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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2019-1-28,#,38,Module 4,Great Scientists,.,单词语境记忆,1.,publish,a book,出版,一本书,2.make a,breakthrough,取得突破,3.in,quantity,在数量上,4.try to,escape,from the prison,试图从监狱逃跑,5.find a person to,replace,him,找到一个可以代替他的人,6.the,quality,of the products,产品质量,7.a,straight,line,直线,8.a,brilliant,scientist,才华横溢的科学家,9.political,career,政治生涯,10.,convert,waste into wealth,把废物转变为财富,.,词性转换与派生,记忆,1.support,v,t,.,支持,n,.,支持;支撑;供养,2.clear,v,i,.(,烟雾,),消散,adj,.,清楚的;晴朗的,3.figure,n,.,人物,v,t,.,计算;认为,4.leading,adj,.,主要的,lead,v,t,.,领导;引导,leader,n,.,领导;领袖,5.physical,adj,.,身体的;物理的,physically,ad,v,.,身体上;身体上地,6.brief,adj,.,简短的;简洁的,briefly,ad,v,.,简短地;简洁地,7.graduate,v,i,.,毕业,n,.,毕业生,graduation,n,.,毕业,8.personal,adj,.,个人的,personally,ad,v,.,就个人来说,personality,n,.,个性;人格,9.explode,v,i,.,爆炸,explosion,n,.,爆炸;爆炸声,10.producer,n,.,生产者,produce,v,t,.&,v,i,.,生产,production,n,.,产量;生产,product,n,.,产品,11.educate,v,t,.,教育,education,n,.,教育,educator,n,.,教育工作者,12.agriculture,n,.,农业,agricultural,adj,.,农业的,13.original,adj,.,原来的;最初的,origin,n,.,起源,originate,v,i,.,起源,14.export,v,t,.,出口,import,v,t,.,进口,15.breeding,n,.,培育,breed,v,.,繁殖,16.partly,ad,v,.,部分地;在一定程度上,part,adj,.,部分的,联想记忆,1,.,“,支持,拥护,”,家族,advocate,v,t,.,提倡,;拥护,back,v,t,.,支持,support,v,t,.,支持,帮助,stand by/for,支持,in favour of,支持,赞同,vote for,投票支持,2,.,“,数量,”,名词全接触,quantity,数量,amount,数量,number,数量,mass,大量,plenty,大量,3,.,单复数同形名词,species,n,.,物种,series,n,.,系列,means,n,.,方法,remains,n,.,剩余物,works,n,.,工厂;作品,4,.,由,“,进出口,”,联想到的名词,import,进口,export,出口,trade,贸易,customs,海关,tariff,关税,opening,-,up,policy,对外开放政策,短语背诵,1.bring up,培养,;养育;提出;呕吐,2.experiment with,对,进行实验,3.bring in,引进;收获;赚,(,钱,),4.as a result of,由于,的结果,5.in the area of,在,领域,6.be known for,因,而出名,/,闻名,7.earn ones living,谋生,e to/into power,掌权,9.by accident,偶然,意外地,词块积累,1.living things,生物,2.in the 1990s,在二十世纪九十年代,3.carry out experiments,做实验,4.make explosions,爆炸,5.be diagnosed with,被诊断患有,疾病,6.convert.into.,把,转化为,7.the/a key to (doing) sth (,做,),某事的关键,8.be at war with,与,交战,1.In Stephen Hawkings case,it was discovered that,he was a brilliant scientist.,就,史蒂芬,霍金的情况来说,人们发现他是一个卓越的科学家。,2.The tubes were attached to a long stick which helped,keep the rocket moving,in a straight direction.,这些,管子被绑在一根长木棍上,这根木棍能使火箭直线前进,。,3.Or was he carried miles into space,,,becoming the worlds first astronaut?,或者他被带到了太空中数英里的地方,成为了世界上第一个宇航员?,4.He thought there was only,one way to do this,by crossing different species of rice plant,,,and then he could produce a new plant which could give a higher yield than either of the original plants.,他认为,唯一的办法就是使不同种类的水稻杂交,这样才能培育出比原先任何一种水稻产量都要高的新品种。,.,单词拼写,1.About 60% of the flowers in this town were _ (,出口,) to other countries,,,increasing the income of the local people.,2.The book,,,_ (,出版,)in 1955,,,has been translated into more than 30 languages.,3.Surgeons have made a great _ (,突破,) in the kidney transplantation.,4.The majority of people in the town strongly _ (,支持,) the plan to build a playground for children.,exported,published,breakthrough,support,5.Most of the flood _ (,受害者,) had to leave all their things behind.,6.Some teenagers tend to quit when they get into a mess from which they cant _ (,逃脱,).,7.Our school is famous for its outstanding teaching _ (,质量,) and many students are admitted to key universities every year.,8.Large _ (,数量,) of gas are produced by cars every day,,,which is harmful to the environment.,9.The rain has stopped and the sky has _ (,放晴,); children are playing happily in the yard.,10.The shopkeeper said he would _ (,更换,) the TV set if we were not satisfied.,victims,escape,quality,quantities,cleared,replace,.,词性变化练习,1.We offer an excellent _ (educate) to our students.In return,,,we expect students to work hard.,2._ (personal) speaking,,,I dont approve of your marriage to her.,3.Yuan Longping,,,one of the _ (lead) figures in agriculture in the world,,,is still working hard in the fields.,4.I think your _ (origin) plan is better than this one.,education,Personally,leading,original,5.Though she explained the topic _,,,we still learned a lot from her _ words.