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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Grammar,I dont know,where the post office is,.,object clause,宾语从句,2.,Did she tell us,how we should do the work,?,object clause,宾语从句,3. My dream is,that one day there is no,generation gap between our mums and us.,predicative clause,表语从句,1. A tree has fallen across the road.,2. You are a student.,3. To find your way can be a problem.,4. Smoking is harmful.,5. What she said is known.,6. That we shall be late is certain.,7. It is certain that we shall be late.,Revision,Find the subjects in the following sentences.,主语从句,在句中,充当主语的从句,叫做主语从句。,Subject Clause,1That he will come is certain.,2Whether it will please them is not easy to say.,3Why he did it remains a mystery.,4Which side will win is not clear.,5What seems easy to some people seems difficult to others.,Find the subject clauses in the following sentences,and translate them.,思考:主语从句有哪些引导词,这些引导词如何选用?,6When they will start is not known yet.,7How he became a great scientist is known to us all.,8,Who will take part in the meeting has not been decided.,9,Whoever breaks the law will be punished.,10,Where she is from is unknown.,引导主语从句的关联词,:,从属连词,(,不作成分),连接代词,(作成分),连接副词,(作状语),what, who, whom, whose, which,wh+ever,that, whether,when, where, how, why,宾语从句考点:,1.,引导词,2.,谓语动词单复数,3.,It,作形式主语,1.,is certain.,(我们将迟到了),2. _ is known to all. (,地球是圆的,),3.,is a pity(,你错过了这次机会,),That the earth is round,That you missed the chance,二,.whether,是否,表不确定的事情,.,1.,引,导词,That we will be late,hurts him so much,.,(她离开他,),一,.that,-,只,起引导作用,不充当成分,,无词义,但,不能省,略。,That she left him,is not easy to say,(,他是否会来这),Whether he will come here,(,If he will come here. .,),is more practice.(,我们所需要,的),what,在从句中,作宾语,is under discussion,.,When,在从句中作,状语,What we need,When we will begin the meeting,主语从句在句首只能用,whether,三,.,其,他疑,问词(,who(ever,),whose,which,(ever,),what,(ever,),,,when, where,),(,我们何时开会),做成分(主、宾、表、定),依据,“缺什么补什么”,原则确定正确的连词。,所谓“缺什么补什么”是指句型结构与连词之间的关系。,如果句子中缺,主语,,指人用,who,,指物用,what,;,如缺,宾语,,指人用,whom,,指物用,what,;,如缺,时间状语,用,when,;,地点状语,用,where,;,原因状语,用,why,;,方式状语,用,how,;,定语,用,whose,;,什么都不缺,用,that,。,Who will host the meeting hasnt been decided.,What you said just now is not true.,Whoever he is doesnt matter.,Whose car runs faster is obvious.,主,宾,表,定,Complete the sentences using,what,whether,where,when,,,who,why,how,or,that,.,1.(_ is needed for success),is,your hard work.,3.(_ we will go tomorrow ),hasnt,been decided yet.,2.(_ they will arrive ),has,been told to the teacher.,4.(_ can join in the sport meet,ing,),is,decided by the teacher.,5.(_ it will rain or not),is,not clear.,7.(_ the earth is a solid ball),is,known to us all.,What,When/How,Where/whether,Who,Whether,That,6.,(_ the earth is becoming warm),is,a good topic for research.,Why,主语从句作主语时,谓语动词一般用单数形式。,Conclusion:,翻译练习,1.(,谁将去见他,)_,is,not decided.,2.(,哪个班级会赢得这场足球赛,)_ _,is,not clear so far.,3.(,他能否买到飞机票,)_,doesnt,matter much.,4.(,我们如何去那里,)_,is,a,question.,5.(,你刚才告诉我的,)_,was,really a surprise.,6.(,他什么时候出国,)_,is,being discussed,7.(,他为什么哭,)_,is,not clear.,Who will meet him,which class will,win the football game,Whether he can get the plane ticket,How we will go there,What you told me just now,When he will go abroad,Why he is crying,主语从句作主语时,谓语动词一般用单数形式。,Conclusion:,2.,主语从句中的“主谓一致”,1.,主语从句通常被看作一个整体,主句的谓语动词用,单数形式,.,That they will come _certain.,2.,What,引导主语从句时,主句谓语动词的单复数由,表语的单复数,决定,.,What he wants _these books.,What he wants _some water.,is,are,is,When well have the meeting and where well have dinner,not been decided yet.,(我们什么时候开会和去哪里吃饭还没决定,),have,2.,_ they can solve the question,is still,unknown.,A. If B. Which C. Whether D. What,3.,_ he said at the meeting,astonished,everybody.,A. Why B. What C. That D. Who,4. _ is a fact,that English is accepted as an,international language.,A. There B. This C. That D. It,1.,_ we need more practice,is quite,obvious.,A. What B. That C. When D. /,1. _ you dont like him is none of my