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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,实用英语写作practicalenglishwriting,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,实用英语写作practicalenglishwriting,*,Practice:,It is common knowledge that drug abuse leads to harmful consequences. Why then do people-particularly youngsters-continue to use drugs? Psychologists claims that there are three basic motivations that influence people to take drugs: curiosity, stress and environmental factors,.,实用英语写作practicalenglishwriting,It is common knowledge that drug abuse leads to harmful consequences. Why then do people-particularly youngsters-continue to use drugs? Psychologists claims that there are,three basic motivations,that influence people to take drugs:,curiosity, stress and environmental factors.,Sometimes,youngsters take drugs simply because they are curious.,In some cases,youngsters are depressed or frustrated because of problems related to parents, school or the opposite sex.,In other cases, the environment is conductive to taking drugs.,实用英语写作practicalenglishwriting,It is common knowledge that drug abuse leads to harmful consequences. Why then do people-particularly youngsters-continue to use drugs? Psychologists claims that,there are three basic motivations,that influence people to take drugs:,curiosity, stress and environmental factors.,Sometimes,youngsters take drugs simply because they are curious.,Taking drugs seems to be the “in-thing” for their generation.,In some cases,youngsters are depressed or frustrated because of problems related to parents, school or the opposite sex.,They take drugs to escape from the stress brought on by all these problems.,In other cases,the environment is conductive to taking drugs.,For instance, other youngsters take drugs, he may soon be tempted to follow suit, for fear of ostracism or non-acceptance.,实用英语写作practicalenglishwriting,Fundamental skills of English Writing,How to design an opening paragraph,好的文章开头,要像渔夫用渔饵诱鱼上钩,得把读者的兴趣提得高高的,使之饶有兴趣地跟着你读下去,.,For example:,Can you think of a sentence in which the word,“and”,appears five times without any words in between? There is one at the end of this story.,There was once an inn which was called “ The Horse And Cart”. It had a sign outside the door with a picture of a horse and cart on it, but the sign was getting very old, so the owner of the inn decided to have a new one made. He went to a painter and asked him to paint one, and to write “ The Horse And Cart” on it in large letters.,实用英语写作practicalenglishwriting,A few days later, he went to see how the painter was getting on. He liked the picture of the horse and cart very much, but he did not like the writing at all. He said to the painter,” No, no! There is too much space between,HORSE and AND and AND and CART!”,实用英语写作practicalenglishwriting,开头段的几种形式:,.,经历,以与主题相关的,简短的小故事开始,引起读者的兴趣,这样处理能建立起信任感,.,My purse strap suddenly left my hand, I turned, and saw the mans back just before he vanished behind a six-foot-high pile of earth across the street. I chased him, screaming, “ Stop thief!”,What is intelligence, anyway? When I was in the school I received a kind of aptitude test that all students took and, against a normal of 100, scored 160. No one there had ever seen a figure like that and for two hours they made a big fuss over me. But it didnt mean any thing.,实用英语写作practicalenglishwriting,2.,比喻,-,生动,引人入胜,“,Fathers and sons are just like gasoline and matches.,Who knows at what time they will explode.” Nowadays we can often hear the comments of this kind,Habit may be likened to a cable;,every day we weave a thread, and soon we cannot break it.,A real friend is like a mirror,that can help you see any dirt on your face.,实用英语写作practicalenglishwriting,3.,引用,-,名人名言,箴言谚语,,,来引出文章要展开讨论的一种观点,Knowledge is power.,such is the remark made by Bacon. This remark has been shared by more and more people .,It is no use crying over spilt milk.,This proverb advises that it really is a waste of time to weep over mistakes that have already made. Instead, it is much better to,Make the best of a bad job,-,to do your best whatever the situation.,实用英语写作practicalenglishwriting,4.,数字统计,原理:要想更有说服力,就应该用实际的或令读者感到惊异的数字来说明。