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Body Text,First Level,Second Level,Third Level,Fourth Level,China,Media,Landscape,Everassion Consulting (Sichuan) Co. Ltd.,UTS Advertising (Chengdu) Co. Ltd.,2002-04-08,Welcome!,Legend (Chengdu),Source: Statistical yearbook 2001; World Bank,Facts at a glance,3,rd largest country (9.6MM sq km),1/5 worlds population (1.3B),1,000+ dialects,32Provinces/municipalities, autonomous regions,Urban population: 32.4%,Inflation rate: 2.4% (CPI),GDP growth rate: 7% for 2001,Urban Disposable income,Per capita,Over 8,000,7-8,000,6-7,000,5-6,000,4-5,000,Neimenggu,Qinghai,Xizang,Xinjiang,Ningxia,Liaoning,Jilin,Heilongjiang,Gansu,Beijing,Tianjin,Shanghai,Sichuan,Yunnan,Hainan,Taiwan,Hebei,Shanxi,Shaanxi,Henan,Hubei,Hunan,Guangdong,Guangxi,Guizhou,Jiangsu,Anhui,Zhejiang,Jiangxi,Fujian,Shandong,Average National Disposable Income Per Capita: 5,403 RMB,Source: China Statistical Yearbook 1999,Chongqing,Population,By age and sex,Source: China Statistical Yearbook 2000,China Population Statistics Yearbook 2000,Unit: 000 person,91,102,103,102,104,111,102,=,Index M/F,1.,China media development,2.,Current research environment,3.,Major media forms,Agenda,2.,China Media,Development,China media development,Everything began at 1979 when Deng Xiao Ping announced the economic reform .,Before 1979,There were only 10 advertising agencies in China,Basically there was no advertising on newspaper, radio, or TV,In 1979,The first TVC, Shen Gui Wine, was aired by Shanghai TV on January 28,On March 15, the first JV TVC, Rada Watch, was aired,Peoples Daily began to accept advertising on April 17,In November, the Central Propaganda Department has announced the new regulations for foreign advertisement,And the rest is history.,The media scene today.,Medium,National,Provincial,City/Rural,Cable,Total,Television 133800+2,000+2,900+,Radio 231912+1,363+,Newspapers20+31+1,900+2,000+,Magazines,Cinemas,Source: Zenith Media,7,000+,146,000+,% %,MediumAll Adults Aged 15 - 29,TV (yesterdays viewing) 8986,TV (P7days) 9695,Radio (yesterdays listenership) 4144,Radio (P7days) 4145,Newspapers (daily) 6765,Magazines (monthly) 5367,Cinema (at least once a month) 714,Universe 000s37,875 14,492,Reach of mass media,Source: CMMS00 (20cities),3.,Research,Environment,Media research today,3,kinds of media research are available in China :,TV ratings,Advertising monitoring,Readership /consumer media habits,TV ratings,Understand the viewership in different markets,Provide a rational base for media planning,Better media selection (channel, program, and timeslot) and more cost- efficient media investment,CSM: Covers 66 diary cities, 9 provincesPeoplemeters in BJ , GZ and SH,AC Nielsen :Covers 88 channels in 10 peoplemetercities: BJ, SH, GZ, CD, WH, HZ, SY, NJ, TJ, FZ,Advertising monitoring,Monitor advertising in TV channels and Press,Keep track of a company advertising delivery as well as competitive activities,X&L:Provide ad monitoring for 336 TV channels, 269 newspapers, 92 magazines,AC Nielsen:Cover 220 TV channels, 169 newspapers, 47 magazines,CVSC:Cover 339 TV channels and 150 newspapers,Consumer research,Three single source research tools exist in China, each providing,Readership data for different newspapers and magazines,Understanding of the pro selected print media and media habits on a specific target,A base for other media selection (e.g. radio),An understanding on product usage/lifestyle of Chinese consumers,China Media & Marketing Survey,China National Readership Survey,AC Nielsen Media Index (Millenium Report),China Media & Market Survey,Research House:Sino-Monitor / BMRB,Fieldwork Period:CMMS 99 (Dec98,Jun99),CMMS 2000 ( Feb -Jun 00),Coverage Area:20 cities,Survey Media:TV, Radio, Newspaper, Magazine,Sample:50,000 for CMMS 99 and CMMS 2000 each,China National Readership Survey,Research House:CVSC,Fieldwork Period: Oct98;,continuous from July99,Coverage Area: 60 cities(98);,30 cities (1999-2000),Survey Media: TV, Radio, Newspaper, Magazines,Sample:47,800 (98);,71,500(1999-2000),AC Nielsen Millenium Report,Research House:AC Nielsen,Fieldwork Period:May-Dec99,Coverage Area:30 cities,Survey Media:TV, Radio, Newspaper,Magazine,Sample:44,000,4.,Overview,of Major,Media forms,Advertising Expenditure 1987-2002,Source: China Advertising Association;,Zenith Media,Million US$,Estimated figures for 2000 - 2002,Television,TV Advertising Expenditure 1987-2002,Source: China Advertising Association;,Zenith Media,Million US$,National vs Local Stations,National (CCTV)Local,CoverageNationalSpecific region,Program TypeInformation-oriented :More entertainment e.g. news, educational,oriented : e.g. drama.documentary, etc.Flexible, negotiable, Conservative, strict,welcomed foreignmainly local produced or local program exchange,LanguageMandarinMainly Mandarin, but dialects may be used,Advertising environment,Most commercial breaks are outside program,For drama and long programs (e.g. sports game, variety show) inside program