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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,虚拟语气,Definition,陈述语气(,the Indicative Mood,),用来陈述一个事实,或提出一个想法,有肯定、否定、疑问或感叹等形式。,The fish is not alive without water,.,虚语语气(,the Subjunctive Mood,),表示说话人的一种愿望、建议、命令、要求、有时是一种非真实的假设、料想,或是不可能实现的与事实相反的愿望。,1.,虚拟语气的考点,1,、条件句中的虚拟语气的用法;,2,、条件句中虚拟语气的倒装;,3,、名词性从句中虚拟语气的用法;,4,、几种特殊结构中虚拟语气的用法;,5,、虚拟语气与陈述语气的判定。,if,引导的虚拟条件句,区别,:,If it,rains,tomorrow, the crops,will,be saved.,陈述语气,If it,rained,tomorrow, the crops,would,be saved.,虚拟语气,If +,主,+,did(were),主,+,would/should/could/might,+,动词原形,If I,were,you, I,would try,it again.,1.,如果我是你,我会再试一次。,2.,如果我有一百万美元,我会买下这架飞机。,If I,had,one million dollars, I,would,buy the plane.,与现在事实相反的虚拟条件句,If +,主,+,had done,sth,主,+,would/should/could/might,+,动词完成式(,have done,),If he,had worked,hard, he,would have passed,the examination.,1.,如果他努力学的话,他就通过这次考试。,If I,had married,her, I,would have been,unhappy.,2.,要是当时我和她结了婚的话,那我是很不幸的。,与过去事实相反的虚拟条件句,与将来事实相反的虚拟条件句,(,通常有时间状语,),If he,came,here tomorrow, I,would tell,him about it.,If he,were to come,here tomorrow, I,would tell,him,.,1.,如果他明天来的话,我会告诉他这件事,.,2.,如果他明天来的话,我会告诉他,.,If +,主,+,did(were to /should do),主,+,would/should/,could/might +,动词原形,If you _tomorrow, you _,find the new manager working in the office.,A. should come; would B. would come; would,C. will come; should D. comes; might,If the parents _at the hospital earlier after,the accident, the child would have been saved.,A. arrives B. arrive,C. had arrived D. has arrived,If he _he _that food.,Luckily he was sent to the hospital,immediately.,A. was warned; would not have taken,B. had been warned; would not have taken,C. would be warned; had not taken,D. would have been warned; had not taken,I didnt see your sister at the meeting. If she,_, she would have met my brother.,A. has come B. did come C. came D. had come,If my lawyer _here last Sunday, he _,me from going .,A. had been; would have prevented,B. had been; would prevent,C. were; would prevent,D. were; would have prevented,倒装的,If,虚拟句,条件状语的倒装:,如果条件状语中有,were, had, should,时,可以倒装成:,Were / Should / Had,+,主,+,其他,Were I you,I would try it again.,Had he been there yesterday,he would have seen the film.,Should it snow tomorrow,we wouldnt go out.,If I were you, I would try it again.,If he had been there yesterday, he would have seen the film.,If it should snow tomorrow, we wouldnt go out.,_the exam, he would have attend a college.,A. If he passed B. Had he passed,C. Were he passed D. If he should pass,_five minutes earlier, you could have seen,them off.,A. If you should arrive B. If you arrive,C. Had you arrived D. Should you arrive,_it rain tomorrow, we should have to put,off the visit to the Science Museum.,A. Were B. should C. would D. will,wish,引导的虚拟句,I wish I,remembered,the address.,我要是记得地址就好了。(真可惜我忘了),How I wish he,had not left,.,要是他没有离开这里就好了。(他已离开),I wish it,would rain,tomorrow.,要是明天下雨就好了。(说话人以预料明天不会下雨),wish + that,How I wish,If only,did/were,现在,had done,过去,would / might /would do,将来,5. If only,(1),要是就好了,= I wish,If only I,knew,his name,now,!,If only we,had followed,your advice,last time,!,If only I,could see,him again,next year,!,要是我们的父母能和我们住在一起就好了。