaneous load steps on the +12V,+5V,+3.3V output,all step occur in the same,direction.,3.,在,+12V,+5V,+3.3V,负载同时变化时,其所有负载变化的趋势应是一致的,.,4. Dynamic frequency : 50Hz/10kHz. 4.,动态频率,: 50Hz/10kHz,5. Slope: 1A/uS.,5.,斜率,: 1A/uS.,Result limit:,Output voltage is in the product specification.,结果判定,:,各输出电压在产品规格范围内,.,18,Test Waveform,19,Ripple & Noise,输出涟波和噪声,Purpose:,Measure the ripple & noise of output voltage under any condition.,目的,:,在各种条件下量测各组输出电压之涟波和噪声大小,.,Environmental Condition:,Temperature: 25;Reletive Humidity: 65%,环境条件,:,温度,25,相对湿度,65%,Test Conditions:,AC input voltage: The Maximum and minimum voltage of product specification,测试条件,:,1.,输入电压以产品规格之最大,最小电压范围,2. The output load is the maximum and minimum load of specification regulation.,2.,输出负载以产品规格之最大,最小额定电流值,.(,依产品规格书为依据,),Result limit:,Ripple & Noise can not exceed the specified.,结果判定,:,各组输出涟波和噪声不能超出规格书要求,.,(+3.3V,+5V,+5Vsb: 50mV, -12V,-5V,+12V: 120mV),20,Voltage Line Brownout,电压缓慢变动测试,Purpose:,Measure the stability of the SPS when the input voltage varies linearly.,目的,:,量测电源供应器因输入电压线性变化导致输出电压的变动直至关机,.,Environmental Conditions:,Temperature 25, Relative Humidity 65%,环境条件,:,温度,25,相对湿度,65%,Test Demands:,1.The input voltage must varies from 0Max and Max0 with a step of 1 volt per an interval of 5 seconds, Until the SPS turn on & work normally or shut down normally without other noise.,测试条件,:,1.,输入电压以每,5,秒,1,伏的间隔从,0,最大和从最大,0,变化直至电源电源开启并正常工作或者正常当机为止,(,无异音,),2. The output load is Min/Full load on all outputs at under the product,specification.,2.,输出负载以产品规格之最小和最大额定电流值,3.Test can be performed only after the SPS is on for about 10 minutes.,3.,开机,10,分钟后测试,.,Result limit:,The SPS shouldnt be damaged, and can restart normally after test.,结果判定,:,电源不能有损坏的现象,并且能在测试后可以重新开启,21,Rise Time & Fall Time,电压上升及下降之时间,Purpose:,Measure the rise time and fall time of the output voltage specified.,目 的,:,量测被指定之输出电压其上升及下降之时间,Environmental Conditions:,Temperature 25, Relative Humidity 65%,环境条件,:,温度,25,相对湿度,65%,Test Conditions:,1.The input voltage frequency must be under any condition in the range of the product specification,测试条件,:,1.,输入电压以产品规格之全电压频率范围,2. The output load is full load on all outputs at under the product specification.,2.,输出负载以产品规格之最大额定电流值,3. Rise time: The time from 10% of each output voltage to 90% of each output voltage when,Power On.,3.,量测各组输出电压由,10%,上升至,95%,之时间,( T-rise: 020mS ),4.Fall time: The time from 95% of each output voltage to 10% of each output voltage when,Power Off.,4.,下降时间,:,量测各组输出电压由,95%,下降至,10%,之时间,.,( T-fall,2000mS ),Result limit:,The Rise Time must conform to the specification; During the Fall Time, no vibration over 50% of each output voltage occurs.,结果判定,:,上升时间符合产品规格,;,下降时间不能有大于电压值,50%,的振荡现象,.,22,Test Waveform (Rise),23,SB Rise Waveform,24,-12V Rise Waveform,25,Fall Waveform (+5vsb),26,Fall Waveform (-12v),27,Test Waveform (Fall),28,Turn on Delay Time,开机延迟时间,Purpose:,Measure the time between AC input power on to output voltage rise to 95% of normal.,目 的,:,量测交流输入接通时到输出电压上升至,95%,时之延迟时间,.,Test Conditions:,1.The input voltage frequency must be under any condition in the range of the product specification,测试条件,:,1.,输入电压以产品规格之全电压频率范围,2. The output load is full load on all outputs at under