新仁爱英语九年级上册Unit 4 Topic 1 Section B概要1

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 4 Amazing Science,Topic 1 When was it invented,Section B,城北学校,I.,Fill in the blanks with the right preposition,.,1.The desk is made _ wood.,2.The red wine is made _ grapes.,3.This delicious cake was made _my mother.,4.Glasses,are,made _ glass.,5.Our group is made up _,eight,students.,6.That kind of machine is made _Japan,.,of,from,of,of,by,in,Review,A:Whats this ?,B:Its ,A:When was it invented ?,B: It was invented in ,A: Who invented it ?,B:,Teaching Aims:,1.Learn and marster some new words:,bulb,airplane,hard-wearing,korea.,2.Learn Possive .,3.Understand the stress and intonation of sentences.,4.Read the following sentences:,a).Its said that he invented more than two thousand,things during his life.,b).Its invented by Wilbur and Orville Wright in 1903.,c).but its different from todays.,预习导纲,一,.,读,1a,对话,在对话中划出下列短语并朗读。,1.,一个电灯泡,_ 2.,被人们广泛的使用,_,3.,据说,_ 4.,两千多件发明,_,5.,在他的一生中,_ 6.,走这边,_,7.,与,-,不同,_ 8.,学校图书馆,_,二,.,读句子,翻译并探究。,1.Its said that he invented more than two thousand things during his life.,翻译:,_,探究:,Its said that,意为“,_”,it,作,_,that,引导的从句是,_,。这样的结构还有,Its reported that,据报道,,,Its known that,据了解,等。,做一做:,_ is said that potato chips were invented by mistake 100 years ago.,A.It B.This C.Its D.That,2.It,was invented,in 1879.,译:,_,The radio,was invented,by Guglielmo Marconi in 1895.,译:,_,It,was invented,by Wilbur and Orville Wright in 1903.,译:,_,探究:三个句子的划线部分均为,_,时态的,_,结构。判断的方法,为:读懂句意,确定,_,语,判断主语表示,_,还是,_.,若主语为人,根据句意及谓语动词判断该动作是否是主语发出,若是主语发出,用,_,语态,反之用,_,语态。物作主语时,谓语动词要用,_,语态。然后再结合句意和时间选取对应时态。,做一做:,The cellphone has influenced peoples life a lot since it _.,A.invents B.invented C.is invented D.was invented,当堂训练,1.Many houses_ in the earthquake of August 3,2014,in Ludian of Yunnan Province.,A.is destroyed B.are destroyed,C.was destroyed D.were destroyed,2.It was reported that Beijing,Shanghai and Jiangsu_,to be the three happiest places in China.,A.are finding B.were finding C.were found D.is found,3.Many students _ chances to show themselves in class,because the class size is too big .,A.dont give B.arent given C.havent given D.wont give,4.It is true that knowledge _ rather than being taught.,A.learns B.learned C.is learned D.was learned,1b Listen to 1a and choose the correct answers.,( ) 1. Where are Michael and Jane?,A. In the science museum.,B. At the school library.,C. In the zoo.,D. In the park.,( ) 2. Which object is not mentioned in,the conversation ?,A. Light bulb,.,B. Airplane,.,C. Television,.,D. Radio,.,A,C,1a Look, listen and say,.,When was it invented?,Who invented it?,Look, a light bulb,!,In 1897,Thomas Edison,.,1c Read 1a and complete the table.,Invention,Inventor,Year,light bulb,Guglielmo,Marconi,1903,radio,airplane,Thomas,Edison,Wilbur and,Orville Wright,1879,1895,1a Look, listen and say,.,1d Discuss with your classmates the inventions listed in 1c. Let them guess which invention you are describing.,You may begin like this:,It is widely used by people,everywhere.,It was invented in 1879 by Thomas Edison. Its said that,A: What are these ?,B:,A: When were they produced first ?,B:,A: What were they made of ?,B:,Do you know?,2 Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the given words.,The first jeans were produced in 1855. At that time, they _(not call ) jeans and they were just hard-wearing pants designed for workers. The pants _ (make ) of the brown cloth. This kind of cloth _ usually _(use) for making tents. Nowadays, their materials have been changed so that it feels more comfortable. And many different jeans styles _ also _(create). They _( design) not only for workers but also for teenagers and women. Later jeans are popular all over the world.,were,not,called,were made,was,used,are,created,are,designed,A.,Karl Benz,C.,Alexander Graham Bell,B.,John Baird,Invention,Inventor,Year,a.1926,b.1876,c.1885,3 Listen to the three passages. Match the pictures with the following information.,4a Read the following words. Listen and check the vowels.,r,o,cket c,o,tton h,o,spital m,o,del,s,a,tellite c,a,mera l,a,ptop pl,a,stic,4b Listen and read the following sentences aloud, paying attention to the stress and intonation. Then use the words in 4a to make up similar conversations.,A: When was the digital camera developed?,B: It was developed in the 1970s.,A: Was the digital camera developed in Korea?,B: No.,A: Where was it developed?,B: It was developed in Japan.,补全对话,A:_?,B:Its called a cellphoneIphone5.,A:_?,B:Its made of plastic.,A:_?,B:Its used for communicating with each other in daily,life.,A:Do you have a cellphone?,B:Yes,I do.But_.,A:Thats right.As a student,_.,Whats this in English,Whats it made of,Whats it used for,Im not allowed to take it with me,You should obey your,school rules,词语运用,change,invent,give,teach,interest,idea,why,nothing,strange,difficult,Thomas Edison was a famous American _.During his,life he had made over 2000 inventions.Thats amazing,isnt,it? Many of his inventions have _ our life.You may ask,_ Edison was able to make so many inventions.Thats,because he was the man who never_ up.He always thought that no matter how_ something seemed, he could find the answer.He believed that _ was difficult if you put your heart into it.That is ture.When he,was a child, he was always asking _ questions and,trying out new_.Many of his questions made his teacher unhappy or angry,because the strange questions,were not about his lessons.He couldnt study at school,so,his mother _ him at home.he showed great_,in science and learned very fast.,inventor,changed,why,gave,difficult,nothing,strange,ideas,taught,interest,We learn:,1.Some words:,bulb, airplane, hard-wearing,Korea,2. Some phrases:,be used by, more,than, be different from,3. Some sentences:,Its said that he invented more than two,thousand,things during his life.,We can:,1.Use,the simple past passive voice,:,Do you know when it was invented?,It was invented in 1879.,2.Talk about the inventors of some great inventions.,Summary,Thank You !,


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