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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,35,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,How to write a title,I.,The requirement,softhe title,Clarity,Brevity,Accuracy,II.The Syntacticstructure of the title,The structure of the title,Importance of syntax,The cases of words,Prepositions,Series tiles,I. The requirementsofthe title,Accuracy,1.Key words,a.Nouns with the meanings of verbs is often used,to express means,ways and processes of the research,.,For example:,Simulation,of Monoclonal Antibody Pharmacokinetics in HumansUsing a Minimal Physiologically Based Model (通过人体内最小的生理模型对单克隆抗体药代动力学的仿真).AAPS JOURNAL,2014,卷: 16 期: 5 页: 1097-1109,Incorporating target-mediated drug disposition in a minimal physiologically-based pharmacokinetic model for monoclonal antibodies .JOURNAL OF PHARMACOKINETICS AND PHARMACODYNAMICS ,2014,卷: 41 期: 4 页: 375-387,Optimizing,nanomedicine pharmacokinetics using physiologically based pharmacokinetics modelling (用生理药代动力学模型实现的纳米医学的优化).BRITISH JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY ,2014,卷: 171 期: 17 特刊: SI 页: 3963-3979,b,.Nouns without the meanings of verbs is often used to express the target,object and result of the research,.,For example:,Population pharmacokinetics,of hydroxyurea for children and adolescents with sickle cell disease(镰状细胞病儿童和青少年羟基脲的群体药代动力学).JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY ,2014,卷: 54 期: 9 页: 1016-1022,The,effects,of the psychiatric drug carbamazepine on freshwater invertebrate communities (精神类药物卡马西平对淡水无脊椎动物群体的影响). The Science of the total environment, 2014,卷: 496 页: 461-70,2.题名含义,尽量避免使用非定量的、含义不明确的词,rapid,、,new,、,many,.,力求用词具有专指性,StaphylococcusS-Staphylococcus,Brevity,1.Length,The number of words in the title is usually between 10 and 15.,For example:,Dissolution study of active pharmaceutical ingredients using molecular dynamics simulations with classical force fields. JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH ,2014, 卷: 405 页: 122-130,15,Multi-targeted interference-free determination of ten beta-blockers in human urine and plasma samples by alternating trilinear decomposition algorithm-assisted liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry in full scan mode: Comparison with multiple reaction monitoring.,2.waste words,题目中经常删去不必要的冠词,a,an,the,For example:,Investigation on,barriers to pharmaceutical care in community pharmacies: a structural equation model. International journal of clinical pharmacy,2014,卷: 36 期: 5 页: 1087-94,Mechanism of,2-hydropropyl-beta-cyclodextrin in the stabilization of frozen formulations.EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES ,2014,卷: 62 页: 281-292,Development of,Report of,Treatment of,Research on.,3.,The main and auxiliary of title,在内容层次多,难以简单化的情况下,一般采用主、副题名相结合的方法。副标题名起 补充、阐明的作用效果。,For example:,Alzheimers disease,enzyme targets and drug,discovery struggles:,From natural products to drug prototypes,.,AGEING RESEARCH REVIEWS.2014;15:116-145.,Clarity,Title of the article should clearly reflect the specific content and features,.,(1)Key words express the core content as much as possible at the beginning of Title.,(2)The title should be used with caution abbreviations and jargon.,1,.,Key words position,Key words express the core content as much as possible at the beginning of title.Then, readers can accurately understand the content of the article expression . The title is not ambiguous , the reader will not misunderstand the central idea of the article .This will greatly increase the impact of the article.,For example:,Safety,of red ginseng oil for single oral administration in SpragueDawley rats. Journal of Ginseng Research, 2014, 38 (1), 78-81.,2.Abbreviations and jargon,Titles should,almost never,contain abbreviations , chemical formulas, proprietary names, jargon, and unusual or outdated terminology.,Only when it is approved by the public can we use the abbreviations.,For example:,Acetic acid,treatment of pseudomonal wound infections A review. Journal of Infection and Public Health, 2013, 6 (6) : 410-415.,Quantitative Analysis of Multi-components and Volatile Contituents in Watermelon Frost Powder by,HPLC,and,GC,.,Chinese Herbal Medicines, 2014, 6 (3) : 211-216.,However by far the best rule for authors (and editors) is to avoid abbreviations in titles, and the same rule should apply proprietary names, jargon, and unusual or outdated terminology.,II.The Syntacticstructure of the title,1,.The structure of the title,(1)Title is,not a sentence,. It is simper than a sentence,but the order of the words becomes even more important.,(2),Interrogative title,can be uesd,Sometimes.,The title of a paper is a label .The structure of title has its own specifications,.,a .Title is not a sentence,标题一般,并不是一个完整的句子,而是由名词或名词性的短语通过,on,of,for,in,等介词衔接构成的。