the product,specification.,2.,输出负载以产品规格之最大额定电流值,3. The time is from the appearing of AC waveform to 95% output voltage.,3.,从交流波形出现至被指定输出电压,(+5V),上升到,95%,这段时间,.,4. Do the test in cold state one time, so do in hot state one time.,4.,冷机和热机各做一次,.,Result limit:,The start-up Time can not more than 10 second or per as the requirements of product specification.,结果判定,:,开机延迟时间小于,10,秒或按产品规格书之规定,( 2000mS ),.,29,Turn on Delay waveform,30,ON/OFF,(,Power-on Time),控制开,/,关,Purpose:,Measure the enabling/disabling voltage for remote ON/OFF.,目的,:,量测控制开,/,关的开关需求电压,.,Environmental Conditions:,Temperature : 25 ; Humidity: 65%,环境条件,:,温度,25 ;,湿度,65%.,Test Conditions:,1.The input voltage & frequency must be middle rated of the in the product specification.,测试条件,:,1.,输入电压以产品规格之中心电压及频率,2. The output load is the maximum and minimum load of,specification regulation.,2.,输出负载以产品规格之最大,最小额定电流值,31,Test Waveform,32,Power Good Delay Time,电源确认信号,(100mS500mS),Purpose:,Measure the sequence relationship between Power Good Signal and specified output voltage.,目的,:,量测电源确认信号与被指定输出电压之间的时序关系,Environmental Conditions:,Temperature 25, Relative Humidity 65%,环境条件,:,温度,25,相对湿度,65%,Test Conditions:,1.The input voltage frequency must be under any condition in the range of the product specification,测试条件,:,1.,输入电压以产品规格之全电压频率范围,2. The output load is full load on all outputs at under the product specification.,2.,输出负载以产品规格之最大额定电流值,3. Power good delay time is measure the interval between specified output voltage rise to 95%,and other is power good signal rise to 100%,3.,量测当被指定电压上升至,95%,而电源确认信号上升至,100%,时,两者间之时间差为,电源确认信号延迟时间,.(Power Good Delay Time),4. Power good fail time is measure the interval between power good signal off to specified,output voltage falling to 95% .,4.,量测当电源确认信号电压消失,被指定电压下降至,95%,时,两者间之时间差为,电源确认信号消失时间,.(Power Good Fail Time),Full Load,=180W: +5V/9A,、,+12V/9A,、,-12V/0.3A,、,+3.3V/5A,、,+5Vsb/1.5A.,Result limit:,The result must meet the requirements of product specification.,结果判定,:,必须符合产品规格书要求,.,33,PG Delay Time,34,PF Delay Time,35,Hold-up Time,关机保持时间,Purpose:,When the power loss its input power, Measure the power supply should maintain output in regulation limit time.,目 的,:,量测输入电源关断后,电源指定输出电压继续维持输出的持续时间,.,Test Conditions:,1.The input voltage frequency must be under any condition in the range of the product specification.,测试条件,:,1.,输入电压以产品规格之全额定电压频率范围,2. The output load is full load on all outputs at under the product,specification.,2.,输出负载以产品规格之最大额定电流值,3. When the power loss its input power, output voltage is reduced to,regulation low line(+5V reduced to+4.75V).,3.,交流输入关断后,指定输出电压下降至规格下限,(+5V,为降至,4.75V,时之时间,),4. Do the test in cold start one time, so do in hot start one time.,4.,冷机和热机各做一次,.,Result limit:,The Hold-up Time cant be less than the specified,( T-holdup,16mS ),.,结果判定,:,关机延迟时间不能小于产品规格,36,Test Waveform,37,Over Voltage Protection,输出过电压保护,Purpose:,The SPS must be of self-protection in certain voltage and period when the feed back is un-controlled. So its load system shall not be damaged.,目 的,:,量测当电源供应器回授失控时,须要于一定之电压及时间内作到自我保护,以确保使用电源之外部负载系统不会因电源失控而受损,Environmental Conditions:,Temperature 25, Relative Humidity 65%,环境条件,:,温度,25,相对湿度,65%,Test Conditions:,1.The input voltage