breaks are more likely,Other inside program opportunity : Program and Syndication (P&S),No strict governmental regulation on total commercials. For most stations 25-30 minutes in primetime ; time slots lengthened for good dramas,An average break has 5-8 minutes. However, it can be as long as 15 minutes in some imported drama,Since most GD cable stations transmit the 4 HK channels, their commercial break pattern would follow HK : 3-5 minutes break for every other 15 minutes,Advertising environment .,There may be missing spots (has been dropped from 8% in 96 to less than 0.6% in 99),The length of the TVC may be shorter due to :,The stations accept too many advertisers for a break : sometimes intentional, sometimes not,Poor quality control,There is no such thing as category protection. Advertising is highly concentrated in the prime time,Program sponsors and international agencies (like ourselves) normally get better ad position (first 3/last 3),There is rate card inflation every year; more frequently for some stations,CCTV,Established on May 1958,There are 12 channels,Local stations have to broadcast Channel 2 and 3, normally through microwave,It is the “voice of the government”. Therefore, all the programs / commercials are strictly censored,Although CCTV does not have any legal authority on local stations, they respect it as the head,Not only the ad department accepts bookings but also :,Some program departments, e.g. the sports division (CCTV-5),Some brokers which buy out all the airtime of a specific time-slot,Satellite TV in China,Foreign,Star TV was banned in 1993 after the station was sold to Murdoch,Pheonix TV was launched in March 1996 as a JV channel,Limited distribution is allowed for entertainment (e.g. MTV), sports (e.g. ESPN), and selective business channel (e.g. CNBC),Local,31 Provincial TVs are broadcast via satellite,However, though the signal is there, distribution is still a key issue,The existing distribution methods :,Provide decoder for local distributors,Pay a supplement for local distributors,Barter deal with other Satellite Provincial TVs,Cable TV in China,There are over 2,000 cable operators at different levels : provincial, city, and county, spreading from the coastal provinces to the inland,Government began to control the numbers of stations 1999,Moreover, the transformation of the MRFT also introduced a balancing force to limit the power of GARFT to develop cable networks in China,Top television advertisers,By category,Spending (US $ 000),Category,Jan 99 - Dec 99,Tonic340,291,Shampoo200,642,Chinese Wine & Spirits 184,883,Skin Care Product 168,914,Laundry Product119,979,Soft Drink 111,459,Toothpaste 101,714,CD Video 96,141,Air Conditioner 92,574,Beer 78,736,Source : X&L Monitoring Services,TV viewership,Weekdays,Source: CMMS 00(20 cities),Newspapers,Newspapers,2,000+,titles though Local papers still dominant,Editorial content improving,Many local newspapers have diversified their editorial to cater to readers needs (e.g. social commentary, health, finance),Launch of weekend edition focusing on leisure & lifestyle with improved color reproduction,Pushing weekend circulation,New launches focused on special interests,e.g. Live Weekly, Shopping Guide,All titles are un-audited and their claimed circulations are grossly inflated,Top newspaper advertisers,By category,Spending (US $ 000),Category,Jan 99 - Dec 99,Villa 153,310,Computers81,677,Mobile Phone55,053,Tonic44,818,Department Store39,150,Telecommunication Co.34,114,Air Conditioner32,534,Mansion26,802,Computer-peripherals25,243,Computers dealer-retailer-manufacture 24,078,Source : X&L Monitoring Services,Newspapers,Leading titles,Source: CMMS 00 (20 cities),Magazines,Magazines,6,000+,titles, primarily skewed toward key urban areas,Trend toward increased joint venture partnerships with overseas publishing houses entering China market,American Baby, Elle, Womens Day, Cosmopolitan, Look, etc,Target to a niche group with limited circulation,Hampered by limited quality of research, lack of circulation audit,Top 10 national magazines,TitleCirculation 000s(claimed),Readers3,850,Bosom Friend 3,200,Family 3,000,The Family Doctor1,900,Securities1,000,Love 900,Shanghai Style 900,Travelling Scope 833,Modern Family 500,World Vision 460,Source: Media Owner,Radio,Radio,1,363+,stations across China,Broadcasting catered to the masses though already expanding into niche casting in key cities,Financial, music,traffic, kids, etc.,Contemporary broadcasting format, youth appealing,Flexible opportunities for program sponsorship,News and music programs still attract the highest listenership,Major international syndicator entries to China,e.g. Joy FM, Easy FM, etc,Ratings data not available; still buying on spots,National radio stations,Radio listenership,Weekdays,Source: CMMS 00(20 cities),Yesterday coverage (%),Outdoor,Outdoor,Development in Public Transportation network by imported media firms as MPI, Top Result, Metro, etc.,Among the