business.,2. _ he said at the meeting surprised everybody present,3. _ the 2000 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing is not known yet.,4. _ well go camping tomorrow depends on the weather.,5. _ leaves the room last ought to turn off the lights.,That,What,Whether,Whether,Whoever,选择恰当的连接词,.,It,was not clear,whether,the solid shape would last or not.,主语从句,形式主语,Whether,the solid shape would last or not was not clear.,真正主语,引导主语从句在,句首,只能用,whether,但有,it,作形式主语的,whether/if,都可以,.,Conclusion:,if,If,注意:,3. it,作形式主语,That we shall be late,is certain.,1.,That the earth is round,is known to all.,-,2.,That you missed the chance,is a pity.,-,It,is a pity,that,you missed the chance,.,Its,known to all,that,the earth is round,.,-,Its,certain,that,we shall be late,.,It is +,adj/n,that(strange/a pity),It is + v ,ed,that.(said/reported.),为了避免主语冗长,句子,“,头重脚轻,”,经常用,it,作,形式主语,主语从句放在后面作真正的主语,.,It +vi that(happen),这样就构成了下面一些常用句型,:,1) It is + n. +,从句,It is a pity/shame that.,遗憾的是,It is a surprise that,令人惊奇的是,It is a fact that,事实是,It is common knowledge that,众所周知,*,_(,很遗憾,)we lost the match.,很遗憾我们输了比赛。,*_(,这是事实,)he cheated in the exam.,It is a pity that,It is a fact that,2) It is + adj. +,从句,Its certain that,肯定,It is possible that.,很可能,It is unlikely that.,不可能,It is obvious that,很明显,It is necessary important ,strange,natural,+,that,*_(,很可能,)she will come back tomorrow.,*_(,很明显,)this measure is effective.,很明显这个措施有效。,*,It is strange that we should lose the game.,+(should) +do,It is possible that,It is obvious that,表示,理应如此,惊奇,不相信,惋惜,等,3) It +,不及物动词,+,从句,It happened that.,碰巧,It occurred to sb. that,某人突然想起,*_I came into the office at that time.,碰巧我当时走进办公室。,*_I forget to sent the letter.,我突然想起我忘记去送信了。,It happened that,It occurred to me that,4) It + be +,过去分词,+,从句,It is said that.,据说,It is known to all that.,众所周知,It is reported that.,据报道,It is believed that.,据信,;,人们相信,It is suggested that +,(should,),do,.,建议,It must be admitted that,必须承认,It cannot be denied that,不可否认,It must be pointed out that,需指出的是,*,_(,据报道,)20 people were killed in the accident.,*_(,建议,)we,should,eat more vegetable and do more exercise.,It is reported that,It is suggested that,What you left at school,are,two old,books,.,What you said to him,is,of great importance.,3.,主语从句的 “,that,”,一般,不能省,。,4.“,主语从句作主语时,,谓语动词一般用单数形式,。,What,引导的主语从句,可根据,表语,决定,主语从句需注意的问题,2.,主语从句中用,陈述语序,Whetherhellcomehere,is,notclear.,That the earth is round,is,a widely accepted fact.,5,.有时为了使句子,结构平衡,避免,“,头重脚轻,”,常用,it,作形式主语,而把从句放在后面,.,4种句型,注 意:,1.,引导主语从句在,句首,只能用,“,whether”,引导, 有,it,作形式主语的,whether/if,都可以,.,。,常用句型如下:,It+ be +,名词,+ that,从句,It+ be +,形容词,+ that,从句,It+ be +,动词的过去分词,+ that,从句,It+ be +,不及物动词,+ that,从句,【,常见错误展示,】,下列各句均有一处错误,请改正并分析错误的原因。,1. Light travels faster than sound is common knowledge.,2. If shes coming or not doesnt matter much.,That,that,虽无词义但引导主语从句位于句首时不能省略。,Whether,if, whether,都可表示“是否”,但,if,不能引导位于主句之前的主语从句,它可以引导位于主句之后带有形式主语,it,的主语从句。,3. That the professor said is of great importance.,4. Where will the trees be planted has,not been decided.,What,that,引导主语从句时无词义。,What the professor said,表示“教授所说的”。,将,will,置于,trees,之后。主语从句要用陈述句语序。,5. No matter who breaks the rule will be punished.,6. When and where the meeting will be held still remain a question.,引导让步状语从句时二者可互换,但引导名词性从句时只能用,whoever,。,Whoever,主语从句表示单一概念时,谓语要用单数形式。,remains,7. It was requested that everyone,made a speech at the meeting.,在“,It is requested /commanded/insisted/ ordered / suggested/advised + that,从句”中,从句要用虚拟语气,即谓语用“,should +,动词原形”,,should,可省略。