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(,与,.),相适应,相融合,5,It is illegal to enter a foreign country and,stay there without a,visa,.,visa,n.,签证,6,queue up,排队,= stand in a queue,They,are queuing up,to get on the bus.,7,You can serve yourself and help yourself,to whatever food you like in a,cafeteria,.,cafeteria,n.,自助食堂,/,餐厅,8,He is invited to,lecture,on American,literature in our school.,lecture,v.,讲授,;,讲学;演讲,9,The professor,is giving a lecture,on,American literature, which keeps all the,students spellbound.,give a lecture,上课,;,演讲,10,To get such a,qualification,certificate,you need to pass the qualification test,for teachers.,qualification,n.,资格,;,资历,11,She is,qualified,to teach English.,be qualified to do,有资格,/,能力去做,.,12,The model,is making preparations for,the,coming performance.,make preparations for.,为,.,作准备,13,The model is making up (,化妆,),in,preparation for,the coming performance.,in preparation for.,为,.,作准备,14,Can you,recommend,some good books,to,us,?,recommend sth. to sb.,recommend sb. sth.,推荐,15,recommend sb. to do.,推荐某人去做,./,建议某人去做,.,I,recommend you to read,this book, which is very interesting.,16,recommend (that) sb. (should) do.,建议某人去做,.,I,recommend (that) you (should) read,this book, which is adapted for a film.,17,As for where to spend the holiday,Mother,recommended going,to the beach.,recommend doing sth.,建议做,.,18,practice,Teachers recommend parents _,their children under 12 to ride bicycles,to school for safety.,A. not allow B. do not allow,C. mustnt allow D. couldnt allow,practice,Choose the best answer.,19,I am in great need of,comfort,. Who can,come to,comfort,me?,comfort,n./vt.,安慰,in comfort,舒服地,20,You can,take great comfort in,someones,caring hug.,take comfort in sth.,从,.,中得到安慰,21,Your hug is _ great comfort to me,when Im sad.,A.,无,B. the C. a,C,22,Step out of your,comfort zone,and try,something new.,comfort zone,舒适区,23,practice,Translation.,1.,这能使观众看演出时舒服地坐着。,This will enable the audience to,_ while watching the,shows.,2.,我们有朋友们的安慰。,We have friends _ us.,sit in comfort,to comfort,24,Solar energy is regarded as,a substitute,for,traditional fuels.,a substitute for sth.,.,的替代品,25,Nothing can,substitute for,mothers milk.,substitute for .,代替,.,26,But many mothers choose to,substitute,baby milk,for,mothers milk in order to,keep figure.,substitute A for B,用,A,来代替,B,=,substitute B with A,27,Only if you,meet all its academic,requirements,can you be admitted to,Oxford University.,academic requirement,学术要求,28,You,are required to keep,quiet in the,library.,require sb. to do.,要求某人去做,.,29,Its required that,you,(should) keep,quiet,in the library.,Its required that sb. (should) do.,require (that) sb. (should) do.,30,The cellphone,requires repairing,.,(sth.) require doing/ to be done,某物需要被,.,31,My,tutor,asked me to,revise,my,essay,over and over again until she was,satisfied.,revise,v.,修正,;,复习;复查,n.,revision,32,This is just the first,draft,of my house,design. It still needs revising.,draft,n.,草稿,;,草案;草图,33,It took me two days to,draft,it.,draft,v.,草拟,;,起草,34,Working in the heavy snow for a couple,of hours, she felt her face,was numb,with cold,.,numb,adj.,麻木的,35,If you,are numb with surprise, you feel,very surprised.,be numb with surprise,非常惊讶,36,The boy,acknowledged,his mistake to,the teacher.,acknowledge sth.,承认,;,认可,be acknowledged as,被认可为,37,Its universally acknowledged that,our,motherland, China, is becoming more,and more powerful.,Its acknowledged that.,大家公认,38,If you,acknowledge,receipt (,收到,) of,goods within 24 hours, well refund five,yuan to you.,acknowledge,vt.,确认,39,She,acknowledged his help,in her letter.,acknowledge,vt.,答谢,40,Having won the match, the competitors waved their hands excitedly to _ the cheers of the crowd.,A. admit B. acknowledge,C. absorb D. consider,practice,Choose the best answer.,41,Do you dare to,contradict your boss,when you think he is wrong?,contradict sb.,反驳,;,顶嘴,42,His words,contradict,his deeds.,contradict sth.,与,.,相矛盾,be contradictory to sth.,43,Its important to set our students awareness of,autonomous,learning.,autonomous,adj.,自主的,;,自治的,44,Im sorry to,occupy,your time but Id like,to have a talk with you.,occupy,vt.,占据,;,占领;占用,45,The clerk,is occupied with,his paperwork.,be occupied with sth.,忙于某事,occupy oneself with sth.,忙于某事,46,The clerk,is occupied in dealing with,his,paperwork.,be occupied in doing sth.,occupy oneself in doing sth.,47,拓展,be occupied,(,房间、座位、床位等,),有人占用,be deeply occupied in