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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,Unit Six,The soul of a Business,Warming-up Activities,1. What are usually the basic principles, or the soul, of a company?,2.The authors philosophy is to manage for profit and the common good. Could we run our business in that way in the increasingly competitive business world? Why?,3.,There are many fake,(冒牌的,假的),commodities on the market today. Certainly they seriouly infringe,(侵犯),the benefit of the customers. What do you think we can do to ban the production of such goods?,Introduction to the Tex,t,American business, at one time, was conducted with a spirit of cooperation between manufacturer and consumer. In todays world, however, it may not be profitable, or even possible to approach business in such an ethical way. The Soul of A Business introduces a small, ethically run health food company, Toms in Maine. The article describes the ethical principles the husband and wife owners cling to,(坚持),. The companys success can be attributed to valuing the dignity of both people and the environment, working toward social rather than solely financial gains, and by focusing on what is good and fight. So the answer to whether in todays business world a company can conduct itself ethically, is a definitive yes.,Para. 1,We operate in the business world primarily as calculating,minds,(line 1, Para. 1),We do business mainly in the way as if we are machines, concerned only with profits.,“Minds” refers to human beings.,Its only when we share something of our spirits or our hearts that we relate to one another .,(lines 3-4, Para. 1),It is only when we show our spirits or reveal our hearts desires to each other that we understand each other .,Para. 2,What words does Tom use to define his idea?,Managing for profit and the common good.,What is the philosophy mentioned in the passage?,Managing for both profit and the common good.,Para. 3,What does “the idea” refer to?,“The idea” refers to the notion of “managing for profit and the common good”.,What does the word “revolutionary” mean here?,It means “completely new or different”.,Why does the idea might seem revolutionary?,Because the idea is not new, but it hasnt been practised for a long time. People dont often think about business benefitting man in more than a financial way.,. there was a time in America when profit and the common good were closely allied.,(lines 1-2, Para. 3),. there used to be a period of time in America when the concerning of profit and the benefits of consumers as a whole were closely joined.,Maybe if we go back to that notion, we will again experience some of the different growth of old.,(lines 2-4, Para. 3),If we practice what we used to believe, we will again be able to manage for profit and the common good.,Para. 4,However, given the world economy today, thats probably not possible.,(line l, Para. 4),Nevertheless, facing todays world economy, it may be impossible for us to do what we carried out in the past.,Paras. 3-4,What does the author think of the philosophy?,The author thinks that the philosophy may seem revolutionary today, though in the past, it was accepted. He thinks a return to it could be healthy but probably not possible.,Para. 5,What kind of business does Tom do?,Tom has a company which is a leading producer of natural can products.,Who does Tom say he has won support from?,He has won the support from his wife who shares his values and works together with him.,Para.6,What has contributed to Toms hope of setting an example of ethical business standards?,The education he has received at Harvard Divinity school.,Main idea of Para. 7:,Is the concept which was taught at Harvards Business the same concept as managing for “profit and the common good”?,Para. 8,What does “spirt-to-spirt” mean in the sentence “it is spirt-to-spirt that we are talking about”?,It means that both businessmen and consumers will think of others. They will treat each other fairly and with respect.,. because it is spirit-to-spirit that were talking about.,(lines 1-2, Para. 8),.,because what we are talking about is our real concern for the consumers as people, not only as buyers.,Para. 9,These sound like the values of the time when todays,network,of,nature-conscious consumers,was first emerging.,(lines 3-4, Para. 9),These seem to be the values of the time when a large number of people began to be aware of the importance of nature to human kind.,Here “,network,” refers to a large number (of people who share the same values) and “,nature-conscious consumers,” refers to those who know the importance of nature (or environmental preservation),What does “nature-conscious consumers” refer to?,They are the people who respect wildlife and all aspects of the environment.,Paras. 8-9,What are the values that consumers and business people may share according to Tom?,1). Respecting peoples dignity;,2). Valuing the community;,3). Valuing the environment and animals of our natural world.,Para. 10,What was the idea shared by Tom and his wife in the mid-60s?,Both Tom and his wife should go into business together, working a close partners.,What have you learned about it?,The idea was quite uncommon in the 1960s, when wives were not supposed to be involved in their husbands work.,Also critical are the values shared and,nurtured,by his business partner, who is also his wife.,(lines 1-2, Para. 10),His wife, and business partner as well, also plays a very important role in helping to form and support the values.,nurture v.,care for and educate (a child); encourage the growth of (sth); support,Do you think that its just a mothers duty to nurture her children?,We want to nurture the