(brief),6.Two bombs _ in the centre of our city and the _ caused seven deaths.(explode),7.After _,,,he is one of the _ who have _ this year and are looking for jobs.(graduate),8.This factory _ computers.Its _ is very optimistic about the _ and sale.(produce),briefly,brief,exploded,explosion,graduation,graduates,graduated,produces,producer,production,.,选词填空,1.Although _ in a big city,,,Henry is very interested in wildlife.,2.During recent years,,,the polar regions have changed a lot _ global warming.,3.Xian _ its historic buildings,,,so many visitors travel there every year.,bring in,,,bring up,,,be known for,,,come to power,,,be diagnosed with,,,as a result of,,,by accident,,,earn ones living,brought up,as a result of,is known for,4.Even if Mike _ by working in a coal mine,,,he never gave up his dream.,5.He _ in 2018 again.It was the fourth time that he had been elected President.,6.There is little physical contact in peoples daily communication in that country,,,and even touching someones arm _ is the reason for an apology.,7.After his wife _ breast cancer,,,he spent all of his time looking after her.,8.The thief was _ with his hands tied behind his back.,earned his living,came to power,by accident,was diagnosed with,brought in,.,完成句子,1,._,_,_,no,passengers were,injured in the accident.,据,报道,在这次事故中没有乘客受伤。,2.I am sorry for having,_for three,hours,.,很,抱歉让你等了三个小时。,3.It rained heavily in the south this summer,,,_.,今年夏天,南方雨下得很大,导致几个省份严重洪灾。,4.You have to know where youre going if you are to,plan_,_,_,there.,你,如果要计划到达那里的最好的方法,就得知道自己要去哪里。,It was reported that,kept you waiting,causing serious flooding in several provinces,the best way of getting/to get,核心要点突破,1,.,support,v,t,.&,n,.,支持;拥护;支撑;供养,(1)support sb in sth,在某方面支持某人,support a (one,s) family/oneself,养家糊口,/,自力更生,(2)with one,s support,在某人的支持下,in support of,支持;拥护,单句语法填空,/,句型转换,We support the police wholeheartedly _ their work against crime.,Some experts have spoken to support the ban of drunk driving.,Some experts have spoken,_ the,ban of drunk driving.,佳句背诵,Hes looking for a new job,,,one where he can get more money to,support his family,.,他正在寻找一份新工作,一份能赚到更多钱以养家糊口的工作。,in,in support of,2,.,quantity,n,.,数量;大量,a large/small quantity of,大,/,少量的,(large) quantities of,大量的,in quantity,in large amounts,大量地,单句语法填空,/,一句多译,Some of these wildernesses also perform functions that humans needthe rainforests,,,for example,,,store carbon _ vast quantities.,到目前为止,许多钱已经花费在抚养他的孩子上。,A large quantity of money,_,_,in,bringing up his children so far.,Large quantities of money,_ in,bringing up his children so far.,佳句背诵,Your work has improved in,quantity,and quality this term.,本学期你的工作在数量和质量上都有所提高。,名师指津,quantity,作主语时,其谓语动词与,quantity,的单复数保持一致。,in,has been spent,have been spent,3,.,escape,v,.,&,n,.,逃跑,逃脱;避开;,(,气体、液体等,),漏出;被遗忘,(1)escape (doing) sth,逃避,(,做,),某事,escape from,从,逃脱;逃避,escape one,s attention/notice,逃过某人的注意,sth escape(s) sb,某物被某人遗忘;未被注意,(2)fire escape,太平梯;安全梯;安全出口,a narrow escape,九死一生;死里逃生,单句语法填空,Only with the greatest luck did she manage to escape _ the rising flood waters.,He escaped _ (kill) in the explosion because he had not gone to work.,佳句背诵,I saw a familiar face in the crowd,,,whose name,escaped,me for the moment.,我在人群中看到了一张熟悉的面孔,可是我暂时想不起名字了。