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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Notices and memos,通知与备忘,Notices,Posters,Announcements,Telephone Messages,Memos,1、 Notices,通知,The Department of Computer Sciences,and associate professors are requested to meet in the,college confe,oom on Saturdsy, May 15, at 2: 00 p. m. to discuss,questions of,onal academIc exchanges,May10,2019,译文,通知,本星期六(5月15日),时,全体教授和副教授在学院会议室开会,讨论国际学术交流问题,请准时出席,计算机系,2019年5月10日,2、 Posters,海报,Football Match,All Are Warmly Welcom,Under the auspices of student Union of our college, a friendly football,match will be held be held between our team and the team,Engineering College on our football field on Saturday, May28, 2019 at 5: 00 p.m,The student Union,Tuesday, May 25,译,足球赛,本校,2生245以人凌认与化5绕校足地是珠友谊赛,由,校学生会,5月25日(星期二),Under the auspice of,由.主办的,3、 Announcements,启事,A Jacket los,On the playground, May 12, a Jacket was lost, green in color,and with a zipper in the collar. Finder please return it to the owner,Krutch. Room 203, Dormitory 9 May thanks in advance,译文:,寻茄克衫,5月12日,本人克鲁奇不慎在操场丢失一件绿色、领口有拉链的茄,克衫。拾到者请将茄克衫还给失主。不胜感谢。地点:9号宿舍楼203,房间。,4.Telephone Messages,电话记录,电话内容,A: Good morning. ABC Imports and Exports. May I help you,B: Yes, may I speak to Mr James Johnson, please,A: Im afraid Mr, Johnson isnt available right now. would you like to leave a,B: This is Richard Alexander with star Electronics. Its very important that he,eturn my call this morning,A: Does he have your office number and your mobile phone number?,B: I think so, but let me at give them to you again,A: OKay.,B My oftice number is777-888-4867 my cell phone number is 909-456-3856He,can reach me at my office number before 10: 00am or any time this afternoon on,my mobile,A: Very well, Ill give him your message as soon as he returns to the office,电话记录,5. Memos,备忘录,From HGW,To: Department managers,Date:21/404,Subject In-service English,1. From Monday, 8 May, English classes will be held in the training Center,(Room317). There will be two groups: intermediate level(8: 30-10: 00) and,advanced level (10. 30-12: 00).Please encourage your staff to atted one of the,sessions, All teaching materials will be provided but students will be provided,but students will be expected to do homework and preparation outside,working hours.,2. Please send me the names of all interested staff by noon on,Wednesday, 26 April, They will be given an informal oral test during the first,week in may so that we can decide which of the classes is best for them,3. The size of each class will be limited to 12 participants,译文,自:HGW,送:各部门经理,日期:2019年4月21日,主题:在职英语培训,英语培训班将于5月8日(星期一)在培训中心317教室开课。分中级,班(时间:8:30-10:00)和高级班(时间:10:30-12:00)。请动员员工踊跃,参加。教材由我们提供。但参加者应利用业余时间完成课外作业,4月26日中午以前交报名表。5月有第一周进行一次口试,按成绩分班,每班人数不超过12人,Letters, Brief Notes,Letters of Introduction,Thank-you Letters,Congratulation Letters, Invitation Letters,Letters of Appointment,Letters of Inquiry,Letters of complaint and claim,Letters of Apology and Explanation,Letters of Resignation,1、 Brief notes,便条,Dear Miss Wang,Tommy s absence from office during the past four days was,caused by a cold and fever. he is all right now. he asks me to infor,you that he will resume work tomorrow,译文:,王女士,过去四天,汤米由于感冒和发烧没来上班。他现在已经好了。他要,我告诉您,他明天来上班,此上,2 Letters of Introduction,介绍信,Dear Joe,My brother Lu Ping will be on business in Boston all next week,at the Copley company,Ive often wanted you two to meet, and this seems like the idea,bound to enjoy each others compay and exchange ideas two are,opportunity. I suggest this meeting only because I know y,Cordially,Ying,译文,亲爱的乔,我的弟弟鲁平整个下周都会出差到波士顿科伯利公司。我一直,希望你们俩会面,这次是个理想的机会。我提议这次会面,是因为我,知道你们俩一定会喜欢彼此会面并交换意见。,鲁英,


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