,(should) make,Pick up a number,Correct or not?,*When the meeting will be held havent been known yet.,. be held,hasnt,been known yet.,Pay attention:,主语从句的谓语用,单数,形式,10,the cat do,made,What the cat did made the baby cry.,What,cry,Make a sentence,30,1.The question is _ the film is worth seeing.,2._ we shall attend the meeting hasnt been decided yet.,用,whetherif,填空,whether,Whether,10,talk about,the use of,cell phone,What they are talking about,is the,use of cell phone.,Make a sentence,30,*,If we will have a meeting hasnt been decided yet.,Correct or not?,Whether,we will.,decided yet.,Pay attention:,放在名词性从句,句首,,表示“是否”,只能用,whether,不能用,if,10,Translate the sentence,*It is known to us_,_(,马克,.,吐温怎样成为一位伟大的作家,).,how,Mark Twain became a great writer,20,report , get the highest points, match,It is reported that Yao Ming got the highest points in the match.,Make a sentence,30,Correct or not?,Pay attention:,注意,虚拟语气,在名词性从句中的使用!在,It is necessary important natural. that,句型中,从句的谓语要用,should+do,的形式,It is important that we,should,finish.,*It is important that we will finish the work on time.,10,Correct or not?,Pay attention:,此主语从句,缺少成分,-,宾语,故用作成分的,what,来引导,而不用,that,。,What,she wants to know is.,*,That she wants to know is when the party will be held .,10,Correct or not?,Pay attention:,由,that,引导的主语从句放在句首,,that,不能省略,。,That,he will give up,*,He will give up his job surprises all of us.,10,Translate the sentence,*_,(她是否出席会议),is not certain.,Whether,she will attend the meeting,20,It makes the teacher angry that the child doesnt know the answer.,teacher angry,Dont know the answer,Make a sentence,30,典型错误及归纳,找出下列句子中的错误,并总结出规律:,1.,Can you tell me how many students are there,in your class?,2. I dont know where has he gone.,3.,The owner of the shop came to see what,the matter was.,Can you tell me how many students,there are,in your class?,I dont know where,he has,gone.,The owner of the shop came to see,what was,the matter,.,规律一:名词从句中须使用陈述语序!,找出下列句子中的错误,并总结出规律:,4. We suggested that we would go to the cinema.,5. My advice is that we must do our homework first.,6. His proposal that we went there on foot is,acceptable.,We suggested that we,(should) go to,the cinema.,My advice is that we,(should) do,our homework first.,His proposal that we,(should) go,there on foot.,规律二:注意虚拟语气的使用!,问题:此类虚拟语气有哪些关键词?,找出下列句子中的错误,并总结出规律:,7. If we will have a meeting hasnt been decided yet.,8. It depends on if the weather is suitable for us to do it.,9. The question is if he himself will be present at the,meeting.,10. He asked me if I could go with him or not.,Whether,we will have a meeting hasnt been decided yet.,It depends on,whether,the weather is .,The question is,whether,he himself will be present .,He asked me,whether,I could go with him or not.,规律三:4种情况只能用,whether,:,(1)位于句子开头; (2)前面有介词,;,(3)引导表语从句; (4)与,or not,连用。,找出下列句子中的错误,并总结出规律:,I think that worthwhile that we spent so much money on these books.,2. That is hard to decide when and where we will held our sports meeting.,3. Everybody considers it impossible which he wants to finish the job in such a short time.,4. It doesnt matter that you will come or not.,it,it,that,whether,规律四:主语从句和宾语从句在适当的情况,下可以借助 “,it”,而后置。,问题:想想看是什么“适当的情况”?,名词性从句试题集锦,1.I ask her _ come with me.,A. if she will B. if will she C. whether will she D. will she,2._ he said is true.,A. What B. That C. Which D. Whether,3.Can you tell me _?,A. who is that gentleman B. that gentleman is who,C. who that gentleman is D. whom is that gentleman,4.He didnt know which room _.,A. they lived B. they lived in C. did they live D. did they live in,5.To get the job started, _ I need is some money.,A. only what B. all what C. all that D. only that,6.I have no idea _ far the railway station is from here.,A. what B. how C. its D. that,7.Can you tell me _ the railway station?,A. how I can get to B. what can I get to,C. where I can got to D. where can I get to,8.Do you know _?,A. what is his name B. how is his name,C. what his name is D. how his name is,9._ you have done might do harm to other people.,A. That B. What C. Which D. This,10.They have no idea at all _.,A. where he has gone B. where did he go,C. which place has he gone D. where has he gone,11.They want to know _ do to help us.,A. what can they B. what they can,C. how they can D. how can they,12.These photographs will show you _.,A. what our village looks like B. what does our village look like,C. how does our