这样能给人在这方面有权威的印象,令人信服,.,According to a survey, about,78.9,of the college students,wanted to further their study after their graduation.,Of every four school pupils in Shanghai , one is shortsighted. The rate has been rising surprisingly sharply to,55 %,in middle schools, and in high schools it is even as high as,70%.,Consider what effect this high rate of eye problem will have upon the future of our society!,实用英语写作practicalenglishwriting,5.,观点法,文章开门见山,直截了当提出作者对文章要讨论的问题的观点,也即文章的中心思想。,Nowhere in the world has,the issue of birth control,been more evident than in China. The nation is faced with such serious situation as the one in which its population is increasing much faster than the supply of food and available resources.,Perhaps no issue in this world is as basic to individual and national survival as,food,. But China in recent years has experienced a serious waste of food in one way or another. Especially in many big cities, this waste has become habitual and traditional, to the extent that people are seldom aware of it in their daily life.,实用英语写作practicalenglishwriting,6.,现象法,对某种,社会现象、倾向或社会问题,进行剖析的文章往往在文章一开始首先引出这种现象或问题,然后评论。,One of the most popular topics many city residents talk about now is,the tide of the rural,flooding the cities. They complain that the migrants have brought crime and prostitution, that they are putting pressure on population control and social order; that they are threatening to take already scarce city jobs and exacerbating housing shortages; and that they have worsened traffic and sanitation problems. True, these are the problems posed by the migration, but what about the contribution the rural worker have made to the citys development and prosperity?,实用英语写作practicalenglishwriting,7.,设问:,此类主要用于讨论一个有争议性主题的文章。文章的开头用一个要讨论或解答的问题设问,可以一下激起读者的兴趣。,How do we think of the heavy burden a student has to carry from kindergarten through graduate school?,How do we measure success in education? How does education affect not only labor skills but the quality of life?,In seeking answers to such questions, there is much room- indeed necessity- for consideration and robust debate,.,What is your most enjoyable entertainment?,For a majority of people, the answer is Television! For television presents a vivid world in front of us.,实用英语写作practicalenglishwriting,R,sum,( Curriculum Vitae),When you apply for a job, most employers want to have an important document from you. That is a RSUM. Your r,sum,is usually the first impression that an employer has of you. And because an employer may have hundreds of job applications to consider, you have about 15 seconds to make sure that first impression is a good one.,A r,sum,is a selective record of your background- your education, work experience, your certification, abilities and so on.,Your r,sum,or CV is your visiting card, your ambassador and shop window. It represents you and it has a specific purpose.,实用英语写作practicalenglishwriting,So a r,sum,must be attractive, informative, persuasive and pushing sales of yourself. The focus of the r,sum,assignment is readability, effective design, and adaptation to audience expectations. If you make up a few details in your r,sum, we think that is okay. However, if you are just starting your college education and have little work experience, try using the techniques and suggestions to create a r,sum,that represents your current skills, abilities