frequency must be under any condition in the range of the product specification,测试条件,:,1.,输入电压以产品规格之全电压及频率范围,2. The output load is the minimum load of specification regulation.,2.,输出负载以产品规格之最小额定电流值,3. Voltages of each group added to protection.,3.,分别迫使各组电压升至保护为止,Min. Load,= 6.75W: +5V/0.3 A,、,+12V/ 0.3 A,、,-12V/ 0 A,、,+3.3V/ 0.5 A,、,+5Vsb/ 0A.,Result limit:,The protection voltage must be within the specification.,结果判定,:,保护电压值在规格之内,38,Over Current Protection,过电流保护,Purpose:,The SPS must be of self-protection when the current over the specified.,目的,:,量测电源供应器当负载电流超出一额定电流时,须要能自我保护,Environmental Conditions:,Temperature 25, Relative Humidity 65%,环境条件,:,温度,25,相对湿度,65%,Test Conditions:,1.The input voltage frequency must be under any condition in the range of the product specification,测试条件,:,1.,输入电压以产品规格之全电压频率范围,2. The output load is the minimum load of specification regulation.,2.,输出负载以产品规格之最小额定电流值,3. Each current be added against 10A/S rate until the SPS was protected.,3.,开机后分别将各组输出电流以,10A/S,比率向上加至电源出现保护为止,4. Be sure the SPS belongs to latch-off or recovery with the voltage,decreasing.,4.,测试前须确认被测物属电压下降拴锁型或电压下降恢复型,Min. Load,= W: +5V/ A,、,+12V/ A,、,-5V/ A,、,-12V/ A,、,+3.3V/ A,39,Short Circuit Protection,输出短路保护,Purpose:,The SPS must be of self-protection when the any output voltage was shorted with the ground.,目的,:,量测将所有输出按顺序对地线作短路开机及开机短路,电源供应器须要自我保护,Environmental Conditions:,Temperature 25, Relative Humidity 65%,环境条件,:,温度,25,相对湿度,65%,Test Condition:,1.Input voltage & frequency must be Maximum in the range of the product specification,测试条件,:,1.,输入电压以产品规格最大额定电压及频率,2. The output load is the maximum and minimum load of specification regulation.,2.,输出负载以产品规格之最小额定电流值,3. Be sure the SPS latch-off or recovery with the voltage decreasing.,3.,测试前须确认被测物属电压下降拴锁型或电压下降恢复型,Min. Load,= 6.75W: +5V/ 0.3A,、,+12V/0.3A,、,-12V/ 0 A,、,+3.3V/ 0.5A,、,+5Vsb/ 0A.,Result limit:,1.If the tested SPS belongs to latch off, The SPS function must be normal at intervals of 10s on/off.,结果判定,:,1.,被测物属电压下降拴锁型,可以开关机一次间格,10,秒,电机功能要正常,.,2. If the tested SPS belongs to recovery, The SPS function must be normal within10s,2.,被测物属电压下降恢复型,10,秒内电源功能要正常,.,40,Over Power Protection,过功率保护,Purpose:,The SPS must be of self-protection when over power for output load.,目的,:,量测电源供应器当负载电流超出一额定功率时,电源供应器须能自我保护,.,Environmental Conditions:,Temperature 25, Relative Humidity 65%,环境条件,:,温度,25,相对湿度,65%,Test Condition:,1.The input voltage & frequency must be under any condition in the range of the product specification,测试条件,:,1.,输入电压及频率以产品规格之全电压频率范围,2. The output load is the maximum load of specification regulation.,2.,输出负载以产品规格之最大额定电流值,3. Each current be added until the SPS was protected.,3.,开机后各组电流分别向上加至电源供应器出现保护不工作状态,4. Be sure the SPS belongs to latch-off or recovery with voltage decreasing.,4.,测试前须确认被测物属电压下降拴锁型或电压下降恢复型,5. Record the power of the protection point,5.,量测时记录保护点之功率,.,Full Load,=180W: +5V/9A,、,+12V/9A,、,-12V/ 0.3A,、,+3.3V/ 5A,、,+5Vsb/ 1.5A.,Result Limit:,It must be protected against specification and it can work properly after reset.,结果判定,:,必须在规格内保护并且重新启动能正常工作,41,Over Temperature Protection,过温保护,Purpose:,The SPS must be of self-protection when over Temperature for fan fail or in high temperature