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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,产品说明书,1,产品说明书是生产厂家向消费者介绍说明商品性质、性能、结构、用途、规格、使用方法、注意事项、销售范围和免责声明等使用的经济应用文书,又称商品说明书、产品说明或说明书。,2,Instruction manual; Description manual,Operation and service manual; Users manual, Operating manual,Instruction,Direction, Description,3,用户手册,安装手册,维修手册,参考手册,练习指南,4,产品说明书的内容,产品的一般特征:安装、使用、维修,产品的具体特征:注意事项、基本原理、结构、安装调整步骤、使用,维修,故障/疑难排除、备件单。,5,产品说明书的种类,日常用品,(,directions of daily necessities,),化妆品类,(,directions of cosmetics,),文化用品,即办公用品,( directions of stationary ),医药用品,( directions of Medicine Administration and Medical Instrument),机械仪表,( directions of Mechanical Products and Usage ),电子产品类,( directions of Electronic Products),6,语言特点,1) 专业术语的运用,这是一种测量肺部吸入或呼出空气的力量或体积的肺活量测量器。,错:This is a lung capacity instrument for measuring the force and volume of inspiration or expiration in the lungs.,译:将a lung capacity instrument 改为 a vital capacity instrument,7,如在使用本产品过程中,有强烈刺激感、红肿或灼痛现象发生,请立即用温水冲洗干净。,In case of a reaction during the application such as intense stinging, rash or a burning sensation on the scalp, rinse immediately with lukewarm water.,8,2) 言简意赅,温度达65。,Temperatures to 65.,服用方法:一日三次,每次一片,Direction for use: 1 tablet one time, 3 times a day.,如需信息和服务, 请拨打0120,For information and service, please call 0120.,9,句法特点,1)大量使用非谓语动词,常使用分词短语代替定语从句或状语从句;,较多地使用分词独立结构代替状语从句式或并列分句;,常用不定式短语代替各种从句;,常使用介词+ 动名词短语代替定语从句或状语从句,10,适合干性皮肤,a. For dry skin b. This product is developed for dry skin.,由美国惠普生健康医药公司授权,a.Authorized by HPSON-HEALTH pharm Inc(U.S.A.),b. This is authorized by HPSON-HEALTH pharm Inc (U.S.A.).,11,谨防吞咽危险,本产品适合3 岁以上儿童使用。,a. Choking hazard -small parts Not for children under 3 years,b. There might be choking hazard, so it is not suitable for childen under 3 years.,请仔细阅读说明书,以便使本机发挥其最佳性能,经久耐用,不出故障。,To obtain the best performance and ensure years of trouble-free use, please read this instruction manual carefully.,12,2) 大量使用祈使句,动词用一般现在时,没有那么多的时态变化形式,简单易懂,便于理解。,没有主语,直截了当地介绍如何使用该产品,句子简单,一目了然,也便于顾客操作,13,保持环境清洁, 请勿乱抛空包。,Please dispose properly.,开启后,请贮存于2-6并于2 日内饮用完毕。,Keep refrigerated at 2 -6 and consume within 2 days after opening.,切勿带包装置于微波炉中加热。,Do not microwave with the packaging.,操作前请仔细阅读使用说明,。,Read and understand this manual before operating it.,14,存包处使用说明,存, 请按“存”键。, 取密码纸,自动开箱。, 存入物品,关好箱门。,取, 将密码纸靠近读码口自动开箱。, 取物后,请关好箱门。,15,存, 请按“存”键。, 取密码纸,自动开箱。, 存入物品,关好箱门。,取, 将密码纸靠近读码口自动开箱。, 取物后,请关好箱门。,Public locker,To use, Press the “deposit” key, Take the barcode ticket that rolls out and the door opens, Place articles inside and close the door,To remove contents, Place barcode against the scanner and the door opens, Remove the contents and close the door,16,3)被动语态,This moisturiser is specially developed for normal and combination skin.,本滋润霜特为中性和混合性皮肤设计。,应当注意食品的保质期。,译文:Attention must be paid to the shelf life of the food.,17,增译,The use of charger: If there is smoke, smelliness, noise and so on, please stop at once, or it may cause a fire or electric shock.,充电器的使用:若出现冒烟、怪味、噪音,等情形,, 请立即停止使用,以免导致火灾或触电,等危险,。,18,减译,As soon as you start charging the empty shaver, the green pilot light will go on.,电剃刀充电时,绿色指示灯马上亮起。,19,调整顺序,Notice: The film will be replaced if defective in manufacturing or packaging. Except for such replacement it is sold without express or implied warranty or liability of any other kind.,如因制造及包装上的缺陷, 本胶卷可以更换。除上列原因更换胶卷外, 不负任何其他责任。,20,转换语态,The magnet(磁体) is made from neodymium(钕) so that high level and high quality sound is produced.,磁体采用高强度的钕, 形成高音质。,21,Poly Clean (保洁丽),Poly Clean is specially formulated to clean all dirt and stain from glass, window and other hard surfaces quickly and easily. It leaves no streak, and restores beautiful sparkling shine. It is ideal for cleaning glass, window, windshield , stainless steel, plastic , porcelain, and synthetic leather surfaces.,DIRECTIONS: Remove cap. Spray it on the surface of the object and wipe with clean paper towel or dry cloth.,CAUTION: In case of eye contact, clean your eyes with water. If swallowed, drink plenty of water and consult physician immediately. Not recommended for use on varnished surface.,22,Poly Clean is specially formulated to clean all dirt and stain from glass, window and other hard surfaces quickly and easily. It leaves no streak, and restores beautiful sparkling shine. It is ideal for cleaning glass, window, windshield , stainless steel, plastic , porcelain, and synthetic leather surfaces.,保洁丽配方独特, 能迅速清除玻璃、窗户及其他硬物表面的污垢和尘迹, 方便快捷。