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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,Marshall Space Flight Center,Gwaltney,P15,Implementation of Adaptive Digital Controllers on Programmable Logic Devices,David Gwaltney, Ken King, Keary Smith,NASA Marshall Space Flight Center,Huntsville, AL,david.gwaltneymsfc.nasa.gov,1,Adaptive Control,Adaptive control is used for the control of systems having dynamics which vary over time or with operating conditions,In the types of controllers considered to be adaptive, Astrom and Wittenmark include Gain Scheduling, Model Reference Adaptive Control and Self-Tuning Regulators1,This work is primarily concerned with the Self-Tuning Regulator developed by Astrom and Wittenmark,2,Adaptive Control,Controller,Identifier,Controller,Design,Controller,Parameters,Control Input to Dynamic System,Feedback from Dynamic System,Command,Diagram of a Self-tuning Regulator,3,Adaptive Control,Self-tuning regulators combine a linear controller with a parameter identification approach to provide a structure in which the gains of the controller are calculated on-line.,Applications of interest are electromechanical actuators (EMAs) currently in use on spacecraft, and those proposed for a power-by-wire system. For example;,Aero Control Surface Positioning,Thrust Vector Control,Valve Positioning,Motor-driven Pumps,Translation systems for space-borne experiments,4,Adaptive Control,Why use adaptive control for actuators?,Open literature and current observation indicate the vast majority of EMA controllers employ a linear control approach with fixed gains2,3,4,5,6,Tuning may not be optimal due to uncertainty in system parameters, i.e. inertia, damping or load torque.,Cannot accommodate changes in actuator dynamics due to wear and tear and operation at loads outside the expected range,On-line adaptive control addresses these shortcomings and increases the “intelligence” of a closed loop control system.,Improved control system performance in the face of unanticipated changes in actuator/mechanical system dynamics,Self-tuning of actuator control loops,System parameter identification can be used in a fault-detection and isolation scheme,5,Implementation of Adaptive Control,Actuator or subsystem-level digital controllers are frequently implemented using digital signal processors (,DSPs,),DSPs,are designed to perform repetitive, math intensive operations, (i.e. FIR or IIR filters, FFT),Manufacturers such as Texas Instruments, Analog Devices and Motorola are producing mixed-signal DSP devices that include peripherals for analog-to-digital conversion, event-capture,quadrature,signal decoding, PWM outputs and serial communications,Adaptive control can easily be implemented in software on,DSPs, or on other microprocessors with suitable execution speed.,This has been done in a laboratory environment at MSFC,7,6,FPGA Implementation of Controllers,Many examples of digital controller implementation on an FPGA exist. Some of these are;,PID Controller for wheel speed control as part of a digital controller for a wheelchair 8,Implementation of controllers for robotic applications9,Direct torque control of an induction motor10,Neural Network implementation for control of an induction motor11,Implementation of a,Kalman,Filter and Linear Quadratic,Gaussian,controller applied to control of an inverted pendulum12,13,Fuzzy logic controller for a variable speed generator14,7,FPGA Implementation of Controllers,In the referenced papers, the FPGA approach for implementation of digital controllers is selected because;,SRAM Based,FPGAs,provide,reconfigurable,hardware designs,FPGAs,can process information faster than a general purpose DSP,Controller architecture can be optimized for space or speed,Bit widths for data registers can be selected based on application needs,Implementation in VHDL or,Verilog,allows the targeting of a variety of commercially available,FPGAs,Implementation of digital controllers in,FPGAs,for space applications is attractive because,FPGAs,are available in radiation tolerant packages, whereas availability of radiation tolerant DSP devices is extremely limited,Complex, digital control operations and controller interface peripherals can both be contained in a compact form factor,Multiple digital control loops in one FPGA can replace analog control loops implemented in many space consuming and power hungry radiation tolerant analog ICs,8,Digital Controllers,Digital controllers can be implemented as digital filters in the following form15, where k is the current sample in time, for a given sample period T;,+,Z,-1,x(k),Z,-1,Z,-1,Z,-1,Z,-1,Z,-1,y(k),a,0,a,1,a,2,a,n,-b,1,-b,2,-b,n,Z,-1,Blocks are,Delays of,one sample,period,9,Digital