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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,小学五年级英语新课标初中英语预备课程,*,新,课标初中英语预备课程,主讲人,:,何 锋,小学五年级英语新课标初中英语预备课程,使用目的:,衔接小学、初中英语教学,使用对象,:,初一学生小学五年级起学习英语,,,或者小学没有学习过英语的学生,新课标初中英语预备课程,小学五年级英语新课标初中英语预备课程,把小学所学的知识进行归纳、总结,让学生系统地复习巩固所学知识;,引入少量初一教材中的知识内容,为学生学好初一英语做好铺垫;,在进行教学的时候,引入新的理念和方法,以便学生顺利地适应初中英语教学。,编 写 目 的,小学五年级英语新课标初中英语预备课程,教材以模块,(,module),组成。全书共四个模块,每个,模块包含三个单元,共,12,个单元。每个单元由“导入,听,说,读,字母,/,语法,/,语音,任务”六部分组成,力,求使话题、功能、结构和任务几方面在比较真实的情,景中紧密联系,融为一体。培养学生听、说、读、写,能力。,2,内容贴近学生的生活和学习实际,并配有大量生,动活泼、富有情趣的插图,以利于学生在比较接近,于实际的情景中进行听说训练,也为教师组织教学,提供方便。,3,系统地介绍音标,(,该部分不再列入初中教学内容,),,,培养学生初步的拼读单词的能力。,教 材 特 点,小学五年级英语新课标初中英语预备课程,模块,单元,话题,功能,语法,任务,Module 1,Getting to know me,Unit 1,Hello,Whats your name?,Youre,right?,Letter A-N,A guessing game,Youre Lily,right?,Unit 2,My family,Whats this?,Who is she/he?,Letter,O-Z,A survey,Task 1:Asking about family members and their jobs,Task 2:Write down your survey,Unit 3,Good friends,Am I happy?,Are you/they happy?,Is he/she/it?,to be,I am,You are,He/She/It is,We/You/They are,My classmates,Task 1:Description about people,Task 2:Fill in the blanks with the right forms of the verb to be,小学五年级英语新课标初中英语预备课程,Module 2,Places around me,Unit 4,In the classroom,Saying the numbers,A rhyme,Numbers 1-30,There is,There arein the art room.,A chart,Task 1:Draw a chart,Task 2:Report,using number and plural forms,Unit 5,Visit my school,Is there?,How many?,There are,Plural form of countable nouns,Adding s/es/ies to nouns,This is my school,Task 1:Fill in the blanks,Task 2:Practise how to describe the school,Unit 6,In the park,Where is/are?,He/She/It is,They are,There is/are,under/on/near,Playing a game,Task 1:Play the game,Task 2:Review How many there be Where is/are and prepositions of places,模块,单元,话题,功能,语法,任务,小学五年级英语新课标初中英语预备课程,模块,单元,话题,功能,语法,任务,Module 3,Colour world,Unit 7,Colour,Whose bike is it?,Its my bike.,Whose is it?,Its my/your/his,Colours in our pictures,Task 1:Look at the pictures and read the descriptions about them,Task 2:Describe one of your pictures,Unit 8,Our things,Whose ball is this/that?,Is it yours?,No,its not mine.,Whose is this?,Possessive pronouns.,Who has a pet,Task 1:Read the example and finish the report,Task 2:Do a survey,drawing a chart and writing a report,Unit 9,Signs,Can I ? Yes, you can.,No, you cant.,Can ?,Yes,can.,No, cant.,Putting the signs in right places,Task 1: Identifying the signs,Task 2: Put the signs in the right places,小学五年级英语新课标初中英语预备课程,模块,单元,话题,功能,语法,任务,Module 4,My,day,Unit 10,My school,day,Do you go to school at 7:30?,Do we have a Computer lesson today?,What time is it?,Its ,Do you?,Yes,I,A survey,Task 1: Do a survey and finish the chart,Task 2: Write and report,Unit 11,At the weekends,Dose he/she ?,Yes, he/she does.,No, he/she doesnt.,What do you often do?,Change the verbs,-s/-es/-ies,What do you ?,What does he/she/it ?,A survey,Task 1: Do a survey about classmates weekends,Task 2: Write and report,Unit 12,A birthday,party,Birthday presents,What ?,Where ?,When ?,wh- question,When/How/Who/Where/What?,An Invitation,Task 1: Birthday invitation,Task 2: Talk with your classmates and make your invitation,小学五年级英语新课标初中英语预备课程,更多资源,初三语文,初三英语,初三数学,初三物理,初三化学,初三政治,初三历史,初三地理,初三生物,小学五年级英语新课标初中英语预备课程,单 元,生词数,单 元,生词数,Unit 1,27,Unit 7,40,Unit 2,33,Unit 8,35,Unit 3,32,Unit 9,45,Unit 4,65,Unite 10,34,Unit 5,25,Unit 11,35,Unit 6,39,Unit 12,41,合 计,451,小学五年级英语新课标初中英语预备课程,教学建议,1.,了解学生英语学习现实情况,采取相应措施。,2.,面向全体学生,区分层次,加强辅导,。,3.,使用好衔接教材,帮助学生打好基础。,4.,建立科学的英语教学评价体系。,小学五年级英语新课标初中英语预备课程,更多资源,小学五年级英语新课标初中英语预备课程,


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