用后不留痕迹,令物件光洁明亮。尤适用于清洁玻璃、窗户、汽车玻璃、不锈钢、塑料、瓷器及人造革表面等。,23,DIRECTIONS: Remove cap. Spray it on the surface of the object and wipe with clean paper towel or dry cloth.,使用方法,:,拧开瓶嘴,将保洁丽喷于需要清洁的物件上,然后用清洁的纸巾或干布抹拭。,24,CAUTION: In case of eye contact, clean your eyes with water. If swallowed, drink plenty of water and consult physician immediately. Not recommended for use on varnished surface.,注意事项: 若不慎此液沾眼,请立即用清水冲洗。如误饮本清洁剂,请即饮用大量清水并请医诊治。请勿用于漆面。,25,药品名称,Drug names,性状,Description,成分,Composition,药理作用,Pharmacological action,适应症,Indications,禁忌症,Contraindications,用法与用量,Administration and dosage,不良反应,Adverse reaction,注意事项,Precautions,包装,Package,贮存,Storage,其他项目,Others,26,Indications,Osteoform is a supplement of calcium,trace material, Vitamin D3 and Vitamin C. It is indicated for the prevention and treatment of diseases caused by deficiency of above mentioned minerals and vitamins. It is recommended in treating and preventing Osteoporosis (骨质疏松症) and,Rickets,(佝偻病). It is effective in reducing neurological pain and spasm caused by lack of calcium. Pregnant women, nursing mothers and children may also use this product as a resouce of calcium and Vitamin D3.,27,Osteoform is a supplement of calcium, trace material, Vitamin D3 and Vitamin C.It is indicated for the prevention and treatment of diseases caused by deficiency of above mentioned minerals and vitamins.,本品是钙、微量元素、维生素D3和维生素C的补充源, 适用于预防由于钙和微量元素缺乏所引起的各种疾病,28,It is recommended in treating and preventing Osteoporosis and Rickets. It is effective in reducing neurological pain and spasm caused by lack of calcium. Pregnant women, nursing mothers and children may also use this product as a resouce of calcium and Vitamin D3.,尤其适用于防治骨质疏松症、儿童佝偻病、缺钙所引起的神经痛、肌肉抽搐等, 也可作为孕期、哺乳期妇女和儿童的钙和维生素D3的补充。,29,安装指南,1. 将您的电脑关闭,并将电源线拔掉。,2. 将视讯电缆的蓝色接头连接到电脑后方的蓝色视频插口上。,3. 将显示器的电源线连接至显示器背后的电源埠。,4. 将电脑与显示器的电源线插在附近的插座上。,5. 将您的电脑与显示器开启,若显示器显示出影像,则安装完成。,30,安装指南,1. 将您的电脑关闭,并将,电源线,拔掉。,Installation guide,1. Turn off your computer and unplug its power cable.,2. 将,视讯电缆,的蓝色接头连接到电脑后方的蓝色视频插口上。,2. Connect the blue connector of the video cable to the blue video connector on the back of your computer.,31,3. 将显示器的电源线连接至显示器背后的,电源埠,。,3. Connect your monitors power cable to the power port on the back of the monitor.,4. 将电脑与显示器的电源线插在附近的插座上。,4. Plug your computers power cord and your monitor into a nearby outlet.,5. 将您的电脑与显示器开启,若显示器显示出影像,则安装完成。,5. Turn on your computer and monitor. If the monitor displays an image, installation is completed.,32,安全预防与维护,1. 如果您长时间不使用该显示器,请拔下其插头。,2. 如果需要清洁,请拔下显示器插头,用微湿的织物清洁。当电源关闭时,可用干织物擦拭。但切勿使用酒精或氨水溶液(ammonia-based liquids)。,3. 按此手册中的说明安装后,如果显示器仍不工作,请咨询提供服务的技术人员。,4. 后盖应该仅由有资格的服务人员打开。,5. 不要让阳光直射显示器,并要远离炉子或其他热源。,33,安全预防与维护,1. 如果您长时间不使用该显示器,请拔下其插头。,Safety precautions and Maintenance,1. Unplug the monitor if you are not going to use it for an extended period of time.,2. 如果需要清洁,请拔下显示器插头,用微湿的织物清洁。当电源关闭时,可用干织物擦拭。但切勿使用酒精或氨水溶液。,2. Unplug the monitor before cleaning. Clean with a slightly damp cloth. Wiping the screen with a dry cloth is okay when the power is off. However, never use alcohol or ammonia-based liquids.,34,3. 按此手册中的说明安装后,如果显示器仍不工作,请咨询提供服务的技术人员。,3. If the monitor does not operate normally when you have followed the instructions in this manual, concult a service technician.,4. 后盖应该仅由有资格的服务人员打开。,4. The back cover should be removed only by qualified service personnel.,5. 不要让阳光直射显示器,并要远离炉子或其他热源。,Keep the monitor out of direct sunlight and away from stoves or other heat sources.,35,


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