and background. Developing a decent-looking r,sum,based on what you are now is a challenge that you have to deal with at some points.,实用英语写作practicalenglishwriting,The contents of a R,sum,:,1. heading,2. objectives( career, study),3. educational experience,4. work experience,5. activities , publications, interests, skills, scholarships, awards,6. references,实用英语写作practicalenglishwriting,1,、,personal data(,个人情况,),:,Name, Sex, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Nationality/ citizenship, Marital Status, Health, Height, Weight, Present Address, Permanent Address, postal code, telephone,2,、,Objective/or Position Wanted(,职业意向,),:A position as English Instructor,3,、,QUALIFICATIONS(,资历,),: Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration, major in marketing.,实用英语写作practicalenglishwriting,4,、,Job Experience,(,经历),:,一般逆序写(由近及远)。,May 2006-Dec. 2007 University of California Press,Berkeley, California,May 2005-April 2006 Editorial and Marketing Trainee,California,5. Education,(,文化程度,):,一般逆序写(由近及远,由高到低), 例如:,Sept. 2004-July 2007 D.Lit. Dept. of English,Beijing Foreign Studies University,Sept. 2002-July 2004 M.A. Dept. of English,Xiamen University,Sept. 1998-July 2002 B.A. Dept. of English,Huazhong Normal University,实用英语写作practicalenglishwriting,6. Technical Qualifications/ Special Skills,(,技术资历与特长,),7. Publications and Patents,(,著作及专利,),8. Social Activity,(,社会活动,),9. Honours and Awards,(,荣誉与奖励,),10. Hobbies and Interests,(,爱好及兴趣,),11. References,(,证明人,),实用英语写作practicalenglishwriting,The structure of R,sum,:,1. chronological structure,(时序结构),按时间顺序,内容由近及远,工作经验长而稳定,其中不乏骄人的成绩,2. functional structure,(功能结构),根据要突出和强调的内容的次序来安排,把对申请单位最有吸引力的内容放在最前面,如:骄人的成绩,技能,特长的经历等略写对自己不利的经历,3. combinative structure,(混合结构),混合时序结构和功能结构,吸取两者的优点,实用性强,实用英语写作practicalenglishwriting,Professional Experience and Selected Achievements,1999-present Senior Secretary , Marketing Department,Baldwin Co., Ltd.,Secretary to two foreign managers,Australian and America. Maintaining,schedules, typing and writing letters,translating documents, interpreting in,meetings and travel arrangements,Preparing and conducting over 15 seminars,for multinational companies,Authoring training manuals for,1993-1998 Consultant, Consultative Department,Shao& Smith International Business,write training manuals for publication,1986-1992 Assistant Manager, Jack Green Sales Division,AGT Co. Ltd.,实用英语写作practicalenglishwriting,R,sum,Name:,WANG Guang,Sex:,Male,Date of Birth:,June 21, 1968,Place of Birth:,Guangzhou,Nationality:,Chinese,Marital Status:,Married,Address:,102 Haizhu Street,Guangzhou, 510428,China,Telephone:,(O),(020) 8129588 (H),实用英语写作practicalenglishwriting,Education:,June 1991 BA in Marketing,Zhongshan University,Experience:,July 1996 to,Present,July 1992 to June 1996,July 1991 to,June 1992,Assistant Sales Manager with Standard Appliances Company.,In charge of writing business correspondence in English, organizing programs for promotion of products, market research,Salesman with Glory Household Appliances Company,Completing mining scheme for sales men with Glory Household Appliances Company,实用英语写作practicalenglishwriting,References:,Mr. Fang Kai,General Manager,Standard Appliances Company Ltd.,189 Beijing Street Guangzhou,Mr. Du Wei,Sales Manager,Glory Household Appliances Company Ltd.,215 Donghua Street East Guangzhou,实用英语写作practicalenglishwriting,CURRICULUM VITAE,LIN YING,PERSONAL DETAILS,Sex: Female,Age: 26,Marital Status: Single,Health: Excellent,实用英语写作practicalenglishwriting,Special Interests: Music, Languages,Activities: Swimming, basketball, jogging,Address: 231 Baiyun Street, Guangzhou, 510443,Telephone:,E-mail: cathy_,实用英语写作practicalenglishwriting,EDUCATION,1993-1995 Graduation Certificate,Guangdong Foreign Studies University,Secretarial Diploma,1990-1993 Senior