,from,being killed,4,.,earn ones living,谋生,make a living,earn one,s living,谋生,earn one,s own living,自食其力,earn money/a fortune,挣钱,/,大钱,earn sb praise/a reputation,为某人赢得赞扬,/,名誉,单句语法填空,The company has earned _ good reputation for reliability.,Mary often does some translation work _ (earn) extra money,,,which accounts for half of her income.,佳句背诵,Since his parents died early,,,he had to,earn his own living,when he was a teenager.,因双亲早亡,他十几岁的时候就不得不独自谋生。,a,to earn,5,.,come to/into power,掌权;上台;执政,in power,当权,take/seize power,夺取政权,beyond one,s power,不能胜任,within/in one,s power,有能力;力所能及,单句语法填空,/,一句多译,It is quite _ my power.Im determined to give it up.,当局政府执政两年了。,The present government,_ for,two years.,The present government,_ two,years ago.,佳句背诵,I will do everything,in/within my power,to help you.,我会尽我所能帮助你。,名师指津,come to power,与,be in power,都表示,“,掌权,”,,但前者表示动作,不能与时间段连用;后者表示状态,可以与时间段连用。,beyond,has been in power,came to power,6,.,keep,宾语宾语补足语,The tubes were attached to a long stick which helped,keep the rocket moving,in a straight direction.,(,教材原句,),这些管子被绑在一根长木棍上,这根木棍能使火箭直线前进。,句中的,keep the rocket moving,为,“,keep,宾语宾补,”,结构。其中,the rocket,是宾语,现在分词,moving,是宾补,宾语与宾补之间是主动关系。,“,keep,宾语宾语补足语,”,结构,意为,“,使,继续处于某种状态,”,,这里,keep,为使役动词。其用法有:,(1)keep,宾语形容词,/,副词,/,介词短语,(2)keep,宾语现在分词,(,分词与宾语构成主动关系,),(3)keep,宾语过去分词,(,分词与宾语构成被动关系,),It can prevent us from getting shortsighted and it can,keep us physically healthy,.,它能够使我们免于近视,而且能使我们身体健康。,The TV program,Readers,was so exciting that all the students kept their eyes _ (fix) on the screen.,Next,,,keep the conversation _ (go) by asking questions to show interest.,名师指津,常见的可接过去分词和现在分词作宾语补足语的动词有:,find,,,leave,,,feel,,,see,,,hear,,,have,,,get,等。,(,注意:,make,通常只以过去分词作宾语补足语,少见以现在分词作宾语补足语。,),fixed,going,考纲词汇专练,.,多义词专练,写出下列句中,clear,的含义,v,i,.(,烟雾,),消散;变清澈;,(,天,),变晴,v,t,.,使清澈;使清楚,消除,扫清;清嗓子,adj,.,清澈的;晴朗的;清晰的;畅通的;清楚的,明白的,1.Once you are,clear,about your reasons,,,tell your family or roommates about the change you want to make.,(2017,全国卷,),_,_,_,2.Explain your frustrations calmly and sensiblysee it as an opportunity to,clear,up any difficulties you may have with this person.,(2017,天津高考,),_,3.The streets are,clear,,,and many homes have been rebuilt.,(2016,北京高考,),_,4.She needed a,clear,head to carry out her instructions._,5.The professor,cleared,his throat before giving a speech._,清楚的,明白的,消除,扫清,畅通的,清晰的,清嗓子,.,微阅读,写出加黑词汇在语境中的意义,1.Each time the bowl of rice is pushed over the table edge,,,it falls to the groundand,,,in the process,,,it brings out important evidence about how,physical,objects interact (,相互作用,),:,bowls of rice do not float in,mid,-,air,,,but require support to remain stable.,(,2016,浙江高考,),_,2.At thirteen,,,I was,diagnosed,with a kind of attention disorder.,(,重庆高考,),_,3.During the,breeding,season,,,between April and June,,,they are very active at night and very noisy and people cant sleep._,物理的,诊断,繁殖,.,微完形,根据语境选出合适的词语,1.Mike,,,who was,_,by his uncle,,,graduated from a famous university.He earned his living by teaching.He held the belief that he could educate his students well.As a result of his hard work,,,his,_,began to take off.,A.brought up,B.brought,in,C.brought,out,D.brought,about,A.performance,B.reputation,C.career D.best,-,seller,A,C,2.It is clear to everyone that nothing can replace mothers love and care.His mother,,,who earned her living by selling newspapers,,,spent a large quantity of money on his education.He became an outstanding,_,in his field soon after his graduation.His first book was published last week.In,_,,,his mothers support contributed to his success.,A.doctor,B.professor,C.figure D.politician,A.total,B.brief,C.fact D.effect,C,B,


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