湖南省岳阳市巴陵中学七年级英语下册课件:unit 10 can you play the guitar 人教版

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湖南省岳阳市巴陵中学七年级英语下册课件:unit 10 can you play the guitar 人教版_第1页
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湖南省岳阳市巴陵中学七年级英语下册课件:unit 10 can you play the guitar 人教版_第2页
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湖南省岳阳市巴陵中学七年级英语下册课件:unit 10 can you play the guitar 人教版_第3页
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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 10 Can you play the guitar?,sing,dance,play the guitar,speak English,swim,play chess,paint,1a. What can these people do?,Match the words and the people.,1.dance,2.,swim,3.sing,4.play chess,5.paint,6.speak English,7.play the guitar,_,a,e,f,d,b,c,g,guitar,drums,violin,trumpet,piano,Guess: Whats this?,instrument,1a,Match the words with the pictures.,drums _ piano _ guitar _,trumpet _ violin _,1,2,3,4,5,play,和球类,棋类搭配时,中间不用任何,冠词(a, an, the)。但它和乐器类搭配,时,要用冠词the。,zxxk,情态动词是辅助动词帮助说明能力、意愿等的词,并且它不随主语人称的变化而变化。,can的肯定句及否认句形式:,I,We,You,She,He,It,They,can/ cant,play the guitar.,Can 的一般疑问句形式:,Can,play the guitar?,I,We,You,She,He,It,They,Can的肯定及否认答复:,Yes,I,We,You,She,He,It,They,No,I,we,you,she,he,it,they,can.,cant.,中考连线,1. Can you swim?,- _, I can.,A. No B. Not,C. Yes D. OK,2. Can Amy _?,A. swim B. to swim,C. swimming D. swims,3. - _ you play chess?,-Yes, I _.,A. Can; do B. do, can,C. Can, can D. Can, read,zx,xk,Can,you sing?,Yes, I,can,.,No, I,cant,.,Dance,Can,you dance?,Yes, I,can,.,No, I,cant,.,Speak English,Can,you speak English?,Yes, I,can,.,No, I,cant,.,Paint,Can,she paint?,Yes, she,can,.,No, she,cant,.,play chess,Can,she play chess?,Yes, she,can,.,No, she,cant.,Swim,Can,he swim?,Yes, he,can.,No, he,cant.,guitar,Can,he play the guitar?,Yes, he,can,.,No, he,cant,.,paint,dance,sing,play the guitar,play chess,swim,speak English,What can you do?,I can,clubs,What club do you want to jion?,art club,English club,music club,chess club,I want to join the.,swimming club,Practice the conversations . Then make your own conversations.,A,:What club do you want to jion?,B:,I want to join the art club.,A:,Can,you paint?,B:,Yes, I,can,.,Practice 1,Groupwork,Practice 2,A,:What club do you want to jion?,B:,I want to join the misic club.,A,:,Can,you sing or play any instrument?,B:,Yes, I,can,.,Practice 3,A,:What club do you want to jion?,B:,I want to join the swimming club.,A:,Can,you swim?,B:,Yes, I,can,.,Practice 4,A,:What club do you want to jion?,B:,I want to join the English club.,A:,Can,you speak English?,B:,A little. I want to improve my,spoken English.,Practice 5,A,:What club do you want to jion?,B:,I want to join the chess club.,A:,Can,you play chess?,B: Yes, I can,1b,Listen and number the conversations 1-3.,2,3,a. English club,b. art club,c. music club,d. chess club,e. swimming club,Listen to these two conversations and circle the clubs you hear.,2a,David: What club _ you want to join?,Lisa: We _ to join the chess club.,David: Can you _ chess?,Lisa: No, I_ .,Joe: I can.,do,want,play,cant,Tapescript,Conversation 1,David: What club do you want to join?,Lisa: We want to join the chess club.,David: Can you play chess?,Lisa: No, I cant.,Joe: I can.,Conversation 2,Boy:,Here are all the clubs.,Girl:,What club do you want to join?,Boy:,I want to join the English club. How about you?,Girl:,Hmm. I want to join the chess club. Can you play chess?,Boy:,No, I dont like chess. Do you like music?,Girl:,Oh, yes. I can sing and dance. I like music.,Boy:,Me, too. Lets join the music club.,Conversation 1,A:,What club,do you,want to,join?,B:,I,want to,join the art club.,A:,Can,you paint?,B:,Yes, I,can,.,Conversation 2,A:,What club,do you,want to,join?,B:,I,want to,join the English club.,A:,Can,you write English?,B:,Yes, I,can,.,Conversation 3,A:,What club,do you,want to,join?,B:,I,want to,join the music club.,A:,Can,you sing?,B:,No, I,cant,.,zxx,k,Conversation 4,A:,What club,do you,want to,join?,B:,I,want to,join the basketball club.,A:,Can,you play basketball?,B:,Yes, I can.,Conversation 5,A:,What club,do you,want to,join?,B:,I,want to,join the swimming club.,A:,Can,you swim?,B:,Yes, I,can,.,Can,you dance?,Yes, I,can,. No, I,cant,.,Can,he paint?,Yes, he,can,. No, he,cant,.,Can,she speak English?,Yes, she,can,. No, she,cant,.,Can,you speak English?,Yes, we,can,. No, we,cant,.,What club,do you,want to,join?,We,want to,join the chess club.,I,want to,join the basketball club.,Words & Expressions,kid,our,小孩;年轻人,我们的,_ I dont know.,_ What can you do?,_ What club do you want to join.,_ I can play the guitar.,3a Put this conversation in order (将以下的对话用正常顺序排列),2,3,1,4,Task: ask and