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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 1,Living with technology,Grammar and usage,Transitive verbs,and intransitive verbs,I will,finish,the job soon.,Peter,bought,him a dictionary.,He,found,himself a good place to live.,The accident,happened,yesterday.,finish, buy, find,transitive verbs (,vt,),intransitive,verbs(vi,),happen,常见的不及物动词及词组,come, go, die, appear, sit, rise, apologize, belong,arrive,break,out, happen, occur, take place,come about, run out, give out,不及物动词及词组没有被动语态,不及物动词后加上相应的介词时可加宾语,可以接双宾语的动词,make,sb,sth,buy,sb,sth,do,sb,sth,get,sb,sth,play,sb,sth,order,sb,sth,sing,sb,sth,pay,sb,sth,make,sth,for,sb,buy,sth,for,sb,do,sth,for,sb,get,sth,for,sb,play,sth,for,sb,order,sth,for,sb,sing,sth,for,sb,pay,sth,for,sb,可以接双宾语的动词,give,sb,sth,hand,sb,sth,show,sb,sth,tell,sb,sth,send,sb,sth,give,sth,to,sb,hand,sth,to,sb,show,sth,to,sb,tell,sth,to,sb,send,sth,to,sb,return, bring, write, read, throw, pass,promise, lend, refuse, leave,可以接宾补的动词,keep, make, find, leave (,adj,),call, name, make, think (n),see, watch, hear, have(none-finite),She apologized to me again.,The accident happened yesterday evening.,Please hand me the book over there.,They asked me to go fishing,with them.,Lead-in,英语中按动词后可否直接跟宾语,可把动词分成不及物动词与和及物动词。,及物动词,(,vt,.),:,及物动词后必须跟有动作的对象(即宾语),并且可直接跟宾语。,1.,“,主谓宾,”,结构。,如:,He reached Paris the day before yesterday.,The object can be a noun, a pronoun,an infinitive, a verb-,ing,or an object clause.,2.,“,主谓双宾,”,结构。,如,:,Please hand me the book over there.,T,he direct object is usually a noun,most clearly affected or acted upon by the action of a transitive verb.,The indirect object is,usually,a noun or a pronoun that refers to the recipient.,类似的还有:,参见考一本,3.,“,主谓宾宾补,”,结构。,如,:,They asked me to go fishing with them.,The complement,can be,a noun,an,adjective,an,adverb, a prepositional phrase,or,a,non-finite verb which refers back to the object.,类似的还有:,参见考一本,不及物动词(,vi.,),:不及物动词后不能,直接跟有动作的对象(即宾语)。若要,跟宾语,必须先在其后,加上某个介词。,如:,look (,看,),即不能直接加宾语,Look! She is singing.,Look carefully!,Look at me carefully!,不及物动词后面不跟宾语,只能用,“,主谓,”,结构。,如:,This is the room where I once lived.,类似的还有:,agree, go, work, listen, look, come, die, belong, fall, exist, rise, arrive, sit, fail, succeed.,More challenges,lie ahead of me,.,Intransitive verbs can usually be followed by an adverbial.,Bored with life in the city, he,moved to a remote village,accessible only by boat.,Intransitive verbs can be followed by a prepositional phrase.,既可以用作及物又可以用作不及物的动,词,其意义不变。,如,begin,都是作,“,开始,”,讲。,Everybody, our game begins.,Let us begin our game.,类似的还有:,start, answer, sing, close,consider, insist, read, learn, prepare, pay,hurt, improve.,既可以用作及物又可以用作不及物的动,词,其意义完全不同。,lift,作不及物动词时指烟雾的“消散”。,We saw the mountain when the,clouds,lifted,.,作及物动词时是“升高;举起”。,He,lifted,his glass and drank.,类似的还有:,beat,vi.,跳动,vt,.,敲、打,;,grow,vi.,生长,vt,.,种植,play,vi.,玩耍,vt,.,打(牌、球),演奏,smell,vi.,发出(气味),vt,.,嗅,ring,vi.,(电话、铃)响,vt,.,打电话,speak,vi.,讲话,vt,.,说(语言),hang,vi.,悬挂,vt,.,绞死,operate,vi.,动手术,vt,.,操作,需要注意的一点是:,少数不及物动词唯一可跟的宾语是同源宾语。,如:,I dreamed a dream last night.,我昨晚做了个梦。,deal a problem,deal with a problem,处理问题,depend sb.,depend on sb.,依靠(依赖)某人,insist doing,sth,.,insist on doing,sth,.,坚持要做某事,判断正误:,误:,deal a problem,正:,deal with a problem,处理问题,误:,depend sb.,正:,depend on sb.,依靠(依赖)某人,误:,insist doing,sth,.,正:,insist on doing,sth,.,坚持要做某事,knock the door,knock on at the door,敲门,operate sb.,operate on sb.,为某人做手术,participate,sth,.,participate in,sth,.,参加某事,refer,sth,.,refer to,sth,.,查阅(参考,),某物,判断正误:,误:,knock the door,正:,knock on at the door,敲门,误:,operate sb.,正:,operate on sb.,为某人做手术,误:,participate,sth,.,正:,participate in,sth,.,参加某事,误:,refer,sth,.,正:,refer to,sth,.,查阅(参考,),某物,rely sb. /,sth,.,rely on sb. /,sth,.,依靠(依赖)某人某物,reply a letter,reply to a letter,回信,判断正误:,误:,rely sb. /,sth,.,正:,rely on sb. /,sth,.,依靠(依赖)某人,某物,误:,reply a letter,正:,reply to a letter,回信,注:在某些其他用法中,以上有的动词也可能及物,如,insist,,,reply,等动词后可接宾语从句,,operate,表示“操作”、“管理”等时则及物。