new project, not to destroy it.,Para. 11,Having Kates gift, of knowing a lot about herbs and being able to translate that into ideas for products, has been a great,collaboration,.,(lines 2-4, Para. 11),Thanks to Kates talent, knowing a lot about herbs and being able to transform her knowledge into ideas for products, we have cooperated very well. Having Kates gift refers to both the talent Kate has and to making use of her talent.,collaborate (with sb) (on sth),work together (with sb) especially to create or produce something,She collaborated with her sister on a biography of their father.,He and I collaborated in writing plays.,in collaboration (with sb) (on sth) / collaboration (between A & B),She wrote the book in collaboration with her sister, i.e. they wrote it together.,Para. 12,She and I both share the same commitment to having a work culture thats not only fair to people but motivating so they grow and discover things, and so they work by being passionate about things and themselves.,(lines 1-4, Para. 12),She and I both believe that a work culture should not only be pleasant to employees, but also can motivate them to work better, so that they wont be bored by their jobs, but love them and enjoy their life. A work culture refers to ideas, customs, and values in the workplace which characterize the company.,Para. 13,Why does Tom say that his wifes heritage helps them share their success with their community?,Because his wifes family has contributed their profits from their mills to the building of the town, the school, and the libraries, and thus won the respect and a good relationship with the communities.,What kind of heritage does Toms wife have?,The heritage refers to what her family has done to their community. Tom and his wife have upheld this heritage and continued to make contributions to their communities.,She is now pursuing her art more intentionally, playing a secondary role in the company.,(lines 4-5, Para. 13),She has chosen to spend more time pursuing her art and taken a less active role in the company.,Para. 15,What has Tom enjoyed most in building the company over the past 20 years?,He has most enjoyed trying to make his vision of the company a reality.,What is the personal care product mentioned by Tom?,It is the product made from natural ingredients for personal health care.,What does “it” refer to in the second sentence in this paragraph?,It refers to the product.,Why does Tom say so?,Because the intention to produce such a product is more important than the final product itself.,More than creating it, he says, is what your intention is every moment.,(lines 3-4, Para. 15),What you intend to do (your purpose in doing something) is more important than creating it, he says.,Para. 16,. , but to see it also has a wider influence, such that other companies are changing their ways and coming around to ours, then you know youve,made a difference,.,(lines .l-3, Para. 16),.,but when you find that you have influenced other companies by what you have believed and practiced, you realize that you have really achieved something in life.,make a difference,be important; matter; have an effect,It makes no difference (to me) what you say. Im not going.,It wont make much difference whether you go today or tomorrow.,Para. 17,Do you think the writer agreed with Tom when he said, “ I think most entrepreneurs are driven by social aims more than by financial aims”?,The author admires but does not agree with Tom. The author uses “idealis” to describe Tom, that is to say, Toms idea amy not be practical or possible.,The biggest kick for me is to see how weve had an impact.,(lines 2-3, Para. 17),My greatest pleasure is to see how weve influenced others.,Para. 18,What are the peculiarities that Tom hopes to have in his business? What is special about their coming from Maine?,As they came from Maine, they like nature and they respect one anohter. They can distinguish their product from others by values.,Beyond excellence and efficacy, we can share a little about our peculiarities as a group of people, communicating that we come from Maine, that we like nature, and that we respect one another.,(lines 1-3, Para. 18),More than our high quality and effectiveness, we also would like people to know our unique values and beliefs (we love nature and respect each other) and we come from Maine. (People in Maine are usually considered to be rugged individualists).,. but Ive found you should be passionate about putting the peculiar features of your company into your product.,(lines 6-& Para. 18),.,but I think you should be enthusiastic to let your products have the unique characteristics of your company.,Para. 19,Why does Tom argue that retailers should not become homogenized and low-priced?,Because it is the “look, feel, taste and smell” of the kind of personal experience they have offered” that has kept them in business.,At a time when small independent retailers are concerned with the competitive pricing pressures from large discount chains, I would argue that the very strategy that has kept them in business is the look, feel, taste and smell of the kind of personal experience theyve offered.,(lines l-5. Para. 19),When small independent retailers are worried about the pressures from the low prices of large chain stores, I would assert that the reason for those small stores to exist is that they bring to the customers the humane atmosphere which large chain stores do not have.,They are filled with the personality of the people behind them, and the customer goes into the store for that kind of experience.,(lines 6-7, Para. 19),They (the small retailers) offer the personal touch (atmosphere) customers enjoy.,I dont think