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,书山有路勤为径学海无涯苦作舟,Fuqing Longtian Junior Middle School,Fuqing Longtian Junior Middle School,Fuqing Longtian Junior Middle School,句型转换,DE,答题技巧,句型转换,是句子类别的转换。该题的目的在于检测学生运用各种句型的表达能力。要求学生对所学的句子结构和词形的变化做到概念清楚,运用准确。,例1,The little girl was so tired that she couldnt go farther.,The,little girl was _ tired _ go farther.,(一),句型转换的解题应试技巧,1,必须弄清原句的句型和意思以及判别改写后的句子是什么句型。,通过分析,我们不难发现,该题是由复合句转换为简单句,可用,tooto,句型。,根据我们所学过的同义词组,,look after sb well,相当于,take good care of sb.,例2,It took him two hours to do these exercises yesterday.,He _ two hours _ these exercises yesterday.,该句的句型是,It takes sb sometime to do sth.,英语表达该意思的还有,spendon,句型。,例3,I must look after my sister well at home.,I must _ _ _ _ my sister at home.,很明显,这是两个简单句之间的转换,可用,not strong enough,来填空。,例4,They were tired, so they had a rest.,They had a rest _ they were tired.,该句由并列句转换为复合句,可用,because,来连接,表示因果关系。,例5,He was too weak to carry the heavy box.,He was _ _ _ to carry the heavy box.,从近年来的考题趋势来看,句型转换从单纯测试语法知识向改变句子结构填空,填词后使句意不变或与要求相符的方向发展。其中许多属于常用句型。可归纳如下:,2要熟悉常用句型的转换规律。,例3,We can fly to the moon one day.,_ _ fly to the moon one day?,(1),肯定句变为一般疑问句及否定句,a.,变为一般疑问句时,系动词,be、,助动词或情态动词置于主语之前。,例1,He was so clever.,_ _ so clever?,例2,John felt happy at that time.,_ John _ happy at that time?,Was,he,Did,feel,Can,you,例3,The doctor could help that people.,The doctor _ _ that people.,b.,变为否定句时,系动词、助动词或情态动词后加,not。,例1,The twins were happy to see their uncle.,The twins _ _ to see their uncle.,例2,Mr. Smith works hard every day.,Mr. Smith _ _ hard every day.,werent,happy,doesnt,work,couldnt,help,例2,I could dance and sing when I was five years old.,I _ dance _ sing when I was five years old.,如果肯定句中含有,some,and,a lot oflots of,already,tooalso, bothand, everythingeveryoneeverybody, always,等词(组),要变为,any,or,muchmany,yet, either, neithernor, nothingnobody, never。,c.,注意:,例1,They had lots of friends in China.,They _ have _ friends in China.,didnt,many,couldnt,or,例,H,e can make a model plane, I think.,(,否定句),I _ think he _ make a model plane.,例1,Mother told me to go to bed early last night.,Mother told me _ _ go to bed early last night.,d.,否定前移,e.,一些特殊结构,变否定句时,在动词(词组)后直接加,not。,dont,can,not,to,另外,还有,ask sb (not) to do sth,,,Will you please (not) do sth,,,had better (not) do sth,,,try (not) to do sth, decide (not) to do sth,等。,例2,Lets play basketball on the playground this afternoon.,Lets _ _ basketball on the playground.,not,play,例2,The man,in the car,is my fathers friend.,_ _ is _ fathers friend?,(2),对划线部分提问,对划线部分提问是根据划线的内容提出一个特殊疑问句。即特殊疑问词+一般疑问句构成。,a.,如划线部分是定语,它所修饰的词要跟随特殊疑问词移至句前。,例1,This is,Kates,hat.,_ _ is this?,Whose,hat,Which,man,your,例2,Ann,flew to Beijing,last year.,What _ Ann _ last year?,b.,划线部分如是谓语动词,应该用,do,的形式来取代。,例1,They,are looking for the boy,in the city.,_ are they _ in the city?,What,doing,did,do,c.,常见疑问词,(,组,),:,what,,,what+,名词,(,如,what colour,,,what grade,等,),,,when,,,why,,,where,,,who(whom),,,which,,,whose,,,how,,,how+,形容词,副词,(,如,how long,,,how far,,,how often,,,how soon,等,),。要注意以上各种疑问词,(,组,),的用法。,dd.,注意一些特殊词,如,little,few,no,nothing,never,等出现时,前半句表示否定的概念,后半句应用肯定形式。,(3),改为反意疑问句,反意疑问句的前半句为陈述句,后半句为简短的一般疑问句,在改写当中,要注意:,a.,前肯后否,前否后肯;,b.,人称、时态和数要保持一致;,c.,各种祈使句,反意疑问句的后半句都用,will you,,但,Lets,句用,shall we;,例,4,Dont tell him the bad news, _ _?,例1,Class 3 were the winners in the race, _ _?,例2,The man couldnt climb up the tree, _ _?,例3,There is little water in the bottle, _ _?,werent,they,could,he,is,there,will,you,另外,注意以下句子:,I am a student,_ _?,What a kind girl, _ _?,How fast the boy runs, _ _?,arent,I,isnt,she,doesnt,he,例3,I dont know what I can do.,I dont know _ _ do.,(4),复合句变为简单句,由复合句变为简单句时,一般都是将复合句中的从句改为不定式形式,或是介词短语的形式。比如,sothat,可以改写成,tooto,结构的简单句,但应注意,to,后面必须直接跟行为动词的原形。,例1,He was so young that he cant read.,He was _ _ _ read.,例2,We cant live if there is no air or water.,We cant live _ air or water.,too,young,to,without,what,to,例2,Li Lei is the tallest in his class.,Li Lei is _ than _ _ student in his class.,(5),特定词组、句型的特殊用法,例1,Whats the matter, Granny?,_ _ with you, Granny?,Whats,wrong,taller,any,other,例3,You cant take both the basketball and the football.,You can take _ the basketball _ the football.,(6),同义句转换,例1,Li Ping does well in English.,Li Ping _ _ _ English.,例2,I can mend the bike. Li Lei can, too.,I can mend the bike, and _ _,Li Lei.,is,good,at,so,can,either,or,例2,His brother wont do the shopping tomorrow. (,改为一般现在时),His brother _ _ the shopping on Sundays.,(7),时态转换,例1,We are going to help the farmers on the farm tomorrow. (,用,now,改写),We _ _ the farmers on the farm _.,are,helping,now,doesnt,do,例3,The flowers are beautiful.,_ _ _ they are!,_ _ _ flowers are!,(8)改为感叹句,例1,The twins study Chinese very hard.,_ _ the twins study Chinese!,例2,The weather was rather bad yesterday.,_ _ _ it was yesterday!,How,hard,What,bad,weather,What,beautiful,flowers,How,beautiful,the,3反复推敲,确保无误。改变后要看看意思是否与要求相符,有没有语法和习惯用法方面的错误。,(二)做句型转换时应注意的几个问题,首先应看清题意,分析句子结构,再按句子要求变换句型。,1注意时态;,2句子的成分不变。原句的句子在改变句型时仍不可缺少,否则句子不完整,但有一个例外,在陈述句改为感叹句时,要增加句子成分,感叹词,what,和,how,分别为按句子的要求而增加的定语或状语,句子其他成分不变;,练习题(略),Thank you for your coming!,Goodbye!,


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