,If only our parents,could live with,us!,If only I,hadnt missed,the train!,要是我没错过火车就好了,.,Exercises:,“ Have you visited the Science Museum?”,“ No, but I really wish I _.”,A. had B. did C. have D. will,I didnt go to the party, but I do wish I _there.,A. was B. were C. had been D. went,I wish I _ you yesterday.,A. see B. did see C. had seen D. were to see,-He is a brave man.,-Yes, I wish I _his courage,.,A. Have B. had C. will have D. would have,Tom can take his car apart and put it back together again. I certainly wish he _me how.,A. teaches B. will teach,C. has taught D. would teach,The picture exhibition bored me to death. I wish I,_to it.,A. hadnt gone B. havent gone,C. didnt go D. could not have gone,How I wish I _that! Everybody present,was angry,with me.,A. didnt go B. hadnt done,C. wouldnt do D. wasnt doing,as if /though,区别:,He speaks English as if/ though he,is,from the USA.,陈述语气,He speaks English as if/ though he,were,from the USA.,虚拟语气,2. as if /though + Clause,现在:,过去:,将来,:,did /were(,现在,),had done(,过去,),She loves the baby as if it,were,her own son.,He speaks as if he,had been to,the United States.,would+,动词原形,(,将来,),虚拟语气,Subjunctive Mood,时间,条件从句,if,主句,过去,had done,would/should/could/,might have done,现在,did/were,would/should/could/,might do,将来,1.should do,2.were to do,3.did,退一步 海阔天空,even if/ though, wish, if only,等从句的虚拟与它相同。,名词性从句中要求用虚拟语气的动词,如果我是你,我就听从他的建议。,If I were you, I would have taken his advice,.,从句表示现在,主句表示过去,如果你听我的话,现在就不会这么糟糕了。,从句表示过去,主句表示现在,如果这些天一直没下雨,我们现在可以进行工作了。,从句表过去进行,主句表现在进行,If you had listened to me, you might not be in such trouble now.,If it hadnt been raining those days, we should be going on with the works.,注意,:,主从句时间不一致情况下的虚拟语气,(,混合条件句,):,有时条件从句中的动作和结果与主句中的动作,发生的时间不一致,这时动作的形式应根据它所表示的时间加以调整。,If you,had followed,my advice, you,would,be able to finish the work now.,如果你当时听了我的话,现在就能完成这份工作了。,(从句说明过去,主句说明现在。),If I,were,you, I,would have gone,to her birthday party.,如果我是你,我就去参加她的生日晚会了。,(从句说明现在,主句说明过去。),If you,hadnt lent,me some money,I,couldnt have bought,the new house and most likely I,would be still living,in the dangerous house now.,假若你不借钱给我, 我不可能买下这幢新房,很可能现在还住在危房里。,(从句说明过去,主句说明过去和现在。),suggest, order, demand, propose, command,request, desire, insist, require, advice,etc.,引,导的宾语从句要用虚拟语气,以,(,should) + v,原,的形式出现。,We all suggest that he,( should ) finish,his,homework first.,The captain commanded that all the sailors,( should ) get down to,work at once.,Its,suggested,(,ordered, demanded, proposed,commanded, requested, desired, insisted,required,) that ,后面的主语从句中要使用,虚拟语气,也以,( should )+ v,原,.,的形式出,现。,Its ordered that only German,( should ) be,taught,at schools in,Alsas,and,Lorin,.,Its requested that all the students,( should ),wear,school uniforms at school.,以上这些动词的,名词形式,后面的,表语从句,和,同位语从句,中也要用虚拟语气,也应以,(should) + v,原,.,的形式出现。,My suggestion is that you,( should ) go,home,first before coming here.,His request that his cost,( should ) be paid,by the hour is completely reasonable.,The order came that the work,(should) be finished,two days ahead of time,My advice is that you,(should),practise,speaking English as often as possible,注意,:,当,suggest,表示“暗示”,;insist,表示“坚持认为”时不用虚拟!,His accent suggests he,comes,from Hunan,.,I insist that he,was,wrong,His silence suggested that he,agreed,with my decision,He insists that doing morning exercises,does good to,peoples health.,虚拟语气特殊句型:,1.,would rather that,现在:,过去:,未来:,过去时,过去完成时,过去时,I would rather you,paid,me now.,I would rather you,had gone, too.,Dont come. I would rather you,came,tomorrow.,注意,:,在主语,would (had) rather,that,宾语从句中,从句谓语一般,用过去,式表示虚拟形式。