village look like D. how our village looks like,13.Can you make sure _ the gold ring?,A. where Alice had put B. where had Alice put,C. where Alice has put D. where has Alice put,14.No one can be sure _ in a million years.,A. what man will look like B. what will man look like,C. man will look like D. what look man like,15._ the 2008 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing is not known yet.,A. Whenever B. If C. Whether D. That,16.Go and get your coat. Its _ you left it.,A. there B. where C. there where D. where there,17.It worried her a bit _ her hair was turning gray.,A. while B. that C. if D. for,18._ he said at the meeting astonished everybody present.,A. What B. That C. The fact D. The matter,19. Do you remember _ he came?, Yes, I do. He came by car.,A. how B. when C. that D. if,20._ we cant get seems better than _ we have.,A. What ; what B. What ; that C. That ; that D. That ; what,21._ well go camping tomorrow depends on the weather.,A. If B. Whether C. That D. Where,22.It is generally considered unwise to give a child _ he or she wants.,A. however B. whatever C. whichever D. whenever,23. I drove to Zhuhai for the air show last week., Is that _ you had a few days off?,A. why B. when C. what D. where,24.These wild flowers are so special that I would do _ I can to save them.,A. whatever B. that C. which D. whichever,25._ you dont like him is none of my business.,A. What B. Who C. That D. Whether,26.You cant imagine _ when they received these nice Christmas presents.,A. how they were excited B. how excited they were,C. how excited were they D. they were how excited,27._ caused the accident is still a complete mystery.,A. What B. That C. How D. Where,28.I had neither a raincoat nor an umbrella. _ I got wet through.,A. Its the reason B. Thats why,C. Theres why D. Its how,1. _ wants to stay in a hotel has to pay their own way. (,浙江,2008),A. AnyoneB. The one,C. WhoeverD. Who,2. _ matters most in learning English is enough practice.(2007,全国卷,),WhatB. Why,C. WhereD. Which,高考链接,3. _ fashion differs from country to country may reflect the cultural differences from one aspect. (,上海,2002,春,),A. WhatB. That C. ThisD. Which,4. _ well go camping tomorrow depends on the weather. (NMET 1996),A. IfB. Whether,C. ThatD. Where,5. After Yang,Liwei,succeeded in circling the earth, _ our astronauts desire to do is walk in space. (2004,上海,),A. where B. what C. that D. how,解析,: what,引导主语从句,在从句中做,do,的宾语,6. The other day, my brother drove his car down the street at _ I thought was a dangerous speed. (2004,上海,),A. as B. which C. what D. that,解析,: I thought,是插入语,可以把它去掉不考虑。,what,引导宾语从句,在从句中作主语。宾语从句作,at,的宾语。,7. _ in the regulations that you should not tell other people the password of your email account.,(,2005,上海),A. What is required B. What requires C. It is required D. It requires,解析,: “It is required that ”,是一个固定句式, it,作形式主语, that,引导的从句为真正的主语。,8. _ the 2000 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing is not known yet. ,高考真题,A. Whenever B. If C. Whether D. That,答案是,C,。“,2000,年奥林匹克运动会是否在北京举行还不知道。”,9. _ he said at the meeting astonished everybody present. ,高考真题,A. What B. That C. The fact D. The matter,答案是,C,。“他在会上的发言使到会的每一个人都感到惊讶”,what,表示“,(,所说的话,)” ,相当于,The words (that + /which) he said at the meeting,10. _ leaves the room last ought to turn off the light. ,高考真题,A. Anyone B. The person C. Whoever D. Who,答案是,C,。“谁最后离开房间应关灯。”,whoever,意为“无论谁”,引导主语从句,并在从句中作主语。若选,A,或,B, anyone,或,the person,后应回,who,使其成为由,who,引导的定语从句,修饰,anyone,或,person.,注:这些词还可引导副词性从句。,11. _ he has become a rich man is known to all in our town. ,高考真题,A. Because B. That C. / D. What,答案是,B,。“他变成了富翁,这是我们镇上下班人人皆知的事。”根据句意,须用,that,引导的主语从句。,that,在从句中不担任任何成分,只起连接作用。,12. _ I need is more time.,A. That B. What C. / D. Which,答案是,B,。“我所需要的是更多的时间。” 根据题意,应选,what,引志的主语从句, what,在职从句中作宾语,(what = the thing which).,主语从句的关联词不能省略,故排除,C,。,which,表示“哪一个”, that,无词义,都与句意不符,故排除。,


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