Middle School of Guangzhou,1987-1990 First Middle School of Guangzhou,实用英语写作practicalenglishwriting,BUSINISS EXPERIENCE,September 1998 to,present,July 1995 to,August 1998,Personal Secretary to General Manager, Shengli Foods Company,Secretary. General Managers Office, Swan Hotel,实用英语写作practicalenglishwriting,REFERENCES,Ms. Huang Lan, Director of General Managers Office, Swan Hotel,128 Xisheng Street, Guangzhou,Mr. Zhong Chuan, General Manager, Shengli Foods Company,244 Guangyuan Road East, Guangzhou,实用英语写作practicalenglishwriting,R,sum,Personal Details:,Name:,Wei Xiaomei,Nationality:,Han,Birth date:,Feb.8,1980,Sex:,Female,Health:,Good,Telephone,:027 8751 0211,Address,: Class0501 ,Contemporary Chinese Specialty,Department of Chinese Language, Huazhong,Normal University, Wuhan 430000,Job Objective,: reporter,Education:,2003-2007 B.A . In Chinese Language at,Huazhong Normal University,Course completed: History of Chinese Literature,History of World Literature, Chinese Culture,Psychology, Public Relations Science, etc.,1997-2003 No. 1 Middle School, Guangzhou,实用英语写作practicalenglishwriting,Major Courses Work,:,Sociology Human Relations,Principles of Management Business Law,Principles of Accounting Effective Speaking,Summer Jobs:,Public Relations Department at,Baiyun Hotel, Guangzhou,2004,Practicing Reporter, Guangzhou Daily,Guangzhou, 2003,Special Skills:,College English Test Band Four,Computer Operation: Word & Excel,References:,Available upon request,实用英语写作practicalenglishwriting,R,sum,Chinese Name,: Cai Xiaofen,English Name,: Cathy,Permanent Address,: 502APT Huanghe Residential Area,Hongshan District,Wuhan ,China,Citizenship:,Chinese,E-mail address,:,waterlo,Objective,Seeking admission to graduate program of Law,Education,2003-present Wuhan University,Major in law,2000-2003 Wuhan No.I Middle School,Experience,2001-present Vice-president of Students,Union,2000-2001 Editor of University Journal,实用英语写作practicalenglishwriting,Qualifications& Honors,University Graduation certificate,bachelors degree to be conferred,upon graduation(2007),College English Test Band 6(2005),TEM-4(Test of English Major Grade 4(2005),Certificate of Advanced Interpretation,First prize winner of speech contest,Sept.2004,Twice awarded scholarship by,2004&2005 Wuhan University,Special Skills,Good at public speech &debate,Proficient in English,Expertise in commercial law and,computer Word& Excel,实用英语写作practicalenglishwriting,Personal,Date of Birth: March 7,1986,Sex: female,Martial Status: single,Citizenship: Chinese,Health: excellent,Reference,Jiang Po Li Yang,Dean of Law Dept. Professor of English,Wuhan University Wuhan University,实用英语写作practicalenglishwriting,CURRICULUM VITAE,NAME:,Edward Lee Hornby,ADDRESS:,1/F., Hang Lung Bank Bldg.,46-48 Granville Rd.,Tsimshatsui, Kowloon,TELEPHONE:,721-1428,DATE OF BIRTH:,Aug. 8, 1958,MARITAL STATUS:,Single,CTTIZENSHIP:,U.S.,实用英语写作practicalenglishwriting,EDUCATION:,Graduated Master of Business Administration,August 1990 University of Central Florida,Orlando, Florida 32816,Graduated Bachelor of Business Administration,April 1984 East Michigan University,Ypsilanti, Michigan 48197,实用英语写作practicalenglishwriting,WORK EXPERIENCE:,April 1991 International Education Services,to Hong Kong,Present Instructor,Conducting education classes at,different businesses at various,locations.,Classes include: English Language,International Business, Negotiation,Skills, and Financial Statements.,实用英语写作practicalenglishwriting,August 1988 Tasco, Maitland, Florida,to Vice President of Operations,April 1991 Responsible for complete operation,of all home building and home,remodeling activity.,Duties included setting up budgets,hiring subcontractors, materials,estimation, purchasing of materials,budget maintenance, and review of,financial