thinking,陷入沉思,be fully occupied,忙得不可开交,keep sb. occupied,使某人忙碌,occupy ones mind / thoughts / attention,占据某人的头脑,/,思想,/,注意力,occupy oneself with sth. / in doing sth.,= be occupied with sth. / in doing sth.,忙于做某事,48,practice,Translation,This experiment will,_,_ (让孩子们忙得不可开交).,2. All the rooms of this hotel _(住满了).,3. We _ (正忙于) preparing,for the coming exam, so we dont have,time to go out.,keep the children fully occupied,are occupied,are occupied in,49,She plays the role of a woman who is of great,enterprise,in the TV series.,enterprise,n.,事业,;,事业心,50,The man,is making an apology to,the girl.,make an apology to sb.,= apologize to sb.,向某人道歉,51,People attending the,seminar,took a,photo together.,seminar,n.,研讨会,52,videophone,可视电话,53,a bachelors degree,学士学位,54,Happiness can be found in our,daily,routine,.,routine,n.,常规,;,日常事务,55,Are you tired of your,routine,life?,routine,adj.,日常的,;,例行的,56,Book 7 is just an,optional,textbook, but,its a must for us.,optional,adj.,可选择的,option,n.,选择,opt,v.,选择,57,Doing the same boring work,day in and,day out, he is still full of enthusiasm.,day in and day out,日复一日,58,Im just like a _ bird, desperate,to fly freely in the vast sky.,cage,n.,笼子,v.,把,.,关在笼子里,caged,59,The fierce dog,is barking at,you. Are,you afraid?,bark at .,朝,.,吠叫,60,The remoter cannot work well without a,pair of,batteries,.,battery,n.,电池,61,They are working hard on a construction,site,.,site,n.,地方,;,地点;现场,62,agent,代理人,/,商,agency,代理处,/,公司,This is a travel,agency, where you can find an,agent,to serve you.,63,LineAB,is parellel to,LineCD. We can,also say they are two,parallel,s.,be parallel to/with,与,.,平行,parallel,n.,平行线,64,Its universally acknowledged that,China,is abundant in,natural resources,such as coal, oil and so on.,be abundant in = be rich in,65,The central,government,governs,the,country.,govern,vt.,统治,;,支配;管理,66,上海迪斯尼是我们的最终目的地。,destination,n.,目的地,Shanghai Disneyland is our final,destination,67,This,inn,was built on the desert, far,away from cities.,inn,n.,客栈,68,Shipping our cars to the UK is,out of the,question, because English people drive,on the left.,out of the question,不可能,69,While,hiking,in the wild, youd better watch out for poisonous snakes.,hike,v./n.,远足,70,People visit their ancestors,tombs,on,Tomb Sweeping Day.,tomb,n.,坟墓,71,The other day the couple moved into a,new house and now they,have settled in,.,settle in,(,搬入新居或找到新工作后,),安顿下来,72,73,I. Complete the following sentences with,proper words.,Linda was strongly r_ for,such a senior position.,2. The sports car is carefully designed for,maximum _ (,舒适,).,3. This is just the d_ of my speech,but what do you think of it?,4. Jamie refused to a_ that he,was defeated.,5. The speaker had got confused, and,started _ (,反驳,) himself.,ecommended,comfort,raft,cknowledge,contradicting,74,6. Lia ran her eyes over her notes before,giving the l_.,7. We need to beat Japan to ensure the,_ (,资格,) for the World Cup finals.,8. I love this university with its _,(,学术的,) atmosphere.,9. He came here on a tourist _ (,签证,),but it has expired,(,到期,).,10. Each of the U. S. states has a(n),_ (,自治的,) government.,ecture,qualification,academic,autonomous,visa,75,II. Complete the following sentences,without changing their meanings.,1. Sugar can replace honey in this recipe.,Sugar can _ honey in this,recipe.,2. Julie was busy with the work of,redecorating her house.,Julie _ the work of,redecorating her house.,substitute for,was occupied with,76,3. As for this hotel, it is very uncomfortable,and miles away from the sea.,_, it is,very uncomfortable and miles away from,the sea.,4. Mother suggests that I (should) stay at,home today.,Mother _ that I (should) stay,at home today.,As far as this hotel is concerned,recommends,77,1. Reading often _,_ (,占去我大部分的闲暇时间,).,2. The doctor strongly _,_ (,劝他去休假,).,3. We _ (,用红,球换下了蓝球,) to see if the baby would,notice.,4. _ (,就,内容而言,), the book is worth reading.,occupies most of my,leisure time,recommended that,he take a holiday,substituted a red ball for blue,As far as the content is concerned,III. Translation.,78,5. Linda _ (,忙于,) the,work of cleaning her house.,6. He is a man _ (,事业心,很强的,).,7. Food is a _ (,生活必,需品,). 8. _ (,售票,窗口的队伍,) extended all the way to the,street corner.,9. When she first heard the news, _,_ (,她简直不可置信,).,was occupied with,of great enterprise,requirement of life,The queue at the ticket window,she was numb with disbelief,79,


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