6 sigmaTotal cycle time reduction(ppt 41)英文版

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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,Motorola University & MASET, LLC.,Total cycle time reduction,A business achieve total customer satissfaction when its workforce,Is trained and empowered to concurrently apply total cycle time reduction tools and qulity improvement tools within cross-functional teams,Embraces a continuous improvement process which supports measurements and rewards consistent with change objectives that adjust to customer needs,Total cycle time,Total ycle time is the actual time that passes from the time a customer expresses a need until the customers need is satisfied.,Customer,r,equest,Product/service,For,c,ustomer,Total cycle time reduction,-,a,competitive tool,Responsiveness to market and customer needs,Reduced cost,Improved profits,Improved total customer satisfaction,Increases asset utilization,Business evolves over time,At first a good process is established,Buesiness needs gradually change the process.,The changes are not always for the bettter.,Everyone ties to do their best but the process evolves to the current state.,Probably few people have looked at the complete process from start to finish.,If we are to improve,we must completely understand,what we do,a,nd,h,ow we do it,t,hen we will discover,how to do it better.,As Is,The present level of performance at which a business process or function is operating,Should Be,A level of performance that a business can achieve using current resources,Could Be,A level of performance that cant be achieved through the strategic addition of new resources,Issues,Problems,disconnects,and/or opportunities for improvement (missing,unnecessary,or poorly performing steps).,Total cycle time terms,Greast performance improvementachieved with present resources,Could be,Should be,As is,time,9-12,months,With addition resources,With present resource,Business performance,Flow chart,Sequential flow of a simple process,Relationship map,Diagrams how the pieces of a system interrelate within an organization,Cross-functional process map,Diagrams the specific steps taken to accomplish a task,organized by which function is responsible for the step,Includes time required to perform each step,Mapping is used to diagnose cycle time problems,Process flow chart,Walk in,Door,Wait in,Line,Fill Out,Form,Give Form,to,Counter,Receive,Form,Give Form,to,Garage,Wait until,Ready,Drive Car,into,Garage,Start,Drive Car,On Lift,Raise,Lift,Have,Containers,?,Select,Container,Drain,Oil,Lower,Lift,Call,Warehouse,Deliver,Containers,Yes,No,Have,Correct,Oil,?,Put in Oil,Give Form,to Counter,Drive Car,to Parking,Lot,Call,Warehouse,Deliver,Oil,Yes,Collect,Money,Correct,Change,?,Yes,Pick up,Car,Drive,Away,Exit,Make Change,No,Relationship mapping for any business,Product,Designs/,Services,Finance,Mkt/,Sales,New Product,/Service,Suppliers,Mfg./Order,Fulfillment,Distribution,Market,Place,Personnel,Capital,Revenues,Budgets,Promotions,Leads,Product/Service Ideas,Orders,Raw Materials/,Resources,Human Resources,Product,Technology,Assumptions:basic research complete.model & accessories decided. Approximate $ to spend.car available at dealer.,Drive and arrive,at dealer,customer,salesperson,Sales manager,Business manager,Cycle time,Research on new car,Browse,Cars,Dicuss car options,Dicuss price,2,H 48H,1,H 3H,Sales person approaches customer,Pull information on car,As is map purchasing a car,是,Go to manager for a proval,Make an offer,20,M 2H,Discuss offer,Discuss counter offer,Reach agreement,Review offer,Present counter offer,vanish,B,A,no,Accept?,yes,As is map purchasing a car,(cont.),customer,salesperson,Sales manager,Business manager,Cycle time,A,Take customer to business manager,yes,no,15,M 1H,Accept?,B,Offer accepted,Go to bussiness manageer,Goback to sales,Check out new car,Drive off lot,5,M 30M,Meet customer,Fill out forms,Fill out forms,Go back to sales,Total cycle time,= 3H,40,M,- 54,H,30,M,As is map purchasing a car,(cont. ),customer,salesperson,Sales manager,Business manager,Cycle time,Get name of dealer.sales person & price from internet,20,M 1H,Reseach,car info.,On internet,10,M 20M,Total cycle time,= 45M 2h 20m,Recive pro customer,Go to dealer,Contrat sales person,Close deal,Recall cust.,Pro system,Leave lot,Complete,Paper work,Check out new car,15,M 1H,customer,salesperson,Sales manager,Business manager,Cycle time,Should be purchasing a car,Major process cganges takes about 12 month,Team activity,O,ngoing involvement of champion/sponsor and steering committee,39-52,weeks,Identify the process and plan the project,4,weeks,Part-time,“As is”,Session,3-5,days,Involve,others with,map and,issues,3-5,weeks,Part-time,“,Should be”,Session,3-5,days,Action item,Teams,Develop,Plans,3-5,weeks,Part-time,Detailed,Design and,implentation,7-10,months,Cross-functional process mapping,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,4,5,“,As is” cycle time,“,should be” cycle time,Removed waste,Reduce cycle time,Eliminate waster,Waste is everything other than the absolute minimum resources of material,machines and workforces required to add,calue,to the product,All non-value added activity is considered waste,Increase effectiveness of current activities.,Simplify the process,Reduce cost,Find he causes of errors and eliminate,Redefine the process currently being used.,Why cross-functional process mapping,Choose the process to be maped,One of your critical process,A process that crosses the