Controllers,With n = 2, a second order filter is obtained which can be used to implement second order controllers or cascaded to create higher order controllers15.,In the sampled time domain,The z-transformed transfer function is ,10,Digital Controllers,The well known PID Controller can be implemented using a second order digital filter15.,In continuous time the PID Controller is represented by,For implementation in a discrete time system, with sampling time T, the PID controller is,The z-transform of this function is,11,Digital Controllers,With some manipulation, the z-transform of the PID controller can be represented as a second order transfer function15,12,Self-Tuning Controller,For this work, the Self-Tuning Regulator, due to,Astrom,and,Wittenmark,1, will be referred to as a Self-Tuning Controller;,“Regulation” implies the rejection of disturbances to maintain a controlled process at a constant,setpoint, while “control” implies the broader action of following a desired trajectory and rejecting disturbances,This controller makes use of a general linear controller, shown as a z-transform below, where,u,c,is the desired trajectory, y is the controlled process output and u is the control input to the process.,The coefficients of R, T and S calculated using pole placement design to produce the desired closed-loop response,13,Self-Tuning Controller,When the process output is sampled with,period T, it can be represented as,u,c,y,u,Identifier,Control,Design,Ru,=,Tu,c,-,Sy,B,-,A,Process,Controller,T,The Identifier estimates the,a,i,and b,i,coefficients which are used to calculate,the,r,i,t,i,and,s,i,coefficients of the controller,When n = 2, the controller can be,represented as a second order filter with an,added set of terms for,u,c,Where the relationship between the controller coefficients,r,i,t,i,and,s,i,and the estimated process,parameters,a,i,and b,i,is determined by the selection of a desired closed loop response and the pole,placement design process,14,Self Tuning Controller,The identifier uses the recursive least-squares algorithm to estimate the process coefficients1,The model for the process can be expressed as,Where, for a second order system (n = 2),The least-squares estimator with exponential forgetting is,15,Self Tuning Controller,A PID controller can also be made adaptive by substituting it for the general linear controller used in the Self Tuning Controller development16,The PID gains can be tuned on-line using a design approach that makes use of the estimated plant coefficients.,Dominant pole design is one such technique,Direct synthesis is another design approach (this is an Internal Model Control approach) 17,16,Experimental System,This work focuses on the application of adaptive control to,Brushless,DC motor-driven actuators,The experimental system is diagrammed below,This is a second order system; n=2 for the controller and identifier,Brushless DC Motor Control Experimental Configuration,DSP,Controller,Drive,Electronics,PWM,Quadrature,Decoder,Linear encoder,BLDC,Motor,Translation,Stage,Load,Motor Current Supply,Motor Feedback,Current Command,FPGA,17,Experimental System,18,FPGA Implementation,Controller structures utilizing the digital filter representation can easily be implemented in an FPGA as this representation is simply a multiply-accumulate operation,The estimator and the design functions require multiplication and division and are more complicated,The controller requires peripheral functions to condition sensor measurement and control input to the plant,Most of the required peripheral functions can be implemented as digital circuits on an FPGA.,The peripheral functions will include a,quadrature,decoder/counter for position measurement and a PWM generator for motor current command,An interface to a DSP will be used for desired trajectory commands and for configuration/capture of internal data,19,FPGA Implementation,The proposed FPGA implementation for this effort is diagrammed below,dir,A,B,u,c,register,DSP,Interface,Data,Addr,ce,r/w,Data/,Config,registers,Tc Clk,Controller,Identifier,D,Q,D,Q,Tc Clk,Quadrature,decoder/counter,Tq Clk,Tc Clk,PWM,Out,Tp Clk,Ti,Clk,u,Tc Clk, Ti,Clk,and,Tc Clk,= N* Ti,Clk,Tc,= 0.005 sec (200 Hz) for this application,Thin lines are signals,Thick lines are vectors,T,x,= period in seconds,20,Status,Currently the DSP Interface,Quadrature,Decoder/Counter and PWM generator functions have been written in VHDL and implemented on a,Xilinx Virtex,XCV300 FPGA,DSP Interface,Quadrature,decoder, and 3 PWM generators consume 17% of the available logic resources and 17% of the available I/O blocks.,These functions have been used by a controller implemented in software on the DSP to control the