例如,:,我真希望你告诉我真相。,Id rather you,told,me the truth.,我宁愿不再见着你。,Id rather I,didnt see,you again.,我倒希望他们和我一起去。,I would rather they,went,with me.,(1),对现在的虚拟,谓语动词用过去时,(,系动词用,were),意指主从句谓语表示的动词同时发生,.,例如,:,他,看起来好象病了,.,He looks as if he,were,ill.,他感到他应该独自对发生的 事情承担责任,.,He felt as if he alone,were,responsible for what had happened.,(2),对过去的虚拟谓语动词使用,had+,过去分词,意指从句谓语动词发生在主句谓语动词之前,.,例如,:,她英语说的很好就象是在英国学习的一样,.,She spoke English well as if she,had studied,English in England.,我记得整件事情就象是昨天发生的一样,.,I remember the whole thing as if it,had happened,yesterday.,(3),对未来的虚拟谓语动词使用,would+,动词原形,意指从句谓语动词发生在主句谓语动词之后,.,例如,:,史密斯太太哭得心都快碎了,.,Mrs. Smith sobbed as if her heart,would break,.,When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it,looks as if it _.,A. breaks B. has broken,C. were broken D. had been broken,The actor is 58 years old. But he acts as if he _ a young man.,A. is B. will be C. am D. were,The clouds are getting darker and darker. It looks as if it _rain.,A. is going to B. will,C. was going to D. would,注意:,如果表示的事情可能会发生,那么状语从句中的谓语动词可用陈述语气。,It looks as if you,are,tired.,3. Its (about/high) time +that -,过去时,should +V.,你该走了。,Its high time that you went.,Its high time that you were going.,Its high time that you should go.,我们该去睡觉了。,Its time that we went to bed.,Its time that we should go to bed.,4. without,和,but for,构成虚拟。,but for,要不是,Without sunlight, peoples life would be different from today.,But for your help, I wouldnt have finished the work.,Without your help, I would have failed.,But for water, it would be impossible to live in the desert.,5. If only,(1),要是就好了,= I wish,If only I,knew,his name!,If only we,had followed,your advice!,If only I,could see,him again!,要是我们的父母能和我们住在一起就好了。,要是我没错过火车就好了!,If only our parents,could live with,us!,If only I,hadnt missed,the train!,(2) =,as long as,常用陈述语气,.,如果我们紧密团结就一定能战胜一切困难,.,We can surely overcome these difficulties if only we,are,closely united.,6.,Its necessary /strange/ natural/ important + that-Clause,从句中的动词要用虚拟,,即(,should,),+,动词原形,It is important that we,( should ) master,a foreign language.,It is strange that she,refuse,to come to the party.,Its necessary that we,should study,hard.,7. otherwise,和,supposing,也可以引导虚拟语气。例如:,The storm stopped, otherwise the sailors,would have fallen,into the sea.,Im getting cold, otherwise I,would keep,her.,Suppose(supposing) your friends,knew,how you are behaving here, what,would,they think?,8. so that,与,in order that,二者引导的目的状语从句谓语部分应该用,may /might/can /could /etc.+,动词原形,She stayed at home for a few days so that she,might have,more time to study it.,She listened carefully in order that she,minght,discover,exactly what he wanted.,He went to the station in a taxi so that he,should not miss,the train.,9.,用 “,may+,动词原形”表示祝愿,但愿,此时,may,须置于句首,May good luck,be,yours!,祝你好运!,May you,be,happy!,祝你快乐!,May you,do,even better!,祝你取得更大成就,Long,live,the people!,人民万岁!,“,God,bless,you,” said the priest.,牧师说:“愿上帝保佑你!”,含蓄条件句,非真实条件句中的条件从句有时不表出来,只暗含在上下文中,这种句子叫做,含蓄条件句,。含蓄条件句大体有三种情况,:,1.,条件暗含在短语中,。如:,W hat would I have done without you?,(,条件暗含在分词短语,without you,中,),It would be easier to do it this way.,(,条件暗含在不定式短语,to do it this way,中,),But for your help we couldnt have succeeded in the experiment.,(,暗含条件是,but for your help,),This same thing, happening in wartime, would lead to a disaster.,(,条件暗含在分词短语,happening in wartime,中,),He must have the strength of a hippopotamus, or he never could have vanquished that great beast.,(,暗含条件是连词,or,),Alone, he would have been terrified.,(,暗含条件是,alone,),2.,条件暗含在上下文中。