most cluttered markets in the world,Anything goes anywhere (e.g. roof top, construction sites, street furniture, etc),Increased government regulations in place to control the clutter,Increasing used by international/JV advertisers (e.g. Shanghai GM, Nokia, Coke, Pepsi, etc),Good locations are always high in demand and premiums of between 20-50% are often levied on sites,Available forms of outdoor,Roof top billboards,Neons,Buses / bus shelters,Street level light boxes,Wall sign,Banner / balloons,Metro posters,Telephone booths,Taxis,Top ten outdoor advertisers,1.,China Telecom,2. BAT,3. Coca Cola,4. China Mobile,5. Motorola,6. Nokia,7. Pepsi Cola,8. Unicom,9. SH Volkswagen,10. Philip Morris,Source: PosterLink, No adex available,Risks and challenges of outdoor,No fixed,rate card,Regulations,vary by city,Lack of,After-Sale Service,Concept,(Maintenance,Monitoring,etc),No,research,data,available,No industry,association,Unprofessional,brokers,Average cost of outdoor,Billboard,US$ 26.5 - US$ 42 per sq metre/per month,Bus,US$1,000 per bus/per month,Cinema,Cinema,Estimated 100,000+ cinemas across China,4,000 well - equipped (mini-theatre),Dominated by local film, about 150 - 200 per year,Allowed to import 30-45 International movies per year (Average 10 - 15 days per international movie),Average 6 shows per day,Lack of research, quality control,Attendance in decline due to the rising popularity of other forms of entertainment (e.g. VCDs),Opportunity for advertising,Commercial transmitted before movies start (approx. 5 mins, max 2.5 mins for a advertiser),Standardized position (learning from “Titanic”),Allow area buy,Advertising cost varies in each area and subject to demand/supply,Booking lead-time : at least one month before,(Longer lead time needed for more popular foreign titles),Movie,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,National,Regional,Position,Internet,Internet Supplier by End of 2000,Total number of,:,China URL ()15,153,Service provider350+,Content provider250+,Search engines50+,Increasing band wide and content,Band Wide to US,No. Of China URL,Source: CNNIC Report,Internet user doubled every 6 months,Source: CNNIC Report,000,Source: BDA - The Internet in China,But is just the beginning to take off,M,Pageview increased quickly,Source: Sina/Netease/Sohu,Daily Pageview,Source: TheS,Feb 14, 2000,Internet Regulation in China - Still Unclear,In December 1999, control of the Internet was moved from the Ministry of Information Industry to relevant government departments”.,Banned the discussion of state secrets over the Internet.,Rules for e-commerce, online auctions and advertising are,rumored,to be in the works.,After Jan. 31, China would restrict the use, sale and manufacture of products that use overseas encryption technology.,But according to Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhu Bangzao, the law will not hamper . foreign companies entering China.,The statistics of internet users - by age,Source: CNNIC Report,The statistics of internet users - by region,Source: CNNIC Report 00,Surfer are more concentrated in BJ, SH and GD (total 45%) which are developed area,The statistic of internet users-by income,64%,people have 1,000+ PMI,Source: CNNIC Report,The statistics of internet users -by sex,Source: CNNIC Report,More female than before, but still male skewed,The statistics of internet users -Where people surf,Source: CNNIC Report 00,37%,is surf-at-work, Internet is one of the few media can reach people during work.,84%,internet users have college degree or above in China,The statistics of internet users -by education,Source: CNNIC Report,1. 四通利方信息技术有限公司的“新浪网”,2.,网易公司的“网易”,(、)3.,搜狐爱特信(北京)信息技术有限公司的“搜狐”,(、)4.,广州飞华电信工程有限公司的“163电子邮局”,5.,北京京讯公众信息技术有限公司的“首都在线”,()6.,联想电脑有限公司的“,FM365” 7.,世纪龙信息网络有限责任公司的“21,CN” 8. YAHOO! INC. 9.,上海在线信息网络集成有限公司的“上海热线”,10.,天极信息发展有限公司的“,CPCW,网站”,2000,top ten popular websites,Source: CNNIC Report,Advertising Cost,CPM (RMB),Banner120-180,E-mail/Newsletter100,Icon100-150,SponsorshipDepend on traffic,Interstitial/Pop up 180+,Text40-100,Comparing with TV and Newspaper,TV (Beijing)36,NP (Banner)145,Advertising monitoring,Third party monitoring,Sina: Use Ad Force to provide monitoring report,Monitoring Software on website server,Sohu and Netease utilize Netgravity to create monitoring report,Self developed software,Yahoo,Tianfu Online,Summary,China is definitely one of the most potential markets on earth with its huge population.,Ad spend grows 19 times over the past 10 years and a high growth rate is forecasted to be continued.,For TV, the market becomes more and more matured with the education from foreign advertising and media agencies.,For other media, it still takes time to be regulated especially for newspapers.,Though regulation on the internet is still uncertain, the growth of suppliers as well as the market size would be very significant in the next 5 years.,Thanks!,Legend (Chengdu) Co., Ltd.,


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