say,Ask in pairs like this:,A:,Can you play the guitar?,B:,Yes, I can.,A:,Can you play it well?,B:,No, I cant.,Say,like this:,Tom can play the guitar but he cant,play it well.,Help wanted,Are you good with kids?,We need help for our beidaihe School Trip.,Can you help with:,sports,music,computer,Come and join us!,Section B,&,Self Check,2a,Listen and circle the words you hear.,violin sing dance trumpet,drums piano paint,Name,can,cant,Bill,sing,Jennifer,Victor,Tell what they can and cant do.,2b,play the guitar,sing; play the drums,play the piano,play the piano,dance, sing,Tapescript,Teacher:,I want some students for the,school concert. What can,you do, Bill? Can you sing?,Bill:,No, I cant. But I can play,the guitar.,Teacher:,You can play the guitar!,Good. OK, what can you do,Jennifer?,Jennifer:,I can sing and I can play the,drums.,Teacher:,You can! Great, Jennifer.,Can you play the piano?,Jennifer:,No, I cant. Victor can play,the piano.,Teacher:,Victor, can you play the piano?,Victor:,Yeah, I cant sing or dance,but I can play the piano.,Words & Expressions,musician,then,be,rock,band,show,Sunday,pm,kung fu,音乐家,那时;然后,是(表示存在、状态等),摇滚乐,乐队,演出;表演,星期日;星期天,下午,中国功夫,Words & Expressions,may,draw,little,a little,e-mail,address,why,可能;可以,画,少许;少量,少许;少量,电子邮件,地址;通讯处,(疑问副词) 为什么,Musicians Wanted for School Concert,Are you a musician? Can you sing? Can you,dance? Can you play the piano, the trumpet,the drums, or the guitar?Then you can be in,our school music festival.,Please call Zhang Heng at 622-6033.,3a,Read this ad from the school magazine. Underline the things they want people to do for the school musci festival.,Language points,talk的用法:,1. talk to sb. 对某人谈话,2. talk with sb. 与某人交谈,3. talk about sb./sth. 谈论某人某事,guitar,can,play,can,drums,sing,can,play,3b,Complete the following poster with the words in the box.,Musicians Wanted for Rock Band,We want two good musicians for our rock band. _ you _ the _? _ you _?_ you _the _?,Please call Bill at 790-4230.,guitar can play can,drums sing can play,Can,play,guitar,Can,sing,drums,Can,play,用方框中的单词完成以下海报。,3c,Write your own poster for a sports day.,What would you do in the sports day?,Welcome to join us in the sports day!,Can you swim? Can you play basketball?,Can you play tennis?,Can you play ping-pong? Then you can be,in our sport team. Please call Zheng Xiao,at 543-8889 before Friday this week.,4,What can your group do in the school show? Make a list.,School Show,Sunday 6:00 pm,In the music room,What can you do?,Come and show us!,Name,Act,Henry,Chinese,Kung Fu,1. Key words check.,dance swim sing play chess paint,speak show join music art club,violin trumpet drum guitar piano,can cant,3. Read the conversation,A: Hi, can I help you?,B,: Yes, please. I want to join the art club.,A: Good. May I know your name?,B,: Jones.,A: Whats your first name?,B,: Cindy.,A: How old are you?,B,: Twelve.,A: Can you draw?,B,: Yes, a little. I want to learn about art.,A: Do you have an e-mail address?,B,: Yes, its .,A: Great. Thanks a lot.,B,: Thank you.,Fill in the card,Name:_,Age: _,E-mail address:_,What can you do?,_,Why do you want to join the club?,_,Cindy Jones,twelve,I can draw a little.,I want to learn about art.,I.汉译英。,1. 参加- 2. 跳舞-,3. 游泳- 4. 唱歌-,5. 画画- 6. 演出-,7. 我们的- 8. 星期日-,9. 日本人;日本的-,10. 可能-,join,dance,swim,sing,paint,show,our,Sunday,Japanese,may,Exercises,11. 电子邮件-,12. 为什么-,13. 下象棋-,14. 说英语-,15. 弹钢琴-,e-mail,why,play chess,speak English,play the piano,16. 少量-,17. 游泳俱乐部-,18. 音乐俱乐部-,19. 摇滚乐队-,a little,swimming club,music club,rock band,A: Hi, can I help you?,B: Yes, please. I want to join the art club.,A: Good. May I know your name?,B: Cindy.,A: Whats your last name?,B: Jones.,A: How old are you?,IV.阅读对话, 然后填表格。,B: Twelve.,A: Can you draw?,B: Yes, a little. I want to learn about art.,A: Do you have an e-mail address?,B: Yes, its .,A: Great. Thanks a lot.,B: Thank you.,Name:_ Age:_,Email address,_,What can you do? _,Why do you want to join the club?,_,Cindy,12,I can draw a little,I want to learn about art.,II.句型转换。,1. His pencil is on the desk.(划线提问),_ _ his pencil?,2. She can paint . (变否认句),She _ paint .,3. He can sing a Japanese song.(对划线局部提问),_ _ he _?,Where,is,cant,sing,What can,4. He can swim. (变一般疑问句并作肯定答复),_ _ swim ? _, _ _.,5. My father wants to join the art club. (变否认句),My father _ _ to join the art club.,Can,he,Yes,he,can,doesnt,want,III.句子翻译。,1. 我能说英语。 I _ speak _.,2. 你能帮助小孩们游泳吗? _ you _ kids _ swimming?,can,English,Can,help,with,3. 你能干什么? _ can you _?,4. 你为什么想参加俱乐部? _ _ you want _ join the club?,5. 我有一点点会画画。 I can draw _ _.,What,do,Why,do,to,a,little,


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