如:,You might stay here forever.,(,可能暗含,if you wanted to,),We would have succeeded.,(,可能暗含,if we had kept trying,),Your reputation would be ruined.,(,可能暗含,if you should accept it,),I would appreciate a little of your time.,(,可能暗含,if you were so kind as to give me a little of your time,),3.,在不少情况下,虚拟式已变成习惯说法,很难找出其暗含的条件。,如:,You wouldnt know.,你不会知道。,I would like to come.,我愿意来。,I wouldnt have dreamed of it.,这是我做梦也不会想到的。,He told the story in such minute detail that he might himself have been an eye-witness.,他将那事讲的非常仔细,简直就象他亲眼看见一样,1,He suggested that the meeting,put off. A. not be B. should not,C. wouldnt D. be not,2,It is strange that he,so. A. thinks B. think,C.thought D. will think,3,I wish I,my uncle yesterday. A. met B. have met,C. would meet D. had met,4,The old professor gave orders that the experiment,before 6. A. was finished B. will finish,C. be finished D. shall be finished,5. She says shed rather he _tomorrow instead of today.,A. had B. should leave,C. leaves D. left,6. Its already 5 oclock now. Dont you think its about time_ ?,A. we are going home,B. if she leaves C. we went home,D. if she had left,7 Its high time he,home. A. goes B. went,C. will go D. is going to go 8,you succeed and,you be healthy. A. Maymay B. Wishwish,C. HopehopeD. Shouldmay 9 Galileo insisted that the earth,round the sun. A. should move B. move,C. moves D. A or B,10 If only I _to my parents advice! A. listeningB. listen,C. am listeningD. had listened 11 -Why didnt you come to the party yesterday? -I _, but an unexpected visitor came to see me. A. didB. would,C. hadD. was going to 12 Id rather you _me the news. A. not tellB. not to tell,C. didnt tellD. hadnt told,1. The boy who went swimming in the No-,swimming Zone drowned in the river.,If the boy,hadnt gone,swimming in,the No-swimming Zone, he,wouldnt have,drowned,in the river.,Had,the boy,not gone,swimming in the,No-swimming Zone, he,wouldnt have,drowned,in the river.,2. Billy was badly bitten by mosquitoes,because he forgot to use the mosquito net,last night.,If Billy,had remembered to,use the mosquito,net last night, he,would not have been bitten,by,Had,Billy,remembered to,use the mosquito,net last night, he,would not have been bitten,by,3. The mother carelessly put the knife within,the babys reach, and the baby cut herself,while playing it.,If the mother,had carefully put,the knife,out of the babys reach, the baby,wouldnt,have cut,herself.,Had,the mother,carefully put,the knife,out of the babys reach, the baby,wouldnt,have cut,herself.,4.The students got food-poisoning after eating,the potatoes in the dining-room.,If the students,had not eaten,the potatoes,in the dinning-room, they,wouldnt have got,food-poisoning.,Had,the students,not eaten,the potatoes,in the dinning-room, they,wouldnt have got,food-poisoning.,5. The parents put the thermos on the ground.,Their son kicked it and got burnt.,If the parents,had put,the thermos in a,safe place, their son,wouldnt have kicked,it,and,got,burnt.,Had,the parents,put,the thermos in a safe,place, their son,wouldnt have kicked,it and,got,burnt.,


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