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Conclusion,2,Question 1:,Did the WTO promote US-China trade bargaining,since Chinas entry in 2001?,Question 2:,Have their trade frictions been resolved under the WTO regime?,Question 3:,Can the mechanism of the WTO facilitate effectively US-China trade bargaining hence resolves their disputes and promotes their relations?,Question 4:,How did the WTO change and affect Chinas trade behavior and Chinas relations with its trading partners?,Source: , “consulted in March 2009”.,3,US-China Trade Relations:,Since they established formal diplomatic relations in,1979, they signed a trade agreement granting each other the,most-favoured-nation (MFN) status,.,The two-way trade,developed and grew,rapidly.,Many trade,disputes and frictions,occurred.,Americans were,unsatisfied,with many problems:,e.g. Chinas arbitrary administrative interference and discriminatory regulatory processes, trade barriers, and unfair and non-transparent trade practices were prevalent.,The U.S.A,welcomed Chinas entry into the WTO,4,Americans and Western Countries Expectations of,Chinas accession to the WTO,*,Opening the Chinese market,to bring huge commercial benefits to them.,*,Reducing Chinese trade barriers,in goods, services and agricultural products.,*,Reducing Chinas restrictions,on imports and,distribution.,*To,decrease their trade deficit,with China.,*To,ensure the transparency of Chinas trade policy,and establish a fair and stable trading environment.,* To,oblige China to behave according to the western-style rules of law,and to expand its Open Door policy.,5,II. US-China Trade Contacts and Exchange,*According to the US-China Business Council, the bilateral trade increased from,$85.5 billion,in,1998,to,$386.7 billion,in,2007,; it grew,4.5 times,.,Figure 1 Annual Growth Rate of US-China Bilateral Trade 1998-2008,Source: “US-China Trade Statistics and Chinas World Trade Statistics”,US-China Business Council, , “consulted in March 2009”.,6,*China now is worlds,third-largest economy,after the United States and Japan.,*China is also now worlds,third-largest trading nation, following the USA and Germany.,*China-US two-way trade accounted for,17.7%,of Chinas total trade amount.,*The United States now is,Chinas largest trading partner,. It is also Chinas,largest export market, and its,fourth-largest import supplier,.,*China is,Americas third-largest export market,and it is also Americas,fastest growing export market,.,*China has,passed Canada, becomes,Americas biggest import supplier,.,7,US-China Trade Structure:,Table 1: Top US Exports to China 2007,-,1. Electrical machinery and equipment,2. Power generation equipment,3. Air and spacecraft,4. Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits,5. Plastics and articles thereof,6. Optics and medical equipment,7. Iron and steel,8. Copper and articles thereof,9. Organic chemicals,10. Pulp and paperboard,-,Source:,The US-China Business Council,“consulted in March 2009”., Source of the photos: ; ;, “consulted in March 2009”.,8,Table 2: Top US Imports from China 2007,-,1. Electrical machinery and equipment,2. Power generation equipment,3. Toys and games,4. Apparel,5. Furniture,6. Footwear and parts thereof,7. Iron and steel,8. Plastics and articles thereof,9. Leather and travel goods,10. Vehicles other than railway,-,Source:,The US-China Business Council,“consulted in March 2009”.,Source of the photos:,; ; , “consulted in March 2009”.,China has gradually shifted its export structure from labour-intensive products such as textiles; shoes; and toys to capital-intensive goods.,9,US-China trade reached a particularly high level of growth:,the years after 1979, when they established formal diplomatic relations,in the post-Cold War era.,Total US-China bilateral trade increased from,$17.8 billion,in,1989,to over,$409 billion,in,2008,China has become the USAs largest deficit trading partner,China had a trade surplus with the United States of,$266.3 billion,in 2008.,Trade Disputes and Conflicts Appeared,10,Quarrels,before,China joined the WTO:,Chinas MFN status, Chinese exchange rate, IPR,III. Bilateral Trade Disputes and Frictions,After,China joined the WTO: Disputes sent to,the DSB,A,dispute,arises when one member believes another is violating an agreement or a commitment,Appeal to the,DSB,to resolve the dispute,The DSB will establish “,Dispute Panels,” to consider the case,(The panels will make recommendation),The “,Appellate Body,” can amend the panels recommendation,Disputes settled “,out of court,”, or,remain in a,prolonged consultation phase,11,Table 3. US-China Trade Disputes Brought to WTO,Complaint,Respondent,USA,USA,USA,USA,USA,China,Tax refunds,(DS 358),IPR,(DS 362),Publication and audiovisual,services,(DS 363),financial,services,(DS 373),grants,loans,(DS 387),12,IV. Analysis on US-China Trade Bargaining,under the WTO Regime,Save the consultation and bargaining time:,e.g. On the cases of Chinas preferential VAT rate for domestically produced ICs (DS 309); the measures China imposed on foreign financial information services and services suppliers (DS 373) were resolved “out-of-court” within 4 months even without establishing a panel as China agreed to amend the measures.,2. Disputes resolved without exchanging conditions as before:,e.g. (before) MFN linked with human rights issues,(after) Trade issues do not need to be “,politicised,”,13,3. To ensure the realisation of states commitment:, WTO is a long-term and iterative game,“the shadow of the future”,can be lengthened;,there will be no commitment problems.,e.g. on the case of US steel safeguard measures (DS 252), although America was unsatisfied with the panel report, and appealed to the Appellate Body, it eventually accepted the decision of the DSB and promised to terminate all of the relative safeguard measures., the game is,repeated,if China and the United States want to play it, they will eventually choose to cooperate., Source:, “consulted in March 2009”.,14,4. Trade Policy Reviews Mechanism (TPRM): WTO helps to monitor and supervise states behaviour and trade practices:,e.g. Press released by the WTO (June 2008):,The United States has taken further steps to liberalise its trade regime since its previous review in 2006.,5. To provide information about others preferences and intentions;,decrease states uncertainty and fears for cooperating with others:,e.g. On the case of restricting foreign financial information services and service suppliers (DS 373), China released information by the WTO expressing its will to revise the measures and reached an agreement with the United States.,15,Conclusion,-Since China joined the WTO, although the WTO could not help the United States to decrease its deficits with China, it did promote US-China trade relations by resolving their trade frictions.,-Many disputes such as US steel safeguard measures, Chinas VAT refunds on ICs or its charges on imported automobile parts have been resolved successfully.,-Although some complicated disputes may take time to be resolved, or China may need time to revise its trade practices, a healthier trade environment in China can be expected since Chinas entry into WTO.,-This therefore helps to stablise international trade environment, that is, the world needs China, and vise versa, particularly under current global financial crisis.,-The regime of WTO will not only continue to play a critical role in US-China trade but help to resolve their trade disputes and frictions hence promote the development of their relations.,-In addition, since China joined the WTO, its trade practices have been regulated and performed better than before.,16,


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