statements.,实用英语写作practicalenglishwriting,October 1985 U.S. Home Corporation, Mailand,to Florida,July 1988 Manager,Responsible for complete,management of construction site.,Duties included setting up budgets,hiring of subcontractors, supervision,of actual construction (scheduling,quality assurance and budget,control), material estimation, and,review of financials at job,completion.,实用英语写作practicalenglishwriting,May 1984 Kelly Services, Orlando, Florida,to Account Representative/Supervisor,October 1985 Responsibilities included evaluation,hiring and placement of personnel in,temporary positions. Established,new accounts, serviced existing,accounts, and maintained accounts,receivable.,LANGUAGES:,Spanish, spoken and written (fluent),French, spoken (good),INTERESTS:,Cycling, traveling, fishing, language,studies,REFERENCES:,Available/Furnished upon request,实用英语写作practicalenglishwriting,Stephanie Porter,355 20th Ave.,Columbus, OH 43201,Telephone (614) 421-5650,Work Experience,Oct. 1988 to present Ohio Star, Columbus, OH,Writing advertising copy and,solicited ads.,June-Aug. 1987,The Mirror, Columbus, OH,June- Aug. 1986 Full-time proofreader,(substituted for head,proofreader, 1987).,实用英语写作practicalenglishwriting,June-Aug. 1985 Grims Variety Store, Somerville, MA,Part-time, 20 hours per week. Sales,clerk ( with stocking and pricing,duties). Also made deliveries and,called in supply orders.,Education,Sept. 1985- Illinois State University,June 1988 Received B.A. in English,Sept. 1984- Springfield Community College,June 1985,Sept. 1980- Holyoke High School,June 1984,实用英语写作practicalenglishwriting,Scholastic honors:,Nicholas Evans Scholarship in English,Literature, 1987-88.,Illinois State Scholarship, 1984-88.,Technical training:,Attended a two-week seminar on,Advertising in Todays Marketplace,sponsored by College of Business and,Murray County Association of,Commerce and Industry.,实用英语写作practicalenglishwriting,Personal Data,Age 30 Married, one child,Health Excellent Willing to relocate,Memberships Student Association for Women.,Journalism Club (President, 1986-87),Hobbies Photograph, swimming,References,Ms. Helen Grim,Dr. John Lindsay,Mr. David Reed,386 Washington St.,Somerville, MA 02143,Phone (617)628-0977,Illinois State Univ.,Normal, IL 61761,Phone (309) 436-9903,682 Sumner St.,Akron, OH 44311,Phone (212)434-0520,实用英语写作practicalenglishwriting,Practice:,四个人一组,写一封求职信和相应的简历。,实用英语写作practicalenglishwriting,Letters of Application to a School,求学申请信是为了申请上某所学校而写给该校招生办公室或有关人员的信。中国学生申请到国外大学学习,首先要与学校有关部门或人员联系,索取入学申请表和有关资料,然后填好申请表并寄回学校。国外大学一般都要求申请人提供学历证书,(,如毕业证书和学位证书,),和在校学习期间的成绩单,成绩单必须由申请人所在学校提供并直接寄往所申请的大学。如果申请人没有获得国外大学的奖学金或其他经济资助,就要有经济担保证明。,求学申请信要清楚地表明申请人希望到该校学习,态度要诚恳,语气要严肃而有礼貌。,实用英语写作practicalenglishwriting,求学申请信一般包括如下内容:,1,简单介绍个人的情况;,2,说明所申请的专业和希望入学的时间;,3,请学校寄入学申请表和有关资料;,4,请学校介绍入学条件和要求;,5,若申请经济资助,可要求学校寄经济资助申请表。,6,信中要写上申请人的通讯地址和电话,以便对方回复。,实用英语写作practicalenglishwriting,Dear Sir:,I am in my final year of senior high school at Nankai Middle School, one of the best schools in Tianjin, China. I wish to go to your university when I finish my secondary education in June 2010. I would like to have an application form from you. And would you please inform me of your entrance requirements?,Yours truly,Wei Dan,实用英语写作practicalenglishwriting,我国大学毕业生和研究生申请到国外大学读研究生,可以直接写信到有关学校研究生招生办公室索取人学申请表及有关资料。除了填写入学申请表以外,还须准备所在学校的成绩单和教授、专家的推荐信,以及个人所获得的奖励、奖学金和荣誉称号等证书的复印件。美、英、加、澳等国的大学一般还要求申请人出示,TOEFL,成绩;美国的许多大学还要求有,GRE,或,GMAT,成绩,有些还要,GRE,专项考试成绩、,TOEFL,的写作和口试成绩。如果尚未参加这些考试,可以在申请信中说明将于何时参加这些考试并将要求主考机构,(,如,ETS),将考试成绩转到所申请的学校。许多大学要求申请者写一份,Statement of Purpose,或,Statement of Objective,,说明为何选择该校,到该校后有何学习与研究计划,将来有何目标等。,实用英语写作practicalenglishwriting,入学申请表及有关资料一般是免费索取。但大多数学校都要收取一定的处理申请费用,当申请者填好表,和其他有关文件一起寄给学校时,要按其要求汇去这一费用,否则学校将不予处理。,入学申请信可以包括以下内容:,


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