,A Read the following passage and decide whether the underlined verbs are transitive or intransitive. Write,vt,if it is a transitive verb or,vi,if it is an intransitive verb.,1,.checked (,vt,.,),2,.bought (,vt,.,),3,.sitting (,vi.,),4,.see (,vt,.,),5,.talked (,vi.,),6,.turned (,vi.,),7,.hurts (,vi.,),8,.suffering (,vt,.,),9,.thought (,vt,.,),10,.,smiled,(,vi.,),B Choose the correct words or phrases to complete the sentences below.,answer/answer for,a Hearing the bell, Jane got up from her chair and went to _the door.,b If you continue to behave like this, youll have to _ your,behaviour,.,answer,answer for,2 benefit/benefit from,a The project has _the country in many aspects.,b It is expected that both countries will _ this,aggreement,.,benefited,benefit from,3 decide/ decide against,a Have you _ what to do after graduation?,b To our surprise, they _ the plan yesterday without any explanation.,decided,decided against,4 pay/pay for,a He thanked the repairman and _ him twenty dollars.,b To_ the ticket for the concert, my sister decided to take a part-time job.,paid,pay for,5 adjust/adjust from,a Im afraid we have to _the development of computer technology.,b The monitor needs to be _ so that everyone can,reas,what is on the screen.,adjust to,adjusted,1. If you want to sell your product you must _ it.,A. advertise B. advertise for,C. advertise on D. advertise to,正确答案为,A,【,陷阱,】,容易误选,B,,,用作及物动词时,其意为“为,做广告”、“登广告宣传”;,用作不及物动词时,通常后接介词,for,,表示“做广告征求”,实例分析,比较:,advertise for,sth,. (sb.),登广告征求或寻找某物或某人,(,此时,advertise,不及物,),advertise,sth,.,为,登广告,登广告宣传,(,此时,advertise,是及物动词,其后要直接跟被宣传的东西作宾语,),e.g. People,advertise,things that,they wish to sell.,人们为要卖的东西登广告。,The manager wants to,advertise for,a,new secretary.,经理想登广告招聘一位新秘书。,再比较以下用例:,advertise jobs,登广告招人,advertise for jobs,登广告求职,2. No matter how much youve learned,and how high a standard of education,you have had, you must _ the,people heart and soul.,A. serve B. serve for,C. serve to D. serve on,【,陷阱,】,容易误选,B,,即字对字地翻译,汉语的“全心全意为人民服务”,将其中,的“为”译为,for,。,【,分析,】,答案选,A,,,serve,意为“为,服务”,可直接用作及物动词,其后不能按汉语意思误加介词,for,。,请看以下类似例子:,(1) I _ you yesterday, but you werent in.,rang B. rang to,C. rang with D. rang to,答案选,A,,,ring,可以用作及物动词,表,示“给,打电话”,故其后不用介词。,(2) Neither of her parents wanted her to _ her cousin.,A. marry B. marry to,C. marry with D. marry for,答案选,A,,,marry,可用作及物或不及物,动词,用作及物动词时它的意思“与,结婚”,后接宾语,无需用介词,to, with,等。,marry,sb,get/be married to,sb,(3) How can I _ you, Mr. Green?,A. contact B. contact with,C. contact to D. contact for,答案选,A,,,contact,为及物动词,表示,“与,联系”,其后不接介词。,1. checked (,vt,.) 2. bought (,vt,.),3. sitting (,vi,.) 4. see (,vt,.),5. talked (,vi,.) 6. turned (,vi,.),7. hurts (,vi,.) 8. suffering (,vt,.),9. thought (,vt,.) 10. smiled (,vi,.),Keys for Part A,1. a answer b answer for,2. a benefited b benefit from,3. a decided b decided against,4. a paid b pay for,5. a adjust to b adjusted,Keys for Part B,真题点击,1. The pupil _ his right hand, obviously hoping to _ to answer the teachers question.,A. rose rise B. raised rise,C. rose raise D. raised raise,解析:,raise,是,及物动词,,意思是“举起,提高”,还可以表示“喂养家畜、家禽、照料农作物的生长、养家”等,raise the family,rise,是,不及物动词,,意为“上升、提高、升起” 还可以表示“起立、起床等”。,2. His words on my improper behavior are strongly _ at my memory.,A. impressed,B. established,C. fixed,D. stricken,解析:,be impressed by/at/with,表示“对,印象深刻”的意思。,3. The visiting minister expressed his,satisfaction with the talks, _ that,he had enjoyed his stay here. A. having added B. to add C. adding D. added,解析:,此处所填的词与其后的宾语从句构成状语,表示伴随情景,。,add,是及物动词(有自己的宾语从句), 此处,adding,表示主动意义, 所表示,的动作与谓语动作同时发生。,4. ,Ow,! Ive burnt myself!,How did you do that?,I _ a hot pot.,A. touched B. kept,C. felt D. held,解析:,根据对话的情景可知,“,Ive burnt,myself!,(我伤到了自己)”的原因是,“我碰到了热锅。”,touch,表示“触;,摸;碰”,为及物动词,后接名词或,代词作宾语,故选,A,;,注意,feel,表示“触;摸”,为不及物动词,后面不接宾语,故,C,不对。,Do parts C1 and C2 on Page 100 of the,Workbook,.,Homework,


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