it,makes any sense,to,strip that away,to become a homogenized, low-priced retailer.,(lines 8-9, Para. 19),I dont think it is reasonable to get rid of the personal touch to become an average retailer with competitive prices.,make sense,be sensible; have an understandable meaning,It doesnt make sense to buy that expensive coat when these cheaper ones are just as good.,These words are jumbled up and dont make sense.,strip away,gradually get rid of (habits, customs, etc),It took me the whole day to strip away the old patterned paper.,The company decided to strip away my pension rights.,strip sb of sth,take away (property, honors, etc) from somebody,The general was stripped of his rank. (,免去军衔,),Para. 20,What does the values world mean according to Tom?,The “values world” means the business world in which we set our values and standards and vocalize them to others.,Para. 21,What is meant by “goodness” here? Why do some other businessmen feel it a shame to talk about it in business?,Goodness here refers to the quality of being kind, considerate, and helpful in business. Because to them talking about goodness equates to talking about religion which detracts from the idea that they are competent, rational business people.,We also have expectations about the power of that force of goodness when we become part of it.,(lines 4-5, Para. 21),We also hope we will contribute to the common good while doing business, having more passion for our customers and being thoughtful and helpful.,Para. 23,But we can talk about goodness as a force we can become part of, or more co-creative with.,(lines 1-2, Para. 23),But we can discuss goodness as being a power that we can join or be more creative with in our world.,Para. 24,Noting that they were recently mentioned in Jay Lenos monologue, and that it had a very favorable impact on sales, Tom observes, We didnt have anything to do with that.,(lines 1-3, Para. 24),Pointing out that they were recently talked about by Jay Leno (an American late night television host) in his long speech, which had positive effects on their sales, Tom remarked that they didnt have anything to do with that.,Para. 25,We can say that the purpose of a business is to make money, and also to be intentional about protecting, nurturing, and sustaining those things we value in life .,(lines 2-4, Para. 25),We can claim that the goal of a business is to make profits. But not only this. A business should also be concerned about what we value in life and should be responsible for doing something to let those things exist and grow.,Being multi-purposed means you allocate resources for these multiple purposes, which are,intentioned,with one another.,(lines 5-7, Para. 25),Having many purposes means you give supplies for the many purposes which are designed with one another.,intentional adj.,intended, not accidental, deliberate,If l hurt your feelings, it was not intentional.,He intentionally came here to discuss the matter with you.,intention (of doing sth / that .),idea or plan of what you are going to do; purpose or aim, meaning,I came with the intention of staying, but now I decided to leave.,I have no intention of coming to this terrible place again.,Note:,Intent n.,intention, purpose, especially in law,to act with criminal intent,to fire a weapon with intent to kill,intend v.,have (a particular purpose or plan) in mind, mean,I meant it to be an informal discussion, but it didnt turn out as I intended.,I intend that you shall take over the business.,allocate v.,assign sth (to sb / sth) for a special purpose,Government allocated funds for repair work,You have been allocated Room 306.,The notion that we cant simultaneously offer respect, and also maximize the utilization of resources, is typical Western thinking.,(lines 9-10, Para, 25),The concept that we cant respect people and properly use valuable things, at the same time make full use of the resources, is a typical Western way of thinking.,Para. 27,This Eastern-inspired approach is what I call the integration of competing aims into the middle way.,(lines 12, Para, 27),I call this Eastern way of doing things a way of balancing the business needs with human needs. The middle way means a moderate course of action.,The concept has very specific applications in his business.,(lines 2-3, Para. 27),You can find Tom practicing this notion in special ways for his own business.,Paras. 25-27,What is the difference between Western thinking and Eastern-inspired approach, according to Tom?,In Western thinking, people can not offer respect and also maximize the utilization of resources at the same time, while the Eastern-inspired apprach involves integrating competing aims into a harmonious middle ground.,Para. 29,Tom notes that, based on their written values, their production staff people got together with a major supplier of toothpaste tubes.,(lines 1-2, Para. 29),Tom remarks that on the basis of their written values, their employees worked together with main supplier of toothpaste tubes.,That advantage also reduces both operating costs, and costs to the environment.,(lines 5-6, Para. 29),In doing that both their business costs and damage to the environment are reduced.,In several places Tom suggests that he has made a difference. How is he different from others in doing business?,The difference is that his business has notonly been a financial success but also has had a great impact on peoples minds.,What kind of belief is behind the use of returnalbe, reusable packaging material?,The belief is that it is possible to respect nature, people and communities on the one hand and run an effective business on the other hand.,


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