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Module 1 Wonders of the world,Unit 2 What is a wonder of the world?,Module 2 unit 2,I was on the edge of the Grand Canyon.,The Great Barrier Reef,澳洲大堡礁,Pyramid 金字塔,Egypt 埃及,Can you think of any wonders of the world?,QUESTION:,Work in pairs,Use these words to describe them:,ancient deep high long,modern natural tall wide,Look through the passage and choose the best answers,How deep/ high is it?,How wide is it?,How long is it?,Grand Canyon,Read the first paragraph and complete the short passage.,When I arrived, it was,_ _,and it was,_,. I,_ _ _,the car,_ _,a gate and,_ _,a path. In the east, the sky was becoming light, but beside the path, it was still very,_,. I knew it was there, but there was,_,to see.,看谁做得好!,根据提示词限时三分钟背诵,Read the second paragraph and answer the questions.,Who appeared in front of the writer?,Did he know where I was going?,How soon will the writer get there?,Where did the writer stop?,5.Did he see anything?,根据上述问题背诵课文,看谁做得好!,看谁做得好!,Act out what the writer did.,2. Imagine you are the writer, when you stand on the edge of the Grand Canyon, can you tell something about your feeling?,Read the rest three paragraphs and finish the two tasks.,1.Read the passage carefully and find out the important phrases and drills.,2. Discuss the answers and the difficulties in groups.,3. Ask several groups to say their answers.,4. The teacher deals with the questions the students cant understand.,下车,在小路旁,查看,检查,远远在我后面,云散了,在-的边缘,在-的底部,碰到顶部,在-的两边,在自然界,大峡谷,-的奇迹,get out of the car,beside the path,look over,far behind me,the clouds clear,on the edge of,at the bottom of,reach the top,on both sides,in the natural world,the Grand Canyon,the wonder of,限时背诵,自我挑战!,用恰当的介词(in, on, of, at, with, beside或below)填空。,1. Jim was surprised to see a foreigner go out,the lift.,2. “How many ways have you thought,to solve the problem?” the teacher asked.,3. Mary stood,the desk while her mother was explaining the problem to her.,4. Who sits,front of you in the classroom?,5. Do you often help your mother,the housework?,6. When will the guests arrive here?,five minutes.,7. I live on the fifth floor. Linda lives two floors,me, on the third floor.,8. They planted some trees and flowers,every side,the house.,of,of,beside,in,with,In,below,on,of,language points,1.When I arrived 当我到达时,Arrive “到达”, 当其后跟名词时,所用词应为:arrive in/ at ; get to; reach. 当其后不跟名词或跟副词时,介词应去掉。,挑战自我:,Yesterday I got to Hongkong. (写出同义句),1) Yesterday I _ _ Hongkong.,Yesterday I _,Hongkong,.,2. Went through a gate,穿过一个大门,through,与,across,的区别:,through,是“穿过”的意思,是介词,常指“从某空间内或某物中间穿过”,多指穿过门、窗、洞、森林、隧道等;,across,是指“从某个平面横过”,多指穿过街道、马路、桥梁、河等的表面。,例如:,walk through the forest , run across the bridge.,挑战自我:,When you go _ the road , you must be careful.,A. through B. across C. cross,3. Youll get there in five minutes. 你五分钟后就到那儿了。,in five minutes 意为“5分钟以后”,“in +一段时间”表示“在一段时间之后或之内”,常用于一般将来时,用“how soon”提问。,挑战自我:,1)十分钟之后我将到达北京。_.,2) They will finish their work,in one month,. (划线部分提问),writing,Think of one of the wonders of the world. Write sentences describing how felt when you saw it for the first time.,Say when you saw it.,Describe its size.,Say what happened.,Say how you felt.,团结就是力量!,Quiz,. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。,1. Is the Great Wall one of,(great) wonders of the world?,2. When the family had lunch, it,(rain) outside.,3. When it became dark, there was nothing _ (see) in the room.,4. Look! There is a,(strange) over there.,5. Is the Sydney Opera House a great wonder of the _ (nature) world?,the greatest,was raining,to see,stranger,natural,. 完成下列句子的同义表达形式。,1. There was nothing in the desk.,There,in the desk.,2. The child is so young that he cant go to school.,The child is,young,go to school.,3. If you dont hurry up, youll be late for school.,you will be late for school.,4. Finally, I found my watch.,I found my watch,.,5. When will your father arrive in Shanghai?,When will your father,Shanghai?,wasnt anything,too to,Hurry up or,at last,get to,Homework,Take notes about the phrases and recite them.,2.,每个小组的,A, B,同学背诵课文;,C,同学背诵第一、二、三自然段;,D,同学读熟课文。,Thank you!,


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