experimental system,VHDL coding and testing of both a PID controller and a Pole-Placement controller is in progress,Design and coding of the identifier and controller design blocks is in progress,21,Summary,Implementation of controllers as digital filters in,FPGAs,is feasible,Literature contains many examples of controller implementations,High order digital filters have been implemented on,FPGAs,18,19,20,Capability for MHz clock rates provide plenty of processing capability, and controllers generally operate at sampling frequencies of much less than 10 kHz for most practical applications,Implementation of the identifier and controller design calculations will be challenging, but should be feasible,Identifier requires multiply and/or divide and accumulate,Design equations have multiple variable terms and will require careful scaling,Ultimately, the DSP interface will be replaced by a suitable communication interface for command and control,22,References,1,Astrom, K.J., and,Wittenmark, B.,Adaptive Control, 2,nd,ed, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company Inc., New York, NY, 1995.,2,Raimondi, G. M., et. al.,Large Electromechanical Actuation Systems for Flight Control Surfaces,IEE Colloquium on All Electronic Aircraft, 1998.,3,Bolognani, et. al.,Experimental Fault-Tolerant Control of a PMSM Drive,IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 47, No. 5, October 2000.,4,Croke, S and,Herrenschmidt, J., “More Electric Initiative Power-by-wire Actuation Alternatives”,Proceedings of the Aerospace and Electronics Conference, Vol. 2 , pp. 1338-1346, 1994,5Ellis, G.,Control System Design Guide, Academic Press, 2000.,6,Leonhard, Werner,Control of Electric Drives, 2,nd,Edition, Springer-,Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 1997,7 Gwaltney, David A., “Test Platform for Advanced Digital Control of,Brushless,DC Motors ( MSFC Directors Discretionary Fund Final Report, Project No. 00-04)”, NASA/TM-2002-211917, July 2002.,8 Chen,Ruei,-,Xi, Chen,Liang,-Gee and Chen,Lilin, “System Design Consideration for Digital Wheelchair Controller”,IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 47, No. 4, pp. 898-907, August 2000,9,Petko,Macej, and,Tadeusz,Uhl, “Embedded Controller Design ,Mechatronic,Approach”,Proceedings of the,Second International Workshop on Robot Motion and Control,pp. 195-200, October,2001,10 Kim, Se Jin, Lee, Ho,Jae, Kim, Sang,Koon, Kwon, Young,Ahn, “ASIC Design for DTC Based Speed Control of an Induction Motor”,Proceedings on the 2001 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 2,pp. 956-961, 2001,11,Cirstea,Marcian,and,Dinu,Andrei, “A New Neural Networks Approach to Induction Motor Speed Control”,Proceedings of the 32,nd,Annual Power Electronic Specialists Conference,Vol,2, pp 784-787, 2001,12,Garbergs, B., and,Sohlberg, B., “Implementation of a State Space Controller in a FPGA”,Proceedings of the 9,th,Mediterranean,Electrotechnical,Conference, Vol. 1, pp566-569, 1998.,23,References,13,Garbergs, B., and,Sohlberg, B., “Specialized Hardware for State Space Control of a Dynamic Process”,Proceedings of the IEEE Region 10 International Conference on Computers, Communications, Control and Power Engineering (TENCON), Digital Signal Processing Applications , Vol. 2 , 895-899, 1996.,14,Cirstea,Marcian,Khor, Jean and McCormick, Malcolm, “FPGA Fuzzy Logic Controller for Variable Speed Generators”,Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Control Applications,pp 301-304, September 2001,15 Phillips, Charles L. and Nagle, H. Troy,Digital Control System Analysis and Design,Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1984,16,Astrom, K. and,Hagglund, T.,PID Controllers:Theory, Design and Tuning,2,nd,ed., Instrument Society of America, Research Triangle Park, NC, 1995,17 Huang, H.-P., Roan, M.-L.,Jeng, J.-C., “On line Adaptive Tuning for PID Controllers”, IEE Proceedings-Control Theory Applications, Vol.149, No. 1, pp. 60-67, January 2002.,18,Kaluri, K.;,Wen Fung Leong,;,Kah,-Howe Tan; Johnson, L.;,Soderstrand,M.,” FPGA hardware implementation of an RNS FIR digital filter”, Conference Record of the Thirty-Fifth,Asilomar,Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, 2001., Vol. 2 ,pp. 1340 1344, 2001,19,Mishra, A.; Hubbard, A.E. , A cochlear filter implemented with a field-programmable gate array ,IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Analog and Digital Signal Processing, Volume: 49 Issue: 1 , pp. 54 -60 Jan. 2002,20 Yamada, M.; Nishihara, A. , High-speed FIR digital filter with CSD coefficients implemented on FPGA ,Proceedings of the Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference, pp 7-8, 2001,24,


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