,For example:,(1)Phytochemical,and,pharmacological studies,on,Radix Angelica sinensis. Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines, 2013,11(6): 577-587.,(2)Biodiversity,and,Antimicrobial Activity,of,Endophytic Fungi,in,Angelica sinensis. Chinese Herbal Medicines, 2013,5(4): 264-271.,b.Interrogative title,Interrogative title,can be uesd Sometimes. In a critical paper , the exploratory nature of interrogative title seemed more vivid. It is easy to cause the readers interest,.,For example:,Ginseng Ruling: How It Will Affect the Wild Ginseng Industry. HerbalGram, 2006, 70: 23-25.,2.Importance of Syntax,In titles,be especially careful of syntax. Most of the grammatical errors in titles are due to faulty word order.,由于题名比句子简短,并且无需主、谓、宾,因此词序就也变得尤为重要。特别是如果词语间的修饰关系使用不当,就会影响读者正确理解题名的真实含意。,For example:,(1)Cars blamed for pollution by scientist.(科学家造成的污染归罪于汽车),正确的写法应为:Cars blamed by scientist for pollution(科学家将污染归罪于汽车)。,(2) Nursing of tran-sphenoid removal of pituitary adenomas,显得不合逻辑,应该接受护理的是病人,而不是手术,,因此应改为:Nursing for patients after tran-sphenoid removal of pituitary adenomas,As agrammatical aside,please be careful when you see using The word “using”might well be the most common,dangling participle,in scientific writing,.,For example:,(,1)Isolation of antigens from monkeys using complementfixation techniques.,可使人误解为“ 猴子使用了补体结合技术”。,应改为:Using complement-fixation techniques in isolation of antigens from monkeys.,即“ 用补体结合技术从猴体分离抗体”。,(2)Using a fiberoptic bronchoscope,dogs were immunized with sheep red blood cells,,显然,dogs 不能using a fiberoptic bronchoscope,题名最好由最能反映论文核心内容的主题词来扩展,要注意采用正确的单词顺序(如形容词应与其所修饰的名词紧密相邻),For example:,(1),Recent Applications,of Magnesium Chemical Sensors in Biological Samples.( Analytical Chemistry,2014,45(1):32-40),(2),Effects of losartan,on renal and cardiovascular outcomes in patients with type 2 diabetes and nephropathy (N Engl J Med,2001,345(12):861-869),(3),Mepolizumab Treatment,in Patients with Severe Eosinophilic Asthma(N Engl J Med 2014; 371:1198-1207),3.prepositions,for,of,with,by,as,in,of,:,表示所属、所有、同为等关系,E.g.:,Effect,of,oxidative stress on expression and function,of,human and rat organic anion(阴离子) transporting polypeptides(多肽) in the liver.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS, 2013, 458(2):262-271,for,:,表示目的、(方法的)用途等,E.g.:,Successful Use of Octreotide(奥曲肽) as a Chemoprotectant,for,Prevention of PEG-Asparaginase-Induced Pancreatitis.PHARMACOTHERAPY, 2014, 34(8):E149-E151,by,和,with,在标题中常用来表示研究方法和工具等,.,E.g.:,Optimization of particle size and encapsulation efficiency of vancomycin(万古霉素) nanoparticles,by,response surface methodology.PHARMACEUTICAL DEVELOPMENT AND TECHNOLOGY,2014, 19(8):987-998,in,:,除了常规用法外,在生物学领域多用于表示研究对象,E.g.:,Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Gliclazide (甲磺咯脲)from Immediate and Modified Release Formulation Tablets,in,Rats.IRANIAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL RESEARCH,2014, 13(1):29-37,as,:,表示与中心词的同位关系或补充说明关系,E.g.:,Structure Optimization of Neuraminidase(唾液酸苷酶) Inhibitors,as,Potential Anti-Influenza (H1N1Inhibitors) Agents Using QSAR and Molecular Docking Studies.IRANIAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL RESEARCH,2014, 13(1):49-65,4.The cases of words,题名中字母主要有全大写、首字母大写、每个实词首字母大写三种形式.,For example:,S,creening drug target protein based on sequence,information.JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL,INFORMATION.2014;49:269-274,T,he,C,ore,D,rugs,A,nalysis,B,ased on,S,ocial,N,etwork,A,nalysis about,T,raditional,C,hinese,M,edicine,R,ecords,S,emantic,R,elation.PROCEDIA COMPUTER SCIENCE.2014;31:328-335.,5.Series titles,是指主题名相同,但文章序号和副标题不同的系列论文的题名。现由于其主题名重复,不够简明,可能有失连贯性,影响读者的阅读,故现在的科技文论文中一般不采用系列题名。,Thank You!,


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