ambient.,目的,:,量测电源供应器当风扇失效或周转温度太高,电源供应器须能自我保护,.,Environmental Conditions:,Temperature 25/Max+10 , Relative Humidity 65%,环境条件,:,温度,25/,规格最大加,10 ,相对湿度,65%,Test Condition:,1.The input voltage & frequency must be Min & Max in the range of the product specification,测试条件,:,1.,输入电压及频率以产品规格之电压范围的最小和最大值,.,2. The output load is the typical & full load of specification.,2.,输出负载以产品规格之半载和潢载,3. Lock the fan and cold start / after 10 minutes on with typical & full load and the lock the fan, after in Max+10 temperature ambient for 2 hours and then turn on with full load / after work stability in Max temperature ambient and the rise the ambient temperature. Each test should make the SPS safely and until shut down with protection.,3.,卡住风扇并冷机开启,/,以半载和满载烧机,10,分钟后再卡住风扇,把电源放在最大加,10 ,的环境中两个小时后再以满载开启,/,在最高温度环境工作稳定后再把环境温度往上加,每种测试测试都须确保电源不损坏并且直至保护当机,.,4. Be sure the SPS belongs to latch-off or recovery with voltage decreasing.,4.,测试前须确认被测物属电压下降拴锁型或电压下降自恢复型,5. Record the power of the protection temperature,time point,5.,量测时记录保护点之温度及时间,.,Result Limit:,It must be protected follow specification and can work properly after restart.,结果判定,:,必须在规格内保护并且重新启动能正常工作,42,Continuity ON/OFF,连续开关机,Purpose:,Check whether the power supply is damaged or dangerous when the power On and Off continually for long.,目的,:,量测电源供应器于长时间连续开关机是否会损坏及危险,Environmental Conditions:,Temperature 25, Relative Humidity 65%,环境条件,:,温度,25,相对湿度,65%,Test Conditions:,1.The input voltage frequency must be under any condition in the range of the product specification,测试条件,:,1.,输入电压以产品规格之全电压频率范围,2. The output load is the maximum load of specification regulation.,2.,输出负载以产品规格之最大额定电流值,3. On/Off 1000 times continually at 5 seconds interval.,3.,连续开关机,1000,次,开机,5,秒,关机,5,秒,4. Test after the last SPS turn on 10 minutes.,4.,最后一次开机完成后,10,分钟测试,.,Result limit:,The output voltage can not exceed the allowed difference,结果判定,:,各组电压不能超出误差值,.,43,Temperature,主要组件温升,Purpose:,Measure the temperature of main elements under each input condition.,目的,:,测量在各种输入条件下电源供应器各主要元器件的温度,.,Test conditions:,1.The input voltage is against the middle of the rate voltages frequencies.,测试条件,:,1.,输入电压以产品规格额定中心值及频率范围,.,2. The output load is the maximum load of specification regulation.,2.,输出负载以产品规格之最大额定电流值,.,3. Test point shall at the worst temperature-rising point of the test elements.,3.,量测时测试点为各测试元之最差温升点,.,4. Records should be made after elements temperature stable,(About 30 minutes).,4.,电源供应器各组件温升稳定后,(,约,30,分钟,),时开始记录,.,Result limit: The elements temperature can not exceed their specification.,结果判定,:,各组件温升不超过组件规格的,80%.,44,Components Derating,零件的降额使用,Purpose: Measure every element built in the power supply to check its safety on design.,目的,:,量测电源供应器使用的每个电子组件,以验证是否符合设计安全,.,Environmental Conditions:,Temperature 25, Relative Humidity 65%,环境条件,:,温度,25,相对湿度,65%,Test Conditions:,1.Measurement must be implemented after turning on the SPS 10 minutes.,测试条件,:,1.,开机,10,分钟后,.,2. Test mostly parameter of every element.,2.,测试每一个零件的主要参数,.,3. Input voltage & frequency must be Min & Max of the product specification.,3.,输入电压及频率以产品规格最低,最高电压及频率,4. The output load is the maximum load of specification regulation.,4.


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