organization,A process that is in trouble,One of the key processes,A process to serve as a “Test Bed”,Choose the champion & steering committee,Guide and monitor the activity,Remove roadblocks,Keep senior management informed of status of CTR,Communicate to all employees the effectiveness and status of the CTR,Encourage the team,Insure frequent meetings are held,Mntor,the action item owners,Select a cross-functional mapping team,“,doers” who are involved in every step of the process(,85 - 90%,of the team),Representatives of all management levles,Representatives of all locations involved in the processes,Choose from the best employees(keepers),Team size from 8 to 75,Empower,secure the team & limit capital investment,Senior management allows the team to implement their aolutions,Regular management reviews,All team members position with the company are assured if their function is eliminated,No additional capital,No additional people,Choose two outside facilitators,Two facilitataos required,Use trained facilitators,Someone impartial,Not involoved in the process,Conduct the “as is” session,Usually 3 to 5 continuous days,Major output,Define issues,60%,Build the team,20%,Understand the complete process,15%,Develop the map,5%,Review with others,Show the map to many people in the organization,Cover all the issues with as many associates as possible,Solicit additional issues from others,Build enthusiasm to fix/improve the process,Collect ideas for the should be,Obtain buy-in of the change process,Usually 3 to 5 continuous days,Major output,Develop a set of action item,40%,Transfer ownership of the process to,those who do the work,30%,Develop a picture of the should be,15%,Establishment of change agents at,yur company,15%,Develop the should be map(vision),Incorporate projec management training,Develop project objective statement,Identify deliverables,Develop flexibility matrix & work breakdown structure,Establish schedule and gantt chart,Creat risk management plan,Monitor project to schedule,any change from as,ia,to,th,e should be require an action item,A team member becomes the action item owner,Action items are spread around so each team member has at least one,Typically 30 to 60 action items,The sum of the action items is the action plan,Full time team leader manager the implementation,Prepare action plan,Each action item owner,Leads the sub team,Choose the team members,Establishes the action plan with his team,Managers all stages of the teams activity through implementation,Team member lead the action item,Associates outside of the team are recruited to participate,Typically 100-250 additionla people got involved,Builds excitement to see it happen,Others in the organization are asked to assist,Most critical aspect,Run by the team leader,Mininum,of monthly meetings,Encourage as many others to participate,Implement action items,Institutionalize the “should be”process,Implement action plan,each action item to be measurable,Establish measurement points,Begin measuring,Show actual versus should be goal,If progress does not occur determine why and fix,Measure results,Re-map every 18-30 months,Spread awareness through training,Senjor,management continued interest and attention,Reward and,recongnition,should tie to CTR,Continuous improvement,industry,steps,Value,Added,Steps,Percent,Steps,Value,added,Value,Added,Time,glass (tableware),food (ingredient process),textile (yarn mfg. & weaving),metal (wheel cylinder),electronics(cable assy.),Consumer products (disp. Razor),Mfg. support (order entry),72,37,105,184,239,105,98,6,4,11,14,19,10,15,8%,11%,10%,8%,8%,10%,15%,1%,1%,1%,1%,1%,1%,1%,Value-added activity list seven industries,For manufacturing:,65-70%,reduction,For,administratice,and service functions:,80-95%,reduction,Typical experience in total cycle time reduction,Cycle time reductionhas many benefits,M,otorola Pagers,40,days,Less than 1 hour,1987,closing,3,s,9,days,April 1990 closing,5,s,4,days,June 1992 closing,6,s,2,days,Hit a brick wall,Present objective close on demand,Motorola financial closing,Cycle time,Total procurement cycle time,Total delinquencies to customer request,0,6,12,18,24,30,36,42,48,54,60,Jan.,Feb.,Mar.,Apr.,May,Jun.,Jul.,Aug.,Sep.,Oct.,Nov.,Dec.,0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,Delinquent 96,Shipped,96,Ship,Total manufacturing cycle time,0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,Jan.,Feb.,Mar.,Apr.,May,Jun.,Jul.,Aug.,Sep.,Oct.,Nov.,Dec.,Total customer cycle time,0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,Jan.,Feb.,Mar.,Apr.,May,Jun.,Jul.,Aug.,Sep.,Oct.,Nov.,Dec.,actual,goal,0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,Jan.,Feb.,Mar.,Apr.,May,Jun.,Jul.,Aug.,Sep.,Oct.,Nov.,Dec.,days,Decilinquent orders,days,days,actual,goal,actual,goal,actual,goal,Culture change must be driven from the top,Top-down commitment and involvement,Set the example,be active in the audit process,Measurement system to track progress,At both macro and micro level,Common well-understood set of metrics,Tough goal setting(Reach out!),Provide the required education,Spread the success story,Recognize and reward those who contributed,Motorolas lessons learned,Introduce quality improvement and total cycle time reduction efforts concurrently and not as separate “programs”,Tie corportate initiaives to total customer satisfaction,Link all toolsno separate “cannonballs ” . take a systems approach.,Tell the workforce “why”,Q & A,


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